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Why Are Bipolar People Selfish

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Can Bipolar Disorder Be Cured

Why people are selfish?

Bipolar disorder is chronic, and it can be a lifelong condition, so treatment options should be considered for the long-term. Individuals need to quickly integrate treatments into their lives and maintain them over time to be most effective.

Medications are not recommended for long-term use since they can cause tolerance, dependency, and addiction. Behavioural therapies, counselling, self-help groups, and psychotherapies are beneficial. With the proper treatment, one can manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder like Self-Absorption. This will help you live a more balanced, everyday life. Many types of treatment are available for bipolar disorder, and you or a loved one may find one that works best. It is advised that loved ones of patients with bipolar disorder should also seek therapy and read more to help them navigate things easily and understand that Self-Absorption is another perception of the disorder. What works for one person might not work for all, but you can pinpoint the right and most effective options with a personalized treatment plan.

Things like maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, staying physically active, relaxing, and getting in touch with ones spiritual side contribute to the successful treatment of Bipolar disorder. An integrated treatment program offers tools, techniques, and skills to help patients achieve this.

Treating Bipolar Disorder And Lying

Cognitive behavioral therapy, known as CBT, could help your loved one identify the lying behavior, as well as what triggers the lying. CBT can teach someone how to overcome lying and develop healthier behaviors, all while in a structured environment.

Talk therapy may also help your loved one work through what theyre experiencing and learn effective coping skills. Find out about more treatments for bipolar disorder.

Who To Blame For Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a disease of the brain and it can happen to anyone, so really, there is no one to blame. However, if you wish to back it up, our genetics and life events are primarily to blame for bipolar disorder. This means we could blame our families. It also means we could blame any traumatic events we may have suffered for our bipolar disorder.

For me, this means I can blame my fathers side of the family, where mental illness definitely resides, and I could also blame my own history where in events like a sexual assault have occurred when I was younger. And, of course, I could blame the people in my life for letting the sexual assault take place in my case, namely my mother. So I could go around blaming my parents for my bipolar disorder.

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What You Should Do If Your Loved One Has Bipolar Disorder

Caring for someone with bipolar disorder can cause stress, anxiety, and pain for friends and family. Although your loved one needs help for their illness, you also need to take care of yourself. There are several coping strategies for friends and family of a person with bipolar disorder. Here are some tips to try:

So Whats A Person With Bipolar Disorder To Do About Relationships

Idea by PurpleDragon on Care of the Soul Dream Weaving ...

Its not easy to overcome the hurdles of relationships presented to those with bipolar disorder.

The key thing to remember is not to generalize and that those with bipolar disorder cannot be judged as a group any more than any other group. One person with bipolar disorder may have trouble controlling his or her anger, but this doesnt mean that all with bipolar disorder do. One person with bipolar disorder may have a string of relationships in which he or she hurts the other person, but certainly, not all people with bipolar disorder do. Internalizing the idea that you will hurt others because of a mental illness is simply false and defeating, as is the notion that someone with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder will hurt you simply because of a medical condition.

No one would suggest that those with cancer make substandard social connections because of their illness and no one should assume that might be the case because of a mental illness either.

If you or partner is struggling with bipolar and its impacting your relationship, consideronline couples counseling with a licensed therapist a convenient, inexpensive way to get back on track.

  • 4 minute read

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Is There A Link

The main guide that mental health professionals use for diagnoses called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition does not list narcissism as a symptom of bipolar disorder.

However, when a person with bipolar disorder experiences mania, they may display some behaviors that also help characterize narcissistic personality disorder.


  • elevated energy levels
  • grandiose self-perception

Due to this overlap in symptoms, a manic episode of bipolar disorder and narcissistic personality disorder can appear similar. This sometimes results in a misdiagnosis .

Also, during periods of depression, a person with a bipolar disorder might neglect caring duties, avoid social contact, or appear insensitive to the needs of others.

This most likely happens when overwhelming symptoms of depression make it hard for the person to think of others.

Meanwhile, people with narcissistic personality disorder may seem disinterested or insensitive to the needs of others, which may be based on a fear of inadequacy. They, too, may be prone to depression, which can manifest as high self-confidence.

While some symptoms of bipolar disorders and narcissistic personality disorder appear to overlap, the conditions differ in various ways:

How Lying Can Impact Personal Relationships

Although a person with bipolar disorder may lie not out of spite, but because of an episode the stories they spin can still hurt. However frequent, lying can fracture the trust you have in your relationship. The more lies that are told, the deeper the fracture can become until the relationship is completely severed.

Losing relationships can further alienate someone with bipolar disorder. This can exacerbate their symptoms.

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Is Bipolar And Lying A Perfect Storm

The symptoms of mania lead to a series of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that create a predisposition for the affected person to telling lies. When several, or all, of these symptoms are combined, the likelihood of lying compounds and amplifies. Lying and mania share the same dark core. Wish fulfillment, selfishness, delusion, deceit, egomania, self-gratification, escapism these are words often used to describe the psychic landscape of the liar and are strikingly similar to the experience of bipolar mania.1

In my opinion, Bipolar Disorder and lying go hand in hand with Bipolar grandiosity, diminished need for sleep, racing thoughts, and overall impulsivity and impaired judgment. The person with Bipolar Disorder may be experiencing a powerful sense of superiority and entitlement, and/or an unshakable conviction they are above the rules and/or an aching feeling of being misunderstood and under-appreciated this is the perfect storm for lying!

Remember, when a person is grandiose, they dont just believe they are special. It is a conviction of being superior. This means having more value than others and more importance than others. It is a hierarchical perception. The grandiose, Bipolar liar is not just the center of their own delusional universe they are above others. This may mean also being above the usual norms of behavior. It is a special sense of immunity and entitlement.2

Also, Bipolar liars may be expressing their heightened creativity through lies.

Bipolar Disorder: 10 Subtle Signs

Why people think depressed people are âselfishâ?

When it comes to mental illness, there are plenty of stereotypes. But in reality, mood disorders can be hard to pinpoint – particularly in people with bipolar disorder symptoms. “Chalking it up to moodiness or trouble at work or tiredness is pretty common,” says Dr. Carrie Bearden, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and psychology at the David Geffen School of Medical at UCLA. “The disorder varies in severity.” From our friends at, here are 10 signs that mood problems may be due to more than a quirky or difficult personality.

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The Difficulty In Being Selfish When You Live With Bipolar

Being selfish, when you live with bipolar disorder, is not an easy task although bipolar stigma tells people otherwise.

Due to my extreme emotions, specifically, extreme empathy, doing for myself leaves me feeling depressed and guilty. It is something I have always dealt with but as I get older, I have realized that being selfish, especially when I am in a hypomanic or depressive episode, is necessary.

Is The Bipolar Disorder The Same As Being Moody

Bipolar disorder is not the same as being moody or unpredictable. It involves a pattern of depressive and hypomanic or manic episodes, where a certain number of symptoms must be present for at least a certain number of days. How these symptoms present themselves and how often varies from person to person.

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Why Do People Hate Those With Bipolar

There is generally one reason why people hate those with a mental illness: they have had bad experiences with them in the past. And for whatever cockamamie reason, they have generalized that experience onto everyone with bipolar disorder. And for some reason they don’t see the ludicrousness of that behavior.

How To Tell If Someone Has Bipolar Disorder

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25 Things Only Someone with Bipolar Disorder Would Understand 1 You can tell when you had a manic episode by looking at your credit card bill. 2 Even though you live on your own, it often feels like youre waking up with a stranger. 3 You have so many racing thoughts you should be a NASCAR analyst. 4 You dont suffer from a sense

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Internal Struggles Of Those With Bipolar And Relationships

If you have a very serious illness that requires daily care, this impacts your ability to make connections with others. This statement is obvious to many, but few people have thought about it through the lens of a mentally ill person.

The first thing that may challenge a person with bipolar disorder to create relationships is self-stigma leading to self-created isolation. Self-stigma is where a person internalizes the negative messages he or she receives about those with mental illness. It is a state wherein people feel bad about themselves and have low self-esteem because societys messages about bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses tend to be so derogatory. When a person feels bad about him or herself it can be very difficult to initiate connections with others. People with bipolar, then, may avoid relationships simply because they dont feel good enough for other people. Sometimes these feelings even come on quickly and cause those with mental illnesses to push away others in existing relationships. This can lead to social isolation.

Its also important to remember that the symptoms of a mood disorder uncontrolled periods of severe mood changes can also cause breaks, either temporary or long-term, in relationships.

There Are Personality Traits That Are More Common In People With Bipolar Disorder That Arent Necessarily Related To Symptoms

Theyre not descriptions like narcissistic, depressed or irritable that only show up during episodes. These are traits that are always present, and it just so happens that we tend to have more in common than the items on the checklist used to give us the diagnosis. Here are a few examples:

  • Impulsive

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Your Bipolar Ex Might Have Been Evil

I have no idea who you were married to, and they may have been the worst person on the planet. In fact, their illness may have made their life and yours a living hell. That person may have needed help and refused it. That person may have done horrible things and blamed it on their disease. That person may have hurt those and those you love. Quite possible.

But that’s not about being bipolar, that’s about the individual.

I will accept this illness makes people unpredictable and challenging, like many illnesses. I will accept the fact being with a person with an illness is hard. I will accept that we hurt people, and sometimes that hurt has to do with bipolar disorder.

I will not, however, accept any insult you want to throw at me simply because I have the same diagnosis as a person you know. I will not allow you to tell me how I am or who I am. I will not accept your prejudice and I will not accept your hatred.

Why Do We Struggle To Be Generous When In Abipolar Downswing

Why Are Some People Selfish

To put it simply, depression is very internal and very, very narcissistic. It puts us in our heads so entirely that we lose the ability to see the world in a rational way. Heres what happens:

  • The depression talks to us, and it is never nice.
  • It steals our energy or redirects it.
  • It takes away our ability to see color and life and possibility.
  • It robs us of hope.
  • It removes our ability to be future-oriented.
  • It makes us overly sensitive, or it takes away our ability to feel.
  • It is mean and nastyincredibly nasty.
  • It tells us that we are the problem, or it tells us that others are the problem. There is no balance or middle ground.
  • Icould go on and on here, but you get the idea.

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    The Mental & Emotional Burden Of Bipolar Depression

    Imagine all of that is happening in your head due to BRAIN CHEMICALS. Your selfish actions and words are not coming from how you were raised. They are coming from a mental health condition, a brain-based illness. And its episodic, so all of these selfish actions, ruminations, and outbursts might be in direct contrast to how you behave and how you see the world when youre not depressed.

    Ifyou are being hard on yourself during or in the aftermath of a depressive episodeorif you are a loved one to someone who lives with bipolar disorder and struggleswith depressionplease, think about this.

    Think about this burden.

    Wakingup with this brain. Going to bed with this brain.

    Now, try to be generous.

    • Try to be thankful and open and kind.
    • Try to see the happiness of others as a positive.
    • Try to see the world as a safe place.
    • Try to work. Try to make love. Try to go to school.
    • Try to have a rational response to a difficult situation.
    • Try anything.

    Depressionalways gets in the way.

    Tips For Coping With Bipolar Disorder In The Family

    Accept your loved ones limits. Your loved one with bipolar disorder cant control their moods. They cant just snap out of a depression or get a hold of themselves during a manic episode. Neither depression nor mania can be overcome through self-control, willpower, or reasoning. So telling your loved one to Stop acting crazy or to Look on the bright side wont help.

    Accept your own limits. You cant rescue your loved one with bipolar disorder, nor can you force them to take responsibility for getting better. You can offer support, but ultimately, recovery is in the hands of the person with the illness.

    Reduce stress. Stress makes bipolar disorder worse, so try to find ways to reduce stress in your loved ones life. Ask how you can help and volunteer to take over some of the persons responsibilities if needed. Establishing and enforcing a daily routinewith regular times for getting up, having meals, and going to bedcan also reduce family stress.

    Communicate openly. Open and honest communication is essential to coping with bipolar disorder in the family. Share your concerns in a loving way, ask your loved one how theyre feeling, and make an effort to truly listeneven if you disagree with your loved one or dont relate to whats being said.

    Supporting a person with bipolar disorder

    What you can say that helps:

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    Blaming Others For Bipolar Disorder

    Posted by Natasha Tracy | Nov 7, 2013 | Bipolar blog, bipolar disorder, mental illness issues | 15

    Its very natural to be angry when something egregiously bad like getting bipolar disorder happens to you. Its not necessarily rational, per se, but it is normal. And when were mad about something we look for someone or something to blame. We look for someone to blame for our bipolar disorder. Again, this isnt a rational, or even conscious thing, its really just a natural reaction to an extremely unfortunate situation, but it really isnt healthy.

    Is It Me Or Is It My Bipolar Depression


    Too often, when we are in the midst of a depressive episode, especially if it is long-lasting, those around us can start to feel frustrated with our behavior. They might not see our outward actions and our words as being symptoms of a mental health condition and, instead, start to assign those behaviors and comments to who we are as a person. They can become convinced that we are too self-centered, trying to get attention, or just plain selfish and mean.

    Butwe are not selfish. DEPRESSION is selfish.

    Whenwe are weighed down by bipolar depression, its words and ideas and actions can seemlike theyre our own thoughts and beliefs. But theyre not.

    Its not that we are unkind or that we arent generous and loving. Its that depression is constantly muttering at us, overpowering our thoughts while masquerading as the real us. When, really, we are fighting against this mood episode with everything we have left, or we have been lost in it so long we cant begin to find a way out. Its exhausting, being stuck in your own mind so completely. Naturally, then, theres not a lot left over for other people, too.

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