Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Depression Make You Lose Weight

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Seeking Help And Support For Depression

Can stress or anxiety cause weight loss?

If you have been recently experiencing symptoms of depression, it is important to reach out for professional support.

Firstly, speak to your GP or a mental health professional, like the psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists here at Priory Group. This will give you an opportunity to talk about what youve been experiencing and access the support and treatment that you may need to start feeling better.

Here at Priory Group we treat people with all forms of depression and have a range of treatment programmes available for the condition. When you first meet with a member of our team, they will work with you to determine the most effective treatment pathway. This could include:

Blog reviewed by Dr Sara Morando Consultant Psychiatrist at Priory Hospital North London

For details of how Priory can provide you with assistance regarding mental health and wellbeing, please call 0800 840 3219 or . For professionals looking to make a referral, please click here

Things I Wish People Understood About Weight And Mental Illness

Television, magazines, and ads are riddled with weight loss methods to help men and women achieve their ideal body image. For someone without mental illness, losing weight can be difficult, but when you add in depression and anxiety, it may make the journey more difficult. I cant exercise and eat better and have the pounds come off. I end up fighting a mental battle one full of self-doubt, fear, frustration, and anxiety.

Ive battled with weight issues my whole life. At one point, when I reached my highest weight, I went through what I thought was natural weight loss. I counted my calories, exercised, and resisted temptation. The problem is, I ended up starving my body. Though I lost a lot of weight, I did it in an unhealthy way, and I have since put it back on. Its a never-ending battle, but its one we can fight provided people understand the struggle were going through.

Reminding me I need to lose weight does not help. I can clearly see or feel when Im overweight. Holding an intervention, berating me for gaining weight, or dropping comments just makes me feel worse. If youre concerned about my weight gain, perhaps ask how Im feeling or if theres anything you can do to help. Show kindness and love, not critique.

I implore you to keep these things in mind if you have a friend with mental illness who is trying to lose weight for health. Its not easy, and what we need is your love and support.

When Is Weight Loss Cause For Concern

Although dropping a pound or two typically isnt cause for concern, unexpected or undesired weight loss takes a toll on your body.

See a doctor or other healthcare professional if youve lost five percent or more of your overall body weight in any 6- to 12-month period.

You should also see a doctor if you:

  • are losing weight without trying
  • have chronic headaches
  • feel persistently on edge
  • find yourself using alcohol or drugs as a way to cope

Your doctor can determine whether your symptoms are related to stress or due to another underlying condition. Whatever the cause, your provider can work with you to develop healthy coping strategies and prescribe medication, if needed.

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Avoid Sleeping Too Much

Sleep is important we all know that. However, too much sleep is as bad as too little good nights rest. Getting too much sleep can, in fact, make your depression even worse. This also means it can aggravate symptoms associated with this common mental health problem. Although there comes the time when all you want to do is sleep, you should still strive to do something such as take a walk or go for a jog.

Exercise will also boost your energy, keep you alert, and help you focus more on your work, life, and you name it. As a result, youll feel more motivated at the same time. Its needless to mention sufficient sleep is important for weight management as well.

Rules: Can Depression Make You Lose Weight

Depression Medications That Do Not Cause Weight Gain ...

What rules should be followed: Begin gradually . Do not start abruptly. The more sharply you start moving towards your goal, the sooner you will return to the habitual way of life. Only discipline will help you achieve the goal can depression make you lose weight. Be disciplined . You gained weight for a long time. Therefore, to lose it you need to have patience. In the question: can depression make you lose weight be patient .

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Results Of The Weight Loss Study

According to both the PLOS report and a press release on the ScienceDaily website, the results of the study showed a positive correlation between physical health and weight loss, but a negative correlation between mental health and weight loss:

  • Before adjusting for serious health issues and major life events such as bereavement, which can cause both weight loss and depressed mood, the people who lost weight were 78% more likely to report depressed mood.
  • After controlling for these, the increased odds of depressed mood remained significant at 52%
  • The proportion of participants with depressed mood increased more in the weight loss than weight stable or weight gain groups .
  • The proportion with low wellbeing also increased more in the weight loss group , but the difference was not statistically significant .
  • Hypertension and high triglyceride prevalence decreased in weight losers and increased in weight gainers .
  • All effects persisted in analyses adjusting for illness and life stress during the weight loss period.

In an , Melissa Dahl noted that the mental health challenges related to weight loss may be a result of both frustration with setbacks and unrealistic expectations of the entire experience.

Move More Once You Hit Midlife Say Experts

Weight gain may feel like its inevitable once youve entered your fourth decade, but the truth is, it doesnt have to be. Natural hormonal changes mean you may start to notice symptoms ofmenopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings, but you dont need to idly accept that the number on the bathroom scale will steadily creep up, too.

RELATED: Weight Gain Around Menopause Is Linked to Lack of Sleep

Heres whats going on with your body if elastic-waist pants are now your go-to fashion staple: Weight distribution changes as you hit menopause, with the added pounds accumulating right around your belly. I named the extra fat that collects around your middle the menopot, says Pamela Peeke, MD, MPH, author of Body for Life for Women.

RELATED: Women Who Reach Menopause Before Age 40 Face Higher Risk for Future Heart Disease

What we did when we were 30 and what we do when were 60 is very different, says Kathryn A. Boling, MD, a family medicine physician at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. We have to adjust our exercise some as we get older. If youve lost some gusto, create incentives for yourself to stay moving. I have an Apple Watch, and I like to see that circle closed, she says. Peeke says you dont have to go to a gym, but you do need to do enough strength training to keep your muscles strong and your metabolism revved. Try activities that have you lifting, pushing, and pulling, she says.

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What Is Extreme Weight Loss

Extreme weight loss can be defined as the loss of more than 1 kilogram a week. According to the CDC, healthy and sustainable weight loss means a loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week . Anything more than that is considered extreme and unhealthy.

Want to build an attention-grabbing bubble butt, blast away fat thats stored in all the wrong places, spring-clean your diet, turn back the clock on your skin, skyrocket your self-confidence and shatter your insecurities? Check out the BetterMe app and set this plan in motion!

Why You Lose Weight

Anxiety & Depression : How to Lose Weight While Taking Antidepressants

Stress and anxiety are commonly associated with weight gain, and for a good reason – during times of anxiety, the body releases heavy amounts of cortisol, which is a hormone that contributes to weight gain – especially around the midsection. Anxiety also causes further inactivity as people stop engaging in many activities, which can also increase weight gain.

Yet for various reasons, weight loss is also a problem that may occur with anxiety. There are several factors that cause this weight loss to occur:

It’s important to remember that anxiety itself makes you worry about things that shouldn’t necessarily be worried. Weight loss may also simply occur naturally. But if you were not suspecting to lose weight, this can cause significant health concerns. It’s simply the nature of anxiety to cause people to worry about their health.

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Nervous Movement Burns Calories

Some people use physical activity to work through stress. Although an exercise-fueled endorphin rush can reduce your stress, engaging in more physical activity than normal could result in unexpected weight loss.

Sometimes stress triggers unconscious movement, like foot tapping or finger clicking. These tics may help your body process your feelings, but they also burn calories.

Work With A Licensed Therapist

Work with professionals who will guide you in learning ways to manage stress and weight-related issues. If you’re suffering from anxiety due to prolonged stress and feel your weight or physical health is being affected, a licensed therapist can help you. With compassion and expertise, licensed therapists are equipped to help you develop positive and healthy eating habits. You can read reviews of some BetterHelp therapists below, from people experiencing similar issues.

Counselor Reviews

“Shana is a very helpful and thoughtful counselor. Shana not only helped me work through my immediate problems but discussed a path forward so that I could find more time to enjoy myself and manage the stress and anxiety in the future. I really appreciate her counseling.”

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Principles: Can Depression Make You Lose Weight

To solve the problem can depression make you lose weight you need a comprehensive approach. First, watch what you eat . Food should be low-calorie. In your diet should be a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat stop eating when hungry. Second, move more . Do physical exercises. Walk more. Buy a ticket to the gym and constantly visit him. Fulfillment of these principles will allow you to solve the problem can depression make you lose weight.

Is There A Treatment

5 Common Causes of Unexplained Weight Gain

Treating weight loss isn’t necessarily related to anxiety itself. You simply need to make sure you’re eating, talk to a doctor to rule out other symptoms, and keep exercising to ensure that you’re promoting good health. There is nothing you can do in the short term to regain weight that’s healthy for your body.


Anxiety can cause a lot of nervous movements, changes to diet, and other activities that may contribute to weight loss. Weight loss as a symptom is not typically something a person needs to address unless there are dietary issues, but because anxiety can be harmful to the body, it is still important to treat anxiety overall.

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Can Stress Cause Weight Loss Even When Eating

Yes, it can. We have all experienced it from time to time and it can be caused by different factors such as financial problems, pressure at work, family issues, romantic and platonic relationships, grief or loss, and other life changes. That being said, what exactly is stress? It is described as your bodys reaction to pressure from an event or situation . Other than weight loss, this reaction can manifest itself in the following ways :

  • Physical: headaches, insomnia, unexplained aches and pains, a rapid heartbeat, constantly falling ill, decreased sex drive, stomach problems such as diarrhea, constipation, and nausea.
  • Psychological: inability to concentrate, constant worrying, racing thoughts, poor judgement, and forgetfulness.
  • Emotional: anxiety, depression, irritability, feelings of loneliness, low self-esteem, a difficulty calming and quieting your mind, withdrawing socially, etc.
  • Read More:Meditation and Stress: How Can Meditating Reduce Anxiety?

    Concerning weight, stress could either cause you to gain or lose weight. This is mostly connected to appetite changes experienced during this time. A study done on 72 women aged 17 to 26 years old showed 81% of the women experienced a change in appetite when stressed and of those, 62% reported an increased appetite..

    But what happens if you are stressed, are not experiencing appetite changes, but are still losing weight without trying? How can stress cause weight loss even when eating and making healthy food choices?

    Choosing A Healthy Diet

  • 1Aim for 5 to 6 small meals each day. People who are underweight may get full faster than others. Instead of eating the typical two to three large meals, break your meals down into 5 or 6 smaller meals to enjoy throughout the day. Strive to eat a small meal or snack every 3 or 4 hours.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • For example, if you rise at 6am every morning, you will want to eat breakfast within the first hour before 7am. Then, you can have a healthy snack around 10am, lunch at 12pm or 1pm, another snack around 4pm, and dinner at 7pm. If you are hungry later, enjoy a small snack or dessert before 9pm so that you are not eating too close to your bedtime.
  • 2Choose nutritious, whole foods. The very best method to improve likelihood for increasing weight in a healthy way is to consume a nutrient-rich diet. Select vegetables, fruits, lean sources of protein, whole grain breads, pastas, and cereals and nuts and seeds for an overall healthy diet. Doing so may help you to gain a few pounds, and it may also support greater physical and mental health.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Examples of nutritious snacks to help you pick up weight may include nuts and seeds, dried fruits, granola bars, bean spreads with chips, and fruit juice or nectar.XResearch source
  • Also Check: Can Depression Make You Lose Your Appetite

    The Relationship Between Weight And Mood

    Recent research shows a bidirectional relationship between weight gain and depression where one may cause or exacerbate the other and vice versa. However, there are many potential reasons for this relationship that can vary from person to person, including genetics, surroundings and stress levels. An unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle could also be to blame, as both can negatively alter your bodys immune responses, brain structure and function, leading to an increased risk of obesity and depression alike, says Ma.

    Its easy to see how you can get caught in a vicious cycle where each condition worsens the other, says Katie Rickel, PhD, a clinical psychologist and CEO of Structure House, a residential weight-management facility in Durham, North Carolina. For some people, depression could lead to obesity, as it may make you feel more lethargic and cause cravings for high-calorie comfort foods. A lack of activity paired with overeating can easily lead to weight gain. As your body changes, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can become even more overwhelming. Weight stigma, along with a downtick in self-esteem, could also lead you to spend less time with others , she explains.

    Do Something You Find Enjoyable

    Do antidepressants cause weight loss

    When it comes to weight loss and exercise, options are endless. We have plenty of exercises to do and workouts to try. Dont do some exercise for the sake of it, do it because you like it. Somehow were led to believe that only certain types of exercises or activities can help us lose weight and eventually manage depression. Then, we do things we dont really like and end up losing our motivation to continue. One way to avoid this scenario is to find exercises, activities, and workouts you find enjoyable. Theres always something you like, exercises and activities you find fun. Focus on those particular activities, and youll notice motivation keeps growing. Thats because youre doing something you like and its natural to want to keep doing it.

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    Depression And Loss Of Appetite

    Depression can affect our appetite and change the relationship that we have with food. It can cause us to eat unhealthily, eat more than usual and it can also lead to a loss of appetite.

    Within this blog, we have focused on depression and a loss of appetite. If you have been struggling to eat because of depression, we will look at why this may be happening and what you can do to start making positive changes and getting the support that you need to start feeling better.

    Crash Diets Dont Work

    Youve probably noticed that crash diets dont work the weight just comes right back again. The problem in perimenopause is that weight loss is more complex than calories in/calories out but that doesnt mean that you cant change your metabolism and lose unwanted pounds.

    When your hormones are out of balance in perimenopause, balancing your hormones and optimizing your overall health are virtual requirements for losing unwanted weight and belly fat. A healthy diet and lifestyle and specific medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements can all help you get there.

    Just because that fat hasnt budged lately doesnt mean that it wont when you try a different approach!

    Want even more new ideas for stopping hormonal weight gain? Read our article: Demystifying perimenopausal weight gain.

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