Thursday, May 16, 2024

How Can Depression Be Treated

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Dosage And Side Effects

How to Cope with Depression | MedCircle

It is rare for a person to stay on the same dose she is initially prescribed. Instead, doctors adjust dosage once every week or every two weeks in the beginning, as the medication builds up in the brain to reach an effective level. During this time your childs clinician will ask questions about how she is tolerating the medication, including side effects she might be experiencing.

Most uncomfortable side effects will present early, says Dr. Nash. I tell patients you might experience side effects before the desired effects. Clinicians should stay in touch with families during these first several weeks, monitoring how children are feeling and providing guidance because, as Dr. Nash says, It can be a hard time for patients, who might feel headaches or insomnia, but not feel better yet. She says the side effects can go away after one to two weeks.

It can take a while for a patient to start feeling the full effect of an antidepressant medication. The medication might start to work at two to four weeks, but you can still be feeling more benefit at six weeks further out, says Dr. Nash.

Inclusion And Exclusion Criteria

Only randomized controlled trials were included in this review. Meeting abstracts, comments, review articles and case reports were excluded. Studies involving St. Johns Wort were also excluded because it has been extensively researched, revealing many potential interactions with drugs that are P-glycoprotein and/or CYP3A substrates . Also, the large body of literature merits a separate review.

Details of our screening selection process are provided in Figure 1.

Overview of study selection

Lifestyle Changes To Treat Depression

Exercise.Regular exercise can be as effective at treating depression as medication. Not only does exercise boost serotonin, endorphins, and other feel-good brain chemicals, it triggers the growth of new brain cells and connections, just like antidepressants do. Best of all, you don’t have to train for a marathon in order to reap the benefits. Even a half-hour daily walk can make a big difference. For maximum results, aim for 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic activity on most days.

Social support. Strong social networks reduce isolation, a key risk factor for depression. Keep in regular contact with friends and family, or consider joining a class or group. Volunteering is a wonderful way to get social support and help others while also helping yourself.

Nutrition. Eating well is important for both your physical and mental health. Eating small, well-balanced meals throughout the day will help you keep your energy up and minimize mood swings. While you may be drawn to sugary foods for the quick boost they provide, complex carbohydrates are a better choice. They’ll get you going without the all-too-soon sugar crash.

Sleep. Sleep has a strong effect on mood. When you don’t get enough sleep, your depression symptoms will be worse. Sleep deprivation exacerbates irritability, moodiness, sadness, and fatigue. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep each night. Very few people do well on less than seven hours a night. Aim for somewhere between seven to nine hours each night.

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Therapy And The Big Picture In Depression Treatment

One of the hallmarks of depression is feeling overwhelmed and having trouble focusing. Therapy helps you step back and see what might be contributing to your depression and how you can make changes. Here are some of the big picture themes that therapy can help with:

Relationships.Understanding the patterns of your relationships, building better relationships, and improving current relationships will help reduce isolation and build social support, important in preventing depression.

Setting healthy boundaries. If you are stressed and overwhelmed, and feel like you just can’t say no, you are more at risk for depression. Setting healthy boundaries in relationships and at work can help relieve stress, and therapy can help you identify and validate the boundaries that are right for you.

Handling life’s problems. Talking with a trusted therapist can provide good feedback on more positive ways to handle life’s challenges and problems.

Depression In People With Dementia

Depression natural treatment infographic concept Vector Image

Depression is common in people with Alzheimers and related dementias. Dementia can cause some of the same symptoms as depression, and depression can be an early warning sign of possible dementia. Suicide attempts may also increase in people recently diagnosed with dementia. It is important to have support systems in place to help cope with a dementia diagnosis and possible depression symptoms that follow. More research is needed to determine effective depression treatment options for people with dementia.

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Psychotherapy For Depression Treatment

If there is no underlying medical cause for your symptoms of depression, talk therapy can be an extremely effective treatment. What you learn in therapy gives you skills and insight to feel better and help prevent depression from coming back.

There are many types of therapy available. Three of the more common methods used in depression treatment include cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and psychodynamic therapy. Often, a blended approach is used.

Some types of therapy teach you practical techniques on how to reframe negative thinking and employ behavioral skills in combating depression. Therapy can also help you work through the root of your depression, helping you understand why you feel a certain way, what your triggers are for depression, and what you can do to stay healthy.

Ok Im Feeling Depressed So Now What

Now that you know the symptoms of depression, some positive coping skills can be useful. All of the following techniques are supported by scientific research and medication prescribers like psychiatrists and these skills are frequently recommended as important parts of treatment even for patients who continue to take antidepressant medications.

WARNING: Do not suddenly go off your prescribed antidepressant medications without first talking to your medical provider. Discuss any questions or concerns about the side effects of your medications with your provider.

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Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

rTMS is another procedure used if the patient doesn’t respond to medications. It has become a widely used outpatient brain stimulation treatment. With rTMS, magnets are used to activate specific parts of the brain, which allows rTMS to carry only mild side effects. It’s a noninvasive procedure that doesn’t require anesthesia as ECT does.

What Treatments Are There For Depression

Depression Treatment Options: A Quick-Start Guide: What to Do If You’re Diagnosed With Depression

There are various treatments that have been found to help with depression. This page covers:

There is also information that you may find useful if a treatment isnt helping you to feel better.

Remember: you have a right to be involved in your treatment.

The sort of treatment youre offered for depression will depend on how much your symptoms are affecting you, and it should take into account your personal preference for what sort of treatment you find helps you.

See our pages on seeking help for a mental health problem for more information on speaking to your doctor and having your voice heard.

I really struggled with the SSRIs, even though my GP told me that was the only course of action. They made me feel worse than I did to start with, then incredibly tired. I fought for a referral for CBT and in the end it saved me.

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What Are The Causes And Risk Factors For Depression

There is no single cause of depression. Various risk factors have been identified as contributors to clinical depression. When there are several risk factors, the likelihood of developing depression increases.

Additionally, women are more likely to develop depression than men, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, this disparity in depression levels may be partly due to the difference in reporting. A 2021 study concluded that females are more likely to report symptoms of depression than males. A National Health and Nutrition study found that 5.5% of men report symptoms, while 10.4% of women do. Note that this study was based on self-reported data. More research is needed to fully explore the differences.

There are also racial differences in depression rates. While white Americans tend to report higher initial levels of acute depression than Black Americans, 56% of Black Americans experience chronic depression compared to 38.6% of people who are white. Treatment rates are also lower in BIPOC populations potentially due to stigma and lack of access to treatment.

In addition to risk factors for depression, some triggers can contribute to a depressive episode. Common triggers for depression include but are not limited to:

  • Stressful life events like the loss of a family member, loss of a job or significant relationship changes
  • A diagnosis of a medical condition
  • Previous incomplete treatments for depression

Psychological Treatments For Depression

Psychological treatments have been found to be an effective way to treat depression. They can help you change your thinking patterns and improve your coping skills so youre better equipped to deal with lifes stresses and conflicts.

As well as supporting your recovery, psychological therapies can help you stay well by identifying and changing unhelpful thoughts and behaviour.

There are several different types of psychological treatments including:

  • cognitive behaviour therapy
  • behaviour therapy
  • mindfulness-based cognitive therapy .

CBT is one of the most commonly used psychological therapies. It helps people with depression to monitor and change negative patterns of thinking and improve their coping skills so they are better equipped to deal with lifes stresses and conflicts.

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Individual Or Group Therapy

When you hear the word therapy you might automatically think of one-on-one sessions with a therapist. However, group therapy can be very useful in depression treatment as well. Both group and individual therapy sessions usually last about an hour. What are the benefits of each? In individual therapy, you are building a strong relationship with one person, and may feel more comfortable sharing some sensitive information with one person than with a group. You also get individualized attention.

In group therapy, listening to peers going through the same struggles can validate your experiences and help build self-esteem. Often group members are at different points in their depression, so you might get tips from both someone in the trenches and someone who has worked through a challenging problem. As well as offering inspiration and ideas, attending group therapy can also help increase your social activities and network.

Recommended Lifestyle Changes For Depression

Depression: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment â Healthsoul

In Buddhist philosophy, depression represents the inevitable consequence of seeking stimulation. The centuries old teachings suggest that we seek balance in our emotional health and lives, rather than continuously striving for the highs, and then complaining about the lows that follow.

Its basic recommendation encourages the daily practice of meditation, and this is perhaps the best way to address the root of depression and change it. This requires long-term commitment, however, as meditation does not produce immediate results.

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Seeing A Psychologist About Depression

Licensed psychologists are highly trained mental health professionals with experience in helping patients recover from depression. Several different approaches to psychotherapy have been shown to help individuals recover from depression, especially those with mild to moderate depression. Psychotherapy can help people with depression to:

  • Pinpoint life events that contribute to their depression and help them find ways to change, accept or adapt to those situations.
  • Set realistic goals for the future.
  • Identify distorted thought processes or unhelpful behaviors that contribute to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.
  • Develop skills to cope with symptoms and problems, and identify or prevent future episodes of depression.

Two of the most common evidence-based therapies for depression are cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy.

There is no one “right” approach to therapy. Therapists work closely with their patients to create tailored treatment plans to address their unique needs and concerns. Psychotherapy can help patients learn ways to better cope with stress and manage their symptoms of depression. These strategies can lead to recovery and enable patients to function at their best.

To find a licensed psychologist in your area, use our Psychologist Locator.

Take Care Of Yourself

You can also improve symptoms of depression by taking care of yourself. This includes getting plenty of sleep, eating a healthy diet, avoiding negative people, and participating in enjoyable activities.

Sometimes depression doesnt respond to medication. Your healthcare professional may recommend other treatment options if your symptoms dont improve.

These options include electroconvulsive therapy or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to treat depression and improve your mood.

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Alternative Medicine For Depression

As with any alternative or complementary medicine, check with your doctor before starting it, especially if you are taking other medications or treatments.

Herbal remedies for depression

Several studies show that the herb St. John’s wort is as successful at improving symptoms of mild to moderate depression as prescription medications, often with fewer side effects. But other reports show that the herb isn’t any better than a placebo in treating depression. Although it is considered safe, St. John’s wort can be dangerous if taken with other antidepressants , including certain medications used for treating HIV, cyclosporine, a drug used in organ transplant patients, or anticoagulant drugs. It can also interfere with oral contraceptives and medications used for heart disease and seizures.

S-adenosyl-methionine , another herbal remedy, is also sometimes considered to be a useful treatment for depression, although medical studies have not been conclusive.

Although ginkgo biloba is typically used as a way to improve memory and ease confusion, it has proved in some cases to work better than a placebo for the symptoms of depression and is approved by the German government’s Commission E for this purpose.

Whatever herbal remedy you may decide to take to treat a medical condition, it is always best to talk with your doctor first, especially if youââ¬â¢re taking prescription medications for the same or other conditions.

Massage for depression

Acupuncture for depression

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Looking For A Boost Or Alternative To Antidepressant Medicines Here Are Four Therapies That May Help Relieve Your Symptoms

How To Cope With Depression

Many people suffer bouts of mild or moderate depression as they age. Health issues and the loss of a spouse, family member, or friend are common triggers that can lead to persistent sadness and loss of enjoyment.

While antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can be helpful to relieve and control symptoms, they are not always the right choice.

Many older adults dont want to be dependent on antidepressants, or are sensitive to their common side effects, such as dry mouth, dizziness, sleepiness, and weight gain, says Dr. Darshan Mehta, medical director of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.

Fortunately, there are nondrug options available to help treat and manage mild depression. These are also ideal as a preventive measure for people who have yet to experience depression, but may have a family history of the disease and are at high risk, as well as those who have had past episodes and want to avoid future ones or be better prepared if they occur, says Dr. Mehta.

Always consult with your doctor if you experience symptoms of depression. Depending on the severity of your condition, medication may be appropriate, at least in the short term. Otherwise, you may be able to manage and even prevent episodes of depression with these four nondrug strategies.

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Can Depression Be Cured Without Medication

Can I recover from depression without antidepressants?

This is a question that many people ask me. They search the web, talk to their doctors, and seek alternative treatments, hoping that they can recover on their own. The answer to this question is both simple and very complicated. It often depends on the severity and persistence of depressive symptoms. Few people, in my experience, recover spontaneously and fully from depression entirely on their own. Reaching out for help is an important part of the recovery process. But getting help can take many forms, and what works for one person may not be the answer for another.

Studies show that psychotherapy can be as effective as medication in improving depressive symptoms, and the benefits tend to persist after treatment ends. Therapy addresses the root causes of depression, such as unresolved grief, anxiety, early childhood trauma, negative thinking, poor self-image, loss of meaning, and relationship difficulties. Therapy can also help to improve coping skills and resilience. But for severe or persistent depression, both therapy and medication may be needed for a complete recovery. This article will talk about what individuals should consider when deciding whether to take antidepressants for treatment of depression or whether another approach might work as well.

1. Severe, debilitating depression warrants a consultation with a doctor.


How To Treat Depression Naturally

1. Consider why you might feel depressed. Sometimes depression is a symptom of something circumstantial in your life, rather than biochemical imbalances. Does your job require you to sell out your integrity every day? Have you been unable to admit that you need to end your ? Are you feeling spiritually disconnected or sexually restless? Are you suffering from creative blocks? Is your body failing you? Are you facing financial ruin? Be honest with yourself about what might be off-kilter in your life, and make an effort to get to the root of why you might be feeling depressed.

2. Move your body. Exercise releases happy-making endorphins, which act like natural antidepressants. Runners high, anyone?

3. Never skip a meal. Keeping your blood sugar stable reduces mood swings.

4. Eat a serotonin-enhancing diet. Many antidepressants like Prozac act by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin by receptors in the brain, thereby increasing serotonin levels. But you can increase your brains serotonin levels by eating foods that boost your serotonin levels naturally. Serotonin-enhancing foods include:

  • Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Healthy fats like coconut oil
  • A high-protein diet, especially proteins high in tryptophan, like free-range turkey

5. Avoid caffeine, which reduces serotonin levels. If you need an energy boost, supplement with L-Tyrosine .

7. Try mood-enhancing supplements.

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