Thursday, May 2, 2024

Can Mushrooms Help Bipolar Disorder

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How To Get Help For Mushroom Misuse

How to Help Someone with Bipolar Disorder

If you suspect a loved one is experimenting or regularly using magic mushrooms, consider having a firm yet loving conversation with them about the risks of psychedelics, especially when combined with alcohol or other drugs. At this time, its also important to emphasize that you are there to help and support them.

If you or a loved one are struggling with substance use or addiction, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

What’s The Best Way To Explain Why Psilocybin Is Illegal Is It Simply Because The Threshold For Misuse Remains High And It Hasn’t Been Studied Enough

The Controlled Substance Act is a political, not a scientific law. The criteria for Schedule 1 is “no therapeutic use and high potential for abuse,” which is, of course, axiomatic, because how do you know if a drug has therapeutic use unless you study it, Andrew Penn, NP explains.

Also, note that alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine are some of the most widely-used substances in the world and they are not scheduled substances and are only minimally regulated. The Controlled Substance Act was part of the fall out of the 1960s psychedelic bacchanalia, and any suspicious drugs got rounded up en masse, psilocybin being one of them.

Tms For Naturally Treating Bipolar Depression

For a while TMS has seemed like it could be the next big thing.

TMS for depression and bipolar disorder caused particular interest.

The problem is that so far the studies are inconclusive. Some research has shown positive benefits but others have not.

The Mayo Clinic summarizes the existing scientific evidence like this:

Some research showed that transcranial magnetic stimulation improved depression symptoms, while in other studies it didnt seem to help. If transcranial magnetic stimulation works for you, your depression symptoms may improve or go away completely. Symptom relief may take a few weeks of treatment.

However, in 2008 the FDA did ok one TMS device, the NeuroStar TMS brain-stimulating device. This was a clearance, as opposed to a formal approval.

According to the FDA:

Because the NeuroStar device is not implanted and carries only moderate risk, the FDA needed to only clear the device and not formally approve it.

The approval was a very hard one and followed an initial rejection by the FDA. The FDAs reluctance stemmed from their perception that clinical trials have not conclusively proven the efficacy of TMS treatment.

The FDA did recognize studies showing that TMS-treated individuals were twice as likely as those who received a sham treatment to show clinical benefit. However, some of the FDA reviewers expressed concerns that TMS for depression benefits appeared small, borderline, marginal, and of questionable clinical significance.

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Psychedelic Research With Promising Results

Advocates of hallucinogens claim that substances which alter the conscious may be key to treating mental illness and can be more effective than some prescription drugs. There has been a resurgence of interest in psychedelic research in the last few years with promising results. However, treatments using restricted Schedule 1 drugs, like psilocybin, are legal only for limited research at this time.

Dr. David E. Nichols, a psychedelic research expert and co-founder of the Heffter Research Institute, explains:

We have been able to accomplish so much in such a relatively short time. Psilocybin, the psychoactive compound in magic mushrooms, is proving a prodigious treatment for anxiety, depression, addiction, and one study even found it might lead to neurogenesis or the regrowth of brain cells.

This is great news for the hopeful development of successful new treatment options for common mental health issues. What is the evidence supporting such claims? Here is a list of recent studies:

The problem is that pharmaceutical companies are not interested in researching an inexpensive substance that has been around for a long time. There is no money to be made with a non-patentable drug that is given only once or twice in a lifetime. There is a sad dilemma.

Foods To Avoid If You Have Bipolar Disorder

Mushroom Therapy: Shrooms and bipolar disorder

There is also some evidence that an imbalance in the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid intake is problematic in bipolar disorder, says coauthor of the September 2015 study Melvin G. McInnis, MD, who is the Thomas B. and Nancy Upjohn Woodworth professor of bipolar disorder and depression and director of the Heinz C. Prechter Bipolar Research Program at University of Michigan Medicine in Ann Arbor. According to a study published in March 2016 in the journal Psychiatric Clinics of North America, having a high omega-6 to omega-3 ratio increases the bodys inflammatory response, which is harmful for overall brain function.

Research has also uncovered a link between low levels of omega-3s and the development of bipolar disorder conversely, an adequate intake of fatty fish is associated with a lower risk of developing the disorder, according to an article published in June 2019 in the journal Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. According to the authors, nutrition is now recognized as an important factor in the prevention and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

Since omega-6 fatty acids compete with omega-3s in the body, you should try to avoid foods with a high omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, including oils such as corn, soybean, and cottonseed, advises Bergmans. Better oil options include canola, flaxseed, and olive, which are also low in saturated fat.

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Common Side Effects Of Mushrooms

All hallucinogens carry the risk of triggering mental and emotional problems and causing accidents while under the influence. Among adolescents, magic mushrooms are frequently taken in combination with alcohol and other drugs, increasing the psychological and physical risks.

The amount of psilocybin and psilocin contained in any given magic mushroom is unknown, and mushrooms vary greatly in the amounts of psychoactive contents. This means it’s very hard to tell the length, intensity, and type of “trip” someone will experience.

Consuming shrooms can result in a mild trip with feelings of relaxation or drowsiness to a frightening experience marked by hallucinations, delusions, and panic. In the worst-case scenario, magic mushrooms have even been known to cause convulsions.

Side effects of magic mushrooms can include both physical and mental effects.

Physical effects:

  • Paranoia
  • Psychosis

More research is needed on the long-term, lasting side effects of magic mushrooms but it has been reported that people can experience long-term changes in personality, as well as flashbacks long after taking mushrooms.

Since magic mushrooms look similar to poisonous mushrooms, poisoning is yet another potential risk of taking these drugs. Mushroom poisoning can cause severe illness, organ damage, and even death.

Bipolar Disorder And Adhd

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and bipolar disorder are highly correlated.Pataki C, Carlson GA. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2013

Both disorders involve similar executive function deficits.Goldberg JF, Chengappa KN. Bipolar Disord. 2009

In fact, emotional and cognitive deficits are present in each disorder and can appear similar. Mood lability in ADHD can appear similar to mood dysregulation in BD.Miller S, Chang KD, Ketter TA. J Clin Psychiatry. 2013

Similarly, manic episodes in BD can be mistaken as hyperactivity, a trademark symptom of ADHD.Author Name. Curr Med Res Opin. 2014

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Which Psychedelics Work For Bipolar Disorder

Some clinical studies have suggested that patients with bipolar disorder should avoid certain psychedelic medications. For example, patients with BP cannot be prescribed SSRI antidepressants. Some psychedelic drugs like MDMA and psilocybin can increase serotonergic activity and trigger manic episodes.

Patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder can still explore the use of ketamine therapies for mental health treatment. While ketamine is an entheogen like MDMA and psilocybin, the reaction with ketamine is focused on glutamate and NMDA receptors. Other types of psychedelics impact serotonin, which can cause episodes of hyper mania.

Some physicians feel that ketamine is the safest psychedelic drug that can be combined with other prescription medications. And that it has a lower potential to interact with other drugs commonly used for mental health treatments.

Risk Of Affective Switch

How LSD and shrooms could help treat anxiety, addiction and depression

Due to a lack of data, it is unclear whether ketamine induces an affective switch in treated patients. Current evidence suggests that the risk for affective switch is increased in patients treated with antidepressants, as well as in patients with a history of substance abuse, especially opioid use disorder. Data from three studies, conducted among patients with treatment-resistant unipolar and bipolar depression, reported transient mood elevation in 7% and 10% of subjects administered placebo and subanesthetic doses of ketamine, respectively. As mood levels returned to baseline by the next day, the authors concluded that their results did not reflect a persistent substance-induced syndrome. While the neurobiological basis of affective switch has not been fully elucidated, limited evidence suggests that brain-derived neurotrophic factor may play a major role. One study has reported that individuals with bipolar depression who also have the val/val BDNF genotype may be at a greater risk for either a spontaneous or antidepressant-related switch to mania. Nevertheless, future studies are needed to confirm the risk factors for affective switch.

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The Pros Of Magic Mushrooms For Depression And Anxiety

Recent studies show depressed and anxious patients responding well to Psilocybin. The substance has the potential to reset and rewire the brain, even similar to the way electroconvulsive therapy works. The patients experience a kick start that can help them break out of their current depressive states.

The research demonstrates a long period of relief, lasting up to five weeks with only two doses of Psilocybin. Other literature shows that a single dose is potent enough to have a positive effect on cancer patients who are also suffering from anxiety and depression.

This kind of dosing is a giant leap from the current medications where patients have to take antidepressants every day or have therapy weekly to achieve the same benefits. These conventional treatments can last up to years.

There is still much research to conduct to pinpoint the exact process of how psychedelics work in the brain. Brain scans show that after taking Psilocybin, a part of the brain has a slowed blood flow, which means that the brain rests and slows down.

Overactive brain networks are common characteristics in people who are suffering from depression. This is the cause of much overthinking and compulsive thoughts and actions.

Staging And Neuroprogression In Bd

BD may present with manic and depressive episodes, often with mixed features its variable clinical manifestations can be described in stages. These stages include cognitive deterioration and functional decline, changes in inflammatory and neuroanatomical biomarkers, lowered response to treatment, and a worsened self-reported quality of life, all of which have been linked to disorder progression. To date, there has been a lack of staging models based on psychopathology. Kapczinski et al., suggested a model that accounted for functioning, cognitive performance, and blood biomarkers. Cosci and Fava subsequently proposed an integrative model emphasizing the lack of evidence for stage 0 . Duffy, in turn, suggested a staging model that took into consideration the natural history of BD and the heterogeneity of the different subtypes.

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What Effects Do Magic Mushrooms Have On Bipolar Disorder

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Brain Chemistry And Biology

Man sent to ICU after

Bipolar disorder also has a neurological component.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers in the brain. They help relay messages between nerve cells throughout the body. These chemicals play an essential role in healthy brain function. Some of them even help regulate mood and behavior.

Older links three main neurotransmitters to bipolar disorder:

  • serotonin
  • dopamine
  • norepinephrine

Imbalances of these brain chemicals may prompt manic, depressive, or hypomanic mood episodes. This is particularly the case when environmental triggers or other factors come into play.

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The Role Of Mitochondria

Experts also believe mitochondria which you may remember from science class as the cells that generate energy, aka the powerhouse of the cell may have something to do with the development of mood disorders.

When cells dont produce or metabolize energy as they typically would, the resulting imbalances in brain energy could lead to the changes in mood and behavior often seen with bipolar disorder.

Identification And Selection Of Publications

A comprehensive search of case studies published through December 2020 was conducted using the following electronic databases: PubMed, Web of Science, and PsychInfo. Our initial search focused specifically on psilocybin and included the following terms OR OR ) AND OR OR ). This search revealed a small number of publications prior to inclusion/exclusion criteria below , and so we expanded the search to include all classic psychedelics OR OR OR OR OR ) AND OR OR ).

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What The Research On Psilocybin Therapy Shows

Whats most interesting about psilocybin is its ability to address a few different types of conditions. The most promising potential is for addictionsmoking, alcoholism, cocaine, says Matthew W. Johnson, PhD, a professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and associate director of the Center for Psychedelic & Consciousness Research. His ongoing pilot study on nicotine addiction has found that 80% of participants who underwent psilocybin therapy quit smoking, and 60% of them were still abstinent 16 months laterimpressive compared to the 35% success rate of varenicline, the most effective of other smoking cessation therapies. The idea that something could be efficacious for multiple substances is, itself, very atypical and exciting, says Johnson. Theres a very good case that psilocybin can treat the psychology of addiction, not just alleviate the withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings.

Beyond those applications, researchers are also looking at psilocybin for anorexia, Alzheimers , post-traumatic stress disorder, demoralization syndrome experienced by long-term HIV survivors, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. We dont have the answers yet, but I would say theyre good bets, says Johnson.

The Morning Sun Newsletter

NOW OPEN: Bipolar Disorder and Magic Mushrooms Study ð?

Like Reiff, he is skeptical about the benefit of removing the psychedelic experience but said its an open question that should be studied.

Griffiths said determining a psychedelic experience isnt necessary would be a significant breakthrough, especially because the drugs can cause significant adverse effects including engaging in dangerous behavior and triggering enduring psychiatric illness.

The possibility of a triggering those reactions is why trial participants are screened thoroughly for underlying serious mental health conditions and professionally guided through the experience, he said.

Doing the basic scientific research is important as these mood-altering drugs are getting closer to federal approval as medicines, Griffiths said.

Thompson said he plans to continue the research, next looking at which drugs might work the best without the psychedelic experience and which of more than a dozen brain receptors is the best target.

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Do Psychedelics Help With Bipolar Disorder

Patients are now exploring psychedelic drugs for bipolar disorder. And one of the reasons is that the medications often prescribed for treating anxiety and depression have serious side effects. People who take the standard drugs targeted at the 5-HT2A receptor can feel emotionally numb. They may not be feeling acute sadness or depression, but prescription medications can also suppress other feelings like happiness, excitement, and joy.

Going through life with a flat emotional effect can impair relationships, employment, and other aspects of social engagement. Some patients also find that many prescription medications cause drowsiness and a persistent feeling of fatigue. They always feel tired and not alert.

Now that ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is available nationwide, patients can try a new alternative medicine. Patients report feeling a deep sense of relaxation after taking oral or nasal inhaled ketamine. The feeling of peace is followed by lifting the mood or euphoria. The mind remains active,, but sensations in the body are numb because ketamine has anesthetic properties.

There can be some normal side effects after ketamine therapy. They can include dry mouth, feeling relaxed , and temporary appetite loss. Patients are required to take the rest of the day off following a treatment to rest and recuperate. Other side effects can occur but are rare. Talk to your physician during your consultation for more information.

Implications And Unanswered Questions

Ketamine is of interest both because of the rapid onset of its antidepressant action and because of the lasting effect of a single dose. So far, insights into the biological mechanism involved in ketamines rapid action are derived from brain scans of healthy people after ketamine administration, which are consistent with the idea that ketamine acts by rapidly increasing function in the prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex. Insights into its action beyond the time of administration are derived from work on rodents, suggesting the involvement of synaptic plasticity and neurotrophic signalling., For example, Li and colleagues used a rat model in which chronic, unpredictable stress decreased the expression of synaptic proteins and excitatory postsynaptic currents in layer V pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex. Two days after a single dose of ketamine, these changes were reversed. What is needed now are studies of changes in psychological and brain function in depressed patients a few days after a single treatment of ketamine.

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