Thursday, May 2, 2024

What Does Bipolar Disorder Look Like

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What Bipolar Disorder Feels Like (360 Video) | WebMD

Treating bipolar disorder is a challenging task, and psychotropic medications are generally an important component of care. Lithium has been used in the treatment of bipolar disorder for over 50 years, and recent studies indicate that ketamine might be an effective treatment for this form of depression as well as major depressive disorder. Ketamine infusions have shown great effectiveness in reducing depressive symptoms and reducing suicidal ideation and behavior. It also positively affects work productivity and decreases days missed due to symptomsimportant goals for clients trying to manage this disorder and get their lives back on track.

Regarding psychotherapy as a treatment for this disorder, a meta-analysis of the literature revealed that cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, and psychoeducation contributed positively to treatment outcomes when combined with medication. These forms of therapy are effective when the focus is on learning skills that help the client manage their illness or help families work together towards this goal.

Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Bipolar disorder not otherwise specified is a general category for a person who only has symptoms of bipolar disorder that dont match the three other categories. The symptoms are not enough to make a diagnosis of one of the other three types.

The signs of bipolar disorder can generally be divided into those for mania, and those for depression.

I Know Someone Who Is In Crisis What Do I Do

If you know someone who might be thinking about hurting themselves or someone else, get help quickly.

  • Do not leave the person alone.
  • Call the toll-free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK or the toll-free TTY number at 1-800-799-4TTY . You also can text the Crisis Text Line or go to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline website.

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Whats The Difference Between Borderline Personality Disorder And Bipolar Disorder

While borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder have similar symptoms and are often confused for each other, theyre distinct conditions.

BPD involves a longstanding pattern of abrupt, moment-to-moment swings in moods, behavior and self-image that are often triggered by conflicts in interactions with other people. Nonsuicidal self-injury is also common in BPD but not in bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is different from BPD because it involves distinct, longer-lasting episodes of mania/hypomania and/or depression. Several things can trigger manic or depressive episodes, such as sleep changes, stress, medications and substance use.

What Does Bipolar Disorder Look Like Signs Of Bipolar Disorder

What Are The Different Types Of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, is a mental illness characterized by frequent changes in mood. Emotional highs and lows are characteristic features.

You may feel sad or hopeless, lose interest or pleasure in most activities, and experience mood swings when youre depressed.

You may feel euphoric, full of energy or unusually irritable when your mood changes to mania or hypomania . Sleep, energy, activity levels, judgment, behavior, and cognitive clarity can be affected.

These are some signs that you or someone you know may be struggling with bipolar disorder:

  • Experiencing extreme mood swings, with periods of mania and depression
  • Having a hard time managing daily tasks due to changes in energy levels and mood
  • Feeling like youre constantly on an emotional roller coaster
  • Losing interest in activities you used to enjoy
  • Acting impulsively and engaging in risky behaviors
  • Having difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Experiencing paranoia or delusions during manic episodes
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    Here Is How This Young Man Describes The Middle

    This is what I imagine its like for everyone else you know, normal people. I wake up in the morning and I feel fine. I dont dread going about my day. I go to work, get things done, and have plenty of energy throughout the day.

    I can roll with the punches the average day gives me. Im not freaking out over small problems, I enjoy the little things, and Im not loathing the future.

    I feel normal and its how I see myself. Im not some lunatic running around or some mopey, lazy slug.

    I honestly wish I could stay in this mindset all the time, but I know that wont happen. Ive accepted that my moods will change on their own, so I enjoy the calm more when its there.

    Keep in mind that symptoms of bipolar disorder in children differ from symptoms in adults. Symptoms in children may include:

    • a change in sleep pattern

    These behaviors dont always point to bipolar disorder, but you should see a doctor if your childs moods become episodic and frequently shift between happiness and sadness.

    What Bipolar Disorder Depression Feels Like

    Hopelessness. Loss of interest and energy. Difficulty sleeping. Trouble concentrating. Weight changes. Suicidal thoughts. All phrases used in therapy while seeking help.

    We strive to share insights based on diverse experiences without stigma or shame. This is a powerful voice.

    Those are just some of the symptoms listed for a bipolar disorder depressive episode in the recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders .

    But this doesnt fully capture peoples experiences with bipolar disorder and depressive episodes. What do they actually feel like? How do people cope?

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    Talk With Your Doctor

    If you think that you or a loved one has signs or symptoms of bipolar disorder, your first step should be to talk with your doctor. Only a trained medical professional can diagnose this disorder, and diagnosis is key to getting proper treatment.

    Medication, therapy, or other treatment options can help you or your loved one manage symptoms and maximize quality of life.

    What Does A Person With Bipolar Disorder Experience

    How To Tell what Mania and Hypomania Really Look like

    Bipolar disorder does not have a set pattern and differs from individual to individual. Patients may feel a particular emotion several times before switching to another state.

    Symptoms of mania are:

    • Patients may feel that they are on the top of the world
    • Highly irritable

    When medication therapy is ineffective, electroconvulsive therapy might be considered. During electroconvulsive therapy, an electric current is passed through the brain to treat the disorder. In some, talk therapy has proven to be beneficial in treating mood episodes. Another part of treatment is psychoeducation where patients and their families are educated regarding symptoms and importance of medication compliance.

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    How Often Do Bipolar Episodes Occur

    Bipolar episodes happen at different times for different people. The frequency can depend on a lot of things, such as:

    • How well you’re able to manage your symptoms.
    • How you’d personally define an episode.
    • Whether certain situations or experiences can trigger episodes. For example, you might find that sleeping very little or going through a stressful life event could trigger a manic episode.

    The length of mood episodes can also vary. They can last for a few weeks or much longer. What’s normal for you can also change over time.

    These experiences can be extremely difficult to cope with while going through them. While you’re feeling stable, it can be helpful to think about the future.

    Bipolar Disorder Symptoms To Watch For

    Previously called manic depression, bipolar disorder causes shifts in mood, energy, activity levels and concentration. Everyone has shifts in mood sometimes, but the ones associated with bipolar disorder can be intense enough to interfere with a persons job, schooling, or relationships.

    Bipolar disorder features episodes of mania cycling between states of depression.

    During manic episodes, which can last days or even weeks, people can feel excited and full of energy as if they are on a high. During a manic episode, they may:

    • Need less sleep
    • Feel their thoughts are racing
    • Do risky things that show poor judgment, such as give away a lot of money, gamble or drink alcohol excessively, or have reckless sex

    Manic episodes look different in teens with bipolar disorder. Adolescents may act silly, but they also may be extremely irritable and experience outbursts of rage, explained Tanya Lewis, MD, child and adolescent psychiatrist and vice president of psychiatry at CarePlus NJ.

    Once the manic episodes are over, people may crash into depression, Dr. Finch said. During these depressive episodes, people may:

    • Feel very sad or indifferent
    • Feel slowed down or hopeless
    • Have trouble concentrating, making decisions or doing even simple things

    Symptoms can vary from person to person, and there are even different kinds of bipolar disorder. The two main ones are bipolar disorder 1 and bipolar disorder 2 .

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    Lean On A Support Team

    In addition to seeking professional help, it can help to put together a group of friends, family members, and other trusted adults who can support treatment. Its not uncommon for someone with bipolar disorder to feel like a burden to others. When they do, it is common to self-isolate. It can help to remember that there are people who have a common goal: to help you cope with the ups and downs of bipolar disorder.

    Where Do I Go For Help

    1000+ images about Bipolar Disorder on Pinterest

    If youre not sure where to get help, your doctor, pediatrician, or other family health care provider is a good place to start. A health care provider can refer you to a qualified mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, who has experience treating bipolar disorder and can evaluate your childs symptoms.

    You can learn more about getting help and finding a health care provider on the National Institute of Mental Health website. Hospital health care providers can help in an emergency. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has an online tool to help you find mental health services in your area.

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    What Are The Causes Of Bipolar Disorder

    There is no single cause of bipolar disorder. Researchers are studying how a few factors may lead to it in some people.

    For example, sometimes it can simply be a matter of genetics, meaning you have it because it runs in your family. The way your brain develops may also play a role, but scientists arenât exactly sure how or why.

    Betterhelp Can Support You With Hfbd

    BetterHelp has licensed online therapists who have expertise in bipolar disorder and can help you manage the symptoms. They can offer a nonjudgmental space for you to learn to view yourself with positivity and how to set and reach your goals. Not all mood swings or manic and depressive episodes are indicative of bipolar disorder but may signal the presence of something in need of help or healing. With the help of a therapist, you will be able to tease out what youre experiencing and the best treatment options for you. Below are some reviews of BetterHelp counselors from people experiencing similar issues.

    BetterHelp Therapist Reviews

    Dr. Von Tersch is wonderful! Ive been working with her for about a year now and Ive seen drastic improvements in my mood and mental health!

    Sarah has been amazing. I came to her at one of my lowest moments when I had no hope things would start looking up. With Sarahs help, I have started feeling close to myself again. Nothing is an overnight fix, but I am so glad I met her.

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    What Does Bipolar Ii Depression Look And Feel Like

    Although hypomania is the core feature that defines bipolar II, the depressive episodes tend to be more frequent, long-lasting, and disabling over a persons lifetime.

    According to the DSM-5, the depressive aspect of bipolar II is defined by at least one major depressive episode resulting in depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in life.

    My Experience With Bipolar

    What Does Bipolar I Feel Like?

    I was diagnosed with bipolar in my late teens, in my first year at university. The diagnosis have shaped my adult identity and experiences.

    People with bipolar experience both episodes of severe depression and episodes of mania overwhelming joy, excitement or happiness, huge energy, a reduced need for sleep, and reduced inhibitions. The experience of bipolar is uniquely personal. No two people have exactly the same experience.

    Bipolar disorder has been associated with genius and with creativity. It is certainly true that several contemporary high achievers and creatives have spoken of their experiences. Throughout history, it is possible to recognise bipolar-type traits in the artistic, political and academic spheres. But what is it actually like?

    I was lucky enough to speak to a range of people with bipolar to demonstrate the range of experiences out there and some of the things that help. Read on to learn more about their experiences with bipolar.

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    How Do I Get Help If I Think I Have Bipolar Disorder

    The usual first step to getting help is to speak to your GP.

    It can help to keep a record of your moods. This can help you and your GP to understand your mood swings. Bipolar UK have a mood diary and a mood scale on their website. You can find their details in the Useful contacts section at the bottom of this page.

    Your GP cant diagnose bipolar disorder. Only a psychiatrist can make a formal diagnosis. Your GP may arrange an appointment with a psychiatrist if you have:

    • depression, and
    • ever felt very excited or not in control of your mood or behaviour for at least 4 days in a row.

    They might refer you to a psychiatrist at your local NHS community mental health team .

    Your GP should make an urgent referral to the CMHT if they think that you might have mania or severe depression. Or there is a chance that you are a danger to yourself or someone else.

    Your GP should refer you to your local NHS early intervention team if you have an episode of psychosis and its your first one.

    Bipolar disorder can be difficult to diagnose because it affects everyone differently. Also, the symptoms of bipolar disorder can be experienced by people who have other mental illness diagnoses. It can take a long time to get a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

    You can find more information about:

    • NHS mental health teams by clicking here.

    Bipolar Disorder Or Depression

    Doctors sometimes find it hard to distinguish between bipolar disorder and depression, and this can lead to misdiagnosis. People with bipolar disorder are more likely to seek help during a low mood because depression is more likely to have a negative impact on their health and wellbeing. During a high mood, they may feel exceptionally well.

    Factors that increase the chance of this happening include the following:

    • Depression is the dominant mood.
    • Depression is the first episode you have.
    • You have experienced mania or hypomania but not realized it could be significant.

    Its essential to get an accurate diagnosis in order to work out a treatment plan. Antidepressants may not be effective in treating bipolar disorder.

    In addition, some antidepressant medications can trigger a first manic or hypomanic episode if youre susceptible to them, and this could complicate both treatment and the outcome.

    If you go to see your doctor with depression, be sure to tell them about any of the following, as these can help get an accurate diagnosis:

    • a family history of bipolar disorder or other mental health conditions
    • any other conditions that affect your mental or physical wellbeing
    • any medications, drugs, or other substances youre taking or have used in the past
    • if youve already tried antidepressants and they did not help

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    What Is A Person With Bipolar Disorder Like

    Bipolar disorder is a serious, persistent mental illness characterized by changes in mood, energy, and the ability to function. People with bipolar disorder frequently display extreme, intense, and disturbing emotional states known as mood episodes. Extreme happiness or excitement and melancholy are typical symptoms of mood episodes. People with bipolar disorder can also have normal moods occasionally.

    Bipolar disorder is classified into:

    • Bipolar I: Characterized by alternating severe depression and intense mania
    • Bipolar II: It involves severe depression but a less intense mania
    • Cyclothymic disorder: A less severe form of mania and depression

    Understand Sexual Health Issues

    Pin on Mental Health Real Talk

    Understanding what can happen as a result of sexual activities is important, as it relates to events that may be unintended, such as an unplanned pregnancy.

    Having clarity about your sexual actions can also help to reduce your chances of contracting STIs, such as HIV.

    This is especially important during periods of hypersexuality.

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    Different Types Of Bipolar Disorder

    Different types of bipolar disorder include the following:

    • 1. Cyclothymia: This is a mild form of bipolar disorder that involves low-grade mania and low-grade depression that lasts for two years at a time.
    • 2. Bipolar I: This is the most well-known type of bipolar disorder. With Bipolar I, a person will exhibit manic episodes and depressive episodes lasting different lengths of time. A Bipolar I patient may experience hallucinations as well.
    • 3. Bipolar II: This is very similar to Bipolar I, but Bipolar II patients do not have a severe manic episode. This does not usually include hallucinations of psychosis.

    Some people with bipolar disorder experience mixed episodes, where they are both manic and depressive at the same time. Mixed episodes are dangerous as they may lead to suicidal attempts. Rapid cycling bipolar disorder is a bipolar disorder that causes the person to change moods rapidly, often many times within a few months.

    Getting Help For Hfbd

    Because individuals with HFBD can manage and even hide their conditions well, they may be overlooked for treatment. High-functioning bipolar disorder, then, is not a goal of treatment but is another facet of the disorder that may need to be addressed and modified.

    Identifying your symptoms may be difficult, particularly in the case of hypomania. If, however, you find yourself experiencing periods of depression that you cannot pull yourself out of or periods of mania that seem to be disrupting your life, speaking with an therapist can help you determine what your symptoms indicate and how you can move toward health and wellness.

    If youre curious about online therapy, a study found that online therapy to be effective in the treatment of bipolar disorder in a collaborative-care program. Four hundred participants with bipolar disorder received treatment via videoconferencing. Rates of participation were similar to those at a facility that treats people with bipolar disorder. Improvement in several clinical indices was found in participants who completed the program. Online therapy can also be useful for people who experience depression and anxiety.

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