Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Is A Phobia Of Needles Called

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What Is The Phobia Of Caterpillars

Fear of needles (needle phobia) – and how to deal with it!

There is no clinical name for the fear of caterpillars.

However, you could say your fear is Entomophobia the fear ofinsects and similar arthropods.

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How To Kill Psychi Mantis Twin Snakes

How To Kill Psychi Mantis Twin Snakes?

Are humans instinctively afraid of snakes? Research has found humans do not innately afraid of snakes, since new-born babies are usually not afraid of snakes. Additionally, it has been found that both adults and children could identify images of snakes from a range of objects much quicker than could detect frogs, flowers or caterpillars.

What does it mean when you are afraid of snakes? Ophidiophobia is a particular type of specific phobia, the irrational fear of snakes. It is sometimes called by a more general term, herpetophobia, fear of reptiles. The word comes from the Greek words ophis , snake, and phobia meaning fear.

What is the #1 phobia? 1. Arachnophobia: The fear of spiders. This phobia tends to affect women more than men. 2. Ophidiophobia: The fear of snakes.

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Why It’s Important To Deal With Your Needle Phobia Now

Between four and 10 sessions are enough to effectively treat needle phobia for most people, Prater said. With vaccinations for COVID-19 becoming available in the coming months, that means it’s important to seek help for needle phobia as soon as possible.

If you ignore the issue, you could face more years of anxiety. Leaving your phobia untreated can mean symptoms that worsen over time. While many children lose their fear of needles as they move into adulthood, full-blown phobias tend to become more severe with age, Prater said.

It’s a kind of feedback loop. “What drives anxiety is avoidance,” Prater said. “When you avoid that situation, your anxiety goes down temporarily. But then, when you’re faced with that situation again, your anxiety rebounds. And it doesn’t just rebound to the same level it actually increases.”

Only by facing anxieties head-on can an individual halt the progression of that feedback loop, Prater said.

That’s what Walker, the fourth-year medical student, has done. When she gets a flu shot each year, she is sure to inform the person administering shots that she may be faint afterward. But she always goes through with it, and has found that deep breathing techniques can help.

“Every time, I say ‘OK, I’m getting better, I know what to expect, I know how it works.’ It’s gotten better,” she said.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, here are some resources that are available.

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Unusual And Uncommon Phobias

A phobia is a mental condition that occurs due to feelings of persistent and unreasonable fear caused by an object or situation. Although there is normally little danger in object of the phobia, the presence or anticipation of the object can cause signifiant distress, including panic attacks, fainting, and/or sweating. Some of the most unusual and uncommon phobias are included below.

What Is Fear Of Needles Phobia Called

13 Most Common Phobias and Their Definitions

Trypanophobia is defined as extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or needles. Although sometimes also referred to as aichmophobia, belonephobia, or enetophobia, those terms generally denote a fear of pins, needles, or sharp objects while tryphanophobia also includes the medical aspect of the fear.

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Why Do Needles Give Me Anxiety

The vasovagal response to needles can cause discomfort or embarrassment and, therefore, anxiety. Roughly 50% of those who experience needle phobia have a vasovagal response. But this fainting, due to a drop in blood pressure, might actually be why someone develops a phobic reaction in the first place.

Why Are Caterpillars So Scary


While most caterpillars are harmless, even though some may look menacing , there are a few that can cause mild to moderate stings. Just remember, while the caterpillars are dangerous, adult moths are not and do not have stinging hairs/spines.

Also, what do caterpillars do? The caterpillar, or what is more scientifically termed a larva, stuffs itself with leaves, growing plumper and longer through a series of molts in which it sheds its skin. One day, the caterpillar stops eating, hangs upside down from a twig or leaf and spins itself a silky cocoon or molts into a shiny chrysalis.

Likewise, people ask, what is the fear of caterpillar called?

Helminthophobia, scoleciphobia or vermiphobia is a specific phobia, the fear of worms, especially parasitic worms. The sight of a worm, or anything that looks like a worm, may cause someone with this phobia to have extreme anxiety or even panic attacks.

How do caterpillars help the environment?

Caterpillars have chewing mouthpieces that allow them to eat through leaves quickly, using them as an energy source while the larvae grow. Some caterpillars eat flowers or seed pods as well. Other adult butterfly species eat rotting fruit, carrion or animal excrement, thus ridding the environment of waste.

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What Are The Risk Factors For Developing Aichmophobia

Healthcare professionals are still trying to figure out the exact cause of aichmophobia. So far, theyve found that the risk factors for developing aichmophobia can include:

  • Experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event that involved a sharp object, especially as a child.
  • Having a family history of anxiety disorders.

How Intense The Fear Of Mushrooms Can Be

Needle Pain and Phobia. How to avoid fear of needles and vaccines by Dr. Andrea Furlan MD PhD

Fear of Mushrooms or Mycophobia can be pretty intense, people suffering from it experience high amount anxiety from mere a thought of mushrooms, they even can have a panic attack.

Some experiences increased heart rates, trembling, sweating, breathlessness, feelings like screaming high blood pressure etc.

Mycophobics can sometimes get hospitalized if they get any physical contact with the mushrooms, therefore playing around with mushrooms in front of a Mycophobic can be dangerous and life-threatening.

Though there are not many people who have a fear of mushrooms these days, still safety is necessary.

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Fear Of Needles: The Fatal Phobia

It is rare to find an individual who actually enjoys getting his or her annual flu shot, but there is a significant segment of the population whose phobia of injections is so severe it prevents them from seeking medical care altogether.

Trypanophobia, fear of needles, also known as needle phobia, is the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles. It is a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders recognized phobia affecting approximately 50 million Americans, making it a top-ten American fear.1 People who suffer from this at times debilitating condition can experience symptoms including hypertension, rapid heart rate or heart palpitations and even fainting or loss of consciousness.2 These physical manifestations of the phobia can also trigger feelings of anxiety and hostility toward the medical community as a whole.

Not only are the symptoms themselves harmful to the individuals health, but the fear associated with doctors, nurses and other medical professionals can and often does prevent people from seeking treatment for any number of serious ailments. Of those suffering from needle phobia, it has been reported that at least 20 percent avoid any medical treatment as a result.1 In fact, in a 2012 survey conducted by Target and Harris Interactive, out of the 60 percent of American adults who choose not to receive a flu vaccination, 23 percent stated the reason is a fear of needles. 3


Signs And Symptoms Of Phobias

The symptoms of a phobia can range from mild feelings of apprehension and anxiety to a full-blown panic attack. Typically, the closer you are to the thing youre afraid of, the greater your fear will be. Your fear will also be higher if getting away is difficult.

Physical symptoms of a phobia include:

  • Difficulty breathing

Emotional symptoms of a phobia include:

  • Feeling overwhelming anxiety or panic
  • Feeling intense need to escape
  • Feeling unreal or detached from yourself
  • Fear of losing control or going crazy
  • Feeling like youre going to die or pass out
  • Knowing that youre overreacting, but feeling powerless to control fear

Symptoms of blood-injection-injury phobia

The symptoms of blood-injection-injury phobia are slightly different from other phobias. When confronted with the sight of blood or a needle, you experience not only fear, but also disgust.

Like other phobias, you initially feel anxious as your heart speeds up. However, unlike other phobias, this acceleration is followed by a quick drop in blood pressure, which leads to nausea, dizziness, and fainting. Although a fear of fainting is common in all specific phobias, blood-injection-injury phobia is the only phobia where fainting can actually occur.

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Understanding The Fear Of Butterflies And Moths

Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

The fear of butterflies and moths is called lepidopterophobia. Mottephobia, or the fear of moths alone, is closely related to this phobia. Those who suffer generally call themselves mottephobes.

Lepidopterophobia is derived from the word lepidopterans, the over 155,000 species of insects including butterflies, moths, and skippers. It may be hard to pronounce, but its not hard to find.

While fear of spiders, or arachnophobia, is the most common insect fear people encounter, fear of butterflies and moths is also a fairly common phobia.

While many people see butterflies as cute and harmless creatures, some people are afraid of how they look and skittish by their behaviors. Even actress Nicole Kidman claims to have this fear and shows such as Animal Planets My Extreme Animal Phobia chronicles peoples experiences which can result in debilitating fear and anxiety that affects their social and personal life.

How Do You Treat Lepidopterophobia

How to manage your fear of needles

There are several treatments available for phobias that are highly effective. When treating a phobia, the first step is to address why you have the fear and go from there.

Depending on the severity of the phobia and willingness to work at it, treatment can take weeks, months, or longer. If left untreated, insect phobias like lepidopterophobia can continue for .

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Needle Phobia: Can You Overcome A Fear Of Jabs

Annaleise Pizzimenti was 10 years old when she first realised she was afraid of needles.

Shed felt sick and fainted after a routine meningococcal vaccination. She didnt really think of this reaction again, until the next time she encountered a needle at the dentist. Again she felt sick, but panic set in as well.


Her fear of needles grew to the point where she avoided medical treatment altogether and fell years behind with her vaccinations.

I avoided the doctor, particularly if I knew that a blood test or something was involved. I definitely avoided the dentist, I would rarely go, because a lot of the time theyd tell me, you have to have a filling, Ms Pizzimenti says.

As soon as I heard the word filling I associated that with getting a needle, and I wouldnt even go to the appointments anymore. So my teeth were at risk as well.

Ms Pizzimentis story isnt as uncommon as you might think. While its hard to know exactly how many people have needle phobia, some experts say it affects up to 5 per cent of the population.

Its estimated that one in 10 people have a specific phobia.

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What Is The Prognosis For Aichmophobia

Only about 10% to 25% of people who have a specific phobia seek treatment for their condition because many can avoid the object or situation that they fear. If you have aichmophobia, avoiding situations that involve sharp objects can prevent you from enjoying certain aspects of life like cooking and certain hobbies and can lower your overall quality of life. This is why its important to seek treatment.

Research has shown that exposure therapy is successful in treating aichmophobia and other specific phobias. People who have a specific phobia, like aichmophobia, and dont seek treatment are two times more likely to develop an anxiety disorder and depression.

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What Questions Should I Ask My Doctor

Talking about your mental health can be uncomfortable and scary. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, so its important to talk to your healthcare provider about your symptoms. The following questions may be helpful to ask your healthcare provider if you have aichmophobia:

  • What kind of treatment do you recommend?
  • Should I see a therapist, psychologist and/or psychiatrist?
  • Do you have any recommendations for psychologists, psychiatrists or therapists that I could see?
  • How long will treatment take?
  • Do you know of any support groups for aichmophobia or phobias in general?
  • Do you have any learning resources on aichmophobia I could use?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

If you have aichmophobia, know that you are not alone. Many people all over the world have a phobia. Although it can be difficult and scary, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider and seek treatment for your phobia. Aichmophobia can make you uncomfortable around everyday objects like scissors and kitchen knives that you might commonly find in work, home and school environments. It could also prevent you from getting important medical care like getting shots, critical treatments and necessary blood draws. Everyone deserves to have a high quality of life. The sooner you seek help, the sooner you will feel better.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 08/24/2021.


How Can A Behavioral Health Expert Help Me Overcome My Phobia Of Needles

FIND OUT: How to Overcome Fear of Needles or Trypanophobia

Rollins uses different types of therapy to help people overcome needle phobia, but most often relies on whats known as behavioral or exposure therapy.

There are different approaches to exposure therapy, but often the exposure is gradual. First, the patient outlines his or her specific fears about needles and ranks them from least to most scary. This is known as setting up a hierarchy of fears.

For some people getting the shot is the scariest thing. For others, the anticipation of getting it is worse, Rollins said.

We start with the least scary thing first then slowly progress our way to the most scary thing, said Rollins, All the while, the patient builds confidence that the fear can be confronted and managed.

The patient might start, for example, by simply looking at pictures of needles or think about going to the doctors office and end with a successful shot or blood draw visit.

The constant exposure decreases anxiety, builds confidence, and changes the way we think, Rollins said.

As were working on the exposure a patient gets, the experience of watching their anxiety start out as a 10 out of a 10 and slowly decrease to maybe a 7 out of 10 or less, is a huge leap from I cant stand this to Oh, I can tolerate this, Rollins said.

There are other therapy approaches that help patients learn relaxation techniques which are then paired with the exposure, Rollins said.

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Caterpillars Ruined My Life: Woman Unable To Leave House Or Eat Lettuce Thanks To Hairy Creatures

This lady is so creeped out by creepy-crawly caterpillars that they dictate the way she lives.

If Jane Cohen sees one outside, she cannot leave the house.

And she told Wales Online of how she once came face to face with one in her DINNER and was unable to eat lettuce for a whole year as a result.

Ive had real problems today because there are loads out there, the 45-year-old said.

God, I hate them so badly. Im absolutely terrified of them. I wont sit on grass or under trees.

I wont buy a lettuce from the supermarket unless it is in a bag and washed.

And I wont hang my washing outside in case any get on my clothes.

When my son was very small there was one outside the front door, Jane said.

My neighbour had to come and remove it before I could leave the house.

One colleague changed her screensaver to show one.

I screamed the place down, the mum-of-two said.

I was hysterical. I was shaking. It was magnified to about 500 times the normal size. It was horrid.

The most awful thing that ever happened was on my birthday 10 years ago, Jane, from Cardiff, said.

I went to a posh restaurant in Penarth and I had a tuna nicoise.

I was halfway through it and saw something moving on my dinner.

It was a big hairy caterpillar. It was my worst nightmare.

I ran to the toilet. I was pretty hysterical.

It was horrible and I rang the environmental health people.

The moment still haunts her.

I can see it now, moving around, Jane said.

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Phobias List Of Phobias Phobia List Types Of Phobias

The word phobia comes from the Greek word Phobos that means horror or fear. Phobia refers to an irrational fear of something that is not likely to cause harm. Fear during dangerous circumstances is normal. However, a phobia is beyond normal fear. According to research, women are more likely to have phobia compared to men. Common symptoms of phobia include feelings of unreality, rapid heartbeat, nausea, trembling.

Four major categories of phobia

  • Environment

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How Do You Get A Shot Without Being Scared

5 Tips for Surviving Shots

  • Distract yourself while you’re waiting. Bring along a game, book, music, or movie something you’ll get completely caught up in so you’re not sitting in the waiting room thinking about the shot. …
  • Concentrate on taking slow, deep breaths. …
  • Focus intently on something in the room. …
  • Cough. …
  • What To Do About Needle Phobia

    Needle phobia and the Covid

    Healthcare professionals need to realise the importance of needle phobia. It can be frustrating in a busy clinic to find a patient with needle phobia. However, this needs to be treated with patience and kindness. Lets remember that pain management is a human right.

    Now, amid the COVID-29 pandemic, is a perfect time to address this problem, help patients overcome their fears, and improve their opportunities for healthcare in the future.

  • Explain the fight, fright, and flight mechanism of anxiety. This is a normal physiological response. However, the patient can learn to control it.
  • Teach the patient how to perform diaphragmatic breathing. They can be doing this at home before their venepuncture appointment, outside in the waiting room, and even during the procedure.
  • We can all learn to control our thoughts and emotions. For example, fix your gaze on an object in the room and study it carefully. Focus on that object and dont allow your mind to wander.
  • Think positive thoughts I can do this I will do this not negative thoughts.
  • Patients can be referred to the Psychology Team for further help. The technique employed is often to break the process of venepunctures into a series of small steps

  • Look at a needle.
  • Hold a needle in your hand.
  • Inject an orange with water.
  • Watch someone having an injection on TV.
  • Watch another person having an injection.
  • Have an injection.
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