Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Ptsd A Permanent Va Disability

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VA Disability: How PTSD Often Prevents Veterans From Working

Another way to earn a 100% PTSD rating is for the veteran to receive unemployability for his PTSD. Unemployability is not on the PTSD rating schedule. IU is a way for the veteran to receive 100% without meeting all the requirements on the 100% rating.

The VA grants IU ratings when a veteran cannot work due to his service-connected disabilities. When the VA gives an Unemployability rating for PTSD, it means a veteran cannot work due to his PTSD. As a result, a veteran receives a 100% PTSD rating due to unemployability.

When Will Va Assign Staged Ratings

Staged ratings are when the VA changes a disability rating based on the severity of the condition over a period of time. Since claims can take multiple years to be resolved, the VA looks at how the severity of a condition changed during that period of time, and rates the veteran accordingly. Staged ratings can occur when the Veterans condition has worsened or bettered from when he or she initially filed the claim, and when the claim was adjudicated.

For example, a veteran filed a claim for an increased rating above 10% for his back condition in 2009. He was then granted an increased rating in 2013, but his back condition progressively worsened throughout those four years. The VA granted him an increase from 10% to 30% from 2009 to 2011 based on the severity during that period, and they then granted him 40% from 2011 forward.

Tdiu Is Commonly Granted When A Veteran Has A 70 Percent Disability Rating For Ptsd

Another distinctive feature of the 70 percent VA disability rating is that it is typically the stepping stone to a TDIU rating.


If you look at the picture of the veteran painted by the 70% rating criteria, you see a veteran who is likely struggling to get or keep substantially gainful employment. Think about it though. If you are experiencing intermittent, illogical speech patterns, are driven to act inappropriately due to panic attacks or depression, and are plagued by thoughts of suicide, it is going to be hard to get a job. And when those symptoms appear at work, it is going to be hard to keep that job.

Now, this post is not about proving entitlement to TDIU, so I wont go into detail about it here. If you are trying to prove entitlement to TDIU, here is a good post to start with.

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How To Make Your Ptsd Claim As Strong As Possible

Even if your treatment records fully address all of the above covered elements, ask your treating psychologist or psychiatrist to write a letter or treatment note confirming that, based on his or her observations and treatment, he or she has diagnosed you with PTSD under the DSM 5, explaining how your PTSD symptoms satisfy all of the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria, describing your specific in-service stressor, opining that your PTSD is caused by your specific in-service stressor, and describing the effects of your PTSD symptoms on your occupational and social functioning. Your treating psychologist or psychologist may also complete and sign a copy of the VAs PTSD Disability Benefits Questionnaire , which is the form the VA asks its own examining psychologists and psychiatrists to complete for every veteran who is evaluated in a C& P examination. Though up-to-date versions of such DBQs are no longer publicly available, any DBQ completed and signed by treating doctor constitutes medical evidence that the VA must consider in adjudicating your claim.

Do I Need A Va Disability Lawyer

Permanent and Total VA Disability Ratings for PTSD

Our veterans attorneys can help you file an appeal if your VA disability rating for PTSD is too low. Were also able to help if the VA denied your claim. Since VA law changes all the time, we recommend you hire one of our veteran disability lawyers. We have experience helping veterans and their families receive the compensation they deserve.

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How Do I Talk To Someone Right Now

If you’re a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, connect with our caring, qualified Veterans Crisis Line responders for confidential help. Many of them are Veterans themselves. This service is private, free, and available 24/7.

To connect with a Veterans Crisis Line responder anytime day or night:

  • Call , then select 1.
  • If you have hearing loss, call TTY: .

You can also:

  • Call .
  • Go to the nearest emergency room.
  • Go directly to your nearest VA medical center. It doesn’t matter what your discharge status is or if you’re enrolled in VA health care.Find your nearest VA medical center

Va Disability Rating For Ptsd From 0% To 100%

0% PTSD Rating Criteria

A mental condition has been formally diagnosed, but symptoms are not severe enough either to interfere with occupational and social functioning or to require continuous medication.

This means you have a PTSD diagnosis, but no subjective symptoms.

You have no occupational and social impairment at the 0% PTSD rating level.

Symptoms of 10% PTSD Rating

Occupational and social impairment due to mild or transient symptoms which decrease work efficiency and ability to perform occupational tasks only during periods of significant stress, or symptoms controlled by continuous medication.

Translation: You have very mild symptoms of PTSD.

Maybe you take antidepressants, but these medications keep your symptoms in check.

30% PTSD VA Rating Symptoms

Occupational and social impairment with occasional decrease in work efficiency and intermittent periods of inability to perform occupational tasks , due to such symptoms as: depressed mood, anxiety, suspiciousness, panic attacks , chronic sleep impairment, mild memory loss .

The 30% rating for PTSD still has fairly mild symptoms. You have some depression, anxiety, memory loss, and panic attacks, but not very often. You might be having some trouble sleeping along with mild memory loss.

Typically, youre having panic attacks LESS than once per week.

50 Percent VA Disability Rating for PTSD

The 50% rating for PTSD has moderately severe symptoms.

Symptoms of the 70% Rating for PTSD

100% VA Rating for PTSD Criteria

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What Does It Take To Get A 70% Ptsd Rating

VA uses diagnostic codes to assign ratings to all different conditions. It will help to discuss the diagnostic code used to rate PTSD so that you can understand what a 70 percent rating means.

For a 70 percent rating, the PTSD diagnostic code states:

  • Occupational and social impairment, with deficiencies in most areas, such as work, school, family relations, judgment, thinking, or mood, due to such symptoms as: suicidal ideation obsessional rituals which interfere with routine activities speech intermittently illogical, obscure, or irrelevant near-continuous panic or depression affecting the ability to function independently, appropriately and effectively impaired impulse control spatial disorientation neglect of personal appearance and hygiene difficulty in adapting to stressful circumstances inability to establish and maintain effective relationships.

The focus of the diagnostic code is on occupational and social impairment. This means VA focuses on how your PTSD affects your ability to work and your ability to maintain relationships.

There are many different rating levels for PTSD. If you would like some more specific information on that, I would suggest reading this article which discusses all of those ratings and how VA rates PTSD.

Identifying The Relevant Studies

What is the Difference Between 100% Permanent & Total Disability Ratings for Veterans from the VA.

A search of the literature was conducted using five electronic database sources: PsychINFO, CINAHL, MEDLINE, SCOPUS and Web of Science. Search terms used a combination of subject headings and keywords relating to intellectual disability and trauma: AND . The search was limited to English-language peer-reviewed journal articles due to the time and costs of having articles translated to English. The review was also limited to articles from January 2000 and September 2020, chosen as the past 20 years has seen the growth of research in the area for adverse life events, trauma and intellectual disability.

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Short Term Relief Still Important

As with many mental health conditions, short term relief of the most severe symptoms is still vital to long term recovery. Take anxiety disorders as one example. It can feel impossible to make positive changes, learn new skills, or receive psychological therapy during the most intense period of the condition. Basically, eating better and getting enough exercise isnt an option when anxieties are running near panic levels.

Often, short term relief, with medical cannabis or pharmaceuticals, is needed to reduce the intensity of the experience to something more manageable. Short term relief allows for better mental capacity, which means the ability for long-term therapeutic approaches.

Essentially this theory postulates that patients may need help to get out of a mental health crisis, which will then give them the ability to work on long term solutions. Could this also be true for other mental health conditions, like PTSD? Maybe cannabis can help reduce anxiety, irritability, and flashbacks enough to allow patients to reach out for additional assistance.

What Is Permanent And Total Disability

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs uses rating schedules to determine the amount of benefits a veteran qualifies for. Depending on the veterans condition, the VA will use the criteria for that condition to rate the veteran based on their ability to work.

If the veteran is awarded a 100% disability rating AND their disability is permanent, they qualify for VA Permanent and Total Disability. The VA considers Permanent and Total Disability as a condition that is rated 100% and has no chance, or close to no chance, of improving.

As mentioned, compensation is based on the veterans ability to work. So, if the condition renders the veteran permanent and total disabled, the veteran will receive full compensation from the VA.

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Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders

It is natural to experience occasional anxiety or worry.

However, when negative emotions begin to interfere with daily activities like work and family , you should consult a medical professional.

Victims of severe anxiety and panic disorders often feel like they have no escape from their suffering.

In many examples, the victim may avoid certain places or situations to prevent these negative feelings from arising.

Whenever these feelings are difficult to control, out of proportion to the actual danger, or frequently occur its time to seek help.

Thankfully, there is a wide range of treatment options for patients that suffer from anxiety disorders.

The symptoms of severe anxiety may begin during childhood or teenage years.

Veterans often cite their time during service as the time in their life when anxiety levels became unmanageable.

The following symptoms are common:

  • Feeling nervous, tense, or restless
  • Increased heart rate
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Difficult controlling amount of worry

Those that suffer from anxiety disorders often have the urge to avoid certain situations that may trigger negative feelings.

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How Do I Know If Im Permanent And Total

VA Permanent and Total Disability for PTSD

Check the letter to see if you have any future examinations, read the VA explanation of the determination it has made on your case, and be sure to double check the letter for a section featuring a check box indicating that your VA rating is Permanent and Total. Call the VA directly at 1-800-827-1000 if you have

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Dont Exaggerate Your Symptoms

Weve seen several C& P exams where the examiner accuses the veteran of malingering, or exaggerating his or her symptoms. Often, this is NOT the case. However, if an examiner BELIEVES you are malingering, it may affect the entire report. Doctors use exams, such as the MMPI, on veterans who they think are malingering. This will obviously negatively affect your claim.

What Is The Total Permanent Disability Definition

Permanence of total disabilitywill be taken to exist when such impairment is reasonably certain to continuethroughout the life of the disabled person. The permanent loss or loss of useof both hands, or of both feet, or of one hand and one foot, or of the sight ofboth eyes, or becoming permanently helpless or bedridden constitutes permanenttotal disability. Diseases and injuries of long standing which are totallyincapacitating will be regarded as permanently and totally disabling when theprobability of permanent improvement under treatment is remote. Permanent totaldisability ratings may not be granted as a result of any incapacity from acuteinfectious disease, accident, or injury, unless there is present one of therecognized combinations or permanent loss of use of extremities or sight, orthe person is in the strict sense permanently helpless or bedridden, or when itis reasonably certain that a subsidence of the acute or temporary symptoms willbe followed by irreducible totality of disability by way of residuals. The ageof the disabled person may be considered in determining permanence.

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Ptsd Rating Schedule For Tdiu

Rather than assign percentages at random, VA uses a Schedule of Ratings. The Schedule of Ratings breaks down disabilities into different categories, which contain groups of medical problems, list of disabilities, and diagnostic code. Therefore, every diagnostic code specifies the symptoms required for various ratings. For example, the 9411 code applies to PTSD. VA rates PTSD along with 36 other mental health conditions under the General Rating Formula for Mental Disorders. Depending on the symptoms, a veteran may receive either 0%, 10%, 30%, 50%, 70% or 100%.

Is Ptsd A Disability Under The Equality Act

100% T& P | my journey | VBA | VA claims | PTSD | anxiety disorder | mental health | VA disability

The Equality Act is the law that can shield you from discrimination. Plus, it gives you the right to challenge it. It can only protect you if you have certain characteristics such as a mental health problem.

For a mental health issue to be called a disability, it should have a long-term effect on your regular activities. Meaning a mental health issue that can last up to 12 months. Unfortunately, PTSD isnt among the recognized conditions in the act.

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The Evaluation Of Ptsd Disability Claims

This chapter addresses the evaluation of posttraumatic stress disorder compensation and pension claims by the Veterans Benefits Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs . It contains a brief summary of the means by which veterans may obtain compensation for service-related disabilities, background on the claims evaluation process, and the committees response to elements of the charge related to these evaluations.

How To Get 100% Total And Permanent Disability Va

Join VA Claims Insider Elite, get instant access to the ELITE Experience Portal and $13,119 worth of proprietary VA claim resources TODAY, and obtain a VA DBQ and Medical Nexus Letters:

Veterans, here is the Definitive Guide to 100% Total and Permanent Disability VA:

100% P& T Disability Topic & Timestamp:0:00 Welcome Veterans!2:40 Are both, Permanent & Total required?4:31 The Benefit of being 100% P& T6:50 How do you know if you are 100% P& T?8:25 Can you APPLY for 100% P& T?12:48 You Medical Evidence is CRUCIAL!14:20 Benefits of 100 P& T15:43 What to do if you need MORE Medical Evidence?18:20 The VA will lower your rating if you open a NEW claim19:05 Why its so hard to get rated for Sleep Apnea23:47 How Permanent is P& T?30:29 Why VA Disability Claims get DENIED38:55 How to check the status of YOUR CLAIM42:20 Higher Level Review 44:10 Your Initial PTSD Claim was denied

Total and Permanent Disability VA, also known as 100 percent P& T, applies to veterans whose disabilities are Total AND Permanent.

Many veterans mistakenly interchange Permanent and Total, when they have very different meanings.

PERMANENT The VA deems a disability Permanent when it is reasonably certain, based upon medical evidence, that the level of impairment will continue for the rest of the veterans life.

In this instance, the VA can take age into consideration when determining whether a disability is permanent.


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Va Presumptive Conditions Decisions

The VA has created a list of medical conditions it presumes are related to certain types of military service. For example, if you served in Vietnam and develop symptoms associated with Agent Orange exposure, the VA presumes the condition to be connected with Agent Orange.

In the same way, the Department of Veterans Affairs has a set of medical issues it presumes will be permanent. Those who are awarded VA claims of 100% for PTSD may find the VA has rated them as 100% permanent and total disabled

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Case Study : Permanent And Total Disability For Ptsd

VA Disability Rating for PTSD EXplained

A 40 year-old Gulf War combat veteran filed a claim for PTSD in 2011. In 2012, VA denied the claim despite the Combat Action Ribbon noted on his DD Form 214. After significant development, DHG representatives won the case on appeal. The medical evidence proved that he met the criteria for a 100% rating. His symptoms included unprovoked irritability with periods of violence, impaired impulse control, and audio hallucinations. They were so severe that he could not hold a job. In addition, his doctor wrote that his symptoms would only get worse throughout his lifetime. Consequently, VA awarded a Permanent and Total disability for PTSD.

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% Disabled Versus 100% Service

There IS a difference between a 100% service-connected disability rating and a 100% permanent and total disability. The easiest way to tell them apart? The VA does not simply issue a 100% disability rating and leave things there.

Any disability that has a chance to improve may still disable the veteran at such a level as to warrant A 100% total rating. But if the VA does not declare you PERMANENTLY disabled, that 100% total rating is subject to review.

State governments do their best to advise veterans of this nuance of the VA rating system, but its still easy to get confused. The City of Nashville official website reminds veterans, If your rating is NOT permanent and total, you WILL be re-evaluated and the rating MAY be adjusted based on the VAs determination.

The Nashville site adds that veterans can tell when a 100% rating is deemed permanent and total because the decision will approve Dependents Educational Assistance and Chapter 35 Benefits.

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