Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is It Like Living With Schizophrenia

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Family Education And Support

What’s it like to live with #schizophrenia?

Educational programs for family members, significant others, and friends offer instruction about schizophrenia symptoms and treatments, and strategies for assisting the person with the illness. Increasing key supporters understanding of psychotic symptoms, treatment options, and the course of recovery can lessen their distress, bolster coping and empowerment, and strengthen their capacity to offer effective assistance. Family-based services may be provided on an individual basis or through multi-family workshops and support groups. For more information about family-based services in your area, you can visit the family education and support groups page on the National Alliance on Mental Illness website.

Take Action If You Think You Or Your Loved One Is In Danger

If you think your loved one is at risk of harming themselves or others and they refuse help, it is possible to have them evaluated by a psychiatrist under the Mental Health Act. This process may involve police and other first responders, and it can be a difficult and stressful process for everyone. But it can also be a necessary step if someone is in danger. You can learn more about the Mental Health Act in the info sheet Families Coping with a Crisis and you can find the Guide to the Mental Health Act at For a more in-depth discussion of the Mental Health Act, see a video with lawyer and health law consultation Gerrit Clements.

If your loved one says that they have thoughts of ending their life, its important to take action. Call 1-800-SUICIDE at any time or message online at between noon and 1am. If you think your loved one is in immediate danger, you can always call 911 or go to a hospital emergency room.

Where can I learn more?

About the author

A Look Inside The Mind Of Schizophrenia

To better understand schizophrenia, its best to learn more about both the science behind the symptoms and the stories of those whove experienced them.

Our understanding of schizophrenia has improved dramatically over the last century.

Advances in medicine have led to a better understanding of how the disorder works, leading to the development of more effective treatments.

But having scientific knowledge of schizophrenia is quite different from knowing how it feels on a personal level.

Approximately 20 million people around the world live with schizophrenia. Theyre the ones who truly understand what the condition feels like from the inside.

Learning more about the scientific evidence behind the major symptoms as well as the deeply personal experiences of some of those whove lived with the disorder may allow you to better understand this challenging and chronic condition.

Schizophrenia is a complex psychological disorder affecting approximately 1.5 million people in the United States. It impairs thoughts, judgment, behavior, and the ability to interpret reality.

Schizophrenia symptoms may be divided into positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms.

Positive symptoms add something extra to how the person felt before onset. These are the symptoms of psychosis we most often associate with schizophrenia, including:

Negative symptoms take away from the individuals personality and may seem less like symptoms of a mental disorder. These may include:

  • apathy

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If You Feel Like You Cant Work Help Is Available

Even by following all the evidence-based best practices for managing a career with schizophrenia, you might find that you arent ready to work right now, or you need extended time off to focus on your health. Thats perfectly valid.

Here are some resources and information about your rights:

  • World Health Organization:

Talking About Your Diagnosis

Real Life Descriptions Of What It

People with schizophrenia may feel reluctant to talk about it with people they dont know well. Sharing ones mental health condition may feel risky, particularly if the response of the other person is in question. Those who are managing this disorder may wonder how to tell someone you have schizophrenia. While there is no predetermined way to do this, it can be helpful to gauge their understanding of the condition. Often when people have knowledge about a condition, they are better able to respond to it appropriately and with compassion.

Teach people how to help you when you are experiencing a flare-up with your symptoms. Most people want to help and may simply need to be educated about how to do that. Whom you share your personal information with is entirely your decision. You can share or withhold your medical and mental health information with whomever you would like.

It can also be helpful to enlist the assistance of someone you trust to help you share information about your diagnosis with others. Schizophrenia support groups can be a great way to do this. Meeting up with others who manage a similar condition can help in identifying coping strategies and methods of communicating about it with others.

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What Is It Like Living With Schizophrenia Are There Any Pros That Come With It

You never have to worry about being alone

You get to be yourself and so much more

When you talk to God thats religion, when god talks back to you, well thats schizophrenia.

At least your life wont be boring..?

You always have someone to talk to

Its not what most people expect. Its not having imaginary people in your head. Its paranoia, delusions, anxiety, and sometimes hallucinations. The hallucinations are often seeing movement in the corner of your eye, barely hearing voices in the other room you dont understand, feeling a presence, or even feeling things that arent there like bugs crawling on you. Left untreated its pretty terrible and degenerative so it gets worse with time.

I dont have schizophrenia, but know people who do. It can be miserable and there are no pros to it.

Welcome To Living With Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a severe and disabling illness of the brain that affects the way the mind works often causing disturbed behaviour and disrupting normal living. It will affect about 1 in 100 of the population and starts mainly in late teens and early twenties, at the very time that most people are starting out on their adult life and beginning to realise their plans and ambitions. Today in the UK almost a quarter of a million people are being treated for schizophrenia: it affects men and women alike and cuts across all social classes and ethnic backgrounds.

Schizophrenia is one of the major public health challenges facing us today and yet its true impact is very poorly understood by the general public. The cruelly high death toll from suicide and the higher vulnerability to physical ailments mean that people living with schizophrenia will die 10 to 20 years earlier than average.Today in the UK , improved medications coupled with better access to talking therapies have led to better clinical outcomes but social outcomes still lag far behind. At the moment very few people who are diagnosed with schizophrenia will manage to get into work, drive or own their own home despite recovering a large part of their mental functioning. Recovery, true recovery, therefore remains an aspiration that we are yet to achieve

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Women I Got A Question Of You

If you live in an apartment and you dont like your neighbor you share a wall with or a ceiling, do you laugh at the person through the walls. I mean really subtly. just so they wonder if its really happening? If you do, do you do it constantly? Just to make them mad or drive them crazy? Is this what women do?

I doubt some one would waste their time laughing against a wall or ceiling intentionally, maybe she is on the phone?

Im surprised this wasnt 5 paragraphs from you.

umm, no, if its a problem happening I take it to them directly.

but Ive been out of apartment living for a long time now.

No, but I swear the dude in the apartment next to us, we share a living room wall , every time I have any sound on at all he coughs so loud the entire time. When Im out here just on my phone he doesnt cough.

And the bedrooms are attached to the living room, so its not like my is loud. Im not going to risk waking up Little LED that is asleep less than 15 feet away from me.

Its really annoying. Like, I cant tell if hes doing it just to with me, or if hes upset or something? I dont know. But Im pretty sure they hate us anyways, so Im trying to not let it get to me.

Hey , I would never do something like that.

I think a person would have to be really twisted to sit there and do that, just to drive someone up the wall. I guess if it were happening thats a lot of time they would invest in doing something just to irritate you subtly. Whos got time for that?

No You Cant Stop Schizophrenia Medication Like That

What it’s like Living with Schizophrenia/Schizoaffective Disorder

Ive seen MANY MANY MANY patients stopped taking medications once they started reducing symptoms of schizophrenia. Consequently, symptoms of the mental illness came back and began haunting them.

I TOTALLY understand why people arent keen to take mental health meds. They are YUCK!They come with numerous side effects such as

  • You dont poop right
  • It makes you put on weight
  • You might shake your hands like crazy
  • Possible sexual problems

You see? No wonder, I heard this a lot from many patients This shit makes me feel fucked up!

Its completely a patients choice to refuse medication regime unless they are in a mental health ward where medication therapy is compulsory. I always try to convince my patients by making a priority.

Whats more important in your life? What are the consequences you need to watch out for? Which one would you like to get rid of more?

I know, it sounds like the trade-off. But sorry, thats what it takes to treat schizophrenia.

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Accommodations For Schizophrenia At School And Work

Once you receive a diagnosis of schizophrenia, you may be eligible for certain accommodations at your school or work.

For grades K-12, students with a mental illness may be eligible for an Individualized Education Program or a 504 plan that will provide accommodations to help them succeed.5

College, graduate school, or technical school students can apply through the organizations version of the office of disability services to receive academic, residential, or other accommodations. People with schizophrenia may also qualify to receive mental health services on campus.

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers to make accommodations within reason for you to be able to perform your job. If youre searching for employment, you may qualify to receive vocational rehabilitation services from your state agency.6

If you think you might have schizophrenia and are unsure of what to do, reach out to your doctor or a friend or family member and share your thinking with them. Together you can create a plan to get you the best support and treatment for you.

  • NAMI. Schizophrenia. Available online at: . Accessed 9/28/18.
  • American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, American Psychiatric Publishing, Washington, D.C., 2013.
  • ADA. The Revised Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Available at: . Accessed 09/28/18.
  • Taking Medications Helps Reduce Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

    You know what? Theres one word that mental health professionals for schizophrenia do NOT use.


    No, we can NOT cure schizophrenia yet. So, we dont use this word but we say.


    Yes, we can help people recover, which means significant reduction of signs and symptoms of the mental disease. How does it work? Mostly, thats where medications come in.

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    A Glimpse Into What Its Like Living With Schizophrenia And Schizoaffective Disorders

    Meet Lauren Kennedy. She lives and copes with the daily challenges of having schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder, and her series of videos offers a glimpse into what its like so others can empathize and relate.

    Even while taking medication, Lauren experiences both audio and visual hallucinations. While the visual hallucinations are usually minor, she has to remain vigilant about separating her own thoughts and inner self-talk with the external-sounding voices. Lauren also lives with schizoaffective disorder, a mood disorder characterized by manic episodes followed by depressive states.

    The symptoms of both disorders are cyclical which is why its important that Lauren and her physicians consistently monitor them, and adjust medication and coping mechanisms as needed. Lauren and her organization, Living Well with Schizophrenia, seek to increase knowledge and compassion around schizophrenia and help break down the stigma of mental illness.

    Check out more on Living Well with Schizophrenias social media: TikTok @livingwellschizophrenia, and .

    What Can Family Friends And Partners Do To Help

    Living with schizophrenia WMHD 2014

    Friends, relatives and partners have a vital role in helping people with schizophrenia recover, and make a relapse less likely.

    Do not blame the person with schizophrenia or tell them to “pull themselves together”, or blame other people. It’s important to stay positive and supportive when dealing with a friend or loved one’s mental illness.

    As well as supporting the person with schizophrenia, you may want to get support to cope with your own feelings. Several voluntary organisations provide help and support for carers.

    Friends and family should try to understand what schizophrenia is, how it affects people, and how they can help. You can provide emotional and practical support, and encourage people to get appropriate support and treatment.

    As part of someone’s treatment, you may be offered family therapy. This can provide information and support for the person with schizophrenia and their family.

    Friends and family can play a major role by monitoring the person’s mental state, watching out for any signs of relapse, and encouraging them to take their medication and attend medical appointments.

    If you’re the nearest relative of a person who has schizophrenia, you have certain rights that can be used to protect the patient’s interests.

    These include requesting that the local social services authority ask an approved mental health professional to consider whether the person with schizophrenia should be detained in hospital.

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    Take Steps To Help Them Avoid Alcohol And Illicit Drugs

    When some people with schizophrenia experience symptoms, such as hearing voices, they may seek relief by using alcohol and drugs, which work quickly to help them feel different. Caregivers can help prevent substance abuse by clearing the house of drugs and alcohol and by talking to their loved one about how abstaining from drugs and alcohol can help them maintain their overall health and achieve their goals.

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    How To Live With Someone With Schizophrenia

    This article was co-authored by Noel Hunter, Psy.D. Dr. Noel Hunter is a Clinical Psychologist based in New York City. She is the director and founder of MindClear Integrative Psychotherapy. She specializes in using a trauma-informed, humanistic approach for treating and advocating for people diagnosed with mental disorders. Dr. Hunter holds a BA in Psychology from the University of South Florida, an MA in Psychology from New York University, and a doctorate in Psychology from Long Island University. She has been featured in National Geographic, BBC News, CNN, TalkSpace, and Parents magazine. She is also the author of the book Trauma and Madness in Mental Health Services.There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 12 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 59,899 times.

    Living with someone who has schizophrenia can be incredibly challenging. However, it is important to remember that your loved one needs you, even if he or she doesnt act like it. Scroll down to Step 1 to find out how you can make your their life, and yours, as comfortable as possible.

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    What Does Schizophrenia Feel Like

    People less familiar with the condition may wonder what schizophrenia feels like. Often, people with schizophrenia struggle with periods of time in which they are unsure what is real and what isnt due to the impact of the condition on ones sensory experiences and thought processes. Delusional thoughts, paranoia, auditory and visual hallucinations can be part of the difficult symptoms for someone with schizophrenia, depending on the type of illness and the individual.

    This constellation of potential symptoms creates a disturbing disconnection from ones own understanding of what is real and what is not. As one can imagine, this is distressing and can cause many problems for the person struggling with this condition, particularly when early signs of schizophrenia emerge prior to diagnosis.

    Often young people with emerging symptoms avoid telling others of their perceptual experiences due to fear. Imagine how distressing it would be to have your most basic assumptions of reality shaken. It is understandable that prior to diagnosis, it might feel frightening to experience these symptoms and also frightening to tell others about them.

    Spotting The Signs Of An Acute Schizophrenic Episode

    What’s It Like Living With Schizophrenia in Singapore?

    Learning to recognise the signs that you’re becoming unwell can help you manage your illness. Signs can include losing your appetite, feeling anxious or stressed, or having disturbed sleep.

    You may also notice some milder symptoms developing, such as:

    • feeling suspicious or fearful
    • hearing quiet voices now and again
    • finding it difficult to concentrate

    You may also want to ask someone you trust to tell you if they notice your behaviour changing.

    Recognising the initial signs of an acute schizophrenic episode can be useful, as it may be prevented through the use of antipsychotic medicines and extra support.

    If you have another acute episode of schizophrenia, your written care plan should be followed, particularly any advance statement or crisis plan.

    Your care plan will include the likely signs of a developing relapse and the steps to take, including emergency contact numbers.

    Read about treating schizophrenia for information about advance statements.

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