Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Get A Medical Card For Ptsd

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Qualifying Conditions For Medical Marijuana: The Turning Point

PTSD and Depression Benefits for Veterans

2009 was a major turning point for the marijuana industry as President Barack Obama announced that the federal government would not seek to arrest or prosecute medical marijuana users and suppliers, as long as they conformed to state legal laws.

I dont think is more dangerous than alcohol

-President Barack Obama, January 2014

This newfound leniency led many states to give the green light as far as implementing a medical marijuana program, as they knew millions of dollars in potential state tax revenue loomed once a valid program with licensed dispensaries was up and running. Moreover, independent agencies within each states Department of Health were tasked with coming up with a list of qualifying medical conditions an assignment that, if you can imagine, is no small task.

In this article, weve compiled a list of the most common medical conditions that are eligible for MMJ use in the United States. As youll see, most states have a pretty similar list, which makes sense considering that doctor recommendations are based on the availability of scientific research and clinical trials that show positive results on each condition.

Ptsd And Medical Cannabis Programs

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious condition that involves a person developing characteristic symptoms such as flashbacks, numbing, and avoidance after experiencing a traumatic stressor.Finding pharmaceutical options dangerous or ineffective, thousands of patients have turned to medical cannabis for relief, and states are increasingly adding PTSD to their lists of qualifying conditions for medical cannabis. Upon the recommendation of an eight-member advisory board of physicians, New Mexico became the first state to specifically list PTSD as a qualifying condition in 2009. Now, all but two of the medical cannabis programs Alaskas and South Dakota’s allow medical cannabis for PTSD. Twenty-nine states specifically list it as a qualifying condition either by statute or in regulations while five more and Washington, D.C. allow doctors broad latitude to recommend cannabis for any serious condition. Although PTSD is not a qualifying condition for medical cannabis in Alaska or South Dakota, both states have enacted laws to allow all adults 21 and older to use and access cannabis.

Most states allow medical cannabis for PTSD


PTSD is listed in the law


What Is Post Traumatic Stress

The Mayo Clinic defines Post Traumatic Stress as a mental condition often triggered by a terrifying or traumatic experience. In some cases, the traumatic event may not even be personally experienced by the patient, but simply witnessed. This event then manipulates the patients mental health, leading to anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, nightmares, and many more traumatic symptoms.

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How To Get Medical Marijuana For Ptsd Treatment

If you are a resident of a legal state and want medical cannabis to help treat PTSD or other medical conditions, you will first need to consult with a certified doctor in order to get your med card.

To get started, simply fill out the MMJ patient registration form, press submit and a physician or clinic representative will contact you as available.

Who Can Supply Cannabis

PTSD Coping Skills Printable Trauma Coping Skills Poster ...

Any CBPM supplied to patients in the UK must be approved and licensed by the Medical Healthcare Agency and Home Office, meeting strict criteria such as Good Manufacturing Practice .

The reality is that, as CBPMs are unlicensed, not all pharmacies will be able to supply the medicine, so you may need to approach various before finding success. According to the Centre of Medical Cannabis, ordering the medicine will take between two days to two weeks.

Again, like doctors, pharmacists are largely unfamiliar with CBPMs, so patience will be required.

If you are a patient in the UK hoping to get a prescription for medical marijuana, it would be easy to feel disheartened about the slow progress being made. Thankfully, groups such as the United Patients Alliance, End our Pain, and the Centre for Medical Cannabis are lobbying for a more open and sensible approach to prescribing CBPMs.

With the reclassification of cannabis and its derivatives to Schedule 2, we can expect more clinical trials proving medical cannabis as an effective treatment for a host of health conditions. All of which should mean that in the near future, getting a prescription for medical cannabis both through the NHS and in private clinics will be easier.

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Medical Cannabis Registry Enrollment Process

Registration involves the following steps:

  • The patient visits a health care practitioner enrolled in the Medical Cannabis Registry.
  • The health care practitioner certifies that the patient has a qualifying medical condition.
  • The patient gets an email with a link to the enrollment application.
  • The patient will be notified by the Office of Medical Cannabis once the application is approved.
  • Indica Or Sativa For Ptsd

    The Indica and Sativa are two distinct species of the marijuana plant. And they differ in appearance and the kind of high they deliver.

    In terms of appearance, Indica strains are shorter, have a deeper shade of green, and have broader leaves than Sativa strains which grow tall, have a lighter shade of green and thin leaves.

    For the high, Indica delivers a body high where users experience body numbing effects besides the calming and sedative effects of the strain.

    In terms of medical value, the body numbing effects of Indica strains make them suitable in the treatment of chronic pain, lack of sleep, and inflammation.

    Contrastingly, Sativa strains pack a punch when it comes to the head high they deliver. Users experience euphoria , become energized and creative.

    Medically, Sativa strains are suitable in the treatment of fatigue, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and PTSD. However, in large doses, Sativa strains may increase anxiety and paranoia.

    When it comes to PTSD, patients are often seeking calmness, relaxation, and clarity of mind and thats why Indica is the best for PTSD.

    But, the downside of Indica strains is their tendency to leave users feeling lethargic. So patients are at a disadvantage since they cant get up and about to do their daily tasks.

    So, in essence, an Indica-dominant hybrid is the best strain for PTSD and anxiety. And as you will see ahead, they feature heavily in our list of the best strains for PTSD and anxiety.

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    Ptsd Is A Qualifying Condition In Florida For Access To Medical Marijuana

    Research indicates many patients who have been using marijuana prior to legalization were actually self medicating to treat PTSD.

    To help determine if the symptoms you have been experiencing could be related to post-traumatic stress disorder , take the test below.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that benefits from medical marijuana. It can occur after you’ve seen or experienced a traumatic event that involved the threat of injury or death. PTSD can occur at any age. It can follow a natural disaster such as a hurricane, flood, or fire, or events such as an accident, deaths in family or friends, assault, domestic abuse, prison stay, rape, child abuse, terrorism, bullying, and war.

    Not all wounds are visible. If you have suffered through an emotional life experience you could be at risk for PTSD.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder is a condition originally diagnosed in soldiers, but has been identified as a medical condition that can affect any person who has been exposed to an emotionally overwhelming experience. Medical marijuana has been shown to be effective in treating PTSD.

    Once you have completed and submitted the form below one of our local medical marijuana offices will review your results and contact you, or you can learn more about the Florida Medical Marijuana Program by calling us at 909-0234. We will help guide you to the nearest medical marijuana office for assistance.

    Best Strains Of Marijuana For Ptsd

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    There are numerous strain options available that may help alleviate a patients PTSD symptoms. Before choosing one, however, you need to understand the difference between strains high in THC and those which are CBD dominant.

    When using cannabis to treat PTSD, high-CBD strains provide mood-stabilizing effects, which is especially useful if a patient feels mentally or emotionally unstable. Those strains with large amounts of THC are generally most effective in the evening or at night to aid a restful nights sleep.

    Its also important to note that CBD does not produce the high associated with marijuana. In fact, CBD dominant strains with less than one percent THC content dont have any psychoactive side effects.

    With that in mind, here are five strains which offer incredible benefits for patients with PTSD:

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    Ptsd Symptoms Treated By Medical Marijuana

    Most evidence suggests that the therapeutic use of cannabis can significantly improve the quality of life for both those who have PTSD and their families. Medical marijuana is not a cure. However, when the plant activates the bodys cannabinoid receptors, it provides incredible relief for a few of the most debilitating symptoms associated with the disorder, including:

    • Anxiety: One of the most common afflictions associated with PTSD is chronic anxiety. Cannabis with large amounts of CBD has been shown to reduce stress and fight anxious feelings. It also has mood enhancing abilities.
    • Nightmares: Nightmares are an intense side effect of post-traumatic stress disorder. Marijuana may have the ability to reduce REM sleep . This is the stage where the most vivid dreams occur. A decreased REM cycle may be effective at treating PTSD-related nightmares.
    • Insomnia: Due to the flashbacks, nightmares and anxiety that those with PTSD experience, many with the condition also have insomnia, and find it difficult to fall asleep. Even those who fall asleep are sometimes awoken by the intense nightmares caused by the disorder. THC has been shown to both reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and improve the overall quality of sleep, both powerful incentives to those coping with insomnia.

    Where Do I Find A Illinois Cannabis Dispensary

    Buying Marijuana at Retail Location

    Adults over the age of 21 can visit the dispensary and purchase legal marijuana. They can take up to 30 grams of marijuana flower and other products home with them. Every two weeks, registered medical marijuana patients may visit and purchase up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis flower. Medical patients must select a primary location where they will receive their medical marijuana.

    For the time being, only medical patients can legally have marijuana delivered to them. Only state-licensed medical dispensaries can make deliveries.

    Illinois Dispensary Hours

    Most Illinois dispensaries should remain open until 6-7 p.m. Dispensaries in Chicago are required to close their doors by 7 p.m.

    Purchase Restrictions

    In Illinois, medical marijuana patients may purchase up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis flower every 14 days. If you intend to buy non-flower products like extracts, concentrates, edibles, and so on, the amount of marijuana used to make the product determines your purchasing limits.

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    How Can Medical Marijuana Help Georgia Ptsd Patients

    In addition to promoting a general sense of wellbeing, recent studies show that medical marijuana combats PTSD in two key ways.

    First, cannabis consumption reduces activity in the amygdala. This is the brain region associated with processing fears and threats. When amygdala activity slows in someone with PTSD, then feelings of being threatened decrease and become less severe.

    Second, cannabis produces what Yale professor R. Andrew Sewell calls extinction learning. This means that cannabis can actually help PTSD patients rewire their thoughts so that traumatic memories are not longer as influential and accessible.

    Veterans Ptsd And Medical Marijuana: How You Can Get Help

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    PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can affect every aspect of your life. It is triggered by a traumatic experience and is most often associated with veterans due to the combat trauma experienced in the military.

    At West Virginia Marijuana Card, we support our veterans in every way that we can!

    If you are a veteran dealing with PTSD or any other qualifying medical condition, we want to offer you $20 off of your medical marijuana evaluation with us for your bravery, hard work and dedication to our country.

    Continue reading for more information on PTSD and how medical marijuana can help you today!

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    Medical Marijuana And Ptsd

    So, why are medical marijuana and PTSD even considered a good combination?

    First, the components in cannabis have the twin ability to tweak memory processes and reduce depression and anxiety.

    Secondly, a recent study revealed that cannabinoids administered shortly after exposure to a traumatic event could prevent the development of PTSD-like characteristics.

    So not only can medical marijuana provide relief, but it may also be a safeguard against post-traumatic stress disorder itself.

    Reasons To Choose Dr Lora Brown As Your Physician

    If you are living with PTSD in Florida and searching for help, please call Access Marijuana RX. Dr. Lora Brown has many years of experience in medical practice dealing with interventional pain medicine. She has seen first-hand, through the experiences of her patients, that cannabis can relieve the discomfort, pain and other issues caused by a wide variety of health conditions, including PTSD.

    Dr. Brown also knows that prescription medications do not always provide the best quality of life for PTSD sufferers. Prescription drugs may leave you feeling hazy, excessively fatigued and generally not present in your daily life. DO NOT stop taking any prescriptions or other medications you are currently ingesting until you have met with both Dr. Brown and your general care practitioner. Doing so could make your symptoms worse or could cause new symptoms to arise. Instead, schedule an evaluation with Dr. Brown to first determine if you are eligible for medical marijuana. If you are, she and your physician can decide if reducing or potentially eliminating certain medications is appropriate. Medical marijuana is often used in combination with other treatments and therapies for PTSD.

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    Typical Treatment For Medical Marijuana Assisted Therapy

    We specialize in an individualized approach. The primary types of treatment are:

    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy This is evidence and research based talk therapy that involves sessions with a licensed therapist. CBT helps you tackle negative thinking, false beliefs and helps you find ways to manage and change them.
    • Psychiatric Medication If your symptoms are very distressing & if medication is an option you prefer, you may be referred to a psychiatrist . We refer to different psychiatrists depending upon what your unique needs are . We are more than happy to coordinate care with your doctor as well.
    • Individualized Approach Natural and supplemental treatments, such as exercise, meditation, lifestyle changes, medical marijuana and nutritional changes may be advised in addition to CBT.

    Utah Medical Marijuana For Ptsd Patients


    Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a psychiatric disorder that can occur after experiencing a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, or assault.

    Veterans are especially likely to experience PTSD, but it can affect anyone, even children. PTSD symptoms, including insomnia, flashbacks, and nightmares, can be treated with a combination of psychotherapy and medications, but a number of studies have shown that cannabis may be able to relieve many PTSD symptoms without the side effects of pharmaceuticals.

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    An Alternative To Prescriptions: The Cancard

    Since late 2020, the Cancard has allowed Britons without a medical cannabis permit to possibly avoid legal issues as long as they have been diagnosed with one of more than two dozen qualifying conditions.

    Not quite a get out of jail free card, the Cancard is a credential that can be shown to a police officer to indicate that the person uses cannabis for medical reasons, helping the officer practice better discretion regarding whether or not to proceed with a possession charge. The Cancard is meant for Britons who do have a medical condition they are treating with cannabis, but who cannot afford the yearly registration fee or have been unable to gain approval.

    In order to receive the card, a patient over the age of 18 must apply on the Cancard website using the following steps.

    Treating Chronic Pain With Medical Cannabis In Texas

    So which cannabis products are best for treating pain?

    For the sudden onset of pain, a product with a fast onset time is ideal. Smoking, vaping, dabbing, and inhalers offer almost instantaneous effects. Inhalation produces a sudden surge in the cannabinoid levels in the blood as the cannabinoids are absorbed directly into the bloodstream from the lungs.

    For chronic pain, patients look for more consistent cannabinoid blood levels. CBD products such as oils, tinctures, capsules, and edibles offer a slower onset time and lower potency but produce more consistent cannabinoid levels, especially when taken with a meal. CBD patches also offer consistent delivery as the cannabinoids are absorbed over time through the skin.

    Some experimentation is generally required to determine the ideal delivery method and cannabinoid formula for each patient. However, its important that patients start with the lowest possible dosage under 5 milligrams. Microdosing allows the patient to determine if there are any unwanted side effects before increasing dosage.

    If the patient feels no adverse effects, then the dosage can be increased slowly until the desired results are achieved. Surpassing the ideal dosage can actually reduce the effectiveness of cannabinoids as the body will try to overcompensate. Thus using more than necessary is not only a waste of money but can also be less effective.

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    How Much Does A Medical Cannabis Card Cost In Illinois

    You can apply for a one-, two-, or three-year registry ID card in Illinois.

    • $50 for a 1-year ID card

    • $100 for a $2-year ID card

    • $125 for a $3-year ID card

    If you are disabled, receive SSI, or are a veteran, you may be eligible for a reduced application fee.

    • $25 for a 1-year ID card

    • $50 for a 2-year ID card

    • $75 for a 3-year ID card

    The application fees for caregivers are as follows:

    • $25 for a 1-year ID card

    • $50 for a 2-year ID card

    • $75 for a 3-year ID card

    • $75 for a caregiver submitting a separate application for a patient who has already been registered

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