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Can You Get Ssi If Your Bipolar

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Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder You Can Receive Disability Benefits

Applying for Disability Benefits with a Mental Illness

by Guadalupe Ovalle | Aug 10, 2020 | SSD Benefits

The chances of getting disability for bipolar disorder are high if your condition impairs your ability to function in a work environment. You may be entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance benefits if you meet the evaluation criteria listed in the Social Security Administration Blue Book for mental impairments.

What does the evaluation criteria look like? An applicants bipolar disorder should include severe limitations of daily activities, the lack of ability to interact with others, and/or repeated and extended episodes of decompensation that impair your ability to perform daily activities.

Need immediate assistance applying for Social Security Disability benefits? Complete this form for a free evaluation!

Does Your Bipolar Disorder Prevent You From Working

A true case of bipolar disorder like this would complicate the ability to work for many reasons. The depressive phase may be so severe that someone is unable to work while depressed. If that person can make it to work, they may not be able to concentrate or successfully negotiate workplace interactions. The manic phase may involve impulsive, abnormal behavior that could disrupt others at the place of business. It often also involves a lack of normal sleep which would also interfere with the ability to sustain a steady work routine.

Next, you’ll be asked about the treatment you have received for bipolar disorder. You can tell your attorney what medications you are taking, whether you are engaged in counseling, and if the bipolar disorder has resulted in any in-patient psychiatric hospitalizations. Some information about your response to the treatment would be helpful for the professional to know, as well. Generally, a judge will not feel comfortable approving a case involving mental disability until someone has attempted treatment but it has not resulted in improvement to the point at which an individual regains the ability to work.

This viewpoint is also appropriate because bipolar disorder is often misunderstood and can be misdiagnosed.

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Starting A Disability Claim

You can call the SSA at 800-772-1213 to set up an appointment to fill out an application for SSDI or SSI disability benefits, or you can apply online if you’re filing for SSDI benefits only or if you’re applying for SSI and have never applied for SSI in the past and have never been married. When you fill out your disability application, include a detailed description of how your bipolar disorder affects your daily life, your social functioning, and your ability to make decisions, focus, remember information, and complete tasks quickly, and how often you have manic episodes and/or symptoms of depression. If you have both bipolar disorder and a physical impairment that makes it impossible for you to work, consider hiring a disability lawyer to help you file your Social Security claim, or if your initial claim gets denied, to file an appeal with the SSA.

Your Rights Under The Ada

Can I Get SSI for Bipolar Depression and Anxiety?

Many people with bipolar disorder are able to maintain a job. Bipolar disorder is one of the many conditions covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act . This law is designed to protect people with disabilities from discrimination in hiring, job assignments, promotions, pay, firing, benefits, layoffs, and all other employment-related activities.

The ADA only applies to businesses with 15 or more employees.

People with bipolar disorder may want to consider that when looking for employment or considering changing jobs.

Your spouse is also protected by the ADA. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission states that “The Act also makes it unlawful to discriminate against an applicant or employee, whether disabled or not, because of the individual’s family, business, social or other relationship or association with an individual with a disability.” For example, if your husband has bipolar disorder, you are protected if he requires emergency hospitalization and you must be away from work without warning because of this. The ADA is administered by the EEOC.

Other employees may not understand the rights a person with bipolar disorder has under the ADA. Often people think of disability only as physical impairment. Everyone should learn how the law applies so they know why accommodations may be required.

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Qualifying For Benefits With Bipolar Disorder

The Social Security Administration maintains a listing of impairments. This list describes medical and mental health conditions that are considered severe enough to prevent an individual from participating in substantial gainful activity . There is a list for both adults and for children.

Bipolar disorder is listed in the SSAs listing of impairments. To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits as an individual with bipolar disorder, you must submit evidence of the following:

1. Medical documentation of a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, characterized by at least three of the following symptoms:

  • Pressured speech

Seeking Legal Counsel For Bipolar Disability Benefits

If youre interested in seeking Social Security Disability for bipolar disorder, it can be challenging to get your application approved. In fact, about two-thirds of all SSDI applications are denied the first time around. About 85% are denied when submitted for reconsideration. Put your interests and future first with the team at Handler, Henning & Rosenberg LLC. Weve served clients inYork,Lancaster,Hanover,Harrisburg,Carlisle, and throughout Pennsylvania for nearly 100 years. Our unparalleled experience andproven results make our firm a clear choice for your bipolar disorder disability claim.

Lets talk about the ways we can help you. Call today for your free, confidential consultation.

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Disability Benefits For Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a condition that causes extreme changes in an individuals mood. Thousands of Americans who are diagnosed with this condition every year are unable to work and hold employment due to their symptoms. If an individual is unable to work because of bipolar disorder, he or she may qualify for either Supplement Security Income or Social Security Disability Insurance .

What Occurs After Your Pip Assessment With Questions On Mental Health

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After your PIP assessment with questions on mental health, the DWP will assess the following information with the supporting evidence if you are eligible:

  • Fulfilled PIP form
  • Joint and further evidence
  • Individual medical assessment report

The DWP will give you a letter if you have claimed your PIP or not according to your PIP assessment report.

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Can You Get Social Security Disability For Bipolar Disorder

Yes bipolar disorder is designated in the Social Security Listing of Impairments manual under Mental Disorders, Listing 12.04 Affective Disorders. If your affective disorder in this case, bipolar disorder is severe enough to meet or equal the listing, you will be considered disabled.

The listing characterizes bipolar disorder as:

a disturbance of mood, accompanied by a full or partial manic or depressive syndrome. Mood refers to a prolonged emotion that colors the whole psychic life it generally involves either depression or elation.

As a claimant, you must be viewed to be unable to work any job for at least twelve consecutive months in order to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits.

Claims for Social Security Disability for bipolar disorder will be approved or denied primarily based on medical records. You must provide sufficient records as well as evidence of symptoms and psychological abnormalities that demonstrate your inability to work. Besides medical records, these documents may be helpful in proving your claim:

  • Letters or other records from your doctor and/or therapist detailing how the effects of your bipolar condition persists despite treatment and other efforts to manage the condition.
  • Letters from friends and family members detailing how your condition affects your daily life
  • Letters from current and former employers discussing how your condition impacted your job performance

Is It Hard To Get Ssi For Bipolar

Getting approval for government disability benefits is hard. The approval rate for SSI is over 85% but approval rate for SSI for bipolar is only ______%. There are various reasons for that as the approval criteria is very strict. The approval process is not easy and it can take a long time. If you want to get SSI for bipolar, you have to prove that you are not able to work or that you wont be able to work in the near future. But the process of proving you are disabled for SSI for bipolar can take time..

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Does The Ssa Consider Bipolar Disorder To Be Valid Disability

Yes, the Social Security Administration includes affective disorders such as bipolar disorder in its Listing of Impairments under Section 12.04.

It is important to note that being on this list does not mean you automatically qualify for disability benefits. To qualify, you must prove that your symptoms are severe and meet detailed specifications on the listing.

The SSA requires that your condition meet one of the two following sets of requirements for it to deem you disabled:

Evaluation Method #1: As someone living with bipolar disorder, one way to meet the definition of disabled is to show that you have medically documented persistence of one of the following:

  • depressive syndrome characterized by at least four symptoms such as loss of interest in most activities, change in weight, sleep disturbance, decreased energy, difficulty concentrating, feeling of worthlessness, hallucinations, and paranoia
  • manic syndrome characterized by at least three symptoms such as hyperactivity pressure of speech, inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, easy distractibility, delusions, and involvement in activities that have a high probability of painful consequences which are not recognized or
  • bipolar syndrome with a history of episodic periods manifested by the full symptomatic picture of both manic and depressive syndromes (and currently characterized by either or both syndromes.

Your medical records must also show that you have at least two of the following:

Does Bipolar 1 Qualify For Disability

Bipolar Disorder

A bipolar disorder is a mental illness, which is characterized by periods of depression and periods of mania. It is even known as manic depressive disorder as it is associated with extreme changes in mood. People with bipolar disorder cycle through episodes of mania and depression and it is a lifelong condition. Unlike bipolar 2, bipolar 1 is characterized by extreme manic episodes that can be a sign of psychosis, requiring hospitalization..

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Social Security Disability For Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, is a psychotic mental disorder that can be significantly impairing. If you are being treated for bipolar disorder, but are still so greatly affected by the symptoms that you cannot work, then you might be entitled to Social Security disability benefits.

There are strict requirements and an in-depth application process you will need to adhere to in order to establish benefits, though. To learn about the steps, evidence, and requirements necessary for getting Social Security disability for a bipolar disorder in Raleigh, call Lunn & Forro, PLLC today: .

How To Qualify For Social Security Benefits For Bipolar Disorder

If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you know how it can interfere with your ability to maintain a normal routine and healthy relationships. Likewise, it can limit someones ability to sustain the concentration and pace required to work or handle interactions with others in the workplace. If your bipolar disorder makes you unable to work, you should consult an experienced lawyer about a Social Security Disability claim.

You should first be ready to tell your attorney about the symptoms of your bipolar disorder. Generally, the disorder involves alternating phases of mania and depression.

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Dealing With Suicidal Feelings

Having suicidal thoughts is a common depressive symptom of bipolar disorder. Without treatment, these thoughts may get stronger.

Some research has shown the risk of suicide for people with bipolar disorder is 15 to 20 times greater than the general population.

Studies have also shown that as many as half of all people with bipolar disorder attempt suicide at least once.

The risk of suicide seems to be higher earlier in the illness, so early recognition and help may prevent it.

If youre feeling suicidal, go to your nearest A& E department as soon as possible.

If youre feeling very depressed, contact your GP, care co-ordinator or local mental health crisis team as soon as possible.

You could also call NHS 111 for an immediate assessment.

If you cannot or do not want to contact these people, contact the Samaritans on 116 123. You can call them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Alternatively, visit the Samaritans website or email .

Applying For Disability Benefits With A Mental Illness

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Mental and psychological disabilities are among the conditions that can qualify for benefits from the Social Security Administration . You may qualify with severe depression, bipolar disorder, an anxiety disorder, or another mental illness that prevents you from maintaining gainful employment.

Social Security disability benefits can cover everyday living expenses, medical bills, and other financial obligations. Benefits are paid monthly and can alleviate many of your financial worries, making it possible for you to get by without income from employment.

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Tips For Getting Ssi Approval

There are things you can do to improve your chances for approval.

One is to ask friends or family to help. Having them document your behavior changes is one way.

Also ask your family or your caretaker to keep a detailed history of your current and previous medications. Taking the prescribed medication correctly can also support your application for Social Security Benefits.

Your bipolar condition may be managed and improve over time with proper medication and therapy. So it is important to see a healthcare professional regularly.

You can also keep a detailed journal with dates and notes on your condition. In there, make note of any usual activities that you cannot do on a particular day. This can help with your SSI application. It can also be useful for therapy sessions.

Also, keep records of how your bipolar has affected your performance at work.

Lastly, if you want more evidence and supporting documents, you can ask your doctor to track the course of your symptoms.

Can You Work While Living With Bipolar Disorder

Living with bipolar disorder is different for everyone, and having bipolar disorder doesnt mean you cant or shouldnt work.

Even if you experience symptoms that affect your daily functioning and activities, the ADA ensures workplaces allow for reasonable accommodations.

Reasonable accommodations such as extra break allowances can help you manage any symptoms that may otherwise affect your work productivity.

The ADA aims to protect your civil rights if you live with a disability and works to prevent discrimination. It also aims to guarantee you have equal opportunities in:

  • employment
  • government programs and services participation
  • public transportation access
  • telecommunication services

You dont have to file any forms to be protected by the ADA. If you meet their disability definition, you automatically have the benefit of all protections granted under ADA law.

If you feel youve experienced discrimination because you live with bipolar disorder, you can file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice.

Complaints can be completed through:

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How Does The Process Work

You receive a Ticket in the mail. You take this Ticket to any Employment Network or State Vocational Rehabilitation agency , and if you both agree to work together, the EN or VR will help you with job training, finding employers, information about work incentives, materials to send to prospective employers, and other tasks that will help you go to work. Participating in the Ticket to Work program means that youre protected from a Continuing Disability Review based on your potential ability to work.

How To Get Bipolar Disability

How To Get Disability for Bipolar

In addition to a history of poor response to medication and multiple hospitalizations, there are a few other factors that make it more likely youll receive disability benefits. These factors have to do with your age, how long you have been diagnosed with the disorder, and your work history. Keep in mind that getting SSDI requires having a work history.

For SSI you need to have low income and few financial resources. Some people who file a disability claim qualify for SSDI plus SSI. .

The following factors can help you get disability benefits:

  • Difficulty maintaining employment, because of your bipolar disorder
  • Difficulty with relationships

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Length And Levels Of Depression

Your depression or bipolar disorder must have lasted or be expected to last for at least a year, and must be at a level at which you would be unable to perform a job on a consistent and regular basis. The SSA does not require that you be depressed every day of the month, but you must show your depressive symptoms occur frequently enough to prevent you from working.

Quite often, your medical treatment records for a particular visit will say that you are “feeling better” or that your depression has “improved.” The SSA might use these records as a reason to deny you disability benefits. If your medical records include such notes, you can explain at a hearing before an administrative law judge whether you have good days and bad days with your disorder, and how often each occurs.

Medical Opinions About Your Depression Or Bipolar Disorder

You will need a statement from your treating doctor or a psychologist regarding the severity of your depression. For example, your doctor might give an opinion that you would miss several days of work each month due to your depression. Make sure the doctor provides an explanation for this opinion.

Continue to see your doctor or therapist during the waiting process for benefits so that you can amass a long treatment history in your medical records. The SSA cannot easily deny the opinion of a therapist who has consistently found you to have a severe mental disorder and who has clinical signs supporting this opinion. If you cannot afford to see a doctor or therapist on a regular basis, the SSA may send you to a consultative examination with a psychologist. For more information, see Nolo’s article on getting a doctor’s report for disability.

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