What Is Mental Health
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices.1 Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.
Although the terms are often used interchangeably, poor mental health and mental illness are not the same. A person can experience poor mental health and not be diagnosed with a mental illness. Likewise, a person diagnosed with a mental illness can experience periods of physical, mental, and social well-being.
Diagnosing Bipolar Involves Analyzing Symptoms
Psychiatrists diagnose bipolar by analyzing symptoms and looking for a cyclical pattern and history of presentation. For a Bipolar Disorder I diagnosis, you must have experienced a manic episode that lasted a minimum of one week with four of the symptoms of mania present. Additionally, you must have at least one depressive episode with five symptoms present for a two-week period.
In contrast, a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder II is assigned when you have a hypomanic episode for a minimum of four days with four of the mania symptoms present. You also must have experienced a depressive episode with five of the symptoms present for a two-week period.
Additionally, to receive a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder I with Psychosis a manic episode with four of the symptoms present and concurring psychotic symptoms. Additionally, experiencing a depressive episode in which five of the symptoms are present alongside psychotic symptoms.;About diagnosing mixed episodes, you must experience both manic and depressive symptoms simultaneously.
Forgiveness And Bipolar Disorder
There were many more destructive andsaddening situations with my mother as I grew older, which range from being onmy own at the age of 16 because she kicked me out of the house to not attendingmy high school graduation. However, I tend to instead reflect on the morefavorable moments with my mother that include her dressing up so beautifullyfor my grade eight graduation, or spending two hours in the grocery store toensure that I bought every single item that I desired. I often reflect on mymother who taught me how to drive, or washed my hair on the couch after a longairplane ride to see her because I was too tired to take a bath. My mother mayhave bipolar disorder, but her heart shines brighter than this challengingillness. She means so well, even though life with mom has been extremelyheartbreaking. Currently, I am happy when I hear from my mother on the phone,and I feel blessed that she is still here with us, no matter how much we worryabout her wellbeing.
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Most Societies Also Have Legal Rules That Govern Behavior But Ethical Norms Tend To Be Broader And More Informal Than Laws
Hypomanic episodes are not as extreme as true it is possible to experience both types of episodes at once, which will lead to a combination of behaviors. Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition defined by periods of extreme mood disturbances that affect mood, thoughts, and behavior. They can’t understand unless they have been through something. Bipolar ii disorder is defined by a pattern of depressive episodes, followed by brief, hypomanic episodes. Counseling for you and your family is important, too. There are many reasons why bipolar disorder may arise. If this concept is difficult to understand, read this article which explains it in more detail. On the depression end, i like to say everyone goes into a dark hole some times. Most societies also have legal rules that govern behavior, but ethical norms tend to be broader and more informal than laws. The right medicines and therapy can help you therapy: Gender differences in bipolar disorder, the safety, acceptability and. If their moods aren’t levelling out while on medication, it is important for the health care provider to know so that the treatment program can be adjusted accordingly. Some deal with genetics, although all studies have not been conclusive, there is a the horrifying result from an untreated bipolar victim is why it is important to notice the signs early on and get them treated by a professional as quickly as.
Understand And Learn About Bipolar Disorder
Trying to understand and learn about the symptoms and treatment options can help you in handling the person better. ;The more you know the better.
Encouraging the Person to Get Help:
Bipolar disorder is the type of condition which can be treated more effectively when identified the earliest. If you think your loved one has a bipolar issue, encourage them to take expert advice, do not wait for them to treat themselves or get better with time.
Being Understanding:
People with bipolar disorder or in fact any kind of depression issue hate being criticized or advice they earn for someone to listen, the best thing you can do is lend a sympathetic ear, encouragement, or assistance with treatment. People with bipolar disorder are often reluctant to seek help because they dont want to feel like a burden to others, make sure you keep reminding them that they are important and that you need them.
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Showing Patience:
Patience is the key to handling people with bipolar disorder. Even if the person is following the treatment procedure correctly, it still takes time to get better. Under physical issues, mental issues take time to heal. Be patient with the person during the recovery period. Be prepared to get setbacks and challenges because this is along with battle but something that going to be worth it in the end.
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Clinician Bias And Stereotyping
Misdiagnosis also can arise from clinician bias and stereotyping of ethnic andracial minorities. Clinicians often reflect the attitudes and discriminatorypractices of their society . This institutional racism was evident over a century ago withthe establishment of a separate, completely segregated mental hospital inVirginia for African American patients . While racism and discriminationhave certainly diminished over time, there are traces today which are manifestin less overt medical practices concerning diagnosis, treatment, prescribingmedications, and referrals ; . One study from the mental health field found thatAfrican American youth were four times more likely than whites to be physicallyrestrained after acting in similarly aggressive ways, suggesting that racialstereotypes of blacks as violent motivated the professional judgment to havethem restrained .Another study found that white therapists rated a videotape of an AfricanAmerican client with depression more negatively than they did a white patientwith identical symptoms .
There is ample documentation provided in that African American patients are subject to overdiagnosis ofschizophrenia. African Americans are also underdiagnosed for bipolar disorder; , depression, and,possibly, anxiety ; ; .The problems extend beyond African Americans. Widely held stereotypes of AsianAmericans as “problem free” may prompt clinicians to overlook their mentalhealth problems .
Late 20th Century: The Apa And The Dsm
The term bipolar means two poles, signifying the polar opposites of mania and depression. The term first appeared in the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in its third revision in 1980.
It was that revision that did away with the term mania to avoid calling patients maniacs. Now in its fifth version , the DSM is considered the leading manual for mental health professionals. It contains diagnostic and treatment guidelines that help doctors manage the care of many people with bipolar disorder today.
The concept of spectrum was developed to target specific difficulties with more precise medications. Stahl lists the four major mood disorders as follows:
- manic episode
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Can Your Mental Health Change Over Time
Yes, its important to remember that a persons mental health can change over time, depending on many factors.; When the demands placed on a person exceed their resources and coping abilities, their mental health could be impacted. For example, if someone is working long hours, caring for a relative, or experiencing economic hardship, they may experience poor mental health.
What Are The Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder
Symptoms that may indicate a clinical depression include: feeling sad, down, or depressed, decreased interest in enjoyable activity, changes to sleep/appetite/activity, low energy/concentration/motivation and in its worst form, suicidal thoughts and actions. When these symptoms interfere with daily life over a two week or longer period, we consider the diagnosis of clinical depression.
Mania occurs when someone has a period where they feel high or ecstatic or extremely irritable. At the same time, they sleep less, have much more energy, are more talkative, and appear distracted and sped up. In a manic episode, people often engage in activities that can be dangerous or reckless . Manic episodes do not occur over one or two days, but instead often last weeks or months if untreated.
Mixed episodes can also occur where individuals have both depressive and manic symptoms at the same time.
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Where Can I Get Help
To find a health professional that you trust and feel comfortable with, contact with your local community health centre, headspace;centre, or perhaps ask a trusted friend, teacher or family member about where to find help.
Remember that it can take time to find the right treatment as every person is different and responds in different ways. Be patient and make sure you talk to your health professional about how things are going, so that they can support you in the best possible way.
The;headspace;Clinical Reference Group oversee and approve clinical resources made available on this website.
19 November 2018
The Importance Of Therapy For Bipolar Disorder
Research indicates that people who take medications for bipolar disorder are more likely to get better faster and stay well if they also receive therapy. Therapy can teach you how to deal with problems your symptoms are causing, including relationship, work, and self-esteem issues. Therapy will also address any other problems youre struggling with, such as substance abuse or anxiety.
Three types of therapy are especially helpful in the treatment of bipolar disorder:
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Why Is It Important For Society To Understand Bipolar
Bipolar disorder: Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which sufferers feel elated and powerful some of the time and helpless and hopeless at other times , 2012), Research indicted that one to two percent of adults have bipolar disorder (Bipolar Disorder, It is written for people who have received the diagnosis, or psychosis can last from at least a week to upwards of 2 years.
Don’t Believe That You Are Your Illness
Someone with a broken ankle is not a brokenanklitic they are more than their illness. So are you.
If you have bipolar disorder, say ‘I have bipolar disorder’ rather than ‘I’m bipolar’. If you convince yourself first that you’re a person, not a walking illness, others will find it easier to see you that way too.
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Is It Bipolar Disorder Or Depression
Bipolar disorder is commonly misdiagnosed as depression since most people with bipolar disorder seek help when theyre in the depressive stage of the illness. When theyre in the manic stage, they dont recognize the problem. Whats more, most people with bipolar disorder are depressed a much greater percentage of the time than they are manic or hypomanic.
Being misdiagnosed with depression is a potentially dangerous problem because the treatment for bipolar depression is different than for regular depression. In fact, antidepressants can actually make bipolar disorder worse. So its important to see a mood disorder specialist who can help you figure out whats really going on.
Do I have depression or bipolar disorder?
Indicators that your depression is really bipolar disorder include:
- Youve experienced repeated episodes of major depression.
- You had your first episode of major depression before age 25.
- You have a first-degree relative with bipolar disorder.
- When youre not depressed, your mood and energy levels are higher than most peoples.
- When youre depressed, you oversleep and overeat.
- Your episodes of major depression are short
- Youve lost contact with reality while depressed.
- Youve had postpartum depression before.
- Youve developed mania or hypomania while taking an antidepressant.
- Your antidepressant stopped working after several months.
Can You Be Hypomanic Without Losing Control
Bipolar disorder may appear to be a pessimistic diagnosis for some. That is understandable, since the diagnosis implies a life-long vulnerability. However, many patients who come to terms with the diagnosis and with having the illness begin to understand why they have had so many problems in relationships, work, and in coping with life problems. For some, the diagnosis frees the individual from the stigma of having a “character defect.” It helps take away the blame. It provides a plan for coping with the illness-through medication-but also with the help of psychological treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, family therapy, or interpersonal/social rhythm therapy. None of these treatments guarantees a steady and “normal” moodâpatients, families, prescribing physicians and therapists should be ready to cope with ups and downs and be ready to implement more intense treatment when necessary. The good news is that there are more intense treatmentsâthat is, help for those who a century ago could only look forward to a series of mood episodes that often devastated individual lives.
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What Types Of Therapy Can Treat Bipolar Disorder
In addition to medication management, therapy is an important component of treating bipolar disorder. Evidence-based therapies include Cognitive Behavioral Therapyâwhich helps patients reframe harmful or irrational thoughts to change mood and behaviorâas well as Interpersonal Therapy, Family-Focused Therapy, and psychoeducational approaches. Family-Focused therapy may be particularly helpful for children and teens with bipolar disorder.
Impairment In Family Relationships
Low social support predicts higher levels of depression over time among persons with BD . Given the centrality of marital and family functioning to social support, we focus on those core relationships here, with an emphasis on how BD influences these relationships, and in turn how these relationships influence the depressive course of the disorder. As was the case for personality attributes, concurrent symptoms explain some of variance in family functioning within BD, suggesting the importance of studying family processes during periods of remission.
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Bipolar Disorder And Stigma
Many people have heard of bipolar disorder, but this doesn’t mean they understand the diagnosis fully. You might find that some people have misconceptions about you or have a negative or inaccurate image of bipolar disorder. This can be very upsetting, especially if someone who feels this way is a friend, colleague, family member or a health care professional.
But it’s important to remember that you aren’t alone, and you don’t have to put up with people treating you badly.
You can read more about dealing with stigma on our page on stigma and misconceptions.
Here are some options for you to think about:
- Show people this information to help them understand more about what your diagnosis really means.
- Get more involved in your treatment. Our pages on seeking help for a mental health problem;provide guidance on having your say in your treatment, making your voice heard, and steps you can take if you’re not happy with your care.
- Know your rights. Our pages on legal rights;provide more information.
- Take action with Mind. See our campaigning page;for details of the different ways you can get involved with helping us challenge stigma.
“What helps me the most is the ongoing realisation and acceptance that the way in which my bipolar disorder manifests itself, and the symptoms I display, are not personality traits or ‘bad behaviour’.”
What Is A Depressive Episode
A depressive episode is a period of lowered mood, with changes in thinking and behaviour that usually lasts for at least two weeks. It has a significant impact on a persons day-to-day life.
Changes include:
- feeling in a low mood sadness, irritability, tearfulness
- losing interest in enjoyable activities
- changes in appetite and weight eating more or less than usual, gaining or losing weight rapidly
- changes in sleeping patterns trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping much more than usual
- lowered energy and lack of motivation
- feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness
- poor concentration and memory problems
- thoughts about suicide.
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Getting An Accurate Diagnosis
Getting an accurate diagnosis is the first step in your bipolar disorder treatment. And it isnt always easy. The mood swings of bipolar disorder can be difficult to distinguish from other problems such as major depression, ADHD, and borderline personality disorder. For many people with bipolar disorder, it takes time and numerous doctor visits before the problem is correctly identified and treated.
Making the diagnosis of bipolar disorder can be tricky even for trained professionals, so its best to see a psychiatrist with experience treating bipolar disorder rather than a family doctor or another type of physician. A psychiatrist specializes in mental health and is more likely to know about the latest research and treatment options.
What Are The Different Types Of Bipolar Disorder
Mental health professionals distinguish between 2 main types of bipolar disorder:
- Bipolar I This is characterised by extreme, long-lasting highs as well as depressive episodes, and may include psychosis .
- Bipolar II This is characterised by highs that are less extreme that only last or a few hours or days, as well as depressive episodes, and periods of normal mood.
Other types of bipolar disorder include cyclothymic disorder and substance-induced bipolar disorder .
CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS Try the Black Dog Institutes self-test to see if you have symptoms that may indicate bipolar disorder.
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