Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What To Watch When Depressed

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Movies To Uplift You From Depression

PLEASE DONT BE SO SAD (watch this when your depressed)

Among my strongest tools to combat depression is distraction, and one of the best distractions is watching a movie. Watching the right movie has an antidepressant effect, as it relieves the brain of the obsessive, ruminating, self-defeating loop for two consecutive hours. The brain can readjust a little during those 120 minutes and is a bit kinder when the film is over. The list of uplifting movies is as long and comprehensive as the negative thoughts going through a depressives head, but here is a list of my 10 picks.

1. Airplane

Its not your standard inspirational flick, but it has me laughing out loud every time I watch it, and laughter is one of the very best things you can do for a depressed brain. This movies one-liners are so stupid that they are funny. Even the 31st time. Surely it will make you feel better, and dont call me Shirley.

2. The Sound of Music

I know the lines by heart now, but I get goose bumps every time I watch this flick. The music combined with the theme of hope and love uplifts and inspires me.

3. Its a Wonderful Life

Businessman George Bailey reminds us that we have touched far more people in our lives than we think, that there are angels that surround us, and that there is hope even for the most desperate.

4. Good Will Hunting

5. Rocky

6. Rain Man

7. E. T.

8. Field of Dreams

9. Forrest Gump

10. Rudy

Beyond Treatment: Things You Can Do

Here are other tips that may help you or a loved one during treatment for depression:

  • Try to be active and exercise.
  • Set realistic goals for yourself.
  • Try to spend time with other people and confide in a trusted friend or relative.
  • Try not to isolate yourself, and let others help you.
  • Expect your mood to improve gradually, not immediately.
  • Postpone important decisions, such as getting married or divorced, or changing jobs until you feel better. Discuss decisions with others who know you well and have a more objective view of your situation.
  • Continue to educate yourself about depression.

What To Do When You Feel Depressed

When feeling depressed, most people want to sit around the house and do nothing, but this can actually worsen depression. Knowing how to feel better when depressed involves learning about depression, knowing yourself and understanding what works for you.

The important thing to remember when trying to feel better is to make reasonable goals. Anything has the possibility of making you feel more depressed if you set an unrealistic goal. For example, exercising is positive, but setting the goal for yourself to run five miles a day might make you feel more depressed if that’s not something you’re able to accomplish. Small goals and small steps forward work best. You can always set bigger goals as you start to feel less depressed.

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Top 3 Action Movies To Watch When You Are Depressed

When you are battling the blues, a good action movie can sometimes provide a therapeutic distraction. Here are the best 3 action films to watch when feeling sad:

  • The Italian Job

After being betrayed in Italy, Charlie and his team carry out an elaborated gold heist against their former ally .

  • Black Panther

TChalla, heir to the advanced and isolated African kingdom of Wakanda, must lead his nation into a new future while defying a challenger from his countrys past.

  • Mad Max: Fury Road

In an apocalyptic desert landscape, a woman rebels against a tyrannical ruler helped by female prisoners.

Best Movies To Watch When Feeling Depressed

The movies that make us cry...

Cinema therapy, made popular by Dr. Gary Solomon, is the process of using films for therapeutic purposes and can have a positive effect on most depressed patients except those suffering from psychotic disorders. If you have been feeling sad or lazy for more than two weeks, you might be struggling with depression. Although professional help is recommended to put depressed individuals on their way to recovery, movie therapy is an opportunity to do interventional work by yourself. All you have to do is pick your favorite genre!

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19 things to watch on netflix when you feel anxious. Bradley cooper and jennifer lawrence starer silver lining is one of the best movies that one could watch to feel well while suffering from depression. Zero mostel as shyster broadway producer max bialystock and gene wilder as leo bloom, bialystocks cringing accountant and accomplice in crime, form the.

How Is Depression Treated

Depression treatment typically involves medication, psychotherapy, or both. If these treatments do not reduce symptoms, brain stimulation therapy may be another treatment option. In milder cases of depression, treatment might begin with psychotherapy alone, and medication added if the individual continues to experience symptoms. For moderate or severe depression, many mental health professionals recommend a combination of medication and therapy at the start of treatment.

Choosing the right treatment plan should be based on a persons individual needs and medical situation under a providers care. It may take some trial and error to find the treatment that works best for you. You can learn more about the different types of treatment, including psychotherapy, medication, and brain stimulation therapies on the NIMH’s depression webpage. For information on finding a mental health professional and questions to ask when considering therapy, visit NIMHs psychotherapies webpage.

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How Is Depression Diagnosed

To be diagnosed with depression, an individual must have five depression symptoms every day, nearly all day, for at least 2 weeks. One of the symptoms must be a depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure in almost all activities. Children and adolescents may be irritable rather than sad.

If you think you may have depression, talk to your health care provider. Primary care providers routinely diagnose and treat depression and refer individuals to mental health professionals, such as psychologists or psychiatrists.

During the visit, your provider may ask when your symptoms began, how long they last, how often they occur, and if they keep you from going out or doing your usual activities. It may help to make some notes about your symptoms before your visit. Certain medications and some medical conditions, such as viruses or a thyroid disorder, can cause the same depression symptoms. Your provider can rule out these possibilities by doing a physical exam, interview, and lab tests.

Read NIMHs Tips for Talking With Your Health Care Provider to help prepare for and get the most out of your visit. For additional resources, visit the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality website.

It’s A Wonderful Life

a video to watch when you’re sad.

If there’s one movie you’re guaranteed to catch on television in the wintertime, especially around the holidays, it’s this beloved classic and with good reason. It’s a Wonderful Life is sweet without being saccharine as it recounts the story of George Bailey’s life in flashbacks. Viewers watch George, played by Jimmy Stewart at his most endearing, sacrifice his own dreams time and time again for the benefit of his friends and family.

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Its Kind Of A Funny Story

Craig is a high-school junior, in the gifted program, infatuated with his best friends girl. When he realizes hes suicidal, he checks himself into the psychiatric ward of a hospital, thinking theyll do an observation, help him, and send him home in time for school the next day. Once in, however, he must stay for a week the juvenile ward is being renovated, so hes in with adults as well as a few youths. Bobby, a man with a young daughter, shows him around Craig notices Noelle, about his age. He tries to keep his friends from finding out where he is. Little things: he draws, goes to therapy, sings, helps Bobby rehearse an interview. Is this the stuff of insight?

Related: Could there have ever been a better time to catch up on some of the best cinematic works that are out there? Here is our Ultimate List of Movies/TV Shows To Watch Online.

Dont forget to mention some of your favorite life changing movies in the comments below. We hope you bounce back from your depression to become a happier and better person. Heres a little something for you. Have a great day

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a 2004 cult classic starring Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey.

Carrey plays the role of Joel, a man who is detached and withdrawn emotionally. He embarks on a relationship with Clementine, a free spirit.

The pair fight and Joel learn that Clementine has had all her memories of him erased. Devastated, he decides the only solution is to attempt the same procedure.

The bulk of this movie takes place inside Joels mind as he battles to preserve his fading memories of Clementine. The result is a movie that may be set in the near-future, but is an unerringly accurate and realistic portrayal of one mans descent into the abyss of depression.

Despite the films dark material, the action ends with Joel and Clementine meeting again and agreeing to give things another go, so ultimately theres a positive message ideal for anyone who thinks there is no end to depression and no hope of a better future.

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Loss Of Appetite Or Overeating

When we are depressed our basic functions, such as eating and sleeping, are affected. Some people especially those whose depression is accompanied by feelings of anxiety may find their stomach is too churned up to eat and could lose weight. Others may eat their feelings and self-soothe by overeating.

Appetite can be a problem for some people with depression, who find it difficult to eat. Although, conversely, for others overeating can be a problem, says Richard.

How to ease it: To counteract this, Richard suggests sticking to a routine. One strategy to tackle this would be to focus on eating at regular mealtimes especially breakfast and avoid snacking, he suggests.

Limit or stop drinking alcohol, caffeine and sugar as these are stimulants that may cause fluctuations in mood. And swap junk and refined foods for nourishing meals that contain lean protein like chicken and fish, and wholegrains that provide a steady source of energy.

Are There Different Types Of Depression

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If you are given a diagnosis of depression, you might be told that you have mild, moderate or severe depression. This describes what sort of impact your symptoms are having on you currently, and what sort of treatment you’re likely to be offered. You might move between mild, moderate and severe depression during one episode of depression or across different episodes.

There are also some specific types of depression:

  • Seasonal affective disorder depression that occurs at a particular time of year, or during a particular season. See our page on SAD for more information.
  • Dysthymia continuous mild depression that lasts for two years or more. Also called persistent depressive disorder or chronic depression.
  • Prenatal depression depression that occurs during pregnancy. This is sometimes also called antenatal depression.
  • Postnatal depression depression that occurs in the first year after giving birth.

See our page on postnatal depression and perinatal mental health for more information. The PANDAS Foundation also has information and support for anyone experiencing prenatal or postnatal depression.

Is premenstrual dysphoric disorder a type of depression?

PMDD is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome . Many women experience PMS, but for some women their symptoms are severe enough to seriously impact their daily life. This is when you might receive a diagnosis of PMDD.

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A Place Further Than The Universe

If the cold weather is getting you down, simply watch this delightful anime about a group of high school girls who overcome all manner of adversity to join an Antarctic expedition. This relentlessly upbeat series has its fair share of emotional moments, but youll always come out the other side feeling better and filled with a sense of adventure, to boot. So make yourself a nice mug of hot chocolate and settle in for the best series that most people slept on.

Where Can I Find Clinical Trials For Depression

Clinical trials are research studies that look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat diseases and conditions. Although individuals may benefit from being part of a clinical trial, participants should be aware that the primary purpose of a clinical trial is to gain new scientific knowledge so others may receive better help in the future.

Researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health and around the country conduct many studies with patients and healthy volunteers. Talk to your health care provider about clinical trials, their benefits and risks, and whether one is right for you. For more information, visit NIMH’s clinical trials information.

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Michelle designed her own personal support. Called The M-Plan it gives prompts to check in with what she needs daily to support her mental health. Its flexible and I use it to give myself space and permission to consider what would feel beneficial to me, she explains. I also take medication and have therapy when I need some extra support. Im not ashamed of any of the supports I use to look after my mental health in fact, I have more moments of joy in my life than ever before, she says.

Everyone with a mental health problem deserves to be able to access the help that they need, says Rosie Weatherley, on behalf of mental health charity Mind. No matter what kind of depression you have, treatments are available.

Movies To Watch When Depressed

ancient forgotten animal vines to watch when you’re depressed af

To a depressed mind, everything appears to be dull and colorless. At that moment, some good movies some words of hope and love can be invaluable. There are many good movies not all of them can leave your depressed mind in a jolly state. Thats why in the following weve picked 8 of our favorite movies to watch when depressed. If youre feeling down, maybe you should watch one of these feel-good films.

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How Can I Help A Loved One Who Is Depressed

If someone you know has depression, help them see a health care provider or mental health professional. You also can:

  • Offer support, understanding, patience, and encouragement.
  • Invite them out for walks, outings, and other activities.
  • Help them stick to their treatment plan, such as setting reminders to take prescribed medications.
  • Make sure they have transportation to therapy appointments.
  • Remind them that, with time and treatment, the depression will lift.

Take comments about suicide seriously, and report them to your loved ones health care provider or therapist. If they are in immediate distress or thinking about hurting themselves, call 911 for emergency services or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

Are There Warning Signs Of Suicide With Depression

Depression carries a high risk of suicide. Suicidal thoughts or intentions are serious. Warning signs include:

  • A sudden switch from sadness to extreme calmness, or appearing to be happy
  • Always talking or thinking about death
  • Clinical depression that gets worse
  • Taking risks that could lead to death, such as driving through red lights
  • Making comments about being hopeless, helpless, or worthless
  • Putting affairs in order, like tying up loose ends or changing a will
  • Saying things like “It would be better if I weren’t here” or “I want out”
  • Talking about suicide
  • Visiting or calling close friends and loved ones

If you or someone you know shows any of the above warning signs, call your local suicide hotline, contact a mental health professional right away, or go to the emergency room.

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Suicidal Ideation Or Attempts

In extreme cases, someone with depression may fantasise about ending it all, or may attempt to commit suicide. Its immaterial if this is a cry for help. If someone is considering suicide they will need immediate help and support. When depression consumes us, we can feel there is no other way out, says Grace McMahon. Or that we dont want to be here with those thoughts anymore. We feel worthless about ourselves which can lead to guilt, suicidal thoughts or attempts.

How to ease it: If you, or someone you know, is at this stage its essential they get help. Its so important to seek professional help for depression to prevent getting to this point and help us come back from it if were already there, says Grace. Speak to your GP about options. It can be scary, but theyve heard it before and can offer different treatment approaches to help you.

Contact your GP to request an urgent appointment. Closed surgeries usually provide details of an out-of-hours doctor. Alternatively, call a friend or loved one, go to A& E, or call a helpline such as the Samaritans on 116 123 or the National Suicide Prevention Helpline on 0800 689 5652.

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If you are feeling sad and the low mood lasts for more than two weeks, seek professional help and surround yourself by your loved ones. During your recovery, try to stay active. If you are not able to exercise, keep yourself entertained with our selection of movies, which are sure to keep you distracted from those negative thoughts. Our picks have been carefully selected to entertain without much mental effort or concentration from your side, so you will be able to enjoy them even on the toughest days. Treat yourself!

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