Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Schizophrenia Be Passed From Father To Son

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Schizophrenia Genes And The Environment

Living With Schizophrenia

Its thought that the difference then, is the environment. It is likely that a complex network of genes puts a person at risk for schizophrenia, but then environmental factors may be the deciding factor as to whether a person gets the illness. Similarly, a person may be at less risk of schizophrenia genetically, but due to greater environmental factors, they develop schizophrenia.

Environmental factors that are thought to increase the risk of schizophrenia include:

  • Lead exposure during pregnancy

What Are My Chances Of Passing Mental Illness On To My Children And Could It Potentially Get Worse

For mood disorders like depression and bipolar disorder, genes are an important risk factor. But your genes are certainly not your destiny.

Here are some numbers to illustrate: On average, the risk of developing bipolar disorder is a little less than 1% . For people who have a parent with bipolar disorder, the risk is about 8% . You could see that glass as half empty, but you could also see it as half full. Even if your child would be 10 times as likely to develop bipolar disorder as the average person, there is still a greater than 90% chance that she or he would not develop bipolar disorder. These numbers come from studies that use a strict definition of bipolar disorder. If we use a broader definition, the percentages are higher, but the message is the same. Having a parent with bipolar disorder means risk is increased, but the absolute risk is still low.

If you havent already read Andrew Solomons book, Far From the Tree, I recommend it highly. Its filled with remarkable stories about families with children facing all sorts of developmental and health challenges. A DBSA Honorary Advisory Board member, Andrew Solomon is a person who both lives with a mood disorder and has had a child with health issuesso he knows that territory well.

About the Doc

About the Doc

Will Mental Illness Run In My Family

If someone in your family has a mental illness, you might be worried about developing the same condition.

If you have a mental illness you might be worried that your children or siblings will develop the same or a different mental illness.

Most people with a mental illness do not have relatives with the same illness. But research does suggest that mental illness can run in families.

The table below shows the chances of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder being passed down through family members. These numbers are based on recent studies. But different studies can show different numbers.

If a second degree relative has the condition. For example, your aunt, uncle or grandparent. 3 in 100 5 in 100

It might be helpful to look at the figures in the table in a different way. For example, the chance of someone developing bipolar disorder is 1 out of 100. This means that 99 people are not going to develop bipolar disorder.

If one of your parents has bipolar disorder, the chance of you not developing the condition is 90 out of 100. This means you are less likely to develop bipolar disorder, even if one of your parents has the condition.

Other research shows that different mental health conditions, such as schizoaffective disorder major depression, and anxiety can run in the same family. However, there is less evidence to show if other mental health conditions run in families.

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Is Schizophrenia Inherited From Your Mother Or Father

Research long ago concluded that schizophrenia was in some ways passed down genetically. In fact, the National Institute of Mental Health found that having arelative diagnosed with schizophrenia can raise your chance of being diagnosed with schizophrenia by 10 percent. There is an unmistakable link between the hereditary genetic makeup passed down from your parents and developing schizophrenia, but which side of the family does schizophrenia come from?

If One Of My Parents Has Schizophrenia What Is My Risk Of Developing The Condition

Schizophrenia by ekhales06

Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder and often results in psychotic episodes.

Schizophrenia is genetic, and due to the shared genetics of family members, you might be concerned about the potential risk of developing the condition.

Should you worry?

This is a question healthcare professionals have faced for years, and studies show that it comes down to the genetic make-up of a person living with the disorder.

Schizophrenia is known to be passed down through generations, but no single gene is responsible.

Instead, it is a combination of genes that make people vulnerable and doesnt always result in the onset of schizophrenia.

The hereditary nature of the disorder

The risk of schizophrenia is that 1% of the general population may show symptoms.

However, if a person has a First Degree Relative such as a parent or sibling with the condition, the risk of developing schizophrenia rises to 10%.

Whats more, if both parents were diagnosed with schizophrenia, the risk increases to 50%.

These statistics highlight that genetics play a role in developing schizophrenia between family members however, there are other causes.

Environmental triggers

Being exposed to certain viruses and toxins may increase the chance of developing schizophrenia. Malnutrition at birth can also contribute to developing schizophrenia.

Brain chemistry

Substance abuse

Immune system activation

Submitted to Parent24Schizophrenia24x7.


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Description Of Extracted Data

The literature search identified 3962 articles. Additional 9 publications were found by searching bibliographies. Eventually, 33 studies satisfied all inclusion criteria .

Literature search results and study eligibility for meta-analysis of rates of mental disorders in offspring of individuals with severe mental illness .

From the 33 included studies, we extracted information on 3863 offspring of parents with SMI. There were 874 offspring of parents with schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders, 1492 offspring of parents with bipolar disorder, and 1482 offspring of parents with major depressive disorder. In addition, there were 15 offspring of a parent with schizoaffective disorder. Twenty-five studies included information on 3158 control offspring matched on demographic variables to offspring of parents with SMI.

Coping With Schizophrenia In The Family

For partners, parents, children and siblings, living with someone with schizophrenia is stressful, difficult, and incredibly challenging. They, too, are the victims of a disorder that causes chaos and uncertainty wherever it appears.

But there is little time to mourn and no time for self-pity. When schizophrenia has been diagnosed, family members must inevitably fill the role of caregiversâthat responsibility is unavoidable and a reality of life seven days a week, 24 hours a day for at least as long as it takes to find treatment.

The unpredictable and sometimes frightening behavior of schizophrenic sufferers is a source of tremendous anxiety for everyone it affects. Caring for and living with someone with schizophrenia can push even the most resilient person to the point of exhaustion or breakdown, and that is why family members should take steps to preserve and protect their own health and welfare.

To lighten the mental, physical, and emotional load, family members caring for schizophrenia sufferers should:

Schizophrenia can be a devastating diagnosis for families as well as for the individuals directly affected. But with treatment the condition can and will get better in most cases, and that should give hope to everyone affected by the onset of this life-altering mental health disorder.

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Advice For Parents On Early Signs Of Schizophrenia

Dr. Dolores Malaspina applied to medical school with one aimto understand the illness, schizophrenia, that afflicts her younger sister. Her research has found that about a quarter of all people living with schizophrenia may owe their symptoms to spontaneous mutations in paternal spermand the older the father, the more likely his sperm is to carry such mutations.

A practicing clinician with vast experience, Dr. Malaspina was part of the team that helped revise the 5th edition of the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual used for the diagnosis of psychiatric and behavioral disorders. She and colleagues are now testing the relationship of bacteria in the gutthe microbiometo inflammation in the brain that may cause or contribute to psychiatric disorders.

Your sister, while she was a freshman in high school, experienced the symptoms of psychosis, the prelude to what was eventually diagnosed as schizophrenia. Can you share with us what this experience was like, as you and your family witnessed it?

What were some of the subtler signs in the period leading up to your sisters fall into illness? It might help some parents to hear specifically what your family witnessed.

Perhaps, over a period of nine months, there were subtle signsthe withdrawing, the social anxiety, the decline in her grades, the reduced interest in her friendsthese are indeed the kind of things that often occur during what we doctors call the prodrome.

Where should parents go as they attempt the first step?

Psychosocial Factors During Pregnancy And Delivery

Counterdependency Passed Down From Father To Son

Some studies suggest an association between antenatal stress and schizophrenia. The children of mothers whose husband died while they were pregnant have been found to have a significantly increased rate of schizophrenia compared with children who lost their father in infancy in the first year of life. In The Netherlands, rates of schizophrenia have been found to be very slightly higher in individuals exposed in utero to war and flood disaster than in reference subjects.

In the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort the risk of later schizophrenia among unwanted children was elevated 2.4-fold compared with wanted or mistimed children, even after adjustment for confounding by sociodemographic, pregnancy and perinatal variables. Unwantedness might be a marker for features associated with risk in either the mother or the child. In the same cohort, the level of schizophrenia in the offspring of antenatally depressed mothers was elevated by a factor of 1.5-foldly, but the association was not statistically significant. Those mothers of schizophrenia patients with a psychotic first-degree relative had suffered from depressed mood during pregnancy twice as often as other mothers. The familial risk for psychosis, including genetic risk for psychosis, might explain the elevated prevalence of depressed mood during pregnancy among the mothers of the offspring who went on to develop schizophrenia.

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Other Family Environmental Factors

In the British 1946 Birth Cohort, schizophrenia in offspring has been linked with problems in mothers general understanding and management of their children . Goldstein concluded that communication deviance in the family increased the risk for schizophrenia. Having a positive relationship with both the mother and father might be protective against schizophrenia among high-risk children. These findings may be explained by geneenvironment interaction.

In Finnish studies some possible stress factors have not generally been linked to schizophrenia. Very early temporal separation from parents and transfer to adequate nursing homes immediately after birth because of tuberculosis in the family did not predict schizophrenia, and neither did living in a single-parent family in childhood, low socio-economic status, or the size of the family of origin and multiparity. The connection between childhood socio-economic status and schizophrenia is not yet entirely resolved. Low or high socio-economic status in the family of origin has been found to be at least a modest risk factor for schizophrenia in some studies, while other studies report no increased risk.

How Is Schizophrenia Treated In A Child

Treatment will depend on your childs symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how severe the condition is.

Schizophrenia is a major mental illness. Treatment is complex. A child often needs a combination of therapies to meet the specific needs. Treatment is aimed at easing symptoms. It may include the following.

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Role Of Offspring Age

The mean age of offspring of parents with SMI at the time of the last diagnostic assessment was 21.3 and differed by parent diagnosis: offspring of parents with schizophrenia and related disorders were on average 33.9 year old offspring of parents with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder were on an average 17.9 and 17.2 year old.

We explored the effect of offspring age on psychopathology to determine the best strategy of accounting for age in the meta-analysis. A metaregression showed that the probability of SMI in FHR offspring significantly depended on age . While the rate increased from adolescence to early adulthood, the effect of age was negligible among studies of offspring aged 20 or over . Unlike absolute risk, the RR of SMI in offspring of parents with SMI compared with control offspring did not significantly depend on age . Regarding specific diagnoses, age of offspring was significantly positively associated with rates of schizophrenia but not bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, disruptive or substance use disorders . ADHD was more common among studies of younger offspring . Schizophrenia was no longer affected by age in studies of offspring aged 20 or over. ADHD was no longer affected by age among studies of offspring with mean age under 20. Therefore, we stratified all analyses by mean age of offspring at the last assessment .

How Is Schizophrenia Diagnosed In A Child

Schizophrenia by ekhales06

A child with symptoms of schizophrenia needs a thorough medical and mental health evaluation. Talk with your child’s healthcare provider if you are concerned about symptoms your child is having. A child psychiatrist or other qualified mental health expert can diagnose schizophrenia in children and teens. He or she does a mental health evaluation to figure out how best to treat the child.

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The Basic Genetics Of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia aggregates in the families with no known familial subtypes. Twin and adoption studies have shown that this familiarity is explained predominantly by genetic factors, with estimates of genetic contribution ranging from 60 to 80%. However, these data do not follow a simple recessive or dominant pattern. If it were simple recessive, the frequency in children of two schizophrenic parents would be 100%, but is actually under 40% if it were simple dominant, 50% of the offspring of one schizophrenic parent would be affected and each person with schizophrenia would have one ill parent . Moreover, the prevalence in offspring is too low to be consistent with the high monozygotic twin concordance rate. Thus, the genetic effect is not completely penetrant indicating that many relatives of people with schizophrenia may carry silent genetic susceptibility. Detail of the risk of illness among relatives with schizophrenia is shown in . A further complication is the epidemiological evidence that, while a high population prevalence has been maintained, the reproductive rate of people with schizophrenia is low.

Is There Anyone With A Schizophrenic Parent

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Iced12544 over a year ago

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In reply to Guest on 2010-01-12 – click to read

gdgrl2u153478 over a year ago

Being Fathers Day I googled for I have a Dad whom is schizophrenic, both Mom and Dad had parnioa, I was the scapegoat since 3.My Mother has passed my father still thinks the world is against him. After a five year ban nothing has changed, my Dad whom runs the family is such a hyperchondract and Malignant Narcissist that the last year he has blamed me for all 20 of his job losses, and my mother starving to death, at his hands. Yes, it is best to stay away… I had forgotten the beatings all the way up to five years ago. He is SICK and continues to poisen others lives daily.

sally over a year ago

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Premorbid Cognitive And Scholastic Performance

Schizophrenia patients, when considered as a group, have intellectual impairments, some of which predate the onset of psychotic symptoms. Individuals who later develop schizophrenia have been found to perform below average on standardized measures of intelligence in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood, and to show lower premorbid IQ than the general population The lower the IQ, the higher is the risk for later development of schizophrenia.

Poor school performance can be seen as a premorbid sign. Repeating a grade, difficulties in completing the final level of schooling, and social and behavioural difficulties have also been found to be risk factors for developing schizophrenia. In the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort, 14-year-olds who were below their expected normal grade were three times more likely to develop schizophrenia than those in their normal grade, but low school marks did not predict schizophrenia. Developmental continuity, indicated by early developmental deviation in the first year of life associated with lower school performance at age 16 years, has been found to be stronger among children who develop psychoses later in life than among normal controls and those admitted to hospital for non-psychotic psychiatric disorder.

Regulator Of G Protein Signaling

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Attention focused on RGS-4 following a microarray study finding that the brains of schizophrenics showed decreased RGS-4 expression , and because of the location of the gene in a linkage region on chromosome 1q21q22 of RGS-4 . The function of RGS proteins is to decrease the effect of G protein coupled receptor agonists. This could link with current theories on the etiology of schizophrenia relating to activity of dopamine, serotonin or metabo-tropic glutamate receptors.

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Other Causes Of Schizophrenia

Along with genetics, other potential causes of schizophrenia include:

  • The environment. Being exposed to viruses or toxins, or experiencing malnutrition before birth, can increase the risk of schizophrenia.
  • Brain chemistry. Issues with brain chemicals, such as the neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate, may contribute to schizophrenia.
  • Substance use. Teen and young adult use of mind-altering drugs may increase the risk of schizophrenia.
  • Immune system activation. Schizophrenia can also be connected to autoimmune diseases or inflammation.

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