Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Does Tanning Help With Depression

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Professional Help May Be The Route For Those Who Are Unable To Solve Their Seasonal Depression On Their Own

Do Tanning Beds help Depression? Tanning Bed Therapy for the Winter Blues!

Managing stress, anxiety, or depression on your own can be quite difficult. Talking to a healthcare provider about your symptoms may be the best, most effective treatment option for some in learning how to stay positive and keeping healthy coping strategies.

There are all kinds of therapy to help those suffering from depression, and cognitive behavioral therapy is one form that has been shown to be quite beneficial. CBT helps seasonal depression sufferers replace negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with positive thinking and actions.

In addition, transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment has been shown to help individuals overcome severe depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and other brain and mood issues. TMS has some serious benefits and may just be an effective form of treatment for those suffering from seasonal depression.

People With Darker Skin Tones

People of color, particularly those with very dark skin, are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency because the natural sun protection that the melanin in their skin provides also slows the rate of vitamin D production.

For people with deep skin tones who live farther from the equator and/or don’t spend a lot of time outdoors, more vitamin D may be necessary to reach optimal levels.

Primal Therapy: Relive Pain To Relieve Pain

Primal therapy, part of a group of treatments called psychodynamic therapy, involves accessing and reliving painful memories from the past so they no longer drive your emotions. This psychotherapy is often used with people who have experienced serious trauma.

There are few studies that compare the effectiveness of this approach with other more traditional depression treatments, like cognitive behavioral therapy or medication . Results are mixed, and the most recent research doesnt suggest an advantage to primal therapy. Still, primal therapy could be an effective part of your depression treatment plan.

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What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder is depression that gets triggered by a change in seasons, usually when fall starts. This seasonal depression gets worse in the winter before ending in the spring.

Some people may get a mild version of SAD known as the winter blues. Its normal to feel a little down during colder months. You may be stuck inside, and it gets dark early.

But full SAD goes beyond that its a form of depression. Unlike the winter blues, SAD affects your daily life, including how you feel and think. Fortunately, treatment can help you get through this challenging time.

How Can I Help Someone With Sad

Can You Be Addicted to Tanning? New Study Says Yes

If you know someone is suffering from SAD, you can help by gently encouraging them to seek medical advice for their treatment. If they’re already being treated, help them adhere to their prescriptions or appointments. Be patient, supportive, and encouraging, and focus on listening rather than dispelling advice. If you’re worried they’re at risk for suicide, you can dial the;National Suicide Prevention Lifeline;at 1-800-273-TALK . You can also text their Crisis Text Line by texting HELLO to 741741.

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What Tanning Does To Your Face

Tanning damages your skin cells and speeds up visible signs of aging. Worst of all, tanning can lead to skin cancer. Its a fact: There is no such thing as a safe or healthy tan. Tanning increases your risk of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.

Indoor Tanning Can Help Reduce Scar Visibility

Youve likely heard that exposure to the sun can affect the look of your scars. It often makes the scans worse. However, there are some scars that can look better when you use indoor tanning booths. This is more of an optical illusion than working on reducing the sight of the scars.

The reason your scars stand out is that they are a different color to the rest of your body. They tend to be darker, making them look prominent. If you tan your body and darken your skin, you can make the scars look fainter than before.

You will need to put some protective sunscreen on the scars. While darkening the rest of your skin, the UV rays will darken the scars, too. You can help to lighten them by using some lemon juice on these parts of the skin to encourage the UV rays to lighten these parts of the skin.

Thinner scars are much easier to reduce than thick ones. If you have thin scars from cosmetic surgery, youll want to consider half an hour a week on the tanning beds to help. The beds can also help to reduce the look of your stretch marks.

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How Can I Best Take Care Of Myself If I Have Seasonal Affective Disorder

Talk to your healthcare provider. By planning ahead, you can manage your symptoms and feel your best.

  • Stick to your treatment plan: If you have medications or a lamp for SAD, use them as directed. Follow up with your healthcare provider if you dont see an improvement in your symptoms.
  • Care for yourself: Eat a well-balanced diet. Get enough sleep. Exercise regularly. Try to manage stress, perhaps by talking to a counselor or therapist.
  • Plan ahead: Make a plan for what youll do if your symptoms get worse. If you notice signs of depression, take action. It might help to plan a lot of activities during these months. Having a busy schedule keeps you from hunkering down at home.
  • Start treatment early: Talk to your healthcare provider about preventive treatment. If you know your symptoms start in October, consider starting treatment in September.


  • Isolate yourself: Being alone can make your symptoms worse. Even though you may not feel like going out or being social, try to reach out to friends and loved ones.
  • Use alcohol or drugs: They might make symptoms worse. And they can interact negatively with antidepressants.

How Does Light Therapy Work

Kristina, Eating Raw & Getting a Tan Didn’t Fix My Depression.

To use light therapy, or phototherapy, you get a special lamp. It has white fluorescent light tubes covered with a plastic screen to block ultraviolet rays. The light is about 20 times brighter than regular indoor light. The intensity of light emitted should be 10,000 lux.

To use phototherapy, dont look directly into the light. Place the lamp about 2 or 3 feet away while you read, eat or do other activities.

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The Healing Power Of Art Therapy

Ready to let those creative juices flow? Artistic expression can help people connect with their depression and any underlying causes at a deeper level, says Bernier. He combines puppet therapy with art therapy by encouraging patients to create their own puppets using cast-off materials, such as empty soda bottles or old socks.

There is a metaphor and great symbolism in using otherwise forgotten, cast-off, rejected materials transformed into something of great value, he explains.

Since the American Art Therapy Association was established in 1969, many therapists have been trained in both art and therapy. Healing arts can include drawing, painting, and sculpting, or other creative methods of expression such as dance, drama, or music therapy. This approach helps people connect with their anger, shame, or guilt from trauma and may bring depression relief.

Its A Cheaper Form Of Tanning

While jetting off to some magical destination will be a dream, there are things that prevent it becoming a reality. Unfortunately, money and time off work get in the way from us being able to get away during the winter months.

The indoor tanning beds are highly beneficial for this. Sure, you will have to spend a little money, but its not as much as the few thousand dollars that it would cost to get to the Caribbean. You also only need to take half an hour out of your day, making it much cheaper and easier to get your tan.

Some companies will also offer deals if you book a certain number of sessions on the tanning beds at the once. That means you can save even more money on your indoor tanning, while you get all the same health benefits.

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Unusual Therapies For Depression

Think treating depression is a one-size-fits-all approach? Think again.;For many people with depression, it can take weeks, months, or years to find a treatment that works and its often a combination of therapy and antidepressants.

It might also take some time to work through whatever it is that is bothering you theres lots of unfinished business in peoples lives, points out certified art therapist Matthew Bernier, MCAT, associate professor of health professions and psychiatry and behavioral sciences in the Graduate Art Therapy & Counseling Program at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk.

But while youre working out that unfinished business, adding some not-so-run-of-the-mill therapies to your treatment plan may help. Here are eight unconventional approaches you may want to incorporate into your treatment plan.

The Benefits Of Indoor Tanning

Tanning: Depression & Psoriasis

June 6, 2017 by Arianne

Sun-kissed skin looks healthier, according to the beauty experts. Its something that many women dream of having all year round. While some will go too far-away destinations to get their dream, others will be stuck with indoor tanning options.

Did you know that indoor tanning offers a range of benefits to your skin? It could be the best thing that you choose to do, instead of going to warm, beach-friendly destinations in the middle of winter.

Sure, there are some downsides. In fact, any tanning can have health complications later in life. Tanning beds and outdoor, beach tanning both expose the skin to harmful UV rays. You still need to use indoor tanning beds and options in moderation.

So, heres a look at the top benefits of indoor tanning and why you need to start choosing it over the far-away destination option.

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How Is Depression Diagnosed

Tell your doctor about your symptoms. Dont expect your doctor to guess that youre depressed just by looking at you. You may feel embarrassed. It may be hard for you to imagine treatment will actually help you feel better. But dont wait to talk to your doctor. The sooner you seek treatment, the sooner the depression will lift.

Once you tell your doctor how youre feeling, he or she may ask you some questions about your symptoms, your health, and your family history. Your doctor may also give you a physical exam and do some tests. It is important to tell your doctor about any medicines that you are taking.

Reasons to get help early:

  • Early diagnosis and treatment helps keep depression from getting worse or lasting a long time.
  • Diagnosis and treatment can help you return to your normal self and enjoy life.
  • Treatment can help prevent depression from coming back.
  • Thoughts of suicide are common in people with major depression. The risk of suicide is higher the longer you wait to treat it. When depression is successfully treated, thoughts of suicide go away.

Tanning During Winter Helps Fight Depression

Even though were almost through the winter months, temperatures across New Jersey are already annoying. The Holiday Season during winter has a lot of reasons for us to be happy about, as it is full of surprises, presents, generosity and good will mostly everywhere. However, it is also common for a lot of people to feel down, with the blues or depressed due to the shorter days and lack of sunlight exposure.

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How Does Red Light Therapy Work

Red light is thought to work by producing a biochemical effect in cells that strengthens the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell its where the cells energy is created. The energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things is called ATP .

RLT is different from laser or intense pulsed light therapies because it doesnt cause damage to the skin surface. Laser and pulsed light therapies work by causing controlled damage to the outer layer of the skin, which then induces tissue repair. RLT bypasses this harsh step by directly stimulating regeneration of the skin. The light emitted by RLT penetrates roughly 5 millimeters below the skins surface.

Treatment For Seasonal Affective Disorder: Light Therapy

Sun Exposure Reduces Depression

The mainstay of winter SAD treatment is light therapy, otherwise known as phototherapy. Light therapy aims to replace the missing daylight of winter by exposing you to bright light that mimics natural outdoor light. Daily exposure can suppress the brains secretion of melatonin to help you feel more awake and alert, less drowsy and melancholy.

Light therapy has been shown to be effective in up to 85 percent of SAD cases. However, the timing and length of exposure needed can vary according to your symptoms and circadian rhythm, so youll need guidance from your doctor or mental health professional to find the right dosage. Your doctor or therapist can also help you choose a light therapy product thats both effective and safe.

Light therapy has to be continued daily throughout the winter months to be effective. Starting light therapy before the onset of symptoms in the fall may even help prevent seasonal affective disorder.

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Why Is Tanning So Addictive

Past studies suggest that the motivation is not just vanitysome tanning buffs have symptoms of dependence and withdrawal. Now a study in Cell adds more evidence that tanning is addictive. It showed that mice become dependent on beta-endorphin, a druglike opioid molecule made by the skin under ultraviolet light.

What Causes Seasonal Affective Disorder

Like other types of depression, SAD is a complex condition that is likely caused by numerous factorslike your environment and genetics. What exactly occurs in the body to trigger SAD is not completely spelled out yet, but the general theory is that seasonal changes can disrupt the bodys biological clock, affecting its regulation of sleep, mood, and hormones.2, 7

Proximity to the equator plays a major role in SAD because people who live farther from the equator experience a greater change in the amount of daylight between the summer and the winter . The difference in daylight hours from the summer to the winter can throw your biological clock out of whack.2, 7

The bodys biological clock tells us when to wake up and when to go to sleep. It also plays a role in regulating various chemicals and hormones that affect sleep, mood, and much more.8

The normal functioning of our biological clocks relies, in part, on lightwhen it is light outside, the body is supposed to be awake, and when it gets dark, its time to sleep. The reduction of daylight hours in the winter can confuse this pattern.8

The disruption of the bodys biological clock can trigger a chain of adverse reactions in the body that may play a role in causing SAD, including:

People who are averse to the winters chilly air and cloudy, windy days should know that research shows that SAD does not seem to be linked to temperature, snowfall, or cloud cover.9

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Unraveling The Sun’s Role In Depression

More Evidence That Sunlight Affects Mood-Lifting Chemical in the Brain

Dec. 5, 2002 — A sunny day may do more than just boost your mood — it may increase levels of a natural antidepressant in the brain. A new study shows that the brain produces more of the mood-lifting chemical serotonin on sunny days than on darker days.

Researchers say the findings provide more evidence that lack of sunlight and reduced serotonin levels are important in the development of seasonal affective disorder .

People with SAD develop symptoms of depression in the winter months when there is less daylight. Symptoms include difficulty concentrating, low energy or fatigue, loss of interest in daily activities, moodiness, and sleeping excessive amounts.

Serotonin levels have been found to be normal in previous studies of people with SAD. But researchers say those studies looked at serotonin levels in the fluid that circulates around the brain and spine, which may have interfered with their results.

In the current study, researchers measured serotonin levels in the blood vessels leading directly from the brain — a more accurate measure of serotonin levels, they say. The study, by Gavin Lambert of the Baker Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia, and colleagues, appears in the Dec. 7 issue of The Lancet.

No other atmospheric conditions were related to serotonin levels.

The Lancet–>

Recommended Daily Vitamin D Intake

Does Sunscreen Work in Tanning Beds?

Vitamin D toxicity can cause elevated calcium levels in the blood, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and constipation. The recommended daily allowance for vitamin D intake is:

  • Infants age 0-1:10 micrograms
  • Age 1-70:15 mcg
  • Age 70 and above: 20 mcg

It is not possible to overdose on vitamin D derived from the sun.

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Sad Risk Factors: Most At

  • Women. SAD is diagnosed four times more often in women than in men.
  • Those who live farthest from the equator. SAD is more common in areas far north or south of the equator.
  • People with a family history of SAD or other types of depression.;
  • People with depression and bipolar disorder.;
  • Younger adults.2

SAD most typically occurs in younger adult women . Women who do shift work, like nurses or other healthcare workers, are at increased risk of SAD since they make up for lost hours of sleep in the daytime when the sun is shining. Craving carbs, oversleeping frequently, and becoming severely fatigued in the winter months are common complaints.4

SAD Risk Factors: Most At-Risk Groups

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