Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Vitamins Help With Depression

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Food Sources Of B Vitamins

Eating these vitamins can help with depression, doctors say

Some good sources of B Vitamins are:

  • Whole grains
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Dark green leafy vegetables

Supplementing with a good quality multivitamin containing B vitamins can also be helpful. Always consult with your doctor before beginning any new supplements.

Side effects

It is important to take folic acid in addition to B12, as the nutrients work synergistically together and taking folic acid on its own can mask deficiency of Vitamin B12. Sublingual forms are better absorbed, particularly in the elderly.

Why This Isnt Another Post With A Long List Of Vitamins To Buy For Depression And Anxiety

Before I get into my top vitamins and minerals that can help depression and anxiety, I need to share with you why this isnt another article with a long list of nutrients to try with links to buy those nutrients.

Its to protect you.

Nutrients are powerful. In fact, its better not to take anything at all, than take something that could potentially be contraindicated for your chemistry, therefore making your symptoms worse. This is why I dont recommend multi-vitamins. Since every human on the planet has their own unique biochemistry, its best not to consult Dr. Google without proper testing before taking supplements. Even if you are an identical twin, you still have your own unique biochemistry and should be tested apart from your sibling.

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Three Key B Vitamins To Fight Depression

B6, folate, and B12 are three more effective depression fighters. B6 turns food into energy and helps hormone creation Serotonin, responsible for good moods. Folate or B9 impacts almost every cell in the body. B9 has been known to help reduce depression in pregnant women. Finally, B12 creates and improves energy. Additionally, the vitamin treats major depressive disorders. A study shows a reduction of approximately 20% in depressive behaviors after taking B12. Adding a B complex is key in the fight against depression.

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Can They Replace Antidepressants

So how do other supplements compare to antidepressants for mood disorders? And will they ever replace the need for medication for mental health problems?

“It’s important to note that not all evidence is supportive and most studies involve the co-administration with antidepressant medication,” says Jerome Sarris, professor of integrative mental health and deputy director at NICM.

That means it wouldn’t be a good idea to swap your prescribed medication for a dietary supplement. It’s really inadvisable to come off antidepressants without the support of your GP.

“I don’t think we can replace the power of talking therapies with diet and lifestyle changes. They are very different interventions that work well together but singularly might be less effective. I would say the same of medications,” says Dempsey.

And even if you’re not yet being treated for depression, the first port of call should always be your GP or to self-refer to talking therapies in your area if you think you may have a mental health problem.

Skin Colour Can Maker It Impossible To Produce Vitamin D3

Best Depression Supplement

However, if your skin is darker, your ability to make vitamin D3 is almost impossible. The darker you are, the less you can produce.

Melanin, the pigment that gives skin its beautiful colour, acts as a sunblock.

Melanin seriously interferes with the synthesis of vitamin D3 in the skin, making the process impossible.

Having darker skin, not having access to sunshine all year round or not spending enough time out in it means you will already have a significant shortfall.

Best Food Source

The only plant source that can produce Vitamin D3 are mushrooms and only if they have been grown under UV lights to mimic those of the Sun rays.

  • Fatty fish
  • oil
  • fortified margarine
  • yoghurt
  • Most people do not get enough of these vital vitamins, most significantly Vitamin D3.

    Your body will find it is unable to make the delicate amounts needed to sustain a healthy immune system.

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    Best Vitamins For Depression

    B vitamins play an important role in helping the brain produce adequate levels of the chemicals required to manage mood and other functions, according to the Mayo Clinic. If someone has low levels of B-vitamins and in particular B-12, they may be more likely to experience symptoms of depression. B-vitamin deficiencies are often seen in people who have depression.

    Even without a specific disorder, it can become increasingly difficult for a persons body to absorb enough vitamin B-12 as they age. Depression can often include symptoms of fatigue, and B-vitamins can help combat that. B-12, in particular, is known for being important to reduce fatigue.

    Some of the foods that contain high levels of B-12 include fish, lean meats, eggs, poultry and milk. Certain breakfast cereals may be fortified with B-12 as well. B-12 supplementation can help if someone is a vegan or vegetarian or may not be getting enough of the vitamin for any reason.

    Other B vitamins for depression, or vitamins that play a role in brain health include:

    Try Vitamin C For Antioxidant Power

    Can eating more oranges help with depression? Vitamin C or ascorbic acid treats the common cold and depression. Studies support using vitamin C for the treatment of depression. For instance, students taking Vitamin C versus a placebo revealed an increased mood. Vitamin C students also reduced anxiety and blood pressure. Vitamin C also improves the effectiveness of Prozac. Doctors can help determine if a vitamin C deficiency is causing depression.

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    Overcoming Depression And Anxiety The Natural Way

    The foods that you put into your body make a huge difference when it comes to your mood and anxiety. Nutrition is a highly underrated lifestyle factor which can In fact, nutritional psychiatry is a growing field finding success in treating mental health issues with diet. Water, vitamins, and minerals all play a key role in determining how severe your depression and anxiety symptoms are. Research suggests that altering your diet may be one of the best ways to help some mental health conditions naturally.

    Choosing to incorporate healthier foods into your diet can be a simple solution for these and many common ailments. Alternatively, you may want to consider taking a supplement purchased at a local health store to give you a more immediate response. Dont underestimate the huge impact that vitamins and minerals can have on your mental health!

    Megafood Vitamin D3 5000 Iu

    4 Key vitamins for depression and anxiety: are you missing these vital nutrients?

    Price: $$

    Many people are deficient in or have suboptimal levels of vitamin D, a fat-soluble nutrient thatâs essential for brain function and mood regulation .

    Studies show that vitamin D inadequacy or deficiency is particularly common in people with mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders .

    Furthermore, research suggests that taking high doses of vitamin D may be effective in reducing the severity of anxiety symptoms in people with anxiety disorders, including those with GAD .

    A 2020 study in 106 people with depression found that treatment with 1,600 IU of vitamin D per day for 6 months led to significant improvements in anxiety symptoms, compared with a control group .

    MegaFood Vitamin D3 is one of the best vitamin D supplements for anxiety, as it combines vitamin D with vitamin K.

    These nutrients work synergistically in the body to help maintain healthy levels of vitamin K and to promote heart and bone health .

    This supplement delivers 5,000 IU of vitamin D and 100% of the Daily Value for vitamin K in just 1 capsule. As a result, itâs a good choice for people with low vitamin D levels.

    Keep in mind that while higher dose vitamin D supplements may be necessary to treat deficiency, for people who simply want to maintain healthy vitamin D levels, a supplement that provides 1,000â2,000 IU per day may be more appropriate.

    Your healthcare professional can test your vitamin D levels and recommend a dose of vitamin D for your specific needs.

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    Do Supplements Work For Depression

    Many dietary supplements are marketed to people with low mood. But is there any evidence that taking them can make you feel better?

    Reviewed byDr Sarah Jarvis MBE
    20-Feb-20·4 mins read

    Take a glance at the supplements and herbal remedies in your local health food shop and you’ll likely come across a number of tablets promising to make you happier. You’d be forgiven for seeing them as tempting alternatives to visiting your GP if you were feeling blue. But can any actually help for depression?

    Is Vitamin B12 Good For Depression

    The symptoms of depression were reduced by higher intakes of Vitamins B12 and B6. The correlation between B12 levels and depression was more pronounced for non-melancholic than for melancholic depression. Anti-depressant therapy and the Supplementation of Vitamins B12 and B6 improved the symptoms of depression.

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    Whos Getting Too Little Vitamin D

    To find out if youre low in vitamin D, youll need to get a blood test. A result of 30 nmol/L or under is too low, and anything over 125 nmol/L is too high. Aim for 50 nmol/L or slightly above, according to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements .

    Some people are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, including those with darker skin. Darker skin contains more melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color, and more melanin makes it harder for skin to produce the vitamin from sunlight.

    People who are lactose intolerant , may also be less likely to get enough vitamin D, since fortified milk is an important dietary source of it, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. African-Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, American Indians, and Asian Americans are more likely to be lactose intolerant than people of European descent.

    Other groups at higher risk, according to the ODS:

    • Older adults
    • People who are obese
    • Anyone who has difficulty absorbing fat, such as those with inflammatory bowel disease or celiac disease or who have had gastric bypass surgery
    • Individuals who do not spend time outdoors or do not expose their skin

    The Best Vitamins For Mental Health

    Happy Pills Natural Anti Anxiety Relief &  Depression ...

    Depression is a mood disorder affecting over 17 million people in the U.S. today, and that number only reflects the reported cases. There are far more people experiencing depression who dont seek treatment. Depression is typically treated with medications and psychotherapy. However, some lifestyle changes can help treat and prevent depression as well, including the regular consumption of certain vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Some common vitamins known for improving mental health and supporting brain function are:

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    Nutrients That Can Lift Your Spirits

    Correction: An earlier version of the story misstated the recommended daily allowance of folate for adults. The amount is 400 micrograms, not 400 milligrams. This version has been corrected.

    If you want some pep in your step or a dash of good cheer, look no further than the grocery stores shelves. Not only are foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids healthful, but studies show they can also increase happiness, lessen symptoms of depression and quell anxiety.

    How can foods improve our moods? It all comes down to the brain. A healthy cognitive system is essential to regulating mood, and certain nutrients have a profound impact on maintaining normal brain function. Researchers have studied the association between foods and the brain and identified 10 nutrients that can combat depression and boost mood: calcium, chromium, folate, iron, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and zinc. Try foods containing these nutrients for a midday pick-me-up, to promote long-term happiness or to ward off the nagging worry that you forgot to lock the front door.

    The most abundant mineral in the body, calcium plays an important role in maintaining strong bones and healthy blood vessels, and in reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Low levels of calcium may play a role in premenstrual-syndrome-related depression in particular. Calcium deficiency affects more women than men, so women should take special care to meet the daily requirements.

    Broccoli : 11 mcg

    Vitamins For Seasonal Depression

    Seasonal depression is something many people experience. Also known as seasonal affective disorder , this mental health condition is linked to changes in seasons. Many people will start to experience symptoms of SAD in the fall, and these symptoms may continue through the winter. Someone with SAD may feel moody, fatigued or low in energy.

    Some of the reasons a person may experience seasonal depression include low serotonin levels that may be related to reduced exposure to sunlight and changes in a persons biological rhythms that can occur in the fall and winter. If someone has major depression or bipolar disorder, their symptoms may become worse in the fall and winter, and people who live further from the equator may be more likely to have this disorder.

    Treatments for seasonal depression can include medication, exposure to light and therapy. Vitamins for seasonal depression can also help alleviate or reduce symptoms. Vitamin D is one vitamin in particular that a doctor may recommend for someone experiencing seasonal depression. Vitamin D is produced by the body after sunlight exposure. During fall and winter months when sunlight exposure may be minimal, supplementing vitamin D can improve mood and reduce the symptoms of SAD.

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    Which Natural Supplements Help With Depression

    People who struggle with depression may look far and wide to find something that will help them on an ongoing basis. They want something that’s safe, effective, and affordable. Natural Supplements for depression include vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies, and other supplements. The only problem is that so many options are available, it may be difficult to settle on one supplement. Still, with the right information, you can choose wisely.

    The Top Vitamin Supplements For Depression

    Ask Dr. Doreen: Do You Believe that Vitamin D can Help Depression?

    Vitamin deficiency is not the first thing you think of when considering the underlying causes of depression.

    Doctors and psychiatrists rarely recommend vitamins for depression either.

    But clearly, your brain cant operate at its peak when essential nutrients are missing.

    A healthy brain is the first line of defense against depression and other mood disorders.

    Some vitamins are necessary for the formation of mood-boosting neurotransmitters, while others provide energy to brain cells or protect them from damage.

    Heres a look at the most important vitamins for depression and their recommended dosages.

    1. Vitamin B6 : A Serotonin Cofactor

    Serotonin is the main brain chemical responsible for making you feel happy, relaxed, and confident.

    It also plays an important role in sleep, sex drive, and digestive health.

    The most prevalent theory of depression is that its caused by a lack of serotonin.

    This is why the most commonly prescribed antidepressants are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors which work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.

    Normally, serotonin is created in the brain and body from tryptophan, an amino acid commonly found in meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products.

    You can see that vitamin B6 is used twice in this two-step process, which helps explain the correlation between low blood levels of vitamin B6 and depression.


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    Supplements For Depression: Take The Next Step

    Depression is a widespread problem, but antidepressant medications dont work for many people and are not safe for large segments of the population.

    But there are natural supplements that are both safe and effective for depression.

    Several are proven to be as effective as prescription antidepressants.

    Some supplements have antidepressant properties of their own, while others work by addressing underlying causes of depression such as nutritional deficiency, brain inflammation, or neurotransmitter imbalance.

    Recommended: Upgrading brain health is key to making your brain work better.

    Mind Lab Pro is the brain supplement we recommend because, by boosting your brain health, it can help you:

    • Improve your mental clarity and focus.
    • Boost your memory and your ability to learn.
    • Increase your capacity to think critically, solve problems, and make decisions.

    Other Natural Vitamins For Depression

    Along with the vitamins and supplements listed above, other natural vitamins for depression may include:

    • Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the function and health of the brain. Natural sources of Omega-3s include certain fatty fish such as salmon, as well as seeds and nuts.
    • Magnesium. According to the Nutrition Reviews journal, nearly half of all adults in the U.S. experience some level of magnesium deficiency. This deficiency can cause sleep problems like insomnia, constipation and muscle tension. It can also cause symptoms of depression and other mood disorders because magnesium is important for the production of feel-good hormones in the brain.
    • Vitamin C. Supplementing with vitamin C can help improve both mood and cognitive function. Studies have also indicated vitamin C may help reduce symptoms of anxiety as well as depression.

    While depression is a serious medical condition, it is fortunately treatable. Vitamins for depression shouldnt be used as a replacement for medical treatment, but they can be used in conjunction with professional treatment to improve its effectiveness. Nutrition often plays a critical role not only in physical but also mental health.

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    Sinrich, Jenn. 10 Vitamins for Depression That Could Boost Your Mood. Readers Digest. Accessed January 3, 2019.

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    Best Supplements To Help Depression Conclusion

    Depression is, no doubt, quite a pain to deal with. It comes up randomly, drains you of all energy and motivation, and even leaves you feeling alone and unwanted. It is a serious disorder and should be treated so.

    The first thing to know is to realize that you are not alone. There are so many hotlines, online communities, and medical help available for you. You can always ask for help and create your own safe space.

    There is nothing wrong with having depression, neither is there anything wrong with asking for help. As soon as a doctor gives you a diagnosis, you can start your medications which will help you feel a lot better.

    You need your newfound energy to turn your life back around one step at a time. Best supplements to help depression are one of those steps. Heres to a healthier and happier you!

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