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What Is Social Phobia In Psychology

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Diagnosis Of Social Phobia

What Is Social Phobia? | Child Psychology
  • A doctor’s evaluation, based on specific criteria

Doctors diagnose social phobia when people have fear or anxiety that involves all of the following:

  • Is intense and has been present for 6 months or longer

  • Concerns one or more social situations

  • Nearly always occurs in the same situation or situations

  • Involves fear of a negative evaluation by others

  • Leads the person to avoid the situation or uncomfortably endure it

  • Is out of proportion to the actual danger

  • Causes significant distress or significantly impairs functioning

Also, doctors rule out other mental disorders that can cause similar symptoms, such as agoraphobia, panic disorder, or body dysmorphic disorder.

Description Of The Problem

Barry is currently seeking help because he feels something might be wrong and states that he doesnt like himself, but is unsure if this is abnormal since he is uncertain how other people are. He states that he cries a lot. Barry can be described as a socially awkward individual who does not seek out or actively engage in social activity with others. It appears that Barry has little to no family support system and that his relationship with his seven sisters relates to his low self-esteem. He constantly apologizes for things even when he did not do anything wrong, and stumbles with his speech by merging words together. Barry becomes very anxious in social situations. He endures these situations with intense anxiety and distress, which sometimes can lead to a panic attack following the interaction. Barry has a tendency to become violent when provoked with embarrassing stories from his childhood. He is known to lie and deny his actions when confronted. Barry is currently in a relationship with a woman he recently met. The relationship appears to be a positive factor in Barrys life.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder

When having to perform in front of or be around others, people with social anxiety disorder tend to:

  • Blush, sweat, tremble, feel a rapid heart rate, or feel their mind going blank
  • Feel nauseous or sick to their stomach
  • Show a rigid body posture, make little eye contact, or speak with an overly soft voice
  • Find it scary and difficult to be with other people, especially those they dont already know, and have a hard time talking to them even though they wish they could
  • Be very self-conscious in front of other people and feel embarrassed and awkward
  • Be very afraid that other people will judge them
  • Stay away from places where there are other people

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What Causes Social Phobia

Most people who suffer from social phobia are likely to have had the problem from an early age. It is unusual to develop this type of problem later in life, although it may not become expressed as a problem until after some significant event triggers these buried feelings.

Social Phobia is almost always created when some experience in our developmental years leaves us feeling emotionally overwhelmed and unable to deal with the feelings we felt at the time of the incident.

We might, perhaps, have had an experience where we felt like we made a fool of ourselves and have perceived that all the people who witnessed this incident were somehow laughing at us.

Something may have happened that made us feel terribly embarrassed causing us to blush, only then to find that any situation that in some way reminds us of this experience, causes this blush response to occur again.

Perhaps there were very high expectations to succeed in your family environment, in which case you may have felt that failing in some way would lead to ridicule or perhaps even some form of punishment, in which case you would learn to dread failure and constantly worry about it.

Outlook For Social Anxiety Disorder

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According to the ADAA, about 36 percent of people with social anxiety dont speak to a healthcare provider until they have had symptoms for at least 10 years.

People with social phobia may rely on drugs and alcohol to cope with anxiety triggered by social interaction. Left untreated, social phobia can lead to other high-risk behaviors, including:

  • alcohol and drug abuse

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Treatment For Social Anxiety Disorder

Several types of treatment are available for social anxiety disorder. Treatment results differ from person to person. Some people only need one type of treatment. However, others may require more than one. Your healthcare provider may refer you to a mental health provider for treatment. Sometimes, primary care providers may suggest medication to treat symptoms.

Treatment options for social anxiety disorder include:

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder / Social Phobia

Social anxiety disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations. Self-consciousness and intense nervousness is the result of fear of being watched, criticized and judged by others. Someone with social phobia, usually, is afraid to make mistakes, to be embarrassed or humiliated in front of others, and to look bad. Avoiding social situations or a lack of social skills can increase this fear. This same fear can make someone insecure and eventually cause someone to make mistakes or experience embarrassing moments. These bad experiences often make someone to avoid social situations or to endure them with extreme distress. Social anxiety disorder negatively affects peoples daily lives. In the worst case the anxiety triggers a panic attack.

Because not every social situation can be avoided, people with social phobia usually have some safety behaviours: taking a friend to a social situation, or having a phone within hands reach. Sometimes they need their purse wherever they go.

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Biased Attention And Interpretation

If you were to observe what people with SAD pay attention to in a social interaction, you would find that they are quick to recognize any signs of social threats. For instance, they are faster at detecting angry faces in a crowd . Imagine looking at the audience as you give a speech and the first faces you notice are scowling back!

At the same time, SAD sufferers attention is biased away from positive, rewarding information . This means that people with SAD are unlikely to notice the smiling, nodding faces in the crowd, and they fail to pick up the subtle hints that somebody wants to spend more time with them or to be asked out on a romantic date. These interpretation and attention biases are obstacles to starting and maintaining social relationships. When you attend to only negativity, you start to believe that you are unlovable and that the world is a hostile, unfriendly place.

Complete the following sentence: As I passed a group of people in the hall, they burst out in laughter, because . . .

Effective Therapy For Social Anxiety Disorder1

What Is Social Anxiety? | Child Psychology

The good news is that cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety has been markedly successful. Research and clinical evidence alike indicate that cognitive-behavioral therapy, which should be comprehensive in nature, produces permanent changes in the lives of people.

Social anxiety disorder can be overcome, although it takes both consistency and persistence. But, barring cognitive problems everyone can make progress against social anxiety using the appropriate type of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

At The Social Anxiety Institute, we call cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder “comprehensive” cognitive-behavioral therapy, to differentiate it from the general idea that cognitive concepts are simplistic and can be addressed by using only a few strategies.

A successful therapy program for social anxiety disorder must address the dozens of cognitive methods, strategies, and concepts that will allow people’s brains to literally change. The brain is continually learning, and irrational thoughts and beliefs can change as a result of this cognitive process.

A good therapy program will supply the necessary and specific strategies as well as indicate to people how and why they need to practice, work on, and begin to accept rational thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and perceptions.

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Diagnose And Treatment Of Social Phobia

The treatment of this condition is only done after a correct diagnosis. The doctor will diagnose this condition through proper examination and observation of all the signs and symptoms. Additionally, the doctor observes emotions of the patient in a process known as mental health assessment. There is also a number of blood and urine tests that are carried out aimed at checking the levels of thyroids in patients body.

Once these symptoms are correctly identified, treatment is initiated. Some of the treatments include counseling and medicine. Medicine is usually induced to a patient in the form of antidepressants it should be noted that this is administered only if the condition affects daily activities of a patient .

Psychotherapy is the common treatment that is administered in two ways. It takes a prolonged period of time to ensure that the patient recovers from this disorder. It consists of two parts noted as cognitive and behavioral therapy cognitive therapy is aimed at ensuring that the patient realizes that everyone watching him/her is not judging him/her while behavioral therapy changes the persons reactions thus getting rid of anxiety .

Cognitive therapy is basically a realist approach in trying to solve this disorder while behavioral therapy is a soft approach in solving the disorder as it uses video feedback experiments and other attitude correction approaches .

The Symptoms Of Social Anxiety

Once recognised, social anxieties can usually be successfully treated. Therefore if you think you may have a social anxiety it is important to look out for common signs and symptoms so you can seek help.

Physical signs: Sweating, palpitations , dry mouth, blushing and trembling are all common signs that you may be anxious. You might also have difficulty breathing which may escalate into a panic attack. Sometimes people fear the symptoms as they worry this may result in them being judged harshly by others.

Psychological signs: If you have a social anxiety, you may worry excessively about a social situation or ruminate about situations in the past. You may be aware that you have a problem, but look for ways around it. You may choose to avoid certain situations or use alcohol and drugs to relax and reduce your anxiety so you can function normally. If you regularly use alcohol in this way, it can become an additional problem, so it is important to seek help.

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Social Phobia Feared Social Situations

Some people with social phobia fear and avoid specific situations , while others may feel generalised anxiety about several social situations . A person with social phobia can fear a range of situations, including:

  • crowds and parties
  • talking with someone who is in a position of seniority or authority
  • being watched while doing something, such as eating, signing papers or talking on the telephone
  • situations that put them in the spotlight, such as parties to celebrate their own birthday.

Outcomes In Relation With Selected Kinds Of Treatment

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Large-scale international reviews of scientific studies have concluded that psychotherapy is effective for numerous conditions.

One line of research consistently finds that supposedly different forms of psychotherapy show similar effectiveness. According to The Handbook of Counseling Psychology: “Meta-analyses of psychotherapy studies have consistently demonstrated that there are no substantial differences in outcomes among treatments”. The handbook states that there is “little evidence to suggest that any one psychological therapy consistently outperforms any other for any specific psychological disorders. This is sometimes called the after a scene/section in Alice in Wonderland where every competitor in a race was called a winner and is given prizes”.

Further analyses seek to identify the factors that the psychotherapies have in common that seem to account for this, known as for example the quality of the therapeutic relationship, interpretation of problem, and the confrontation of painful emotions.

Outcome studies have been critiqued for being too removed from real-world practice in that they use carefully selected therapists who have been extensively trained and monitored, and patients who may be non-representative of typical patients by virtue of strict inclusionary/exclusionary criteria. Such concerns impact the of research results and the ability to generalize from them to practicing therapists.

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Friendships And Peer Victimisation

As children progress into adolescence, their social relationships become increasingly important . They will begin to see their peers as their primary source of social support , and so peer relationships take on even greater significance. Adolescents start to manage their own social arrangements, and their relationships will become more complex through this period, with different groups, cliques and subgroups forming, and with the start of romantic relationships. It is unsurprising that good peer relationships are associated with broad indices of well-being in adolescents . Alden and Taylor emphasised the importance of interpersonal processes in social anxiety and suggested that social anxiety is maintained by self-perpetuating relationship difficulties.

Who Has Problems With Social Anxiety

Anyone can have problems with social anxiety. You might not know from the outside that someone is suffering on the inside. When social anxiety causes distress and gets in the way of functioning in life, we call it Social Anxiety Disorder. It is one of the most common anxiety disorders, 8-12% of people being diagnosed at some point in their lives.

Research suggests that both genetics and environment can play a role in the development of social anxiety problems. Social anxiety tends to run in families, which means if someone in your family has an anxiety problem you may be more likely to develop one. Various life events or experiences, such as being teased or bullied, can play a role. Social anxiety problems can develop slowly over time, often starting in elementary school or early adolescence, or after a particularly embarrassing or stressful event.

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Additional Common Complicating Factors In Social Anxiety Disorder

Given the degree of anxiety experienced by individuals suffering from SAD and the ubiquity of social interactions, the SAD sufferer cannot completely avoid severe anxiety-provoking situations. This problem frequently leads to significant difficulties aside from the primary presenting problem. For example, there is a higher probability of alcohol abuse among individuals with SAD. In addition, individuals with SAD have higher levels of depression as well as higher levels of suicidal ideation and attempts. Finally, those with SAD are significantly more likely to drop out of school compared with other anxiety disorder groups.

Social Anxiety Disorder / Social Phobia Explained

Psychology of Anxiety

Social anxiety facts infographic

Social anxiety is often confused for shyness. But shyness and social anxiety are two different things. Shyness is a personality trait and doesnt have to come with negative emotions and feelings that come with social anxiety disorder . Although many people with social phobia are shy, its not a prerequisite for social anxiety disorder. But what is social anxiety disorder if its not shyness? This page will answer this question and illustrates how someone may develop social anxiety and how it affects someones life.

At Barends Psychology Practice, we offer therapy for social phobia. Contact us to schedule a first, free of charge, online session. .

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Child Vs Adult Presentations

SP is the anxiety disorder where the highest percentage of cases begin in childhood, with reliable and valid cases being seen as early as age six. Children are likely to show symptoms such as crying or throwing tantrums, freezing up, and staying close to a familiar person. They also can show inhibited social interactions, even up to the point of selective mutism, and may seem highly timid and uninvolved in group activities. As seen with college-aged adults, children show signs of underachievement in school settings compared to their academic and intellectual potential. Unlike adults, many children may be unable to identify the nature of their anxiety and often do not have the option of avoiding feared situations, as they are forced into them by adults.

What Treatments Help People With Social Anxiety

Pharmacological interventions can help people with Social Anxiety Disorder. Ask your family doctor or Psychiatrist about options.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is the gold standard nonpharmacological treatment for social anxiety disorder. Scientific research shows that CBT helps people with social anxiety. CBT involves learning new ways of thinking and acting , which can lead to reducuctions in anxiety. A typical course of CBT is 12 to 20 one-hour sessions.

People with social anxiety tend to overestimate the threat of social situations and underestimate their ability to cope with them. CBT teaches cognitive techniques to help people feel less anxious and engage in social situations more.

People with social anxiety also tend to avoid feared social situations or people. Avoidance works well in the short term but causes more problems in the long run . A CBT therapist will help you gradually face your excessive fears. The process of exposure helps reduce anxiety by teaching people that situations are safer than they think and they can manage them.

The good news is that psychotherapy has been shown to be effective for most people with social anxiety disorder, which means most people get better with treatment. However, it can take several weeks to months, or even longer to notice changes. In terms of medication, it can take some trial and error to find the right medication. So stick with it, change takes time.

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What Causes Social Anxiety

A combination of factors are thought to cause social anxiety. Genes, the brain, and life experiences may all affect how social anxiety develops.

  • Brain. Studies show some parts of the brain are more active in people with social anxiety. One of these parts is the amygdala.
  • Life experience. Certain situations can make people feel different, inadequate, or judged. People who experience these often may be more likely to develop social anxiety.
  • Genes. Some people have a family history of anxiety. They may be more likely to develop social anxiety. They may also be more likely to develop another form of anxiety.

Some people experience consistent negativity in social situations. They can come to think that all social situations will happen in the same way. They may start to avoid and fear them as a result. Social anxiety can also grow out of beliefs from childhood. These beliefs may have caused feelings of incompetence, worthlessness, disempowerment, or shame.

Therapy can help with social anxiety. There are many treatments to choose from. It is important to seek help if social anxiety interferes with your life. Long-term social anxiety may cause more mental health issues. These can include loneliness and depression.

With the right treatment, people are often able to greatly reduce their social anxiety. Treatment may give people more confidence in their social skills. This can help increase their quality of life.


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