Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does Schizophrenia Come And Go

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What Are The 3 Stages Of A Schizophrenic Episode

The 4 Schizophrenia Symptoms You Need to Know

A schizophrenic episode or psychosis may have three stages:

  • Prodrome phase: The patient shows signs of delusion or distorted perception. This indicates that psychosis may occur soon.
  • Acute phase: The periods of hallucinations, delusion, and other mental conditions sets in. In this stage, the disorder begins to affect regular life activities.
  • Recovery phase: The patient will be able to recover from the condition and slowly revert to normalcy.
  • What If I Am A Carer Friend Or Relative

    It can be distressing if you are a carer, friend or relative of someone who has schizophrenia. You can get support.

    How can I get support for myself?

    You can do the following.

    • Speak to your GP about medication and talking therapies for yourself.
    • Speak to your relatives care team about family intervention. For more information about family intervention see the further up this page.
    • Speak to your relatives care team about a carers assessment.
    • Ask for a carers assessment.
    • Join a carers service. They are free and available in most areas.
    • Join a carers support group for emotional and practical support. Or set up your own.

    What is a carers assessment?NICE guidelines state that you should be given your own assessment through the community mental health team to work out what effect your caring role is having on your health. And what support you need. Such as practical support and emergency support.

    The CMHT should tell you about your right to have a carers assessment through your local authority. To get a carers assessment you need to contact your local authority.

    How do I get support from my peers?You can get peer support through carer support services or carers groups. You can search for local groups in your area by using a search engine such as Google. Or you can call our advice service on 0808 801 0525. They will search for you.

    How can I support the person I care for?

    You can do the following.

    There is no definition for what high risk means. It could include:

    What If I Am Not Happy With My Treatment

    If you are not happy with your treatment you can:

    • talk to your doctor about your treatment options,
    • ask for a second opinion,
    • get an advocate to help you speak to your doctor,
    • contact Patient Advice and Liaison Service and see whether they can help, or
    • make a complaint.

    There is more information about these options below.

    Treatment options

    You should first speak to your doctor about your treatment. Explain why you are not happy with it. You could ask what other treatments you could try.

    Tell your doctor if there is a type of treatment that you would like to try. Doctors should listen to your preference. If you are not given this treatment, ask your doctor to explain why it is not suitable for you.

    Second opinion

    A second opinion means that you would like a different doctor to give their opinion about what treatment you should have. You can also ask for a second opinion if you disagree with your diagnosis.

    You dont have a right to a second opinion. But your doctor should listen to your reason for wanting a second opinion.


    An advocate is independent from the mental health service. They are free to use. They can be useful if you find it difficult to get your views heard.

    There are different types of advocates available. Community advocates can support you to get a health professional to listen to your concerns. And help you to get the treatment that you would like.

    The Patient Advice and Liaison Service


    You can find out more about:

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    What Is A Schizophrenic Episode

    Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder. It is a mental illness that is characterized by psychosis, which is when people have trouble distinguishing between what is real and what is not.

    Symptoms of psychosis can include hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, and incoherence, says Deepak D’Souza, MD, a psychiatry professor at Yale School of Medicine.

    Although a schizophrenic episode is not an official diagnosis, it is a commonly used term. It is also known as a psychotic episode or acute schizophrenia, when the persons symptoms are particularly active. Depending on the severity of the schizophrenic episode, the person may lose touch with reality and the world can seem like a confusing jumble of sights, sounds, and information.

    A schizophrenic episode can last days or weeks, and in rare cases, months, says Dr. DSouza. Some people may experience only one or two schizophrenic episodes in their lifetime, whereas for others the episodes may come and go in phases.

    This article explores the symptoms, causes, and treatment of schizophrenic episodes, as well as some coping strategies that may be helpful.

    Is It Possible To Recover From Schizophrenia

    Brain signature

    Many people who live with schizophrenia have recovery journeys that lead them to live meaningful lives.

    Recovery can be thought of in terms of:

    • clinical recovery, and
    • personal recovery.

    What is clinical recovery?

    Your doctor might have talked to you about recovery. Some doctors and health professionals think of recovery as:

    • no longer having mental illness symptoms, or
    • where your symptoms are controlled by treatment to such a degree that they are not significantly a problem.

    Sometimes this is called clinical recovery.

    Everyones experience of clinical recovery is different.

    • Some people completely recover from schizophrenia and go on to be symptom free.
    • Some who live with schizophrenia can improve a great deal with ongoing treatment.
    • Some improve with treatment but need ongoing support from mental health and social services.

    What is personal recovery?

    Dealing with symptoms is important to a lot of people. But some people think that recovery is wider than this. We call this personal recovery.

    Personal recovery means that you can live a meaningful life.

    What you think of as being a meaningful life might be different to how other people see it. You can think about what you would like to do to live a meaningful life and work towards that goal.

    Below are some ways you can think of recovery.

    What can help me recover?

    You may want to think about the following questions.

    The following things can be important in recovery.

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    How You Can Live With The Illness

    If you have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, the best thing you can do is to take an active role in managing your illness. Learn the warning signs of a relapse, and have a plan of action to deal with those symptoms. The sooner you respond, the less time you will spend recovering. You can also learn coping skills to deal with the worst and most persistent symptoms.Often drug abuse and schizophrenia go hand in hand. If you have been abusing drugs and alcohol, there are many places that will offer treatment for your drug addiction and the mental illness. You will get better results if you address the two problems together and find treatment for the two problems at the same time.

    What Are The Three Phases Of Schizophrenia

    Research has identified schizophrenia to have three phases, these are as follows:

    • Prodromal
    • Acute / active
    • Residual

    It may sometimes seem as though schizophrenia suddenly develops out of nowhere, this, however, is not the case. There is no such thing as waking up one morning and have bouts of full-blown psychosis. The disease instead consists of psychotic symptoms that slowly start to appear, and the sufferer begins to show a way of thinking that is distorted and has difficulty relating to others.

    The phases can be explained accordingly:

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    Challenging Or Denying Hallucinations And Delusions

    Many people think its best to gently counter hallucinations or delusions by saying something like, Thats not real, or I would see it, too.

    Yet these symptoms are very real to them, and denying their reality often just ends up driving them away.

    They may decide they cant trust or confide in you since you dont believe them. A lack of trust can make it more difficult to support them and encourage them to get help for symptoms.

    Offering support doesnt mean pretending to believe in the hallucinations or delusions. You can simply say:

    • It must feel so upsetting to hear those voices.
    • That sounds so confusing and stressful.

    Schizophrenia And What A Psychotic Episode Is Like

    What is Delusional disorder? How Is It Different From Schizophrenia?

    Schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder are scary words to a lot of people but knowing that psychotic episode is like might help alleviate that.. They assume that those of us who have these illnesses are violent and that the voices we hear tell us to kill people. This isnt the case as my own experience with psychosis will show you. People do not need to fear people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder or their psychotic episodes.

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    What Treatment Should The Nhs Offer Me

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommend that you should be offered antipsychotic medication and talking therapy if you experience psychosis. If you decide not to take medication you should still be offered talking therapy.

    NICE produce guidelines for how health professionals should treat certain conditions. You can download these from their website at

    Your GP may refer you to a specialist mental health team such as the early intervention team , community mental health team , or crisis team.


    Antipsychotic medication can help with psychosis. Your doctor should give you information about antipsychotics including side effects. You and your doctor should choose the medication together.

    Some people find that they do not start to recover until they get the right medication. It is important to take the medication every day to help your symptoms.

    Try not to be too upset if the first antipsychotic that you try doesnt help. There are lots of different antipsychotics to try because people respond to different medications. Some may not improve your symptoms and cause side effects. You should discuss your medication with your doctor if your medication is not working. Or you are finding the side effects hard to deal with. There might be another medication that will suit you better.

    Talking therapies

    There are different types of talking therapies recommended for people who have psychosis.

    CBT aims to:

    • improve your functioning.

    Whats The Difference Between Psychosis And Schizophrenia

    Psychosis is a syndrome or group of symptoms. Someone experiencing an episode of psychosis is having a break with reality. Major symptoms of psychosis are hallucinations and delusions. Hallucinations are sensations that are not real, such as hearing voices or sounds that arent real. Hearing voices is a common hallucination, but hallucinations can be experiences with any sensehearing, sight, smell, taste, or touch. Delusions are strong beliefs that cant possibly be true. Common delusions include the belief that someone is following or monitoring you, or the belief that you have extraordinary powers or abilities. Other symptoms of psychosis include difficulties concentrating, completing tasks, or making decisions. Thoughts may feel jumbled or confused. Some people have a hard time following conversations or speaking clearly. Psychosis can even affect the way people move or express their emotions.

    Psychosis and schizophrenia are treatable. Its important to seek help as soon as possible.

    Where can I learn more?

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    What Is The Role Of Psychosis In Schizophrenia

    People who suffer from schizophrenia experience psychosis.

    • Psychosis is a medical term where the patient interprets the world around them in a different way than other individuals. This could include how they feel, think, and see things.
    • Even though the schizophrenic episode is not a recognized diagnosis, it is a widely used word. During the phase where the symptoms are extreme, it is called a psychotic episode or acute schizophrenia.
    • The person may lose touch with reality, and the world may appear to be a puzzling mixture of images, sounds, and information depending on the severity of the schizophrenia episode.

    Length Of Different Types Of Psychosis

    Do you know what are the symptoms of Schizophrenia? Read here

    The duration of psychosis depends on the type and cause of the psychotic episode. For instance, the duration of psychosis associated with a mental health disorder is different from that of drug-induced psychosis. Additionally, with mental health disorders, the length of time psychosis lasts will vary.

    Take for example a brief psychotic disorder vs. schizophrenia. A brief psychotic disorder lasts for one month or less and usually only occurs once, whereas schizophrenia is defined by symptoms or its precursors that lasts for a period of six months. Additionally, two or more symptoms, such as hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech and extremely disorganized or catatonic behavior, must be significant and last for at least one month. In bipolar disorder, a person may experience psychosis during the manic phase, which can have a duration of weeks to months.

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    How Do I Get Help If I Am Experiencing Psychosis

    You may decide to get help for your experiences. You can get help from:

    • The NHS
    • Self help

    How can the NHS help me?

    You can speak to your GP about your concerns. They will be able to talk to you about treatment options and coping strategies. You dont have to do what your GP thinks that you should do. But you should listen to them. Make sure that you understand the pros and cons of your treatment options before you make a decision.

    Your GP should not give you antipsychotic medication without first talking to a psychiatrist.

    Your GP should refer you to a secondary mental health team if this is the first time that you have experienced psychosis and asked for help. You should be assessed quickly. A secondary mental health team will usually be called the:

    • early intervention team
    • community mental health team , or
    • crisis team.

    You or your carer should be able to make a self-referral to a secondary mental health team if this is the first time that you have experienced psychosis.

    EITs specialise in helping people who experience psychosis for the first time. But they arent available in all areas of England. To find your local secondary mental health team you can try the following.

    • You can ask your GP for their details.
    • You can call NHS 111.
    • Use an internet search engine. Use a term like community mental health team in Cheshire or early intervention in psychosis Camden.

    There is more information about this in the section below.

    It could also include:

    • Mind,
    • Turning Point.

    When Schizophrenia Symptoms Start

    Symptoms usually start to develop in early adulthood, between late adolescence and the early 30s. The disorder typically becomes evident slightly earlier in men than in women. Symptoms often emerge between late adolescence and the early 20s in men and between the early 20s and the early 30s in women.

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    How Our Helpline Works

    For those seeking addiction treatment for themselves or a loved one, the helpline is a private and convenient solution.

    We are standing by 24/7 to discuss your treatment options. Our representatives work solely for AAC and will discuss whether an AAC facility may be an option for you.

    Our helpline is offered at no cost to you and with no obligation to enter into treatment. Neither nor AAC receives any commission or other fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a visitor may ultimately choose.

    For more information on AACâs commitment to ethical marketing and treatment practices, or to learn more about how to select a treatment provider, visit our About AAC page.

    If you wish to explore additional treatment options or connect with a specific rehab center, you can browse top-rated listings or visit SAMHSA.

    Challenges In Reaching Out

    Depression vs. Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia – How To Tell The Difference

    It can be challenging for people with schizophrenia to reach out to a doctor or other health professional about their concerns. This can be particularly tough for people who may be experiencing symptoms that leave them feeling suspicious of others.

    Reassurance from people they trust can be helpful in encouraging and prompting someone to speak with a doctor or other mental health professional.

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    The Most Common Early Warning Signs Include:

  • Depression, social withdrawal
  • Hostility or suspiciousness, extreme reaction to criticism
  • Deterioration of personal hygiene
  • Inability to cry or express joy or inappropriate laughter or crying
  • Oversleeping or insomnia forgetful, unable to concentrate
  • Odd or irrational statements strange use of words or way of speaking
  • While these warning signs can result from a number of problemsnot just schizophreniathey are cause for concern. When out-of-the-ordinary behavior is causing problems in your life or the life of a loved one, seek medical advice. If schizophrenia or another mental problem is the cause, getting treatment early will help.

    Looking After Your Physical Health

    Schizophrenia takes a toll on your physical health as well as your mental health. It can sap your energy, confidence and motivation you might feel less capable of keeping up your physical health or lose the desire to try.

    Another major influence on your physical health is the side-effects of antipsychotic medication. Newer antipsychotic medications have fewer side-effects, but weight gain is still a common one.

    People being treated for schizophrenia are much more likely than the general population to be overweight, have high blood pressure and develop diabetes.

    Theyre also more likely to smoke, drink too much and use recreational drugs, which can have a negative effect on your mental and physical health.

    If youre struggling with these problems, you may hear your doctor use the term metabolic syndrome. It means you have some combination of:

    • weight gain around the abdomen
    • high blood pressure
    • low levels of the good cholesterol
    • high blood glucose levels.

    Metabolic syndrome is common in people with a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet, but its especially common in people with schizophrenia.

    There is support to help you get healthy and stay healthy.

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