Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Help Panic And Anxiety Attacks

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What Is A Panic Attack

How to help your friend during a panic attack – BBC

Panic attacks are sudden, intense surges of fear, panic, or anxiety. They are overwhelming, and they have physical as well as emotional symptoms.

If you have a panic attack, you might find you have difficulty breathing, you sweat profusely and tremble, and you may feel your heart pounding.

Some people will also experience chest pain and a feeling of detachment from reality or themselves during a panic attack, so they may think theyre having a heart attack. Others have reported feeling like they are having a stroke.

Use Your Smartphone For Distraction

My Words With Friends addiction is a tad out of control, but it sure comes in handy when Im feeling eclipsed by panic.

Games like crossword puzzles and word searches , says Dr. Masand. The idea is it can act as a distraction to the fear or the body symptoms of anxiety. Our smartphones offer a plethora of great coping tools and this is something the majority of us already carry with us. Download some games that will distract you and get your mind off of the unpleasant symptoms you are feeling. You can also download relaxing music and guided relaxation sessions.

Ways To Deal With Anxiety And Panic

07.05.21 | by Jason Drwal | Anxiety Management

We all have anxiety and worries but sometimes they hold us back from living life: traveling, starting relationships, making friends, getting out of the house, having peace of mind. I would love to see you get more out of life but maybe panic or anxiety is holding you back. If so, you may not know where to start or whats that first step. Heres help. This is a list of small but significant changes you can start today and many take 5 minutes or less. Pick at least one to try today. Change happens because of an accumulation of small victories, not a single action.

Learn guided imagery. There are tons of videos on YouTube. Heres one of my favorites: Self-Esteem, A Guided Relaxation Session.

Take a walk. Any kind of exercise burns off stress, lifts the mood, and helps you deal with anxiety and panic.

Meditate. Its simple and will improve your mood, reduce anxiety, and teach you how to be calm after an anxiety and attack. This is a great video: Guided Meditation for Detachment from Overthinking by Michael Sealey.

Practice Yoga. Its physically active, it will limber your body, and release your tension. Even just once a week is helpful. Yoga for Complete Beginners is a good video. If its not your cup of tea, youtube is teeming with others.

Practice Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a gentle form of movement based on an ancient Chinese practice. Its easy on the body but focuses the mind and is great for people who struggle to sit still.

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Keep Lavender On Hand

Lavender is a traditional remedy that many people use to reduce stress and help them relax.

Research suggests it has a calming effect but doesnt lead to dependence or cause withdrawal symptoms. Using products that contain diluted lavender oil may help reduce or manage symptoms of anxiety.

However, the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate essential oils, and strengths and ingredients vary widely.

If you use lavender essential oil, make sure you:

  • get your oil from a reputable source, such as a pharmacy
  • follow the instructions for use
  • avoid applying concentrated oil directly to the skin
  • avoid using lavender with benzodiazepines because the combination can cause intense drowsiness

While research suggests there are health benefits, the FDA doesnt monitor or regulate the purity or quality of essential oils. Its important to talk with a healthcare professional before you begin using essential oils and be sure to research the quality of a brands products. Always do a patch test before trying a new essential oil.

Which essential oil is right for you?

Understand Their Panic May Not Make Sense To You Or Them


Panic attacks can be confusing as well as scary. People generally cant predict them and theres often no clear cause. They can happen in stressful situations but also during calm moments or even during sleep.

It might seem helpful to tell your friend theres nothing to be afraid of. But theyre probably perfectly aware theres no actual threat.

Thats part of what makes panic attacks so confusing. The reaction matches a fear response but nothings happening to cause that fear. In response, someone who gets panic attacks might begin to fear the symptoms themselves, or link them to a serious health issue.

Its typical to feel embarrassed or ashamed of such an intense reaction, Bingham explains. But having a trusted companion offer compassion can allow space for the person to return to baseline.

You can be that person even without understanding why they get panic attacks. Thats far less important than your ability to offer empathy and recognize their distress as real and significant.

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Panic Attack Vs Anxiety Attack: How They Differ

Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

You might hear the terms “anxiety attack” and “panic attack” used interchangeably. This is understandable, given that they share some common symptoms. However, behavioral health professionals use these terms for specific symptoms and disorders, and they have different features.

A panic attack is characterized by an abrupt surge of intense fear or discomfort accompanied by other physical and mental symptoms. Panic attacks are episodic and typically peak within minutes or hours.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is part of the emotional and protective responses hardwired into the human body. It becomes a problem when it’s longstanding, excessive, and disruptive to daily lifein which case, it’s termed an anxiety disorder. Although intense anxiety symptoms can feel like an attack, “anxiety attack” is not a recognized diagnosis.

This article discusses panic attacks vs. anxiety attackstheir similarities, differences, definitions, symptoms, and treatments.

Verywell / Joshua Seong

Keep Your Mind In The Present

Notice five things you can see around you. Then, four things you can touch. Three things you can hear. Two things you smell. One thing you taste. When you stay grounded in whatâs going on around you, it gives your mind something better to do than focus on fear or bounce from one worry to the next.

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How Are Panic Attacks Managed Or Treated

Psychotherapy, medications or a combination are very effective at stopping panic attacks. How long youll need treatment depends on the severity of your problem and how well you respond to treatment. Options include:

  • Psychotherapy:Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy, or talk therapy. You discuss your thoughts and emotions with a mental health professional, such as a licensed counselor or psychologist. This specialist helps identify panic attack triggers so you can change your thinking, behaviors and reactions. As you start to respond differently to triggers, the attacks decrease and ultimately stop.
  • Antidepressants: Certain antidepressant medications can make panic attacks less frequent or less severe. Providers may prescribe serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors , serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants . SSRIs include fluoxetine and paroxetine . SNRIs include duloxetine and venlafaxine . TCAs include amitriptyline and doxepin .
  • Anti-anxiety medications: Benzodiazepines are the most commonly prescribed anti-anxiety medication to treat and prevent panic attacks. They help with anxiety but have risks of addiction or dependence. These medications include alprazolam and lorazepam .

Engage In Light Exercise

Tips to Reduce Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Research shows that regular exercise can not only keep the body healthy but boost mental well-being, too.

Experts have found that exercising at 60 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate for 20 minutes three times per week can help reduce anxiety.

If you are not used to exercising, talk with your doctor before starting. There is some evidence that starting aerobic exercise anew can trigger additional anxiety in people with an anxiety disorder. Building up gradually can help your body adjust and avoid breathing problems. Aerobic exercise includes activities such as running on a treadmill.

If you feel stressed or youre hyperventilating or struggling to breathe, stop and take a rest or choose a more moderate option, such as walking, swimming, or yoga.

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Recognizing The Signs Of A Panic Attack

Now that we know some of the primary causes of panic attacks, we will now understand how to recognize the signs of a panic attack. If you observe these signs in yourself or see someone going through them, it might be an indication of a panic attack. Some of the most common tell-all signs of a panic attack include:

  • Feelings of unreality or derealization
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Feelings of unreality or derealization
  • Fear of losing control or going crazy

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek help. Panic attacks can be very debilitating and can interfere with your ability to live a normal life. It is important to be able to recognize the signs of a panic attack so that you can seek treatment if necessary.

Whats The Difference Between Anxiety And A Panic Attack

Anxiety is usually related to something that is perceived to be stressful or threatening. The symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe. Learn more about anxiety here.

A panic attack is a sudden, intense episode of fear or anxiety, accompanied by at least four of the following symptoms:

  • racing heart or palpitations
  • sweating shortness of breath or feelings of choking
  • dizziness, trembling or shaking
  • numbness or a tingling sensation
  • hot and cold flashes
  • fear of dying or of losing control
  • queasy stomach or nausea
  • feeling detached from oneself and one’s surroundings.

Panic attacks can be triggered by an event or a stressor, or there may be no apparent cause at all. They have severe symptoms that disrupt what youre doing at that moment. Get more info on panic attacks here.

Another term you might have heard is anxiety attack. Theres no one definition of anxiety attacks that everyone agrees on. Sometimes the term is used to describe panic attacks, and other times its used to describe a feeling of intense anxiety .

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Know Your Physical Health Status

Knowing more about your physical health puts you in a better position to tell the difference between panic attack symptoms and signs of a medical condition. Going to your doctor for regular checkups can help you rule out other conditions that would be cause for alarm.

A doctor will be able to differentiate whether the symptoms of panic shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, shaking and sweating, etc. are the result of a medical condition or anxiety, says Dr. Mehta. Also, if you do have a medical condition, educate yourself about those symptoms and how they differ from panic and anxiety.

Think about the specific symptoms youre experiencing. Are they things common during a panic attack? Remind yourself of the conversations with your doctor. Go over the logic in your head or say it out loud.

There Are Two Levels Of Help That You Can Give Yourself For Panic Attacks:

The difference between a panic attack and an anxiety attack : coolguides
  • There are things you can do to reduce your anxiety during a panic attack
  • There are things you can do to reduce your overall level of anxiety and decrease the likelihood that you will have panic attacks.
  • Reducing Panic in the Midst of a Panic Attack

    There are a number of things that you can do to decrease your panic and anxiety in the midst of a panic attack. That includes

  • Take Conscious Control of Your Breathing Take slow, deep, mindful breaths, and this can help you relax in the moment. The most important thing is to slow your breathing down.
  • Get Yourself to a Quiet Place This will help you regroup and calm yourself down. Then you can return to whatever it was you were doing.
  • Tell Yourself That This Will Pass Panic attacks are self-limiting. They will come to an end on their own. Just sit tight and remember that this too shall pass.
  • Know Your Own Health Panic attacks will often present with the same symptoms of a heart attack or of other cardiorespiratory illnesses. If you know that your heart and lungs are basically healthy, it will help you relax by understanding that your chest pain or other symptoms are the product of your anxiety attacks and not the symptoms of heart disease.
  • Remember That a Panic Attack Will Not Make You Go Crazy.
  • Consciously Imagine a Positive Situation Picture yourself in a beautiful natural setting. Or remember the last time you were in a happy moment with friends or family. This will help you reduce your panic as well.
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    Learn 9 Ways To Lessen Or Stop The Symptoms

    A panic attack can be stopped or controlled with mind-body techniques such as relaxation, distraction, and mindfulness.

    Many people will experience at least one panic attack in their lifetime. Learning to recognize panic attacks is an important first step toward managing them, which can often be done without the need for medication.

    Science Photo Library / Getty Images

    Seeking Professional Help For An Anxiety Or Panic Disorder

    Seeking professional help can help you and your child gain knowledge about the tools and techniques used to prevent and manage anxiety attacks. A trained professional may have insight on why your child is having panic attacks, however there may not be a specific reason or trigger. Additionally, a trained professional can teach certain techniques such as exposure therapy and relaxation techniques to help your son or daughter overcome panic attacks. Although there are medications known to help panic disorders, they are not recommended for children due to the side effects, therefore these disorders are best managed with therapy and knowledge.

    If your child has been experiencing frequent panic attacks likely related to an anxiety disorder, Discovery Mood and Anxiety Program is here to help. Please contact Discovery to get in touch with a supportive professional today.

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    Causes Of Panic Attacks And Panic Disorder

    Although the exact causes of panic attacks and panic disorder are unclear, the tendency to have panic attacks runs in families. There also appears to be a connection with major life transitions such as graduating from college and entering the workplace, getting married, or having a baby. Severe stress, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, or job loss can also trigger panic attacks.

    Panic attacks can also be caused by medical conditions and other physical causes. If youre suffering from symptoms of panic, its important to see a doctor to rule out the following possibilities:

  • Mitral valve prolapse, a minor cardiac problem that occurs when one of the hearts valves doesnt close correctly
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Medication withdrawal
  • Self Help For General Anxiety

    How to Stop Panic Attacks Part 3/3

    There are many different ways to try to address your anxiety. The following are some of the most effective techniques for treating your generalized anxiety disorders. After we review these strategies, we’ll take a look at other self-help techniques for panic disorder, which often requires very different solutions than other forms of anxiety.

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    Top 3 Exercises For Relieving Anxiety

    The exercises discussed above are useful tools your client can use to prevent and control a panic attack.

    They might also find it useful to know techniques for managing generalized anxiety that might exist in the broader context of their panic attacks.

    As you learned above, anxiety can act as a sensitizing factor, making it more likely for a panic attack to occur. In a more general sense, your client may find it easier to engage with their therapy and maintain a positive attitude if they feel confident controlling their everyday mental health.

    How Are Panic Attacks Diagnosed

    Serious health problems, such as heart disease, thyroid disease and respiratory problems, cause symptoms similar to panic attacks. Your healthcare provider may run tests to rule out a physical problem. If theres no physical cause, your provider may make a diagnosis based on your symptoms and risk factors.


    High cholesterol can increase your chance of heart attack and stroke. Stress can do that as well. Some research shows a possible link between stress and cholesterol.

    Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in some foods and also produced by your body. The cholesterol content of food is not as noteworthy as the trans fats and saturated fats in our diets. These fats are what can cause the body to make more cholesterol.

    There are so-called good and bad cholesterols. Your ideal levels are:

    • LDL cholesterol: less than 100 mg/dL
    • HDL cholesterol: more than 60 mg/dL
    • total cholesterol: less than 200 mg/dL

    When bad cholesterol is too high, it can build up in your arteries. This affects how blood flows to your brain and your heart, which could cause stroke or heart attack.

    Risk factors for high cholesterol include:

    • family history of high cholesterol, heart problems, or strokes
    • smoking tobacco

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    How To Treat Panic Attacks: 6 Exercises And Techniques

    20 Apr 2021 William Smith, Ph.D.

    Panic attacks can seem as challenging to treat as they are to control.

    However, with a systematic approach and adherence to a few simple techniques, panic attacks can become manageable.

    In this article, youâll gain a working understanding of what triggers a panic attack and how to approach treatment for your client. Youâll learn about the options for clinical treatment, as well as exercises and techniques your client can use to manage their panic attacks, both during an attack and in their everyday life to reduce the likelihood of an attack occurring.

    Before you continue, we thought you might like to . These science-based, comprehensive exercises will not only help you cultivate a sense of inner peace throughout your daily life, but will also give you the tools to enhance the mindfulness of your clients, students, or employees.

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