Friday, September 13, 2024

Can Being Molested As A Child Cause Ptsd

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What If The Molestation Happened Years Ago

What Is C-PTSD? (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

The State of California does impose a time limit for pursuing sexual abuse claims through the courts. The time limit for pursuing civil litigation to obtain a recovery of damages suffered as a result of childhood sexual assault is 22 years from the date the plaintiff attains the age of majority or by age 40. There is a rule of delayed discovery that allows a claim to be filed within five years of the date the plaintiff discovers or reasonably should have discovered that the psychological injury or illness occurring after the age of majority was caused by sexual assault.;

As of January 1, 2017, Senate Bill 813 went into effect in California, ending the 10-year statute of limitations on pursuing criminal charges for rape and child molestation cases. However, if your abuse occurred prior to that and is not associated with new DNA evidence, you have up to 10 years from the age of majority to press criminal charges.

An experienced attorney will work with you to discuss the deadlines that may apply to your claim.;;

Obstetriciangynecologist Screening For Sexual Violence

With recognition of the extent of family violence, it is strongly recommended that all women be screened for a history of sexual abuse 15, 17. Patients overwhelmingly favor universal inquiry about sexual assault because they report a reluctance to initiate a discussion of this subject 18. Following are some guidelines:

Make the question natural. When physicians routinely incorporate questions about possible sexual abuse, they will develop increased comfort 19.

  • Normalize the experience. Physicians may offer explanatory statements, such as: About one woman in five was sexually abused as a child. Because these experiences can affect health, I ask all my patients about unwanted sexual experiences in childhood 19.

  • Give the patient control over disclosure. Ask every patient about childhood abuse and rape trauma, but let her control what she says and when she says it in order to keep her emotional defenses intact 19.

  • If the patient reports childhood sexual abuse, ask whether she has disclosed this in the past or sought professional help. Revelations may be traumatic for the patient. Listening attentively is important because excessive reassurance may negate the patients pain. The obstetriciangynecologist should consider referral to a therapist.

  • The examination may be postponed until another visit. Once the patient is ready for an examination, questions about whether any parts of the breast or pelvic examination cause emotional or physical discomfort should be asked.

  • Effects And Aftermath Of Rape

    This article may focus too much on one aspect of a topic and thus damage the article’s usefulness or even lend undue weight in favor of certain viewpoints. Please improve the article by adding information on neglected viewpoints, or discuss the issue on the talk page.
    This article focuses too much on specific examples without explaining their importance to its main subject. Please help improve this article by citing reliable, secondary sources that evaluate and synthesize these or similar examples within a broader context.

    Rape is a traumatic experience that affects the victim in a physical, psychological, and sociological way, Even though the effects and aftermath of rape differentiate among victims, individuals tend to suffer from similar issues found within these three categories. Long term reactions may involve the development of coping mechanisms that will either benefit the victim, such as social support, or inhibit their recovery. Seeking support and professional resources may assist the victim in numerous ways.

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    From Neurobiology To Symptomatology

    In summary, we now know that childhood abuse is linked with excess neuronal irritability, EEG abnormalities, and symptoms suggestive of temporal lobe epilepsy. It is also associated with diminished development of the left cortex and left hippocampus, reduced size of the corpus callosum, and attenuated activity in the cerebellar vermis. We see a close t between the effects of early stress on the brains transmittersour discoveries about the negative effects of early maltreatment on brain developmentand the array of psychiatric symptoms that we actually observe in abused patients.

    We have also found that 30 percent of children with a history of severe abuse meet the diagnostic criteria for attention-decit/hyperactivity disorder , although they are less hyperactive than children with classic ADHD. Very early childhood abuse appears particularly likely to be associated with emergence of ADHD-like behavior problems. Interestingly, one of the most reliable neuroanatomical ndings in ADHD is reduced size of the cerebellar vermis. Some studies have also found an association between reduced size of the mid portions of the corpus callosum and emergence of ADHD-like symptoms of impulsivity. Hence, early abuse may produce brain changes that mimic key aspects of ADHD.

    Child Sexual Abuse Exhibit Symptoms Of Post

    =[ follows you in so many ways

    A report on Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Child Sexual Abuse in Florida revealed that between nine and 15 percent of Floridas children have already been abused or will become victims of child sexual abuse before reaching adulthood. Child sexual abuse victims may experience immediate physical and mental consequences from the abuse, as well as long-term damage that affects health. One of the main forms of mental trauma that can result from child sexual abuse is post-traumatic stress disorder .

    According to the report on the impact of child sex abuse in Floridas children, researchers have identified PTSD as a core manifestation of child sexual abuse. PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that is characterized by regularly feeling fear or dread. Triggers can bring back memories of the initial trauma which caused the PTSD, and flashbacks can cause intense physical and emotional reactions.

    PTSD sufferers often experience anxiety, hyperreactivity to stimuli, depression, mood changes, nightmares and regular uncontrollable flashbacks. Many PTSD sufferers who developed post-traumatic stress disorder due to child sexual abuse are also more susceptible to bulimia or other eating disorders.

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    The Three Symptoms Below Represent The Side Of Bipolar Disorder We All Know Is There But Rarely Want To Let The Public Know Exists

    I know how important it is to protect the reputation of bipolar disorder in the general public. We dont want people thinking we are dangerous, scary, crazy people who cant be trusted. But I do feel we need to own up to the fact that certain mood swings DO cause the behaviors we want to sweep under the carpet. The three symptoms below represent the side of bipolar disorder we all know is there but rarely want to let the public know exists. This is only an opinion, of course, but Im truly interested to know if you feel the same.

    Unique Manifestations Of Abuse

    PTSD in young children can manifest in unique ways, the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry explains. These manifestations can include losing interest in activities that used to bring joy or pleasure; repeating or acting out some form of the behaviors perpetrated against them; regressing to thumbsucking, bedwetting or other age-inappropriate behaviors; developing unusual fears about an early death; losing the ability to talk; developing unusually strong attachments to a parent or other authority figure; and developing concentration problems that interfere with learning or social activities. In addition to the PTSD symptoms found in adults, potential symptoms in older sexually abused children and teenagers include disrespectful attitudes toward authority figures and the appearance of other destructive or disruptive attitudes or actions.

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    What Are The Psychological Consequences Of Sexual Abuse

    Sexual abuse can be traumatic. In the two weeks following an assault, 94 percent of women in one study reported experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder such as flashbacks, insomnia, hypervigilance, and avoidance. They also struggled with anger, anxiety, and depression. Yet up to 90 percent of survivors may recover naturally with time, research suggests. Mental health professionals are always available to help process this painful experience.

    What Therapies Can Help Survivors Recover From Sexual Abuse

    Was I abused? Childhood PTSD Info And Questionnaire

    Trauma-focused therapies can be especially effective for survivors overcoming sexual assault.; These include Cognitive Processing Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, and the somewhat controversial Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy. Art therapy may also be a valuable outlet for individuals to process the trauma. If a dissociative disorder is present as a coping mechanism, it is important to treat the disorder so that its root cause can be addressed.;

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    If You Got Molested As A Child Would You Talk About It With Your Partner


    • hellionthesagereborn;;|;;902 opinions shared on Relationships topic.Guru1 y I was as a child ), and I have no issue speaking about it with anyone, significant other to a complete stranger. It was what it was and its not something I asked for so I don’t feel ashamed of it . Personally I think the more you talk about it the better off you are because it helps you come to terms with it . It also helps them understand you better and they are going to be more careful with certain things or at least under stand some of your quirks better. I don’t see a down side to it. 0|1
    • Xper 71 y This is tricky – you ought to be able to – but then if you’ve found a partner to mirror the image of those who have molested you, you won’t be helping yourself.In that regard, the safest thing to do is to get over it yourself, by using your own labour and resoures/skills to set up a molestation free environment, to get used to not being molested/get your PTSD resolved – and then from that perspective talk to your partner.) 0|1

    Scroll Down to Read Other Opinions

    Childhood Trauma As A Risk Factor For Suicidality

    Childhood trauma, especially child sexual abuse, has been identified as a strong risk factor for suicidality. A large body of national and international evidence supports the relationship, including many recent studies from the United States, Sweden, New Zealand, and Australia.

    An earlier review of about 20 studies, published between 1988 and 1998, assessed the evidence for physical or sexual abuse in relation to suicide attempts . The review concluded that, despite methodological limitations, there was robust evidence linking childhood sexual and physical abuse and suicidal behavior. The odds ratios from these studies ranged from 1.3 to 25, indicating that adults with

    Suggested Citation:Reducing Suicide: A National Imperative

    a past history of abuse were up to 25 times more likely than adults without a past history to attempt suicide.

    Child sexual abuse, in particular, was examined in a meta-analysis of 37 studies published between 1981 and 1995 . The total number of subjects was more than 25,000. The unweighted and weighted effect sizes of child sexual abuse on suicide were 0.64 and 0.44,7 confirming a substantial link between child sexual abuse and suicide .

    Suggested Citation:Reducing Suicide: A National ImperativeSuggested Citation:Reducing Suicide: A National Imperative

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    Cognitive Impairment In Bipolar Disorder

    Many people find this scary. We already have bipolar, does this mean we have memory problems as well? Maybe. Cognitive impairment from memory lapses, forgetting appointments, being unable to remember information, and experiencing brain fog during certain episodes is common! If you have bipolar, youve probably felt the sluggish brain that comes with depression. If you have mania, you have probably tripped over your words, said things you didnt mean, and had trouble thinking thoughts in order.

    My cognitive symptoms visit me daily. Im not able to remember dates and numbers, and I need help with calendars and appointments. Mine got worse after intense therapy I had for severe depression. Its something I find distressing, but its easy to manage.

    I want us to be open about cognitive issues. This is the only way we can get help! My cognitive symptoms tend to linger all of the time, but they get worse with mood swings. A perfect example of this: I was supposed to submit this blog by midnight. Yesterday, I reminded myself all day to submit it, but I still managed to go to sleep without sharing it on time. I have to live with these symptoms, and even though a few things slip through, I do control the majority of my minor memory problems with a good support system!

    When To Consider The Diagnosis Of Complex Ptsd

    PTSD & Complex PTSD

    People who have complex PTSD often present with co-morbid psychiatric conditions and patients will often not disclose that they have experienced a trauma in their childhood and therefore present with another mental health or physical health problem, relationship or behavioural problems.

    It is also worthwhile considering complex PTSD when a patient presents with symptoms that dont fit the usual pattern of depression or anxiety or dont respond to the usual treatments.

    Other conditions patients with complex PTSD might present with include:

    • Major depression
    • Chronic pain and other health problems

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    Healing From Sexual Abuse

    Survivors of sexual violence may experience physical injuries due to the assault, as well as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. This can harm ones health, career, and relationships.

    Therapy can often effectively address the trauma of sexual abuse. Survivors learn how to identify and understand their emotions, process their memories, develop coping skills, apply stress-management strategies, and restore their confidence.

    To find a therapist with experience treating sexual abuse or trauma, visit the Psychology Today Therapy Directory.

    Can You Prevent Or Lessen The Effects Of Childhood Trauma

    Preventing or lessening the consequences of childhood trauma is possible.

    If your child is dealing with the effects of trauma, the first step is showing support. Youll want to find a mental health professional qualified to treat the trauma your child is dealing with and get them into therapy as soon as possible.

    Family therapy is also recommended. Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy is one form that includes the family in the process.

    These sessions can help parents or caregivers learn how to support and encourage their children at home. It also teaches parents how to avoid blame, learn how to listen, and watch for worsening symptoms.

    Long-term effects of childhood trauma can increase the risk of mental health conditions like PTSD and depression, chronic illness, or substance use disorders.

    However, with the right therapy, the outlook for people whove experienced childhood trauma is positive.

    Depending on the type of trauma and how long it occurred, treatment may take a while, especially if youre addressing these issues as an adult.

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    How Do You Leave A Sexually Abusive Relationship

    Although it can take a long time and multiple attempts, most people eventually leave abusive relationships. To make this decision, women have reported that it was crucial to 1) Confront reality and recognize that the abuse will not end 2) Release feelings of self-blame to reclaim self-esteem 3) Accept support and perspective from loved ones or a mental health professional 4) Reach a transition point with regard to feeling personally overwhelmed or consideration for a childs well-being.

    Traumatic Effects Of Child Sexual Abuse

    Symptoms and Strategies for PTSD in Children and Teens

    Child sexual abuse can involve a wide array of activities that purposefully expose children to adult sexual behaviors and sexual perspectives. In some cases-such as instances of voyeurism, exhibitionism or use of pornographic imagery on the part of an adult-this exposure does not involve actual physical contact with a child. However, in other cases-such as various acts involving groping, genital contact, or intercourse-physical contact is heavily involved. Because children dont understand the sexual perspectives and behaviors of adults, any intentional exposure to these aspects of adult life can produce some sort of trauma. Generally speaking, the least traumatic forms of CSA involve no physical contact and occur only once or a very small number of times. Conversely, the most traumatic forms of CSA typically involve a violent or extreme invasion of physical space, occur repeatedly for months or years, and happen at the hands of parents or other close family members. However, this hierarchy of traumatic effect is not ironclad, and any given child can develop a serious traumatic response to any type, degree, or frequency of child sexual abuse.

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    Types Of Dysfunctional Families

    The following are some examples of patterns that frequently occur in dysfunctional families.

    • One or both parents have addictions or compulsions that have strong influences on family members.
    • One or both parents use the threat or application of physical violence as the primary means of control. Children may have to witness violence, may be forced to participate in punishing siblings, or may live in fear of explosive outbursts.
    • One or both parents exploit the children and treat them as possessions whose primary purpose is to respond to the physical and/or emotional needs of adults .
    • One or both parents are unable to provide, or threaten to withdraw, financial or basic physical care for their children. Similarly, one or both parents fail to provide their children with adequate emotional support.
    • One or both parents exert a strong authoritarian control over the children. Often these families rigidly adhere to a particular belief . Compliance with role expectations and with rules is expected without any flexibility.

    There is a great deal of variability in how often dysfunctional interactions and behaviors occur in families, and in the kinds and the severity of their dysfunction. However, when patterns like the above are the norm rather than the exception, they systematically foster abuse and/or neglect. Children may:

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