What Are The Symptoms Of Aquaphobia
Seeing water can trigger intense fear and anxiety in a person with aquaphobia. This could be a very small amount of water, like whats found in the bathroom sink, or a large body of water, such as an ocean. The amount of water isnt what causes the phobia. Its the water itself that creates the fear and resulting anxiety.
Some of the more common symptoms of aquaphobia include:
- an immediate feeling of intense fear, anxiety, and panic when thinking about water
- a persistent, excessive, or unreasonable fear when exposed to water
- recognizing that the fear of water is excessive or out of proportion to the actual threat
- avoidance of water
- tight chest and difficulty breathing
- nausea
Finding Treatment For Common Phobias
Most individuals who have a phobia are very aware of their condition, and in most cases, these phobias are highly treatable. Some people may choose to avoid triggers and the source of their fears altogether, but in extreme cases, this may not be the healthiest or most effective form of treatment.
There is no single, perfect treatment for any individual living with a phobia. For some, seeking out mental health care and therapies is what best helps them overcome their fears. For others, a combination of prescription medications and psychotherapy is the most effective treatment method.
It is not uncommon for people living with a phobia to be diagnosed with depression and other comorbid disorders. The treatment of these comorbid disorders in conjunction with phobia treatments may also help alleviate some of the symptoms.
Antidepressants, beta-blockers, and in some cases, even tranquilizers are methods of treatment that have worked for many individuals. Behavioral therapies are another fairly typical form of treatment to help sufferers reclaim their lives and move forward without the anxiety that their fears inflict on them.
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Strangest Celebrity Phobias From Adele’s Seagull Fear To Niall Horan’s Pigeon Attack
Phobias come in all different shapes and sizes, and for some celebs, they have had some frightening experiences which led to their detest – but for others, it’s just deep rooted fear
Fans aint always funny for comedian Rob Brydon, who has a phobia of snakes, as we revealed yesterday.
Now the 56-year-old Gavin and Stacey star is trying to overcome his lifelong fear, which is one of the more common, along with a dread of spiders, rats or sharks.
But some famous folk are scared of more surprising critters as James Moore reveals
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Managing The Fear Of Long Words
For many people, the fear of long words is mild. If your phobia doesn’t significantly impact your life, making a conscious effort to expand your vocabulary can help. Look for opportunities to learn new words through reading or everyday conversation. If you come across an unfamiliar word, look it up. In many cases, familiarity can ease the symptoms of anxiety.
If your symptoms are more serious and are impacting your daily life, professional assistance may be needed. A mental health professional can help you work through your fears and provide coping strategies for managing your symptoms during the treatment process.
A List Of All Phobias And Their Meanings: Know What Scares You
A phobia is an unreasonable fear of something, that in reality, may not be very harmful. Here is a list of all phobias and their meanings, which will help you to get familiarized with the terminologies related to various phobias, and at the same time, will increase your knowledge about them.
A phobia is an unreasonable fear of something, that in reality, may not be very harmful. Here is a list of all phobias and their meanings, which will help you to get familiarized with the terminologies related to various phobias, and at the same time, will increase your knowledge about them.
A phobia can be defined as an aberrant and intense fear of an object or situation, that poses little or no actual danger. Usually, a phobia is considered similar to a normal fear, but it is the extent to which a person is affected, that determines whether that fear has become a phobia. The most common fears or phobias that people usually suffer from include heights, darkness, snakes, insects, closed-in places, etc.
Though your phobia can be an irrational fear for others, a single thought of that object or situation can actually make you anxious, and if in case you are exposed to that situation, the terror is automatic and overwhelming. The experience can be so scary or nerve-wracking, that you may go to any extent of avoiding it, and would eventually end up changing your lifestyle too.
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Associations With Dangerous Animals
Another theory suggests that clustered holes share a similar appearance to skin and coat patterns on some venomous animals. People may fear these patterns out of unconscious associations.
There is some research that supports this idea. A 2013 study looked at how people with trypophobia respond to certain stimuli in comparison to those without the condition. When viewing a honeycomb , people who don’t have trypophobia immediately think of things such as honey or bees.
The researchers believe that those with trypophobia non-consciously associated the sight of a honeycomb with dangerous organisms that share the same basic visual characteristics, such as rattlesnakes. While they are not consciously aware of this association, it may be what causes them to feel feelings of disgust or fear.
How Are Specific Phobias Diagnosed
If symptoms of a specific phobia are present, the doctor will begin an evaluation by performing a medical and psychiatric history and may perform a brief physical exam. Although there are no lab tests to specifically diagnose specific phobias, the doctor may use various tests to make sure that a physical illness isn’t the cause of the symptoms.
If no physical illness is found, you may be referred to a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health professional who is specially trained to diagnose and treat mental illnesses. Psychiatrists and psychologists use clinical interviews and assessment tools to evaluate a person for a specific phobia.
The doctor bases their diagnosis of specific phobias on reported symptoms, including any problems with functioning caused by the symptoms. A specific phobia is diagnosed if the person’s fear and anxiety are particularly distressing or if they interfere with their daily routine, including school, work, social activities, and relationships.
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Astraphobia The Fear Of Thunder And Lightning
Storms are a common occurrence in many parts of the world, and to an Astraphobic individual, they can be downright debilitating. The majority of sufferers of Astraphobia are children, although the phobia can persist into adulthood as well. Even the most ferocious and wild animals have an extreme fear of thunder and lightning, and hiding is the natural psychological defense. Astraphobia, also called Brontophobia, is known to affect nearly 2% of Americans. Thankfully, it is a highly treatable phobia with many treatment options.
List Of All Known Phobias: O
- Obesophobia Fear of gaining weight.
- Ochlophobia Fear of crowds or mobs.
- Ochophobia Fear of vehicles.
- Odontophobia Fear of teeth or dental surgery.
- Oikophobia Fear of home surroundings, house.
- Oikophobia Fear of houses or being in a house.
- Oikophobia Fear of home surroundings.
- Olfactophobia Fear of smells.
- Ombrophobia Fear of rain or being rained on.
- Ommatophobia Fear of eyes.
- Oneirogmophobia Fear of wet dreams.
- Oneirophobia Fear of dreams.
- Onomatophobia Fear of hearing a certain word or names.
- Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes.
- Opthalmophobia Fear of being stared at.
- Optophobia Fear of opening ones eyes.
- Ornithophobia Fear of birds.
- Osmophobia Fear of smells or odors.
- Osphesiophobia Fear of smells or odors.
- Ostraconophobia Fear of shellfish.
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Ophidiophobia The Fear Of Snakes
The fear of snakes or Ophidiophobia is the second most common zoophobia affecting nearly 1/3rd of the adult human population. Like the phobia mentioned below, the fear of snakes also has evolutionary roots. To an extent, the fear of venomous snakes is also essential for survival. Extreme Ophidiophobia can affect ones life as one tends to avoid hiking, camping and related activities or might even become afraid of pet store snakes and other reptiles. Next up is the number one phobia of all time.
List Of All Known Phobias: L
- Lachanophobia Fear of vegitables.
- Leukophobia Fear of the color white.
- Levophobia Fear of things to the left side of the body.
- Ligyrophobia Fear of loud noises.
- Lilapsophobia Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.
- Limnophobia Fear of lakes.
- Luiphobia Fear of lues, syphillis.
- Lutraphobia Fear of otters.
- Lysssophobia Fear of rabies or of becoming mad.
Also Check: Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobes.
+ Types Of Common Unique And Bizarre Phobias
Phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of something. Scientists say that phobics realize their fear is irrational and not justified, but it cannot help. Mere sight or sound of an animal, object or any situation or event that is not all harmful can still trigger panic attacks and severe anxiety. It can be a spider in the wardrobe or a sight of blood in the hospital. Anxiety associated with such things starts as a conditioned reflex.
Do you know doctors have recognized more than 400 different phobias? So, now you will finally be able to know the reason behind seeing spiders meaning.
The source of phobia can be vast and unique. The exact cause of the phobia and the biological mechanism is unclear but psychologists and researchers have long assumed that phobias may be memories passed down through generationsin DNA. So, if you fear water , you may have inherited the experience of your ancestors.
Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Mussolini, and Hitler, all suffered from ailurophobia, the fear of cats.
How Can You Manage Your Phobias
While it’s easy to dismiss other people’s phobias, in severe cases they can have an extremely negative impact on someone’s life. For example, it’s not hard to see how a fear of public speaking might harm someone’s career prospects.
A phobia can easily bring about an anxiety attack, There are many potential physical and psychological symptoms, from sweating and trouble breathing to simply not being able to control your thoughts.
If you have a phobia that’s stopping you making the most of life, our GPs are here to help you. These are just a few of the treatment options available.
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What Are The Effects Of Phobias
Untreated, phobias can significantly interfere with one’s ability to function and enjoy life. People with phobias may experience problems at work, school, and with family and friends. Phobias may get better for short periods of time, but they don’t typically resolve without treatment. Phobias may go hand-in-hand with alcoholism. Those who struggle with alcoholism are up to 10 times more likely to have a phobia compared to those who don’t struggle with alcoholism. And people who have phobias are up to twice as likely to be alcoholics compared to those who do not have phobias.
Why Do Kids Get Phobias
No one really knows exactly why some kids get phobias. It might be that a person’s genes have something to do with it a kid who has a social phobia might have a parent with one too. Sometimes a traumatic thing in a kid’s life like the death of a parent, dealing with a divorce, or a big move can cause a phobia to start.
Scientists do know some things about phobias, though. They know that about 5 out of 100 people in the United States have one or more phobias. Women are slightly more likely to have phobias than men. Most social phobias start when a person is a teenager, although this and other kinds of phobias can also start when a kid is younger.
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Specific Phobias Fears Of Situations Or Things
Specific phobias are categorized as the specific, irrational fear of an object or situation. Individuals with a specific phobia understand that their fear is irrational but cannot overcome their fear and aversion for these objects or situations. A small list of examples of common specific phobias include:
- Arachnophobia The fear of spiders
- Claustrophobia The fear of small or enclosed spaces
- Dentophobia The fear of dentists
- Hydrophobia The fear of water. This phobia is also a symptom of a rabies infection.
- Ophidiophobia The fear of snakes
- Mysophobia The fear of germs
- Somniphobia The fear of sleep
WARNING If you have a phobia, please do not watch the following video!
Top 10 Common Phobias from WatchMojo
A Response To Visual Characteristics
Some research suggests that the discomfort people feel has more to do with the visual characteristics of the patterns themselves.
One study published in Psychological Reports found that while people experience discomfort when viewing trypophobic patterns, these feelings were more related to the visual patterns themselves than to associations with dangerous animals. Such results call into question whether or not trypophobia is actually a phobia at all, or simply a natural response to certain types of visual stimuli.
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Common Types Of Phobias And Fears
There are four general types of phobias and fears:
- 1. Animal phobias such as the fear of snakes, spiders, rodents, and dogs.
- 2. Natural environment phobias such as a fear of heights, storms, water, and of the dark.
- 3. Situational phobias including the fear of enclosed spaces , flying, driving, tunnels, and bridges.
- 4. Blood-Injection-Injury phobia, the fear of blood, injury, illness, needles, or other medical procedures.
Some phobias, however, dont fall into one of the four common categories. These include fear of choking, fear of getting a disease such as cancer, and fear of clowns. Other common phobias that dont fit neatly into any of the four categories include:
Social phobia, also called social anxiety disorder, is fear of social situations where you may be embarrassed or judged. If you have social phobia, then you may be excessively self-conscious and afraid of humiliating yourself in front of others. Your anxiety over how you will look and what others will think may lead you to avoid certain social situations youd otherwise enjoy.
Fear of public speakingan extremely common phobiais a type of social phobia. Other fears associated with social phobia include fear of eating or drinking in public, talking to strangers, taking exams, mingling at a party, or being called on in class.
Agoraphobia was traditionally thought to involve a fear of public places and open spaces, but is now believed to develop as a complication of panic attacks.
Trypophobia The Fear Of Holes
Biological revulsion and culturally learned fears are the primary causes of Trypophobia, which is the extreme and irrational fear of holes. While this fear might seem irrational to normal people, the mere sight or thought of holes can set off a panic attack in the Trypophobe. As a result, the individual avoids objects such as coral, sponges, skin, meat, dried honeycombs and pretty much everything that has holes on it. Holes seem disgusting and gross to the sufferer and s/he goes to all lengths to avoid it.
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List Of All Known Phobias: N
- Namatophobia Fear of names.
- Necrophobia Fear of death or or dead things.
- Nelophobia Fear of glass.
- Neopharmaphobia Fear of new drugs.
- neophobia Fear of anything new.
- Nephophobia Fear of clouds.
- Noctiphobia Fear of the night.
- Nosemaphobia Fear of becoming ill.
- Nosocomephobia Fear of hospitals.
- Nosophobia Fear of becoming ill.
- Nostophobia Fear of returning home.
- Nucleomituphobia Fear of nuclear weapons.
- Nudophobia Fear of nudity.
- Nyctohlophobia Fear of dark wooded areas, of forest at night.
- Nyctophobia Fear of the dark or of the night.
How Are Specific Phobias Treated
Treatment for specific phobias may include one or a combination of:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy: Psychotherapy is the cornerstone of treatment for specific phobias. Treatment usually involves a type of cognitive behavioral therapy, called systematic desensitization or exposure and response prevention therapy, in which patients are gradually exposed to what frightens them until their fear begins to fade.
- Medication: For situational phobias that produce intense, temporary anxiety , short-acting sedative-hypnotics such as alprazolam orà lorazepamà à may be prescribed on an occasional, as-needed basis to help reduce anticipatory anxiety. Unless a phobia is accompanied by other conditions such as depression or panic disorder, long-term or daily medicines are generally not used. Occasionally, serotonergicà antidepressantsà such asescitalopram oxalate , à fluoxetine ,à andà paroxetine may have potential value for some patients. More recently, common blood pressure drugs called beta-blockers have been used to treat anxiety related to specific phobias.
- Relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, may also help reduce anxiety symptoms.
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The Root Of The Name For The Fear Of Long Words
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is probably taken from the root word sesquipedalian, which means “long word.” Therefore, sesquipedalophobia is technically more correct.
But somewhere along the line, someone added references to the hippopotamus and monsters to make the word sound even more intimidating. How ironic that the name for the fear of long words is itself 35 letters long.
This phobia is highly personalized. Some people are afraid of long, multisyllabic words, while others have a fear of obscure words. Some fear even moderate-length common words.