Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Scent Helps With Anxiety

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How The Scent Of Herbs Can Help With Focus And Anxiety


Herbs have some amazing superpowers which can help to focus, help with anxiety, or simply lift your mood. We show you 10 easy accessible herbs, what they are good for and how you can use them.

Weve already talked about how surrounding ourselves with nature can have a very positive effect on our wellbeing and productivity. Besides that and the decorative effect, its time to take also advantage of their other super powers.

It has been proven that a pleasant scent can have a big influence on us. Researchers found that simply smelling a nice fragrance can lift our mood, help us focus and make us even perform better on tasks.

How To Use Clary Sage Essential Oil For Anxiety And Panic Attacks

Inhale: Add 1-2 drops to a cotton ball, handkerchief, or your wrists. Inhale for a calming and uplifting mood experience.

Topical: Add a few drops of Clary Sage to your wrists and relax

Diffuser: Put 2 drops of Orange Oil along with 5 drops of Clary Sage into a high-quality diffuser. This will uplift your mood when you are feeling down and not yourself.

Bath or Shower: Add a few drops of clary sage to your shower or bath. Inhale and enjoy the calming scent. This will help get rid of your sad or down feelings and put you into a better mood.

Jasmine: Jasmine essential oil extracted from the jasmine flower. The jasmine flower is considered sacred and is used to decorate deities and holy images in many cultures and traditions.

Also, women in the Indian culture decorate their hair with jasmine flowers to stimulate their minds and uplift their moods. Jasmine oil is being used for centuries by our ancestors to treat problems of insomnia, anxiety, depression, and low libido.

Also, recent researches and studies state that the aroma of jasmine oil is as effective as valium in calming the nerves and relieving stress and anxiety. Thereby indicating the usefulness of this oil in helping treat symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Clary Sage Essential Oil

With a beautiful earthy smell, Clary Sage is effective in calming stress and anxiety. The oil acts as an antidepressant by promoting feelings of wellbeing and inner peace. Clary Sage is also known to act as a great hormone balancer and help reduce symptoms of PMS. Apply directly to feet or pulse points to help balance hormones. Alternatively combine with a few drops of chamomile to enjoy in a hot bath.

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How To Use Jasmine Essential Oil For Anxiety And Panic Attacks

Inhale: Add 1-2 drops to a handkerchief, cotton ball, your wrists or smell directly from the bottle to help alleviate your symptoms of anxiety.

Topical: Put a few drops of Jasmine Oil on your wrists to help calm your anxious mind


  • 1 drop of Jasmine Oil
  • 1 drop of Ylang Ylang Oil
  • 3 drops of either Orange Oil, Lemon Oil or Grapefruit Oil

Massage: Use a carrier oil such as coconut oil and add together with the above Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, and your choice of either citrus oil.

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Frankincense: Frankincense is most often associated with the nativity of Jesus and one of the important gifts given by the three wise men.

It is popularly used as an incense in honoring gods and goddesses in many cultures. This essential oil is derived from the bark of a Somalian tree and is known for uplifting the mood and calming the senses.

It is also believed to increase spirituality and improve intuition.

This essential oil is known to contain certain chemical compounds that can travel through the blood-brain barrier and relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression.

According to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology frankincense contains both anti-depressive as well as anxiolytic properties thereby further affirming that this oil can be very useful in treating symptoms of anxiety and depression. It can either be applied on the skin or used in aromatherapy to help bring the necessary effect.

How To Identify The Different Types Of Breathing

Relive stress and help calm yourself and your environment ...

There are two ways of breathing. These are thoracic breathing and diaphragmatic breathing .

  • Thoracic breathing

The rapid, shallow breathing experienced when feeling anxious comes from the chest. This way of breathing can add to feelings of anxiety, as the intakes of breath do not feel satisfying, and can make you feel as though you are suffocating.

  • Diaphragmatic breathing

The diaphragm is a muscle located at the base of the lungs. When you breathe diaphragmatically, this muscle contracts and moves downwards, providing more space for your lungs to expand. This downwards movement pushes on the stomach muscles and forces the abdominal wall out.14

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What Are Essential Oils

Essential oils are aromatic compounds that can be found in nature, such as flowers, leaves, seeds, tree bark, fruits, and seeds. For centuries, humans have used herbs, essential oils, and aromatherapy as natural remedies for managing anxiety. Specifically, the scent of essential oils has a strong influence on mood. In the past, essential oils have also been studied for treating anxiety. The oils now come in a variety of forms, and the applied method depends on the desired effect and essential oil being used. For example, some essential oils need more dilution if applied topically or are more effective when diffused.

Smell And Sleep A Not So Unusual Friendship

At the Sleep Disorders Centre of the University of Heidelberg, participants were exposed to one of the following:

  • the smell of flowers
  • the smell of hydrogen sulfide
  • no smell at all.

The results were astounding, as they showed that there was a direct link between the participants dreams and the smell to which they had been exposed. Participantswho were exposed to a pleasant smell had positive dreams, while the smell of sulfur led to bad dreams or even nightmares. The results were so clear that researchers went on to investigate the relationship between bad smells and nightmares.

From this study and many others we learn that smell definitely affects sleep. Why? Simply because our sense of smell is controlled by the same part of our brain that manages our sleep.

But which scents positively impact sleep?

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When Should You Call Your Vet

For some anxiety-ridden cats, over-the-counter options just wont do the trick. Delgado says that if you see your cat over-grooming, chewing on her nails, or otherwise injuring herself, its time to go to the vet. Delgado explains that veterinarians can prescribe cat anxiety medication to help reduce your cats anxiety and minimize these behaviors.

Anxiety Can Be Reduced By Smells

The 10 Best Incense for Anxiety. Which incense will relieve your anxiety?

Finally, it may be possible to reduce anxiety through the use of smells. The traditional practice of this is called aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is not a well-researched practice, and most of the claims made by aromatherapy specialists are probably placebo.

But there is some evidence that pleasant smells can help with anxiety, especially if they’re combined with a relaxing atmosphere. One strategy is to take advantage of classical conditioning – a behavioral tool that you can use to associate relaxation with smells.

Find a smell that you love – consider an aromatherapy smell too, since they are well regarded – and put yourself in an extremely relaxing situation. Maybe take a bath, play relaxing music, etc. Then release the smell and let yourself relax and let yourself enjoy it. Try doing this a few more times for a while, and always allow yourself to be in as stress free an environment as possible.

Then, once you’ve associated that smell with the relaxing environment, try smelling the scent when you’re feeling stressed. You may find that the scent relaxes you, because you’ve associated the smell with relaxation.

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How Does Aromatherapy Work

Scent has been called memoristic because the olfactory bulb links to the limbic system, which is the seat of emotion, memory and learning. Scent molecules enter the blood stream through the lungs or skin . In addition to the memoristic connection, there is a physiological response – lavender is chemically sedating and has an effect on the central nervous system.

Talk To Someone Friendly

Another very effective technique is to talk to someone you like and trust, especially on the phone. Don’t be shy about your anxiety – tell them you feel anxious and explain what you’re feeling.

Talking to nice, empathetic people keeps your mind off of your symptoms, and the supportive nature of friends and family gives you an added boost of confidence. If you’re suffering from a panic attack, it also helps you feel more confident that if something were wrong, you’d have someone that can watch over you.

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Where Do You Apply Essential Oils For Anxiety

You cant just apply them anywhere and everywhere, no matter how keen you might be for them to help with your anxiety or how good they smell.

There are certain rules to applying essential oils.

For example, oils that are okay to put on your arms and legs, may not be safe to put inside your mouth, nose, eyes or private parts.

Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are prime examples.37

You should never apply essential oils to injured or inflamed skin, as it may make your skin react and worse overall.

Generally speaking, diluted essential oils can be safely applied to the crown of your head, behind the ears, to your neck and to your temples.38

A Complement To Traditional Therapies

Top 5 Essential Oils for Stress and Anxiety

Essential oils are an easy and natural addition to a wellness plan, but they should be used in conjunction with therapy, mindfulness, meditation or whatever other treatment plan you and your health care provider already have in place to manage your anxiety symptoms, says Newton.

If you’re dealing with the symptoms of anxiety, like excessive worry, fatigue, irritability or restlessness, Mirmont Treatment Center can help. Our group therapy sessions offer a safe and comfortable environment in which to explore issues like these that many people experience. Start the road to recovery today. Call us at to schedule a confidential appointment and ask any questions. Or, use our secure online form to email us.

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Hence If You Can Find A Scent That You Have Calming Associations With You Could Use This To Your Advantage

Ancient healers have long used scents such as jasmine, citrus, and lavender in order to induce inner peace. Unfortunately, though, research on the efficacy of aromatherapy is limited. However, a Japanese Study used scared mice in order to later expose them to different scents and observe the effects. When linalool was pumped into the cage, they found it had a similar effect as many anti-anxiety medications!

Oftentimes, scent associations are affected by culture and personal experience. American babies may have associations with powdery vanilla aromas. French parents, however, often associate their babies with the smell of oranges blossoms. In the same vein, the smell of campfire smoke might soothe one person whilst terrify another.

As with any treatment, we just have to find what works best for us!

Which smells evoke calm, happy memories and emotions for you? Share with us in the comments!

Tolerable For External Use

Researchers have determined that lavender oil is tolerated well by users for aromatherapy. In these cases, toxicity is low, and poisoning by lavender oil is rare. Plus, it has the FDAs seal of approval, which, to us, has an anxiety-relieving name: Generally Recognized as Safe.

To use topically though, you must always make sure to dilute properly in a carrier oil and do a patch test first.

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Calming Anxious Feelings Tips:

  • Take one Adaptiv Calming Blend Capsule daily to combat stress, tension, and occasional anxious feelings.*
  • Add three to four drops of Adaptiv Calming Blend to a relaxing Epsom Salt bath.
  • Roll Adaptiv Touch onto wrists and temples whenever you feel the need to gain composure quickly.
  • Take one to two drops of Lavender in a glass of water to help reduce anxious feelings.*
  • Apply doTERRA Cheer® to your wrists and neck to promote feelings of optimism.
  • Put a drop of doTERRA Balance on your pillow at night to promote relaxation and help soothe worried thoughts.

Does Aromatherapy Really Calm Dogs

Aromatherapy and Breath for Anxiety, Depression and Stress

by Vicki Rae Thorne, certified aromatherapist & amp herbalist, founder of Earth Heart® Inc.

Dogs have 40 times more scent receptors than humans, allowing them to identify smells up to 100,000 times better than us. With their remarkable olfactory memory, and because their world revolves around scent, aromatherapy is ideal for use with dogs.

The use of aromatherapy with dogs is time-tested. Scientific studies in Germany and France regarding the medical effects of essential oils on animals and humans were quite advanced by the mid-1800s. Due to positive clinical results, the practice of veterinary aromatherapy was not uncommon in these countries by the mid-1900s.

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How To Use Rose Oil For Anxiety And Panic Attacks

Inhale: Place 2 drops in a cotton ball and inhale the scent for a great pick me up. Alternatively, you can smell the rose scent straight from the bottle.

Topical: Rub 1-2 drops of rose oil on your palms, wrists, and neck.

Diffuser: Put 2-3 drops of rose oil in a diffuser and let the smell fill your room. The scent will boost your mood and help alleviate the stress of your day.

Sandalwood: Sandalwood oil has a fantastic woody aroma, and a whiff of it helps clear and refresh the mind considerably.

It also has a powerful therapeutic effect on the brains limbic system and helps regulate ones emotions.

According to a study conducted in 2006, sandalwood essential oil promoted what researchers referred to as a harmonious feeling, more of a present, clear but calm awareness.

Another study, published in the Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice found that patients who received sandalwood aromatherapy felt less anxious in comparison to patients who did not receive the aromatherapy.

Thereby indicating the effectiveness of sandalwood essential oil in treating symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Our Sense Of Smell Works By Sending Impulses From Receptors In The Nose Then Along The Olfactory Nerve To The Olfactory Bulb In The Brain To Be Processed

The bulb, then, passes information about the smell directly to the amygdala and hippocampus which form part of the limbic system.

Our limbic system is instrumental in controlling mood, memory, behavior, and emotions! Whats especially noteworthy is that the amygdala is responsible for forming the memory of emotional responses such as fear, anxiety, and aggression.

Our sense of smell is the only sense that has a direct connection to this part of the brain. You might have seen the image that advises a person experiencing anxiety to notice or touch 5 things in their surroundings in an attempt to ground themselves. But perhaps we should be advising people to find or come prepared with a soothing scent.

On a primal level, our brain essentially cross-analyzes smells to distinguish between pleasant/foul, safe/unsafe, and familiar/strange.

The smell of chlorine may evoke memories of playing in the pool. Or it could make your throat constrict as it triggers the memory and the fear you felt when you almost drowned as a child.

Another example comes with children. For instance, the babys smell increases oxytocin in the mother to trigger the milk ejection reflex and facilitate bonding by lighting up the reward centers of the brain.

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Calming Scents To Help You Unwind

We could all use a little more calm in our lives right now, and aromatherapy can be a great way to relaxespecially when coupled with other de-stressing techniques. Whether youre a newcomer to aromatherapy or an expert looking to expand your fragrance collection, weve compiled a list of the 14 best calming scents below. Then, we delve into aromatherapy techniques that you can use to destress, including running a diffuser and lighting candles.

How To Use Lavender Oil For Anxiety And Panic Attacks

Best Essential Oils for Anxiety And Use Guide

Inhalation: For anxiety use 8 drops of an oil blend containing 2% lavender and rose essential oil. Apply the oil to a cotton pad and inhale for 15 minutes two times a week for 4 weeks. When preparing the lavender and rose oil formulation, use a 75% lavender oil and 25% rose oil diluted in 5 mL of jojoba oil.

Topical: Add 2-3 drops of lavender oil to the palms of your hands and then take a deep breath. The scent will start to calm you and also will begin to enter your bloodstream on your palms, giving you a sense of calm and peace. Its always best to dilute the lavender oil, especially those with sensitive skin.

Diffuser: Buy a high-quality diffuser and add 6-8 drops of lavender oil, then enjoy the scent daily for about 15-60 minutes.

Stress Relief Blended Essential Oils: Take 3 tablespoons of carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil, Mix 4 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of a clary sage oil and 2 drops of lemon essential oil. Mix thoroughly and use as a massage oil or body moisturizer.

Bath Time: Mix 1 Tbsp of coconut oil, 1 cup of Epsom salts, and 10-20 drops of lavender oil depending on how strong you would like your bath to be. Let it all disperse into the water and soak for about 15 minutes.

This oil can be applied topically on the skin, also, smelling it for a few seconds can help bring a lot of mental relief.

This essential oil works wonders on aching muscles and joint pains and also alleviates physical stress caused due to anxiety symptoms.

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Essential Oils For Relaxation And Better Sleep

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Here in California, where my family and I live, were treated to a bountiful, year-round explosion of plant life. The bright citrus trees, the blooming roses, the clusters of flowering lavender plants all make for amazing sightsand scents. But you dont have to live in Southern California to enjoy these fragrant smells, or to get the benefits that they can deliver to sleep and mood.

Often, scents get overlooked as a tool for better sleep. Inexpensive and easy to introduce to a daily and nightly routine, there are an array of essential oils that can help you relax, mentally and physically, and make it easier for you to fall asleep and sleep more soundly.

If youve ever browsed the selection of essential oils at your farmers market or natural foods store, you might have come away a little overwhelmed. With so many options, what are the best scents to choose for relaxation and sleep.

Today, I thought Id share with you the essential oils I recommend to my patients to help improve their sleep, relieve stress, lift mood, and boost performance. Ill also talk a little about what science tells us about the benefits these aromatic oils can have for sleep and health.

How scents affect the body and mind

The ancient practice of aromatherapy, still useful today

The scientific benefits of essential oils for sleep, mood, and health

7 essential oils for better sleep

So, what are some essential oils that are effective for sleep?

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