Friday, April 26, 2024

Why Eating Disorders Are On The Rise

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Avoiding Treatment For Eating Disorders Can Lead To Other Problems

Eating disorders on the rise during the pandemic

Treatment can be critical for a multitude of reasons, one being that eating disorders have one of the highest mortality rates of any mental health illness. They can eventually lead to such serious physical complications as cancer, diabetes, and organ failure, if not treated. They are associated significantly with suicide attempts, adds Ivezaj.

Michael Lerner, MD, a Yale Medicine otolaryngologist, says cases that go untreated can lead to symptoms usually associated with such conditions as acid reflux. When the larynx or throat is continually exposed to acid and pepsin from the stomach, the result can be chronic inflammationand in the worst cases, eventual precancerous changes, he says.

In severe cases, frequent and vigorous retching or vomiting can lead to stricture of the esophagus, which can result in dysphagia , Dr. Lerner says. People with these conditions might find that they feel the urge to clear their throats frequently or notice a foreign body sensation in their throat. So, otherwise common symptoms such as voice change and throat sensitivity, which are typically attributed to allergies or acid reflux, could, in fact, also be due to an eating disorder, he says.

What Can We Do To Stop The Rise In Anorexia

While theres no easy answer, most experts agree that banning pro-anorexia sites and moving away from a culture of airbrushing celebrities and models is a step forward. We also need to look at how to address low self-esteem and academic pressure, starting with better emotional support for young people at school.

Meanwhile, teachers, GPs, friends and family need to get better at spotting the warning signs, as the research suggests that early intervention is the key to successfully combating eating disorders.

Media And Body Dissatisfaction In Children And Adolescents

Research studies have shown that young people frequently report body dissatisfaction, with adolescent girls experiencing more body dissatisfaction than boys . Adolescent girls generally want to weigh less, while adolescent boys want to be bigger and stronger. A meta-analysis of 25 studies involving female subjects, examined the effect of exposure to media images of the slender body ideal. Body image was significantly more negative after viewing thin media images than after viewing images of either average size models, plus size models or inanimate objects. This effect was found to be stronger in women younger than 19 years of age .

Tiggemann et al studied body concerns in adolescent girls and attempted to understand the underlying motivations for their wish to be thin. The factor exerting the strongest pressure to be thin was the media. Despite the fact that these adolescent girls clearly articulated a desire to be thinner, they also described how this did not necessarily mean they were dissatisfied with their bodies. The authors found that the girls had a surprisingly well-developed understanding of the media and its possible role in influencing self-image. The authors suggested that this understanding may serve to moderate against overwhelming media forces.

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Binge Eating Disorder Statistics

Binge eating disorder is characterized by frequent episodes of consuming unusually large amounts of food in a relatively short time. A person with binge eating disorder often feels binge eating is outside of his or her control and may feel shame because of it.

  • Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the U.S.
  • Nearly 3% of adults experience binge eating disorder in their lifetime.
  • American women and men experience a binge eating disorder during their lifetime, making binge eating disorder three times more common than anorexia and bulimia combined.
  • Less than half of people with binge eating disorder will receive treatment.

Awareness Of Eating Disorders In Men

Are Teen Eating Disorders On The Rise? And If So, Why?

Eating disorders in Men have been around for many years and until recently were typically viewed as a female issue. Not anymore. Today, anorexia, bulimia, and especially binge-eating disorder are on the rise in the male population. Anorexia is now diagnosed in boys as young as eight and a full 40% of those with binge-eating disorders are male.

Andrew Walen provides fascinating insight and understanding about males dealing with disordered eating. A must watch for all loved ones and guys seeking to understand the male experience of eating disorders. Learn more about Andrew & The Body Image Therapy Center

Also Check: How To Address Eating Disorders

What To Do About The Media

The literature confirms that children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to messages and images conveyed through the mass media. Many children and adolescents cannot discriminate between what they see and what is real. For instance, young people are often unaware that digital technology and manipulation in the fashion industry use air brush and digital enhancement to portray the ideal female and male body. These images promote unrealistic standards that are impossible to achieve.

Physicians should regularly inquire about media involved behaviours including television watching, video watching, the use of video games, time spent in front of the computer and listening to radio programs, and types of magazines read. Health care providers, parents, teachers, school officials and other professionals should be aware of the kinds of programs that young people are exposed to, the content of the programs and the media-associated health risks . Those concerned about the medias negative impact on body image, self-esteem, food, dieting and eating disorders need to consider a number of different interventions such as health communication campaigns, entertainment education, media advocacy and media literacy training . Such interventions need to be evaluated with respect to the medias portrayal of the idealized and unattainable images of beauty that young people are exposed to and its impact on disordered eating behaviours and eating disorders.

Eating Disorder Warning Signs

If someone you care about has an eating disorder, youd think it would be easy to spot. But no two situations look the same, which are why some EDs can go undetected for years.

Not everyone who has an eating disorder is skeletally thin. Some people can seem self-confident about their bodies and appearance to mask a deeper issue. And meeting people who are preoccupied with dieting, obsessively track everything they eat, exercise non-stop, and forgo anything with carbs isnt that uncommon in our looks-obsessed world. While these behaviors might make you question whether someone has a problem, there are some reliable markers that are symptoms of eating disorders.

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Eating Disorder Statistics During The Lockdown

A study concerning changes in eating patterns with the onset of COVID-19 revealed that an average of 84% of adolescents admitted to limiting their food intake to gain a sense of control in their lives in the last year .

When looking at eating disorders, the number of patients who have been referred for clinical assessment have gone from 20% to 80% .

Why Eating Disorders Among Teens Are On The Rise

Eating disorders on the rise in the pandemic

7 Dec, 2021 By Help Your Teen Now

The pandemic has taken a toll on each of us. For teens, it has almost flipped their world upside down. From missing important sporting events to losing time with friends at parties and sleepovers, teens have struggled immensely. There has been a noticeable increase in mental health concerns in teens, including eating disorders.

An eating disorder can develop at any age and includes both men and women. They tend to be seen often in female teens, but male teens often go undiagnosed. There are several types of eating disorders, with many factors contributing to them becoming a concern.

If youve noticed some of the signs of an eating disorder in your teen, you may be struggling with understanding how to best help them.

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Talk To Us About Eating Disorder Treatment

At The Meadows Ranch, we have the experience, expertise, and understanding to treat individuals with EDs and any other co-occurring conditions. Our research-backed program is focused on giving individuals ownership of their recovery as we equip them to thrive, both now and in the future. We also provide resources for families to heal and support their loved ones on the journey to healing. If you or a loved one are suffering from binge eating disorder, get in touch with us today to learn more about how to get started.

How Does An Eating Disorder Start

Disordered eating is far more complicated than acquiring bad food habits. Scientists believe there is some genetic basis for eating disorders, and brain imaging researchers are helping to provide a better understanding of patterns of brain neurocircuitry and activity in people with eating disorders. Environmental factors, like the pressure to be thin and look good on social media, also contribute. There are psychological factors like feeling out of control within the world and wanting to be able to control something, Lydecker says. Perfectionism, emotional eating, and eating in response to negative emotions are part of it as well.

Kids are like sponges. They hear things and they internalize them, even in the teenage years when they pretend they’re not listening, say Janet Lydecker, PhD, director of child eating and weight initiatives for Yales POWER Program.

Many teenagers with binge-eating and other eating disorders report being bulliedso much so, that Teen POWER now has a clinical trial treatment program specifically designed to help people deal with bullying and weight. Everyone has this misunderstanding that if they just lose weight, then they wont be bullied anymore and life will be fine, Lydecker says. But being bullied and the disordered eating are problems that just last and last. So, we’re trying to reach people in that window after theyve started being bullied, but before the eating disorder beginsor at least before it gets really bad.

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Early Intervention Saves Lives

For Virgo, a vital issue is how eating disorder treatments are provided. Currently, people are often refused specialist help because their weight is not deemed low enough and Virgo has seen first-hand how dangerous this can be. After being previously hospitalised at the height of her own anorexia, Virgo was later refused support while suffering a relapse, on the grounds of not being thin enough.

We know early intervention saves lives, yet so many people are turned away from services, because they dont tick a specific box. This is just not OK, says Virgo. We know early diagnosis is a critical element in the success of treatment for eating disorders, and by the time obvious signs have manifested, its likely the illness will have become ingrained in the individual, and therefore much more difficult to treat.

Green agrees tackling eating disorders early is vital but because specialist resources are limited, and thats part of the issue, that limited resource will need to be prioritised, arguably where the highest risk is. And anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder, so it is a high risk. But then in the meantime, youve got all those people who were not receiving support, that are not currently high risk, but theyre possibly on the way to becoming so, Green stresses.

Help For Eating Disorders


The Meadows Ranch has a proven track record of helping women and young girls struggling with anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and other eating disorders including avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, body image disorders, and food phobias all with the aim of achieving long-lasting recovery.

The Meadows Ranch not only focuses on treatment of eating disorders but their underlying causes and related trauma. Through our bio-psycho-social-spiritual eating disorder treatment approach and clinical excellence, patients find the strength to confront their problems and learn what tools are necessary to overcome their disorder.

Before they return home, a tailor-made aftercare plan is developed that includes a support team to help them successfully continue their recovery. Based on feedback from patients, families, and professionals, the vast majority of our patients remain committed to a life of health, balance, and purpose.

For more information on treatment for eating disorders at The Meadows Ranch, dont hesitate to reach out today.

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What Causes Eating Disorders

Experts believe eating disorders stem from a combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors. People with a history of trauma, low self-esteem, difficulty managing stress, or have a close relative with an eating disorder are more prone to developing an eating disorder themselves. Young people who take part in a sport that values leanness, such as wrestling or swimming, are also at a greater risk.

COVID-19 has caused many adolescents to experience fear, isolation, boredom, stress, loss of a support system, financial issues, food insecurity, and, sometimes, violence in the home. All are risk factors for eating disorders, substance abuse, and other mental illnesses.

Eating Disorder Statistics By Age

  • Globally, 13% of women older than 50 experience disordered eating behaviors.
  • The median age of eating disorder onset was 21 years old for binge eating disorder and 18 years old for anorexia and bulimia nervosa.
  • The lifetime prevalence of eating disorders in the U.S. was 2.7% among adolescents as of 2001-2004.
  • Of adolescents with eating disorders, the 17- to 18-year-old age group had the highest prevalence .

Researchers followed a group of 496 adolescent girls in a U.S. city over a span of eight years and found that by the age of 20:

  • More than 5% of the girls met the criteria for anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder.
  • More than 13% of the girls had experienced an eating disorder when including non-specific eating disorder symptoms.

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Has The Pandemic Made Eating Disorders Worse

Dr Lynne Green, chief clinical officer at digital mental health platform Kooth , previously worked in the NHS for 20 years, including as a lead consultant psychologist for childrens eating disorders and adolescent inpatient services. She says eating disorders were already going up before Covid came along but the pandemic was also a perfect storm for various reasons.

During Covid, there was a real sense of loss of control, and deep anxiety that results from that and we know in eating disorders, having a sense of control is huge. Eating disorders are really complex and theres a host of reasons and vulnerability factors, but I suspect more people developed an eating disorder than otherwise would have done. I also think many people who were either recovered, or close to recovery, slipped back when the pandemic hit.

And then of course, treatment delays or interruptions in treatment didnt help. We know many face-to-face services closed, and many people were anxious about going . Thats definitely had a big impact.

Subtle Signs That Someone May Have An Eating Disorder

Eating disorders on the rise amid pandemic and National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Showing a large amount of interest in food and excessively talking about food

When someone is struggling with an eating disorder, they may become preoccupied with food, explains Longsdale. They may start to watch more cooking programmes, read more recipes or prepare a lot of food without consuming it.

While its true your friend could just be a foodie, or maybe they want to start a new hobby, one study found that following a period of starvation, people can become heavily preoccupied by cooking and food, despite having no prior interest in it.

Regimented eating habits

The compulsive nature of many eating disorders can lead to a person developing rigid eating habits, where they become particularly meticulous in their eating routine says Longsdale.

This could be something like only eating at very specific times of the day, and refusing to eat before or after a certain time: inflexibility around mealtimes may point to someone wanting to control their eating habits meticulously.

Another sign could be, as Longsdale points out, someone only uses certain plates and bowls.

Adding lots of condiments to food

Again, condiments in and of themselves arent always associated with eating disorders.

But, Longsdale says, A person may choose to use condiments that have flavour but few calories, such as vinegar, hot sauce, salsa, chilli, gravy, tabasco, salt and pepper.

Wearing clothes that dont fit

Eating food in a particular way


Generally eating the same foods

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Ed Support At Student Health And Well

If you or someone you know is living with these kinds of emotional and behavioral experiences in the context of ED behaviors and you would like to receive help and support, the Student Health and Well-Being staff is committed to enhancing the well-being and personal development of all Hopkins students. We strive to be sensitive to the diverse needs of our student body and specialize in treating the mental health concerns that are prevalent in a diverse university population. Our goal is to assist students in addressing the difficulties they encounter, including ED and ED-related concerns, and to empower them to make the most of their educational opportunities. Below are some Hopkins-based resources that are specific to ED concerns.

Additionally, any person can contact the NEDA helpline for support, resources, and treatment options, for themselves or for someone else. Its available via online chat, call, or text.

Types Of Media Exposure

Todays children and adolescents grow up in a world flooded with the mass media . Staggering statistics reveal that, on average, a child or adolescent watches up to 5 h of television per day and spends an average of 6 to 7 h viewing the various media combined .

These cultural standards may well explain, in part, why many adolescents are preoccupied with their bodies and dissatisfied with their body image, and are willing to try a variety of dangerous weight-loss practices in their quest for the perfect body.

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