Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Is Gen Z Depressed

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How Serious Is The Issue Of Us Young Adult’s State Of Mental Health Deadly

Why Depression Is So Common in Younger Generations [Gen Z]

As one recent study conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration concluded, one in five young adults has a mental illness, with four percent experiencing symptoms indicative of a severe mental health disorder. Of these mentally young men and women, only 38 percent go as far as to actually seek out treatment of any kind.

However stark the SAMHSA’s findings were, they were nothing if not preliminary, and rather precursory to that of the CDC’s abhorrent clinical discoveries.

Gen Z More Likely To Report Mental Health Concerns

The latest APA Stress in America Survey focuses on the concerns of Americans ages 15 to 21

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Headline issues, from immigration to sexual assault, are causing significant stress among members of Generation Zthose between ages 15 and 21with mass shootings topping the list of stressful current events, according to the APA report Stress in America: Generation Z released in October.

Specifically, 75 percent of Gen Z members said that mass shootings are a significant source of stress, according to the survey, which was conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of APA in July and August 2018 among 3,458 adults and 300 15- to 17-year-olds.

Gen Z members are also more stressed than adults overall about other issues in the news, such as the separation and deportation of immigrant and migrant families and sexual harassment and assault reports .

This generation is also significantly more likely than other generations, including millennials and Gen Xers , to report their mental health as fair or poor, the survey found. They are also more likely , along with millennials , to report they have received treatment or therapy from a mental health professional, compared with 26 percent of Gen Xers, 22 percent of baby boomers and 15 percent of older adults.

To read the full Stress in America report, view the methodology or download graphics, visit

Who Is Generation Z

Born with smartphones, the internet, and technology right at their fingertips, Generation Z is the next up-and-coming generation to watch out for.

Experts and demographers say that Generation Z is the group born from 1997 to roughly 2012, with the end year up for debate as those individuals age. Known by other names like Generation K or Post-Millennials, the first members of this group are coming to an age where they are entering the workforce, and making an impact on society.

Its estimated that Gen Z accounts for 61 million people in the United States. This group has grown up in very different times than previous generations, and thus have very different lives and expectations for the future.

How millennials are different from Generation Z.

Millennials have characteristics that are different from Generation Z in very specific ways. Driven to turn their hobbies into jobs or start their own business, Gen Z are more concerned about paying for school than millennials, and are set on not going into debt.

They are much more focused on tech, spending 3+ hours on technology outside of school related activities. And they have a lot more tech at their fingertips compared to millennials Generation Z individuals are growing up with 5 screens or more in their lives, are spending more time on a wider variety of apps, and communicate almost strictly using technology and social media.

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Tomorrow: 4 Strategies To Overcome The Behavioral Health Access Challenge

To scale behavioral health access, health systems are launching new ways to deliver and organize behavioral health services. We’ll highlight how provider organizations improve access and meet surging demand despite staffing shortages.

Join this webconference tomorrow at 3 pm ET to learn how leading population health leaders are transforming their behavioral health service line.

And They’re Dealing With Burnout In And Out Of The Workplace

Phil Davis on Flipboard

Cases of burnout have been increasing at an alarming rate in recent years, Ivan De Luce previously reported for Business Insider. The World Health Organization recently classified burnout as a “syndrome,” medically legitimizing the condition for the first time.

It’s a growing problem in today’s workplace because of trends like rising workloads, limited staff and resources, and long hours.

But millennials have reported they suffer from higher rates of burnout than other generations in a January BuzzFeed article that went viral, Anne Helen Petersen coined the term the “burnout generation.”

Peterson attributed the generational phenomenon to millennials’ upbringings, the economic environment they grew up in, social media, and the anxiety of easy, straightforward tasks, like running errands.

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Why Is Generation Z So Depressed

Gen Z faces chronic stress from many factors including school shootings, student debt, joblessness and even politics.

Technology plays a role, too. Growing up in a hyper-connected world can evoke intense feelings of isolation and loneliness in some youth. It can also fuel a steady drumbeat of negative news stories, a fear of missing out, and shame in falling short of a social media-worthy standard.

Instagram, for instance, has been found to negatively impact the mental health of teenagers, according to a Wall Street Journal report. The popular photo-based social media platform is particularly hard on young women it is credited with worsening body image issues for 1 in every 3 teenage girls, the report says.

It’s Partly Linked To Money Stress

But there are other structural factors at play behind the uptick in “deaths of despair,” according to the Trust for America’s Health and Well Being Trust namely the myriad financial problems millennials are facing: student-loan debt, healthcare, childcare, and an expensive housing market.

These four costs are part of The Great American Affordability Crisis plaguing millennials that’s putting them financially behind.

Studies have found a correlation between people with debt and mental-health problems. While this research, by its nature, can’t identify causality, the likelihood of having a mental-health disorder is three times higher among those with unsecured debt, according to a meta-analysis, or study of studies, in the Clinical Psychology Review. People who have died by suicide were eight times more likely to have debt.

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How Education Stress During Covid

Schools act as a safety net for many young people and families. They offer engaging learning environments but also consistent meals, medical screenings and support services. In some areas, schools are the only source of mental health services for young people particularly for individuals who identify as LGBTQ and for individuals from low-income households or a family of color.

When the pandemic hit, millions of teachers and students across the country shifted to remote learning. This drastic change altered and in some cases erased the broader benefits that schools supply. It also separated students from their familiar social structures and networks.

This new normal wasnt easy. Nearly 3 in 10 parents surveyed in a May 2020 Gallup poll said that their child was “experiencing harm” to their emotional or mental health because of social distancing and school closures while 45% cited separation from teachers and classmates as a major challenge.

Young people who identify as LGBTQ have found the pandemic especially challenging, early research suggests. In one study, 50% of LGBTQ youth ages 13 to 17 and 65% of transgender and nonbinary youth said that COVID-19 impacted their ability to express their sexual identity. This same study found that 81% of LGBTQ youth described their living situation during the pandemic as more stressful than it was pre-pandemic.

Gen Z Faces Different Forms Of Stress May Be More Anxious Depressed Than Others Before Them Says Imh Ceo

why gen Z is so depressed & anxious

SINGAPORE Even before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, researchers have predicted that people from Generation Z are poised to be one of the most stressed, anxious and depressed generations of all time.

Dr Daniel Fung, head of the Institute of Mental Health, said that he has observed an uptrend in teenagers with emotional dysregulation, who may display destructive behaviour either towards themselves or towards things around them.

  • The Institute of Mental Health recently launched a graphic novel titled The Stress Wars
  • It chronicles Singapores 50-year journey of child mental health services
  • The book also provides parenting tips on how to raise children who are well-prepared for life
  • Veteran child psychiatrist Daniel Fung gave some insights into the mental health issues among the young today
  • He urged parents to set time aside for their children during their early years

SINGAPORE Even before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, researchers have predicted that people from Generation Z are poised to be one of the most stressed, anxious and depressed generations of all time. This is the demographic group that come after the millennials. They are born after 1995 and are now in their teens and early 20s.

Although Gen Zers are the most digitally connected generation, they are less likely to report good or excellent mental health compared with the previous generations.

The ongoing global health crisis appears to have taken an even heavier mental toll on this age group.


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Its Okay To Ask For A Mental Health Day

The Hartfords study found that 70% of employers recognize mental health as a significant workplace issue. If you feel you need a mental health day or time off, keep in mind that your employer most likely understands your need.

Employees should know that it is okay to take time to relax or re-energize or address physical or psychological needs. That can be achieved by taking paid time off, discussing with your manager the potential for flex schedule, shift change or accommodation, Spallone said.

You can also contact your human resource department to learn about the wellness benefit offerings and the Employee Assistance Program .

With the continued uncertainty of the virus, the new strains and challenges around vaccination, we have tried to cope, said Spallone. Unfortunately, many of our coping attempts have created new problems. We encourage employers to offer a benefits package that not only addresses physical and financial well-being, but also mental well-being.

Feeling empowered to take control of your mental health? Maybe its time to reach out to your workplace or get support from a professional. Or perhaps youd rather focus on exercise, healthy eating, good sleep patterns and staying connected with others. Whatever your approach, you might be surprised to find the number of resources available to you through your community and employer. Its worth a look.

Millennials Diagnosed With Anxiety More Than Any Other Generation According To Recent Data

More than half of Millennials polled in a recent study felt overwhelming anxiety in the last year.

BILOXI, Miss. – While many older Americans might have had the luxury of living in a time where the phrase this too shall pass was realistic, the Millennial generation has come of age in a world where the future often looks uncertain and frightening.

More than half of the Millennials polled in a recent study felt overwhelming anxiety in the last year. The study also indicated that 17% of young adults questioned were reportedly diagnosed with, or have been treated for anxiety, a number that is 66% higher than it was in 2008.

Thats understandable due to the impact of COVID-19 over the last year, but generally speaking, transitioning from adolescence into adulthood can cause anxiety due to the unknown. Director of Clinical Services at Gulfport Memorial Behavioral Angela Fields said it could be due to a lot of pressure for young people to figure out what they want to do.

Theres a lot of transitions to be made in those age ranges, said Fields. Getting into adolescence is stressful. Then were going into adolescence, into young adulthood, theres a lot of change and unknowns. I think theres a lot of push for young people to know what they want to do and to kinda get on with it and I think they need more support than we realize.

Sometimes the pressure can come from parents or from the young adults themselves trying to live up to their high school high points.

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Stress Levels Across The Generations

Younger generations may be less likely to experience good mental health right now because theyre so stressed out, more so than their parents and grandparents.

A whopping 62% of Gen Z and Millennials say theyve been at least moderately stressed over the last 30 days. Only 53% of Generation X and 35% of Boomers said the same.

On the surface, it seems like young people would have less reason to stress than other generations. After all, they may not yet have families to support and theyve grown up with smartphones and similar devices, so working and learning from home might seem easier for them.

But many individuals in Gen Z spent the pandemic living alone. Loneliness may play a big role in their distress.

Others may have been tasked with caretaking duties for younger siblings who were remote learning, or for elderly family members who needed assistance with errands and chores during the pandemic.

The younger generation faces an uncertain job market and an unclear financial future. And they have much less wealth than past generations had at their age. Without much of a nest egg, the lockdown and ongoing economic uncertainty took a serious financial and emotional toll on young people.

So its not surprising that both Gen Z and Millennials say their biggest source of stress is financial problems. Millennials say their second biggest concern is COVID, while Gen Z says work problems are the next biggest stressor.

Top Health Conditions Affecting Millennials

Why Gen Z is Stressed Out About the Pandemic and How You ...

Blue Cross Blue Shield Association reported that as Millennials age, they may be less healthy than previous generations. Those who were 34 to 36 years old in 2017 were 11% less healthy than Gen Xers of the same age in 2014.

The report stated that the following conditions affected Millennials most. Each condition is ranked by the severity of its adverse health impact, which refers to how much having the condition reduces future healthy years:

  • Major depression
  • While depression is a serious condition, treatment is available.

    According to NAMI, a qualified mental health professional might recommend the following treatments:

    • Therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, family-focused therapy, and interpersonal therapy
    • Medications, such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotic medications
    • Brain stimulation therapies, including electroconvulsive therapy or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
    • Light therapy, used to regulate the hormone melatonin
    • Lifestyle habits, such as exercise and nutrition
    • Alternative approaches, such as acupuncture and meditation

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    Factors Contributing To Generation Z Depression

    In parsing the results of the study, Twenge and her team considered whether income inequality, the 2008 economic crisis, and/or school shootings might be responsible for the alarming increases. However, the data did not support these theories.

    Ultimately, the researchers concluded that the pervasiveness of social media in particular and technology use in general has had a significant negative effect on teens and young adults since the mid-2000s. And Generation Zalso know as iGenhas taken the brunt of the impact.

    When you think of how lives have changed from 2010 to 2017, a clear answer is that over time, people started spending more time on phones and on social media, less time face-to-face with their friends, and less time sleeping. As we know from other studies, spending more time with screens, less time sleeping, and less time face-to-face with friends is not a good formula for mental health.

    Jean Twenge, PhD, lead study author

    Loneliness May Be A Factor In Gen Z Depression

    While iGen may be the most plugged-in generation, its also the loneliest. And smartphone use may contribute to that by reducing in-person interactions. According to a 2018 report, loneliness and social isolation are most common among young adults ages 18 to 22.

    In addition, a British project called the BBC Loneliness Experiment surveyed 55,000 people and found the highest levels of loneliness in teenagers and young adults. Among 16- to 24-year-olds, 40 percent reported that they often or very often felt lonely.

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    Mental Health Takes A Toll On Millennials

    The need to care for your mental health is essential for everyone. However, Gen Z and younger Millennials you might want to pay special attention.

    The Hartfords 2021 Future of Benefits Study revealed a lot about employee benefit trends. But it also offered an intriguing look into the mental health of people in the workplace.

    According to the study, 52% of GenZ/younger Millennials say they struggle with depression or anxiety most days compared to 10% of Boomers. Unfortunately, younger Americans were hit hard by changes to their way of living during the pandemic.

    The younger generations have their unique challenges as their need for social connections have been dramatically impacted as they transitioned to virtual learning, working from home, disconnected from peers and social events, said Adele Spallone, head of clinical operations for Workers Compensation and Group Benefits at The Hartford.

    She said that younger Americans like work environments with the ability to collaborate with others. They also value flexibility, time off, and the latest technology.

    In addition, younger employees thrive on structure, stability, learning opportunities and immediate feedback, as well as social rewards. The increased isolation that results from social distancing and limited in-person social interactions is leaving many feeling alienated, said Spallone.

    Deaths Of Despair Are Also On The Rise

    “Why is Gen Z depressed? Why does India have the highest rate in student suicides?”

    More millennials are also dying “deaths of despair,” or deaths related to drugs, alcohol, and suicide, Jamie Ducharme reported for Time in June, citing a report by the public-health groups Trust for America’s Health and Well Being Trust.

    While these deaths have increased across all ages in the past 10 years, they’ve increased the most among younger Americans, Ducharme said. They accounted for the deaths of about 36,000 American millennials in 2017 alone, according to the report. Drug overdoses were the most common cause of death.

    The report cites a few reasons behind these upticks young adults are more inclined to engage in risk-taking behaviors, comprise the highest number of enrolled military personnel, and disproportionately live in “high-stress environments” like correctional facilities.

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