Saturday, April 27, 2024

What Are The Top 10 Phobias

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Chorophobia Fear Of Dancing

Top 10 Phobias Hardest to Avoid

We all had the feeling of being asked to the dancefloor and being a little hesitant. That feeling is usually associated with the simple fact that youre uncomfortable with something.

For people suffering from chorophobia, it actually means that dancing absolutely terrifies them and an intense fear hits them if that particular question would be asked. Better yet, they can even start to behave violently when pushed to dance by their peers.

Its hard to understand where the fear actually comes from, but it has been associated with a strict upbringing in which dancing is considered a sin, and the dance is associated with punishment.

What Is The Treatment For Phobias

Treatment for phobia usually involves therapy and sometimes medication.;

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy for specific phobia consists of strategies designed to alter poor coping strategies that continue to sustain emotional distress
  • The main component of CBT for specific phobia is exposure, which involves repeated, methodical confrontation of the feared stimulus to reduce fear through extinction and inhibitory learning;
  • In the beginning, patients are exposed to the fear-producing stimuli in a safe and controlled environment to gradually help a patient face and reduce fearful responses
  • Other components of CBT include anxiety management and reduction of safety behaviors
  • Medication
  • Not a first-line treatment, but may be used in patients who do not have access to CBT with exposure or those who prefer medication over CBT;
  • Usually benzodiazepines such as lorazepam are used
  • Triskaidekaphobia Fear Of The Number 13

    We all have a superstition here and there, and being wary of the number 13 is a very common one. The movie Friday the 13th probably didnt help in that sense.

    Theres something called the Judas Theory which would explain the fear of the number 13 in general, which suggests Judas was the thirteenth sitting at the table with Jesus during the last supper, and he is the one who ratted him out.

    Regardless of why the number 13 is considered to be unlucky, ts not that common that people suffer from Triskaidekaphobia and are terrified with everything having to do with the number 13.

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    Agoraphobia The Fear Of Open Or Crowded Spaces

    Nearly 2 out of every 100 Americans suffers from Agoraphobia, the fear of open or crowded spaces. This is a debilitating condition which prevents the phobic from visiting malls, markets, theaters and other crowded areas as well as open grounds. The individual feels intense panic at the mere thought or sight of such a space . Agoraphobia becomes a vicious circle where the sufferer feels afraid of experiencing a panic attack and these thoughts again lead to a panic attack. Limiting activities and avoidance behavior becomes a part of the phobics life. Depression is hence a common symptom of this phobia.

    What Are We Afraid Of

    Top 10 Weirdest Phobias

    Illustration by Emily Roberts, Verywell;

    Phobias are surprisingly common, but what exactly do people fear the most? Are there any phobias that tend to be more common than others?

    The following phobias are ten of the most common objects or situations;that lead to marked fear and symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and breathlessness. In some cases, these symptoms escalate into a full-blown;panic attack.

    Social phobia and agoraphobia are in their own category of anxiety disorders, where the remaining eight phobias are considered “specific phobias,” related to a particular object or situation.

    These common phobias typically involve the environment, animals, fears of injections and blood, as well as certain other;situations.

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    Phobophobia Fear Of Phobias

    The phobia of all phobias is called phobophobia. We didnt think this sentence would make sense, but for some people it does.

    Phobophobia is quite rare and isnt a phobia that falls into one of the 3 categories that define all other phobias. Its more tied to general mental illness and anxiety disorders as there isnt something specific triggering the phobia apart from being afraid of the feelings that other phobias create.

    Apart from the fear of effects phobias create, people suffering from this disorder also fear developing phobias, making it similar to the people suffering from hypochondriasis, which is the fear of getting an illness.

    This one concludes our list as its definitely one of the rarest and strangest phobias people can ever have.

    Trypophobia The Fear Of Holes

    Biological revulsion and culturally learned fears are the primary causes of Trypophobia, which is the extreme and irrational fear of holes. While this fear might seem irrational to normal people, the mere sight or thought of holes can set off a panic attack in the Trypophobe. As a result, the individual avoids objects such as coral, sponges, skin, meat, dried honeycombs and pretty much everything that has holes on it. Holes seem disgusting and gross to the sufferer and s/he goes to all lengths to avoid it.

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    Coulrophobia Fear Of Clowns

    Pogo the Clown, John Wayne Gacys clown character, or Stephen Kings Pennywise the Dancing Clown character also portrayed in the recent It movies can both be the cause of a phobia called coulrophobia.

    While clowns are meant to make children happy, they can be the cause of a very unusual phobia which reflects in actually being terrified for clowns.

    Currently, the phobia isnt listed in the American Psychiatric Associations categorization of disorders, and even though rare, its clear that the panic attacks following merely seeing a clown in action are terrible for the people suffering from coulrophobia.

    Pogonophobia Fear Of Beards

    Top 10 Common Phobias

    Some people simply dont like beards. Better yet, they absolutely hate them!

    While the actual cause for this phobia is unknown, a person with pogonophobia most probably had an unpleasant encounter with a bearded person in the past or associates beards with bad hygiene or disease.

    On the other side of the spectrum, we have pogonophiles, people who actually adore beards.

    We can only hope that these 2 people will never meet.

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    Acrophobia The Fear Of Heights

    Acrophobia is an irrational fear of heights or the fear of falling . It is a specific phobia that causes the sufferers to be highly agitated or in a state of panic which could interfere with his/her ability to climb down. In severe cases of Acrophobia, a panic attack might be triggered even when the sufferer is climbing up or down a chair. Nearly 10% of people in the United States are known to suffer from Acrophobia.

    Top 10 Most Common Phobias

    • Just Believe Recovery Center

    In This Article

    Phobias are defined by an intense, sometimes irrational, fear. They are considered a form of anxiety and can come in many forms.

    People can develop phobias for all types of things.; Snakes, bugs, spiders, open spaces, people, you name it. They are the most common psychiatric condition, and are said to affect twice as many women as men.

    There are several theories on why phobias develop. Some experts say the causes can be evolutionary. Others say that the causes are more behavioral.

    Phobias are more common than you would think, and there can be any number of sources for it. As common as phobias are in general, some phobias are more common than others.

    Some things just scare much more people than other things. If someones phobia is intense enough, it can lead to other symptoms like dizziness, nausea, and loss of breath. In extreme cases, a persons phobia can develop into a panic attack.

    Since phobias are so common, were going to review the top 10 phobias. Social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia are considered 2 of the Top 10, but they are also classified as their own category of anxiety disorder. But the remaining 8 phobias are focused around a specific object or situation, and for that reason they are known as specific phobias.

    Without further ado, here are they are.

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    How Can You Manage Your Phobias

    While it’s easy to dismiss other people’s phobias, in severe cases they can have an extremely negative impact on someone’s life. For example, it’s not hard to see how a fear of public speaking might harm someone’s career prospects.

    A phobia can easily bring about an anxiety attack, There are many potential physical and psychological symptoms, from sweating and trouble breathing to simply not being able to control your thoughts.

    If you have a phobia that’s stopping you making the most of life, our GPs are here to help you. These are just a few of the treatment options available.

    Top 10 Stupidest Phobias

    10 of the Most Common Phobias


    Exuse me what? Who is stupid enough to think a duck is ALWAYS watching them? I have two pet ducks, and they are more afraid of me! They are adorable balls of quacking feathers. They are also very dirty.

    The fact that this even exists means that somewhere, at some point in time, someone ACTUALLY HAD THIS PHOBIA, which really makes me question the real purpose of the human race on Earth. We have a long way to go before we can even begin to understand what kind of duck trauma this individual has had from their past to cause this kind of phobia to develop. It really surprises me that we, as a race, can dream of interstellar travel, but cannot overcome the fear of A DUCK eavesdropping and watching you at all times.

    Why…out of all the possible things that could happen to you…you have to be scared of a duck following you all the way to South Africa…tracking your location…and thinking that one day…it’ll come at you.


    If the mother in law was abusive then this might explain.

    Everyone is afraid of their mother-in-laws…

    Hah. This is THE stupidest phobia known to man… Yet understandable

    Everyone is afraid of their Mother-In-Law…


    Germaphobes also have this. Most people who have this most likely live on the streets, because they cannot afford anything.

    Seriously? Laugh out loud every people need money, and some people are willing to die just to have money.


    Omg it’s a feeling

    5Bananaphobia 6Biophobia 789

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    Omphalophobia Fear Of Belly Buttons

    Another strange phobia is the fear of ones navel. This can either be their own belly button or the belly button of someone else.

    Some people suffering from this phobia might simply dislike the way belly buttons look, or might get a full-blown panic attack when somebody touches his or her belly button.

    This is another phobia that probably has its origin in childhood through a bad experience causing trauma which is later in life associated with belly buttons.

    A navel piercing is out of the question, thats for sure.

    Most Common Phobias & Fears

    Do insects make your skin crawl? Does gettingon a plane take your fears to new heights? If so, youre not alone. Accordingto the American Psychiatric Association, phobias are the most commonpsychiatric illness among women and the second most common in men.

    The National Institute of Mental Health suggests that 10% of U.S. adults are affected by phobias each year. These phobias typically emerge during childhood or adolescence and continue into adulthood. There are many reasons why phobias develop, including evolutionary and behavioral theories. Fortunately, phobias are treatable conditions that can be minimized or eliminated with cognitive and behavioral therapy and medications.

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    The Top 10 Most Common Phobias Ranked

    Here’s what scares Americans the most.

    The more than 500 recognized phobias range from super common to incredibly rare, and from NBD to deadly serious. Nearly one in 10 Americans suffers such a frighthere’s what scares them the most.

    No. 1:Critters50 percent of phobics fear insects, snakes, or birds.

    No. 2: Heights48 percent are afraid of being way up high.

    No. 3:;Tight Spaces34 percent hate tunnels, caves, and elevators.

    No. 4: Flying31 percent are scared of airplane trips.

    No. 5:;Water26 percent can’t stand being in or on open water.

    No. 6:;The Dentist25 percent would rather never go.

    No. 7:;Blood22 percent freak over the red stuff.

    No. 8:;Bad Weather21 percent fear thunderstorms or lightning.

    No. 9:Crowds17 percent panic in throngs of people.

    No. 10:The Hospital15 percent can barely set foot in the door.

    MORE:;Inside the Mind of a _____ Phobe

    Different Kinds Of Phobias

    What are the Top 10 phobias and fears?

    There are three main types of phobias.

    Specific phobias: As the name suggests, these phobias focus on a specific trigger or fear. These are the most common types of phobias. Specific or simple phobias produce irrational levels of fear toward objects or situations that are not inherently dangerous. People with simple phobias are generally aware that their fear is irrational, but experience anxiety when confronted with their trigger. Examples may include fear of spiders, heights, driving a car, or flying.

    Social phobia: People with social phobia have a fear of being around other people. This may come from low self-esteem and a fear of being embarrassed in front of other people. Social phobia can impact a persons ability to make friends, attend school, or get or keep a job.

    Agoraphobia: People with agoraphobia have a fear of being in open spaces. In some cases, panic attacks may become so severe the agoraphobia stems from the fear of having another panic attack. In extreme cases, people with agoraphobia may become afraid to leave their home.

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    Ophidiophobia The Fear Of Snakes

    The fear of snakes or Ophidiophobia is the second most common zoophobia;;affecting nearly 1/3rd of the adult human population. Like the phobia mentioned below, the fear of snakes also has evolutionary roots. To an extent, the fear of venomous snakes is also essential for survival. Extreme Ophidiophobia can affect ones life as one tends to avoid hiking, camping and related activities or might even become afraid of pet store snakes and other reptiles. Next up is the number one phobia of all time.

    The 20 Most Common Phobias In The World

    A phobia is much more serious in nature than standard fear. One, this is because a phobia is persistent. Two, this is because a phobia is excessive. Three, this is because a phobia is unrealistic. Unsurprisingly, phobias can have huge influence over peoples choices, though the exact extent can see a fair amount of variation based on the subject of the phobia. For example, someone with a phobia of clowns shouldnt see too much disruption to their day-to-day lives because they can just stay away from clowns as well as places where they might encounter clowns. In contrast, someone with a phobia of open spaces might have to change their entire lifestyle unless they can bring their phobia under some measure of control.

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    What Are The Treatment Options For Phobias

    Phobias are treatable and people who have them are nearly always aware of their disorder. This helps diagnosis a great deal. Phobias are treated with a combination of therapy and medications, which may include the following

    • Behavioral therapy: Behavioral therapy is an umbrella term for the types of therapy that are used to treat mental health disorders. This form of therapy seeks to identify and help change potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors. It functions on the idea that all behaviors are learned and that unhealthy behaviors can be changed. The focus of treatment is often on current problems and how to change them.
    • Cognitive behavioral therapy : The doctor, therapist or counselor helps the person with a phobia learn different ways of understanding and reacting to the source of their phobia. This can make coping easier. Most importantly, CBT can teach a person experiencing a phobia to control their own feelings and thoughts.
    • Medications such as beta blockers, antidepressants and tranquilizers may help treat a phobia
    • Beta blockers: These can help reduce;the physical signs of anxiety that can accompany a phobia.
    • Antidepressants:;Serotonin reuptake inhibitors are commonly prescribed for people with phobias. They affect;serotonin;levels in the brain and this can result in better moods.
    • Tranquilizers:;Benzodiazepines are an example of a tranquilizer that might be prescribed for a phobia. These may help reduce anxiety symptoms.

    Haphephobia Fear Of Touching Or Of Being Touched

    Fear or Phobia l Top 10 List Most Common Phobias like Fear ...

    A very rare specific phobia is the fear of touching somebody or somebody else touching you called haphephobia.

    This phobia is most probably caused by trauma from sexual assault, with the person suffering from it referencing regular touches with the violent ordeal they had to go through in the past.

    People suffering from this phobia have referred to the touch of somebody else as burning like fire, which clearly explains what they have to go through.

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    What Does Friggatriskaidekaphobia Mean

    Fear of Friday the 13th is suffered by approximately 17-21 million Americans, according to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Asheville, N.C. The phobia is referred to as friggatriskaidekaphobia, a 99-year-old word made up of a combination of the Norse and Greek roots words for ‘Friday’ , ‘ …

    What Are The Different Groups Of Phobias

    What are the different groups of phobias?There are three main groups of phobias which include the following

    • Specific phobia: These are the most common type of phobias and focus on a specific object. Specific or simple phobias produce intense fear of a particular object or situation that is, in fact, relatively safe. People who suffer from specific phobias are aware that their fear is irrational, but the thought of facing the object or situation often brings on a panic attack or severe anxiety. Examples may include persistent fear of dogs, insects, or snakes; driving a car; heights; tunnels or bridges; thunderstorms; and/or flying.
    • Social phobia: People with a social phobia are afraid of being in the company of other people. They fear being humiliated or embarrassed in front of other people. This problem may also be related to feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem and can drive a person to drop out of school, avoid making friends, and remain unemployed.
    • Agoraphobia: People with agoraphobia are afraid of being in open spaces such as markets, bank queues, or bridges. In some cases, panic attacks can become so debilitating that the person may develop agoraphobia because they fear another panic attack. In extreme cases, a person with agoraphobia may be afraid to leave their house.

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