Monday, April 29, 2024

What Are The Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety

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What Is Social Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is more than worry – 10 Scary Physical Symptoms

Many of us may know what it feels like to be nervous before a party, or when meeting new people or making an important phone call. Those with social anxiety disorder have very intense versions of those fears intense fears of being judged by others that cause them to avoid those kinds of situations. For most people, fears of social situations usually subside once the intimidating event has been faced. But in social anxiety disorder, these feelings are persistent and usually last for at least six months.

Trusted Organizations For Essential Anxiety Information

Founded in 1979, this organization raises awareness and offers support and education on mental health disorders such as anxiety, and provides information on how to cope with these disorders. You can access free crisis support via the NAMI HelpLine and find help through the sites online discussion groups, which have threads dedicated to dealing with various aspects of anxiety.

At the website for the federal governments mental health organization, you can find current statistics and other information on anxiety and other mental disorders. The site can also help you find ongoing studies to participate in.

What Are The Best Ways To Deal With Anxiety

First, check in with yourself. Make sure that youre getting enough sleep and definitely put your phone away before climbing under the covers. Leave your late-night scrolling behind, get in bed earlier than you usually would, and see if you can go to sleep and wake at roughly the same times every day, Dr. Chaudhary says. The ideal sleep time for teens is 8-9 hours uninterrupted, Dr. HoganBruen advises.

Try to eat nutritious foods and do the activities that help you feel grounded, whether that be meditating, exercising, journaling, listening to music, or reading. What anxiety does is activate your sympathetic nervous system or your fight or flight response, Dr. Torres-Mackie explains. To combat that, you want to activate your parasympathetic nervous system that can give you a sense of calm.

However, if you feel that your symptoms of anxiety are becoming too difficult to manage on your own, it might be time to reach out to a healthcare professional or trusted adult to schedule an appointment with a therapist. If youre unable to go to your primary care doctor or dont feel comfortable talking to your parents or guardians, you could also go to a school counselor for help. I have a simple rule of thumb: if you feel like anxiety is negatively impacting your daily life, then it’s time to see a clinician, Dr. Torres-Mackie says. Also, if you are wondering if it’s the right time, it likely is.

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What Physical Symptoms Are Caused By Anxiety

Feeling like your heart is suddenly pumping in double time is a classic sign of anxiety, according to the National Institute of Mental Health . Remember how your sympathetic nervous system controls your heart rate? Research1 shows that when youre dealing with something stressful and your adrenal glands churn out hormones like adrenaline , receptors in your heart react by sending your heart rate into overdrive. That can be helpful in real emergencies: A faster heart rate enables you to pump more blood to your big muscles so you could theoretically flee or combat a threat, Dr. Gould explains. But if youre dealing with anxiety, that racing heart could just set off more feelings of anxiety, perpetuating a vicious cycle.

Oxygen is circulated around your body via your bloodstream. When your racing heart increases the rate at which your blood is circulating, your breathing might increase to provide you with more oxygen.

Again, that might be helpful if you need to outrun an actual threat. But breathing too fastwhich can lead to hyperventilation, or over-breathing to the point where you feel short of breathcan actually enhance a lot of the physical symptoms of anxiety on this list because it upsets the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

How To Cope With The Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety : Anxietyhelp

Anxiety is a mental health condition, but its physical symptoms can lead to very real physical health consequences that are not just in your head. Anxiety is a serious illness that requires treatment. If you have an anxiety disorder, its likely symptoms wont just go away.

Although anxiety disorders are chronic meaning theres not yet a cure for them there are many effective treatment methods. Most people who receive treatment for anxiety enter remission, which means their symptoms no longer interfere with their daily functioning. There are also lifestyle changes you can make to better manage anxiety symptoms.

Here are some of the ways to cope with the physical symptoms of anxiety.

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Treatment And Medication Options For Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are treated through medication and therapy. You might feel embarrassed talking about the things you are feeling and thinking, but talking about it, say experts, is the best treatment.

A particular form of therapy is considered most effective: cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT for short, which offers patients strategies to help change the negative thought patterns that have reinforced their anxiety.

Antidepressants the types of medication most frequently used to treat depression are the drugs that also work best for anxiety disorders. Anti-anxiety medications are also used.

The Physical Side Of Anxiety

The brain is a powerful organ. So much that the anxiety, the depression, and the fear can turn mental fears into actual physical pains.

Most people actually experience anxiety as a physical problem, said Jason Conover, social worker for Intermountain Healthcares Utah Valley Hospital. It often doesnt get recognized because the physical symptoms are so apparent and quite troubling that they might think they are experiencing something else for instance, a heart attack.

Anxiety builds tension throughout the body. Conover said in the brain can react to thoughts of fear and turn to the muscles to brace for a moment that is not happening. Much like if you were about to get in an accident or protecting your body to get punched. The action never happens but chemically you just experienced it just from a random fear thought that crept in.

Treating anxiety is important for better mental health and physical health as well. Inflammation builds up from the stress, and inflammation is a culprit in numerous chronic conditions such as heart and gastrointestinal conditions.

Here are several ways that anxiety manifests in physical problems.

Breathing Due to the tension, your breathing can change, Conover said. Breathing can become shorter, shallower, or even holding your breath too long. The lungs do not fully exhale due to the tension. Relaxation and breathing techniques can help.

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Causes And Risk Factors Of Anxiety Disorders

Researchers think that various factors may contribute to anxiety. The more risk factors an individual has, the greater the likelihood that theyll develop an anxiety disorder, notes Dr. Chand.


An author of the study, Koraly Perez-Edgar, PhD, a professor of psychology at the Pennsylvania State University in University Park, says that this focus on threat may be one way that anxiety begins to take hold.

Individuals who attend to aspects of the environment that they consider threatening can potentially create a cycle that strengthens biases toward threat, as well as toward the view that the environment is threatening, which can then lead to social withdrawal and anxiety, she says.

People can learn to be anxious in various situations, says Jonathan Abramowitz, PhD, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and the founding editor of the Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders.

This can occur through experiences in which anxiety or fear becomes associated with a specific stimulus or a stressful or traumatic event, by learning about something fearful, and through vicarious conditioning, he says.

Vicarious conditioning, says Dr. Abramowitz, occurs when you watch someone else experience a stressful and traumatic event like food poisoning or being bitten by a dog and come to see certain situations as dangerous.

What Are Some Anxiety

Rise in Anxiety Symptoms and How it Affects Your Health

In addition to medication and therapy, exercise can be helpful. Aerobic exercise has been found to improve mood and anxiety by releasing endorphins and neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, says Chand, adding that regular moderate exercise also helps with sleep, which in turn has a beneficial impact on anxiety.

Research suggests that yoga, meditation, and acupuncture may also reduce anxiety symptoms by reducing stress. Anecdotal evidence, notes Chand, indicates that massage therapy may be helpful in improving a sense of overall well-being.

More scientific evidence is needed to support treating anxiety disorders with aromatherapy and essential plant oils, such as lavender, but some people find they have a calming effect. Chand points out that certain scents work better for some people than others, so its good to try a variety.

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Your Anxiety Need Not Rule Your Life

Although anxiety affects people in many different ways, treatment and lifestyle changes can help alleviate the symptoms. Its no doubt that the physical symptoms of anxiety can be incredibly distressing. But these are symptoms that you can learn to manage.

Dont delay getting the support and treatment that can help you take control of your anxiety.

When Do Physical Symptoms Signal A Panic Attack

Panic attacks include physical anxiety symptoms, such as sweating, shaking, and a face heart rate. However, unlike anxiety, panic attacks cause an extreme sensation of fear and worry that arises out of nowhere. Under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , panic attacks include at least four of the following symptoms:

  • Heart palpitations or an accelerated heart rate
  • Shortness of breath or feelings of choking
  • Feelings of derealization or depersonalization
  • Fear of losing control or going crazy

For people who suffer from severe panic attacks, the physical symptoms may resemble those of a heart attack. If youve never had a panic attack and youre experiencing chest pain and other physical anxiety symptoms, seek immediate help.

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Sites To Make You Feel Like Youre Not The Only One

People of Color and Mental Illness Photo Project

Launched in 2014 by the Latina feminist mental health activist Dior Vargas in response to the lack of nonwhite media representations of mental illness, this is a living online self-portrait gallery dedicated to eradicating shame, stigma, and stereotypes. Those living with depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders submit photos of themselves holding signs describing their illness. Its uplifting, moving, and funny.

The Mighty has 2 million registered users posting stories, videos, essays, and more in an effort to share raw and honest accounts of what its like to struggle with anxiety, depression, and other health issues. Healthcare professionals also chime in from time to time to lessen the stigma and show support. In addition, the site offers Facebook-like communities that are centered on more than 6,000 topics, ranging from sticking with self-care to living with a rare disease.

What Are The Common Types Of Anxiety That Cause Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of anxiety

Anxiety is an umbrella term for a cluster of daunting feelings that can be difficult to cope with, like fear, worry, restlessness, and stress. Many people use anxiety to describe normal, everyday feelings of stress, but theyre still able to move on from the anxiousness without feeling totally consumed by it. Other times, though, anxiety is very overwhelming and can even become chronic, which is when we get into the territory of a diagnosable mental health condition.

There are various types of anxiety disorders that are characterized by their own unique symptoms. The common thread? They all can really disrupt a persons life. These generally include but are not limited to:

Although the triggers for the individual disorders can differ, another major thing they have in common is the potential to cause physical signs of anxiety. The mental health condition can impact the body in a number of ways, and in some cases, potentially cause long-term side effects when left untreated, such as perpetuating another mood disorder like depression, fueling substance abuse, or increasing your risk of various chronic diseases.

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What Are Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are the most common group of mental health conditions in Australia. They affect 1 in 4 Australians at some stage in their life.

Having an anxiety disorder is not just a matter of feeling too anxious. People with anxiety disorders have ongoing fears that cause distress and stop you from doing things you want to and should be doing.

Types of anxiety disorders include:

  • Generalised anxiety disorder: excessive, uncontrollable worry about everyday issues such as health, work or finances.
  • Social phobia or social anxiety disorder: a disorder that causes people to avoid social or performance situations for fear of being embarrassed or rejected.
  • Panic disorder: regular panic attacks, which are sudden intense episodes of fear, worry about more attacks and avoiding situations where panic attacks may happen.
  • Agoraphobia: avoiding certain situations due to fear of having a panic attack. Agoraphobia is often associated with panic disorder.
  • Specific phobias: fears that only apply to one particular situation, such as a fear of: animals, insects, places or people. For example, claustrophobia is a fear of enclosed or confined spaces.
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder : unwanted thoughts and impulses , causing repetitive, routine behaviours as a way of coping with anxiety.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder : when feelings of fear do not fade after experiencing a traumatic life event. It involves upsetting memories, flashbacks, nightmares and difficulties sleeping.

Are Anxiety Disorders More Common In Women

progesteroneSocial Science and Medicine

What is known for sure, says Beth Salcedo, MD, the medical director of the Ross Center for Anxiety & Related Disorders and a past board president of the ADAA, is that more often than not, women definitely experience an uptick in anxiety before menstruation, around perimenopause, and after giving birth.

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Bring Your Awareness Elsewhere

When physical symptoms become overwhelming, it can help to adjust your focus to more pleasant activities. When anxious physical sensations are on the rise, try to redirect your attention to something else. Think about what activities you enjoy and could quickly change your focus.

For instance, you may decide to:

Regardless of what activities you choose, the point is to channel your excess energy into something that you find fun and soothing.

What Are The Most Common Types Of Treatment For Anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) – causes, symptoms & treatment

Theres no one-size-fits-all approach in treating anxiety, but the most common methods are a combination of medication and psychotherapy .

Medication Options

There are dozens of drugs that can be prescribed to treat anxiety. Since each person responds to medication differently, theres no one drug that works perfectly for everyone. You may have to work a little with a psychiatrist to find the right medication, or the right combination of medicines, thats most beneficial to you. The drugs that are used to treat anxiety over a long period of time are antidepressants, which affect serotonin, norepinephrine, and other neurotransmitters in the brain.

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Learning How To Manage The Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety Can Help You Take Back Control Of Your Life

Overall, anxiety can be manageable. If you set your mind to it, you can recover from negative thought patterns that have been holding you back. Indeed, by regularly implementing self-care practices, you can reduce anxiety and deal with stresses that arise in a healthy manner. Open up to people you trust. Surrounding yourself with supportive people can greatly reduce the burden of stress in your life. Having people who know about your struggle can ensure that you have the emotional support you need. Anxiety is not an identity, but a natural human reaction common to everyone, and it can be managed.

Physical Anxiety Symptom 1: Spots And Acne

There are multiple reasons as to why anxiety and stress can cause breakouts of adult acne, these are:

  • Increased production of the stress hormone which can up the amount of oil your skin produces.
  • Increased sweating which can clog pores.
  • Touching your skin more, including your face, neck and shoulders, as you feel fidgety and on edge. This transfers dirt from your hands onto your skin and makes you more prone to breakouts.

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Can Anxiety Disorders Be Prevented

You cant prevent anxiety disorders. But you can take steps to control or reduce your symptoms:

  • Check out medications: Talk to a healthcare provider or pharmacist before taking over-the-counter medications or herbal remedies. Some of these contain chemicals that may make anxiety symptoms worse.
  • Limit caffeine: Stop or limit how much caffeine you consume, including coffee, tea, cola and chocolate.
  • Live a healthy lifestyle: Exercise regularly and eat a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Seek help: Get counseling and support if you experienced a traumatic or disturbing event. Doing so can help prevent anxiety and other unpleasant feelings from disrupting your life.

How Is Anxiety Diagnosed

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety &  Tips To Manage It

When you visit your healthcare provider, you can expect that your doctor or nurse will ask you about your symptoms, perform a physical exam, and order lab tests to rule out other health problems. If tests don’t reveal any other conditions, your doctor will likely refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist to make a diagnosis.

A mental health professional will identify the specific type of anxiety disorder that’s causing your symptoms. Theyll also look for any other mental health conditions that you may be experiencing, including depression.

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