Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Do You Feel Like After A Panic Attack

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Think Of Positive Mantras

What Panic Attacks Feel Like

Yes, panic attacks can leave you feeling pretty crummy physically. But they can also have quite the mental affect, too. You might feel that depression I was talking about, or a sense of embarrassment You might even feel some intense brain fog. If any of that’s the case, it can help to think positive thoughts. As Star said, “… try using positive self-talk and affirmations to enhance your mood and gain a sense of control.” Thinking along the lines of “I am in control of my anxiety” can help.

The Calm After The Storm: What It’s Like In The Aftermath Of A Panic Attack

I wish there was a word that captured the feeling of a panic attack. A strict and specific word to encapsulate one of the cruelest feelings I have ever known. It seems like my entire life has been spent searching for that one word that matches my internal definition.

The rush of blood, the fast pace of my heart rate, the moment right before the first tear falls. Some people would use a word like fear or agony to describe this. However, I still dont think those fit. The feeling is something much more than antagonizing dread. It is much more than the feeling of death.

If you have ever experienced a panic attack, then you know what this is like. It is a roller coaster, slowly easing upwards before a huge drop waiting for the inevitable. Except the drop never happens, and you are stuck at the very top with your heart racing and hands shaking. It is only until minutes or hours later, once you can breathe again, once you remember how to stop crying, once you can be thankful that you are alive, that the roller coaster drops and ends.

Unlike a roller coaster, a panic attack doesnt stop once it ends. There is leftover emotion, leftover pain and exhaustion. This is the hardest part for me. My panic attacks come as quickly as they go only a few minutes that seem like an infinity.

I am fine, though. Dont worry, I promise. Its just a rough patch. Im just stressed. Ill be fine.

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Thinkstock photo via Daviles

Seeing A Doctor Or Therapist

  • 1Get medical treatment immediately if this is your first panic attack. You probably dont need to worry, but panic attacks have the same symptoms as other more serious conditions. To be on the safe side, seek immediate medical care to make sure what you had was a panic attack. You may experience a mix of the following symptoms during a panic attack:XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Feelings of fear or danger
  • Loss of control and/or detachment from reality
  • Rapid heart rate
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    Be Really Nice To Yourself

    Above everything else, be really nice to yourself after a panic attack. Those things are mighty draining, and scary, and uncomfortable, so the least you can do is treat yourself well afterward. Take a bath, curl up with some snacks, watch your favorite movie â anything that will make you feel comfy and relaxed.

    And remember, there are treatments for panic attacks. If they keep coming back, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

    Images: Pexels

    Are All Panic Attacks The Same

    Panic Attacks: Common Symptoms and How to Cope

    Not all panic attacks are experienced in the same way. The following describes one way panic attacks are categorized:

    • Expected panic attacks: These attacks occur when a person is subjected to or is anticipating a particular trigger. For example, a person with a fear of heights may have a panic attack when inside of a tall building.
    • Situational predisposed panic attacks: These attacks are similar to cued panic attacks, but do not always occur after subjection to a feared situation. These attacks also dont always occur at the time the person is exposed to the trigger. For instance, a person who has a fear of flying may not always have a panic attack while on a plane or may have one after being on a flight.
    • Unexpected panic attacks: These attacks occur suddenly without any internal or external cues.

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    Pay Attention To Your Surroundings

    Since panic attacks can make the world look and feel unreal, it can really help to focus on the sensations around you as a way of coming back to reality. What do your clothes feel like against your skin? How do your feet feel on the floor? What sounds can you hear nearby? Paying attention to these senses will hopefully shake off that bizarre dreamlike state, and make you feel human again.

    How To Deal With Panic Attacks

    A panic attack is a feeling of sudden and intense anxiety.

    Panic attacks can also have physical symptoms, including shaking, feeling disorientated, nausea, rapid, irregular heartbeats, dry mouth, breathlessness, sweating and dizziness.

    The symptoms of a panic attack are not dangerous, but can be very frightening.

    They can make you feel as though you are having a heart attack, or that you are going to collapse or even die.

    Most panic attacks last somewhere from five minutes to half an hour.

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    I Thought I Was Having A Heart Attack

    Nicholas Ruggiero, 42, Dumfries, Va.

    Police Sgt. Nicholas Ruggiero was packing his lunch for work one morning in October 2018 when his heart started dancing in his chest.

    He felt hot and sweaty, and he couldn’t catch his breath. Then the room began to spin. As he fell to the floor, his wife called 911.

    “I actually thought I was having a heart attack, Ruggiero remembers.

    An ambulance rushed him to the hospital, where we underwent a full workup. Afterward, the doctor gave Ruggiero an unexpected diagnosis: He was having a panic attack.

    “At first, I just started laughing, Ruggiero says. As a police officer, I’d been in a lot of stressful situations shooting scenes, homicides and I had never panicked. How could I be having a panic attack?

    It turned out that the stress of his job had built up over time and triggered the attack. In the two years since, Ruggiero estimates he has had another 100 panic attacks, but medication and lifestyle changes have helped make them less frequent.

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    Ruggiero thought his attacks would further subside when he retired from police work last spring, but the arrival of coronavirus and trying to switch careers during a pandemic created a new kind of anxiety.

    Whats The Longest A Panic Attack Can Last

    What Do Panic Attacks Feel Like?

    If these symptoms happen so quickly, then how long do panic attacks last? Although it varies from person to person, panic attacks usually last around 20 to 30 minutes, with symptoms peaking after about 10 minutes. Usually, after 20 to 30 minutes, the majority of symptoms subside.

    Its important to point out that panic attacks are common indicators of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is different from panic attacks in that its an actual condition characterized by intense, excessive, and persistent feelings of worry and fear about everyday situations. If you suspect that you may have anxiety or know someone who does, our mental treatment center in Florida offers anxiety treatment that can help you regain control of your health and life.

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    This Is What A Panic Attack Physically Feels Like

    For the millions of American adults who suffer from anxiety and panic disorders, panic attacks may be one of the most prevalent and persistent symptoms. And while the experience of a panic attack is different for each individual, there is one universal truth for all who suffer from them: They’re terrifying.

    “When someone suffers from one of these disorders, it’s completely debilitating,” Todd Farchione, a clinical psychologist at the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University, previously told HuffPost Healthy Living. “Partly just because people recognize that what theyre experiencing is irrational, but they’ve learned to respond in a certain way in those situations so it’s a natural response to those experiences. It can be frightening.”

    Perhaps one of the worst parts of panic attacks is the uncertainty of their appearance. They can occur at any time — even in your sleep. The fear-inducing experience peaks around 10 minutes, but the exhausting physical symptoms can extend far beyond that.

    In an effort to understand what it’s really like to suffer from these conditions, we invited our and communities to explain what a panic attack physically feel like. We selected a few of their descriptions and illustrated them below:

    “Mine are like I can’t stand up, I can’t speak. All I feel is an intense amount of pain all over, like something is just squeezing me into this little ball. If it is really bad I can’t breathe, I start to hyperventilate and I throw up.”

    Chat With A Loved One

    Not everyone “gets” panic attacks, but you still might want to reach out to friends and/or family for some moral support. “You donât even need to tell your friend or family member that you just had a panic attack,” Star said. “You may find that simply talking to someone you trust will make you feel better as your panic attack symptoms decrease.” It’s definitely worth a try.

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    Do I Have Panic Disorder

    Having panic attacks does not necessarily mean that a person has panic disorder. People who have panic disorder experience recurring and unexpected panic attacks, but panic attacks are also common among other anxiety disorders, including social anxiety disorder , post-traumatic stress disorder , and specific phobias.

    Tell Yourself Youre Just Processing Information

    What Do Panic Attacks Feel Like?

    When youre suffering from PTSD, panic attacks are so often you cant tell when youre actually having one. Youre in a constant state of fight or flight for months on end. Youre too scared to fall asleep and terrified while being awake. Eventually, when you do finally fall asleep, you wake up from nightmares that scare you awake. Sometimes they come as often as every ten minutes.

    A social worker once told me that nightmares are the brains way of processing information. The best way to combat them is to say processing information every time you wake up from one. This little trick has helped desensitize nightmares over the long-term so you feel less panicked after waking up from one.

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    Can A Panic Attack Cause Fainting

    • Fainting is possible in cases of extreme anxiety.
    • It is less common with panic attacks, but feelings of faint are extremely common.
    • Most feelings of faintness with panic attacks are caused by breathing changes.
    • Fainting is still possible depending on the symptoms a person has during panic attacks.
    • It is critical to learn more about your anxiety to find out how to address feeling faint.

    You’re Frozen You Can’t Move You Think The End Is Coming

    Corky Klein, 63, Laguna Beach, Calif.

    Courtesy Corky Klein

    Corky Klein knows she’s about to have an anxiety attack when her whole body breaks out in a sweat.

    “I even get sweaty on the balls of my feet, she says.

    She gets light-headed, and a little dizzy. Then the headache and the panic hit.

    “You forget about everything around you, Klein says. Your heart is beating horribly, and that brings on more panic. You get this scared feeling and you want to run. But you’re frozen. You can’t move. You think the end is coming.”

    Klein began having panic attacks after her mom died when she was 16. Over the years, she says her anxiety led her into dark bouts of alcoholism and addiction, into long periods of isolation, and on many trips to the emergency room.

    Ten years ago, at age 53, she was still having frequent panic attacks, even though she had kicked her addictions. Concerned, her doctor persuaded her to try therapy, and she began seeing a cognitive behavior therapist who specialized in anxiety.

    The therapist helped her process the trauma in her past and taught her how to cope with her anxiety before it escalated.

    “I learned that I had never dealt with the stuff that had happened to me, Klein says.

    Her panic attacks became less frequent, and she focused on exercising, enjoying her retirement and spending time with her son and other family members.

    How she copes: She exercises every day , and she uses an app called Calm for meditation and deep-breathing exercises.

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    Try Some Herbal Supplements

    Knowing you should relax is one thing, but being able to do so is something entirely different. So if you need a little extra help chilling out, you might want to try herbs such as Kava, Passionflower, or Valerian Root to help the process along. “Those three are the most effective herbs for relieving anxiety,” noted an article on Just be sure to check with your doctor first.

    Theres No Clear Cause Of Panic Attacks

    What A Panic Attack Feels Like

    Not every person who struggles with anxiety also has panic attacks, but there can be a genetic predisposition to them. People with anxiety disorders and mood disorders are at a higher risk, and panic attacks do tend to run in families.

    Panic attacks are also associated with major life transitions , severe stress , and certain medical conditions. Panic attacks can be triggered by stimulant use, including caffeine, and withdrawal from medication.

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    Acknowledge The Panic Attack

    People spend most of their time in the two wrong places: the past or the future. In the past, you drown yourself in depression. In the future, youre scared for your life. But in the present, thats where you can find the most joy. While having a panic attack can be wildly unpleasant, its important to sit with yourself in the present moment and acknowledge it.

    Tell yourself, Right now, Im having a panic attack. I feel scared, anxious, and worried that something will go wrong. However, right now nothing bad is happening right now. I am safe. I feel myself taking a deep breath in. I feel the oxygen entering my lungs. I feel my toes grounded on the floor. Im shaking my arms back and forth. This moment isnt perfect but it will pass. Good moments are up ahead. All I need to do is feel this present moment.

    Panic Attack Symptoms: How To Recognize One

    Have you ever had an overwhelming, intense surge of fear and anxiety, which caused you to have feelings of chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, and or numbness? If so, you may have had a panic attack and if you did, trust me, you are not alone. Today, we’re going to talk about panic attack symptoms and how to know when it’s time to seek treatment.

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    What Does It Feel Like When You’re Having A Panic Attack

    Well, it can literally feel like you’re about to die. You can have chest pain, shortness of breath, numbness, tingling, and or sweating. That’s why many people who are having panic attacks end up going to the emergency room. Most panic attacks peak over a matter of minutes and they’ll last for less than 30 minutes, but that time or the total duration of the attack can vary. So, panic attacks can actually last from a matter of seconds to hours.

    Have You Ever Had A Panic Attack? If So, Please Comment Down Below And Please Share Your Symptoms Of A Panic Attack.

    Anyone Who Has Ever Had A Panic Attack Knows How Life Stopping These Events Can Feel A Panic Attack Can Seriously Hurt Your Quality Of Life By

    How to tell if it is a panic attack or a heart attack

    Johnathan Dec 19, 2021 01:54

    Anyone who has ever had a panic attack knows how life stopping these events can feel. A panic attack can seriously hurt your quality of life by causing you become terrified of a repeat episode. This terror is just another negative side effect of panic attacks, and you should learn to think of it as such so that you can get on with your life without the constant fear of a panic attack hanging over your head. Worrying about having a panic attack all the time might even cause you to trigger panic attacks later.

    Panic attacks feel a lot like heart attacks. A panic attack might cause your heart to race, and it might cause you to become short of breath. You might find that you feel dizzy or light headed, and they are characterized with the feeling of life or death importance. It is not uncommon to believe that you are dying or about to die when you are having a panic attack. Fortunately for sufferers, they are usually not of a long duration, and will stop when they have run their course, usually a few minutes, or when the cause of the panic is removed.

    If you practice avoiding panic attacks and chart where you were, what you were doing, and how you felt immediately prior to each panic attack, then you can use this information to avoid the things that trigger you. You may be able to save yourself a lot of trouble with your mental and even your physical health later down the road.

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    When To Use Medication

    Sometimes, panic attacks cannot be managed entirely alone. If panic attacks become an ongoing concern or they cause significant anxiety or fear about future panic attacks, it might be necessary to see a therapist or doctor.

    Types of therapeutic interventions that have been shown to have the best outcomes include cognitive behavioral therapy and humanistic therapy. CBT involves understanding the relationship between thoughts and behaviors and working toward changing negative or distorted thoughts to more positive, helpful ones.

    One study found CBT to be between 85% and 90% successful in treating panic disorders.

    Humanistic therapy is a type of intervention that helps people make rational decisions and accept responsibility for themselves. Common humanistic therapy approaches include client-centered therapy, gestalt therapy, and existential therapy.

    If therapy alone is not effective in treating panic attacks, as may be the case in severe cases of panic disorders, medications may be recommended and prescribed by a psychiatrist. Commonly prescribed medications that have been shown to be effective in helping with panic disorders include antidepressants and benzodiazepines.

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