Saturday, July 27, 2024

What To Say To Get 50 Ptsd Compensation

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What Qualifies For A 50 Percent Rating

How To Get 100% PTSD VA Rating

The middle tier for PTSD ratings is a 50 percent rating. At this tier, you may have difficulty communicating, showing speech impairments, or a flattened affect. You have panic attacks more than once a week, you have serious memory problems, you have trouble maintaining relationships, and you cant follow complex instructions.

If you feel a 50 percent rating is too low, your appeal may need to focus on any suicidal thoughts you suffer. You may not have done enough to show how constant your anxiety and panic are, and you might need to focus more on any rituals you feel compelled to follow. Your family might also need to send in statements about the impact your condition has on your relationships with them.

The VA doesnt usually give 100% TDIU for just a single disability. They typically add up disabilities and veterans meet the criteria like this:

1. You have at least 1 service-connected disability rated at 60% or more disabling, or 2 or more service-connected disabilitieswith at least 1 rated at 40% or more disabling and a combined rating of 70% or moreand2. You cant hold down a steady job that supports you financially because of your service-connected disability. Odd jobs , dont count.

100% P& T PTSD: Guide to a 100% Permanent and Total PTSD Rating

How To Claim For Ptsd

Deciding whether to make a personal injury claim for PTSD compensation in the UK is probably the hardest part of the compensation claiming process. But, of course, making the decision that you want to go ahead and pursue compensation means the hardest part is over. But you could then ask, how much compensation can I claim for post-traumatic stress disorder?

The law can be very tricky to the untrained eye, so using a specialist solicitor with many experiences dealing with PTSD cases can be the key to gaining the maximum amount of compensation. Undertaking any personal injury case can be a struggle for those who are not trained in the law. It is easy to get bogged down in legal jargon and become overwhelmed. However, personal injury solicitors are trained specifically in this area. Good ones know how to represent you properly so that your case is handled with the highest degree of professionalism.

It is possible to make a personal injury compensation claim for PTSD. However, it may not be as straightforward as other personal injury claims. PTSD affects the mental state mostly, more so than a persons physical being, so it may be harder to diagnose and actually put a compensation amount. In addition, deciding how much a person is affected by the disorder can be complex and its implication on a persons life therefore, deciding how much it should be valued becomes much more difficult.

How To Maximize Your Rating

The VA has no set guidelines for mental health ratings based on specific diagnoses, but instead uses discretion and examines all of the medical evidence on your symptoms and functional limitations before deciding on a rating. This means it is extremely difficult to predict what rating you will receive. Typically, however, the VA provides very low ratings for mental health conditions. Here are some ways to get the highest rating your mental condition warrants.

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About The Va Disability Rating System

Veterans with a disability that developed or worsened while serving in the military or due to military service may be eligible for Service-Connected disability pay.

Conditions covered by these benefits typically include:

  • Physical disabilities including hearing loss, chronic back pain, asthma and cancers caused by contact with toxic chemicals.
  • Mental disabilities including anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder , depression and traumatic brain injury .

Find a complete list of covered conditions here.

For every disability claim, the Department of Veterans Affairs assigns a severity rating ranging from 0-100%. This rating moves in 10% increments, is based on service treatment records, VA medical records, and private medical records directly relating to the disability.

For Veterans with more than one disability, the VA uses the combined rating table to calculate your disability percentage.

Focal Point #: Ptsd The C

 What To Say To Get 100 Ptsd Compensation

If every Veteran with a PTSD claim picks up a copy of their C-File, and finds out which of the 4 Pillars of their VA claim was lacking 5-Star Evidence, they could drastically accelerate the time it takes to get to the VA PTSD rating phase of their claim.

The 2 most important stars? Competent Evidence and Credible Evidence. While important in EVERY claim, we need to approach competency and credibility of PTSD evidence a bit differently to have a better experience at the VA.

Knowing how much evidence the VA Claims Evidence Thermometer needs in a PTSD claim is also vital. Some elements of a claim only need enough evidence to get you to the at least as likely as not level. But other elements like insulating your claim from a VA rebuttal of a legal presumption will require more evidence.

Knowing the 4 Piillars of the PTSD claim, and how much evidence is needed to solidly build each of the 4 pillar is the number one thing that Veterans should know.

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About Ryan Guina

Ryan Guina is the founder and editor of The Military Wallet. He is a writer, small business owner, and entrepreneur. He served over 6 years on active duty in the USAF and is a current member of the IL Air National Guard.

Ryan started The Military Wallet in 2007 after separating from active duty military service and has been writing about financial, small business, and military benefits topics since then. He also writes about personal finance and investing at Cash Money Life.

Ryan uses Personal Capital to track and manage his finances. Personal Capital is a free software program that allows him to track his net worth, balance his investment portfolio, track his income and expenses, and much more. You can open a free Personal Capital account here.

Featured In: Ryan’s writing has been featured in the following publications: Forbes,, US News & World Report, Yahoo Finance, Reserve & National Guard Magazine , Military Influencer Magazine, Cash Money Life, The Military Guide, USAA, Go Banking Rates, and many other publications.

What Is An Automatic 50 Percent Ptsd Rating

Many veterans are under the impression that they can receive an automatic PTSD rating of 50 percent. Unfortunately, this notion is not entirely accurate as there are specific circumstances under which the automatic 50% rating applies.

According to VA regulation titled 38 CFR § 4.129, when a mental disorder that develops in service as a result of a highly stressful event is severe enough to bring about the veterans release from active military service, the rating agency shall assign an evaluation of not less than 50 percent and schedule an examination within the six month period following the veterans discharge to determine whether a change in evaluation is warranted. In other words, an automatic 50% disability rating will only be granted to veterans with PTSD if they were discharged from military service as a result of their PTSD.

Furthermore, this automatic 50 % disability rating only lasts for six months at which point the condition will be re-evaluated. While it is possible that the Veterans automatic 50% disability rating will continue, it is also possible that the rating will be reduced. To establish a 50 percent rating for PTSD outside of the automatic qualifier, veterans must demonstrate the following:

If a veteran receives a 50 percent PTSD rating under typical circumstances, it is likely that they are beginning to display more noticeable cognitive deficits such as difficulty following instructions or making decisions that depart from past behavior.

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Legal Help For Veterans Ptsd Claims

If you feel as though you were wrongfully denied VA disability benefits for PTSD, or if you believe you are entitled to a higher rating for your PTSD, our office may be able to help. Our skilled attorneys have years of experience representing veterans with PTSD before the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Contact us today for a free case evaluation at .

Your Post Traumatic Stress Has Worsened

70% PTSD VA Rating: What it Means and How to Qualify

PTSD is one medical condition that can worsen over time, which is an important component of a claim for increased benefits. As a veteran receiving VA compensation, it is your right to request an increase when your impairment causes your health to deteriorate.

To warrant an increased rating, you will need to demonstrate that your PTSD has deteriorated through medical evidence. VA will look at the medical records and any further evidence you can provide, to prove a higher rating is justified. Supporting evidence might be in the form of statements from friends and family substantiating how your symptoms have worsened over time.

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How To Increase Ptsd Rating From 50% To 70%

First, lets explore the symptoms and impairment for the 50% VA rating for PTSD versus the 70% criteria.

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Occupational and social impairment with reduced reliability and productivity due to such symptoms as:

  • Flattened affect
  • Circumstantial, circumlocutory, or stereotyped speech
  • Panic attacks more than once a week
  • Difficulty in understanding complex commands
  • Impairment of short- and long-term memory
  • Impaired judgment
  • Disturbances of motivation and mood
  • Difficulty in establishing and maintaining effective work and social relationships

Okay, lets break-it down.

The 50% rating for PTSD has moderately severe symptoms.

The biggest difference between the 30% and 50% rating is that at this level, youre having a lot of trouble in your relationships.

Perhaps you dont have any friends or just want to be alone.

Maybe youre divorced or cant get along with your spouse anymore.

The other difference is youre now having panic attacks MORE than one time per week.

70 PTSD Rating Criteria

Occupational and social impairment with deficiencies in most areas to include symptoms such as:

The 70% PTSD rating has very severe symptoms and is a big jump from the 50% level.

Notice the keyword change to deficiencies in MOST areas.

Your panic attacks, depression, and anxiety are now happening constantly.

What Is Va Total Disability Individual Unemployability

You may have a single service connected disability with a single disability rating. Or, you may have more than one service connected disability and a combined rating.

In most cases, VA pays you benefits based on that single disability rating or combined disability rating. But, TDIU allows you to draw benefits for a 100 percent rating even when VA math does not result in a 100 percent combined rating.

The idea behind total disability individual unemployability is that the limitations from your service connected condition or conditions prevent you from maintaining a job. If they do that, then you are essentially 100 percent occupationally disabled. As a result, VA pays you at a 100 percent rating.

One of the most critical factors in TDIU claims is how your service connected disabilities affect your ability to work. Some service connected disabilities affect your ability to physically perform the job. PTSD often affects someones ability to mentally perform the job or to interact with others.

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Social Vs Occupational Factors

Sometimes, the Veterans medical records and claims file focused on social factors instead of occupational factors. This can have a large impact on the rating you receive for your PTSD. What are social and occupation factors?

  • Social factors include family relationships and interactions with friends and peers
  • Occupational factors as the name suggests, encompasses challenges faced at work and on the job

When submitting an appeal, its important to focus on both social and occupational factors as both are important when determining your disability rating. By submitting additional evidence about how your PTSD impacts your job, you have a better chance of increasing your PTSD rating.

Are Activist State Judges Forcing Many Disabled Veterans Going Through A Divorce To Use Their Veterans Disability Compensation To Pay Alimony Or Else Face Contempt Charges And Jail If They Refuse

 What To Say To Get 100 Ptsd Compensation

The summary of Rose v. Rose above is one illustration of how a veteran tried to get out of paying child support and found that every court which reviewed his case upheld the trial judges decision that he must support his family and obey the courts order, even though his only income was his VA payments. The same principle applies to alimony. There is no justification in disobeying a judge whose ruling is based on the well-recognized decision of the U.S. Supreme Court. If you refuse to pay as the judge ordered, youll very likely be punished by the court and that is the way it should be for those who violate the law or disobey court orders.

Theres no way that any reasonable person would consider the U.S. Supreme Court to be composed of activist judges. As to state courts well, lets take a look

The states are virtually unanimous in their rulings on this. Its a real stretcher to say that all of these courts are all packed with activist judges.

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The Va Rates All Service

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs rates all service-connected disabilities, including mental disabilities, according to the VA’s Schedule of Rating Disabilities.

Once the VA has determined that your mental health condition is related to your military service, it will rate your condition based on how severe it is. The VA will look to your medical records to determine how severe your clinical symptoms are.

What Is The Time Limit To File Ptsd Claims

So, if youre planning to file any claims for post-traumatic stress disorder compensation, there is a time limit. And that time limit is for up to a maximum of 3 years after the official diagnosis of PTSD. This means that the events causing PTSD could be months or even years old. But perhaps you only learn far later that you have the disorder. In any event, the limit is 3 years for all claims, not just post-traumatic stress disorder claims. And also, note that this is purely for filing PTSD claims, not the claims process as a whole. Indeed, it could be way beyond those 3 years that you do receive your PTSD compensation.

Now, the situation changes slightly for children with PTSD. In that case, friends or family could be their litigation friends. And that means that they would file the compensation claim on behalf of the victim under 18. Furthermore, the same could be applicable if the person with actual PTSD lacks the mental capacity to make a claim themselves. But if the child turns 18 or the victim regains mental control, then their 3-year window begins as normal. Learn more about the time periods available to file compensation claims by contacting our personal injury solicitors today.

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What To Do If Youve Been Diagnosed With Ptsd

Veterans with PTSD often consult a lawyer or disability advocate for help. If youve been diagnosed with PTSD, talk to one of our experienced VA-accredited claims agents about your options. No matter where you are in the United States, you can call 573-7838 for a free initial consultation, or simply complete the online contact form. Serving veterans nationwide from New York to Florida to Alaska, our claims agents have the help you need with your veterans disability claim.

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How Do I Receive A 50% Ptsd Rating

Top 5 PTSD VA Claim *MYTHS* DEBUNKED: How to Get a VA Rating for PTSD in 2021

VA rates PTSD under 38 CFR § 4.130, Diagnostic Code 9411. The criteria are based off the level of social and occupational impairment a veteran experiences, and the severity of symptoms VA uses to characterize that impairment. The criterion for a 50% PTSD rating under 38 CFR § 4.130, Diagnostic Code 9411, is as follows:

  • 50% Occupational and social impairment with reduced reliability and productivity due to such symptoms as: flattened affect circumstantial, circumlocutory, or stereotyped speech panic attacks more than once a week difficulty in understanding complex commands impairment of short- and long-term memory impaired judgment impaired abstract thinking disturbances of motivation and mood difficulty in establishing and maintaining effective wok and social relationships.

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How Much Could I Receive In Ptsd Compensation

So, youre asking, how much compensation can I claim for post-traumatic stress disorder?, Well, this depends on numerous factors. These include being unable to work, suffering for a long time, and any physical injuries accompanying the mental strain. But the more severe the PTSD is, the more money you could receive as part of your compensation payout. And that includes veterans claims post-traumatic stress disorder, which we define later in the guide.

Whats A Cp Exam For Ptsd Benefits

CP stands for Compensation and Pension. Once you file a claim for PTSD, the VA will schedule a CP exam for VA benefits for you to undergo. This exam is to verify the diagnosis of PTSD, even if you already have another diagnosis from a medical professional.

This exam is mandatory in order to have your claim approved. It will determine if your PTSD is service-related and will assess the severity of your condition. We recommend making it to this scheduled exam no matter what!

The information gathered by the VA examiner will be passed on to the official VA raters who decide the fate of your claim. In reality, there isnt a pass/fail system in place. You are assigned a rating based on the individual factors of your claim and how effectively you are able to communicate the impact on your life.

For the best possible outcome, you need to be prepared and thats what this article will help you do.

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