Monday, September 16, 2024

How To Bring Down Anxiety

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Look In The Mirror And Compliment Yourself

How to Bring Down Your Anxiety in 43.5 Seconds!

This one might be tough for some of you, but its one of the best ways to combat feelings of anxiety! Find a mirror and look yourself in the eyes. While youre there, remind yourself how far youve come, where youre going and why youre an amazing soul. Once youve given yourself a pep talk, youll be ready to face whatever challenges might come your way with a more positive mindset.

As always, you should consult your physician about any prolonged anxiety you are experiencing. But, practicing these tips might give you some immediate relief. Just remember that youre in control, and youll be feeling better in no time!

How To Calm Your Anxiety Fast:

When you need to stave off an anxiety attack or pull yourself out of spiraling thoughts, you need immediate interventions. Sometimes, our worries can intrude on our everyday tasks and can take us out of the present moment, de la Rosa explains. When that happens, these techniques can help break the cycle.

Categorize Your Thoughts

Another technique Goldman likes is listing objects in a category say, 80s bands, ice cream flavors or any topic that gets your brain whirring. The more you enjoy the category, the more it will help shift the anxiety and distract from the triggering situation, she says. Because you can do it anywhere, this technique works well for anxiety that strikes in public or when you cant physically remove yourself from a situation.

Get Rid of an Anxious Feeling By Replacing It

If youve ever found yourself hysterically laughing after an intense crying jag, you know the healing powers of a good chuckle. Switch on an absorbing podcast, crack open a spine-tingling thriller, or hit play on a gut-busting YouTube video to swap out anxious thoughts for more pleasant ones. When we genuinely laugh, we will feel less anxious, even if just for a moment, says Goldman. Sometimes, even a brief hit of levity can stop anxiety from carrying you away. The same principle applies when redirecting your emotional energy into something that really captures your attention, whether its comedy or true crime.

Walk It Out

Use Cold Water to Calm Yourself Now

Breathe Slowly And Deeply

Taking slow, deep breaths is associated with a sense of calm and reduced anxiety. Breathing in a slow, deep, controlled manner helps the body relax, which is critical for fighting the physical tension that comes up in response to anxiety, Gelbart says.

Taking slow deep breaths activates the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation and calm. That can help quell anxiety, Gelbart says. Gelbart recommends using an app to guide your breathwork in order to reduce anxiety.

Belly breathing is one type of slow, deep breathing that can help interrupt anxiety. To try it, sit or lie in a comfortable position, with one hand on your stomach and one on your chest. Breath in through your nose, watching the hand on your belly rise. The hand on your chest shouldn’t move.

After you’ve pushed the belly hand out as far as you can, slowly exhale through your mouth with your lips pursed, watching the belly hand fall. Repeat that 3-10 times, or until you feel calmer.

Quick tip: If you have anxiety at night, you may want to try these breathing exercises for sleep and relaxation.

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Control Your Anxiety Control Your Life

Stress and anxiety can have underlying problems. Its important that if you need medical help, seek out a professional doctor or medical professional.

Bottom line: I want you to take action.

If youre feeling lots of anxiety and stress in your life, its even more important to take action now, not later.

And remember, you are important! Hang in there, because it WILL get better.

I know you can do this!


Ways To Help Lower Anxiety Naturally

Dont Let Stress Bring You Down
  • Get a good night’s sleep.
  • Research shows that after a full night of sleep â 7-9 hours is ideal â weâre likely to feel less anxious and more confident. Physical activity during the day will help us sleep better, too. And remember: if winding down for the night inclues reading before bed, don’t make these mistakes.

  • Fill the plate with anti-anxiety foods.
  • Science is discovering more about the âgut-brain connection.â Researchers often refer to the belly as the second brain, since about 95% of serotonin receptors are found in the lining of the gut. Science shows that foods containing certain vitamins and minerals may help reduce anxiety, so when weâre thinking about natural ways to help anxiety, consider filling up on these:

    It might also be a good idea to limit caffeine and alcohol â both of which can aggravate symptoms of anxiety.

  • Take a vitamin B-complex or a probiotic supplement.
  • Research shows that B vitamins have many health and quality of life benefits, and supplementing with B vitamins is gaining scientific traction. This 2018 study found that people who ate food high in B vitamins showed significant improvements in their anxiety and stress scores than those who did not. Taking a high-quality B-complex supplement is generally very safe, since B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning the body excretes what it doesnât use. But always consult with your doctor before taking any supplements since they can interact with medications or have side effects.

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    Yoga And Breathing Exercises

    What it is: Gentle, slow body movements, and breathing with attention and concentration.

    Why it works: When anxiety increases, changes occur in the body, including shallow breathing, says Molly Harris, a board-certified occupational and yoga therapist who works with kids. This can cause anxiety to increase, prolonging feelings of stress.

    In yoga, kids learn a belly breath, which expands the diaphragm and fills the lungs. This activates a restful state via the parasympathetic nervous system. Heart rate slows, blood pressure lowers, and children feel a greater sense of calm.

    Where to start: Practicing yoga together is a great introduction, and the younger your child is when you start, the better. Pick fun, easy poses like bridge pose or the aptly named childs pose. Concentrate on holding poses and breathing deeply.

    Take Control Of Your Life

    Posted May 14, 2012

    Everyone has frightening or anxious moments. This particular feeling can be detrimental to you because it may stop you from living a normal life. Here are my top ten tips to deal effectively with this uncomfortable emotion.

    1. If you are prone to anxiety you have two choices. Give in to it or learn to live with it. Giving into it also means that your partner will suffer the burden of your fears so, to make your lives a better place to be, find ways to eliminate or at least limit this feeling by taking responsibility for your emotions and knowing you have a choice.

    2. When you wake up tomorrow start doing something right away, and keep busy all day. Taking action by doing something, almost anything, will help you work through your anxiety. Sometimes it’s doing the dishes or working in your garden. Other times it’s reading or meditating. Just sitting around and thinking about your worries won’t make them go away.

    3. Focus your attention on where the feeling of anxiousness is in your body and keep your attention there until the feeling moves or dissolves. For example the tension could be in your abdomen or your neck. Whenever your attention wanders, bring it back to the place in your body where the physical feeling is. Doing this for five or ten minutes can reduce, if not eliminate, the anxiety.

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    Make These Foods A Part Of Your Anti

    You might be surprised to learn that specific foods have been shown to reduce anxiety.

    • In mice, diets low in magnesium were found to increase anxiety-related behaviors. Foods naturally rich in magnesium may, therefore, help a person to feel calmer. Examples include leafy greens, such as spinach and Swiss chard. Other include legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
    • Foods rich in zinc such as oysters, cashews, liver, beef, and egg yolks have been linked to lowered anxiety.
    • Other foods, including fatty fish like wild Alaskan salmon, contain omega-3 fatty acids. A study completed on medical students in 2011 was one of the first to show that omega-3s may help reduce anxiety. . Prior to the study, omega-3 fatty acids had been linked to improving depression only.
    • A study in the journal Psychiatry Research suggested a link between probiotic foods and a lowering of social anxiety. Eating probiotic-rich foods such as pickles, sauerkraut, and kefir was linked with fewer symptoms.
    • Asparagus, known widely to be a healthy vegetable. Based on research, the Chinese government approved the use of an asparagus extract as a natural functional food and beverage ingredient due to its anti-anxiety properties.
    • Foods rich in B vitamins, such as avocado and almonds
    • These “feel good” foods spur the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. They are a safe and easy first step in managing anxiety.

    Seek Out Scary Experiences

    Learn To Bring Down Stress | Guided Meditiation For Kids | Breathing Exercises | GoNoodle

    What? Seek fear inducing experiences to reduce my fear? Yes! Sometimes we love a good horror movie to give us a little scare in the comfort of our own homes. Yes, theres a science term for that.

    Voluntary arousing negative experiences are those scary experiences we seek out just for the fun of it. Science says that VANE experiences condition us to adapt to and better handle adverse emotions in the future, including stress and anxiety!

    Here are some other examples of VANE:

    • going on a rollercoaster ride
    • going to a haunted house
    • taking a walk in the middle of the night
    • reading a scary book

    Action step: Are you a scare-seeker? If you can handle it, try VANE experiences to build your anxiety resistance!

    Check out how I did this with my friend Michelle Poler:

    Also Check: Phobiadefinition

    Simple Steps To Help You Cope With Anxiety

    If you or a loved one are struggling with anxiety, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

    For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

    Anxiety involves feelings of worry, fear, and apprehension. Anxiety is typically experienced on cognitive, emotional, and physical levels. For instance, when feeling anxious a person may have negative or disturbing thoughts.

    On an emotional level, one may feel scared or out-of-control. It is also common to experience severe anxiety through somatic sensations, such as sweating, trembling, or shortness of breath.

    These symptoms are common for people who have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. People with panic disorder are typically familiar with the struggle of managing feelings of anxiety. It can feel as if the anxiety is taking over or completely out of ones control.

    Does anxiety have an overwhelming pull in your life? Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to manage your anxiety. Listed below are 4 tips to help you cope with your feelings of anxiety.

    Quick Somatic Stress Exercises

    Bob Soulliere, Oxygen Advantage instructor and level 2 Wim Hof Method instructor from Alexandria, Virginia, recommends these immediate stress interventions:

    • Wide-angle vision technique: Focus on things that are distant from you, but still in your field of vision . Then, relaxing your vision, allow yourself to focus less and less for at least 20 seconds.
    • Cadence breathing: Inhale for a 4-count, then exhale for a 6-count, repeating the cycle for 1 minute. You can use a stopwatch on your phone for this, or just try counting to yourself.
    • The physiological sigh: Take a double-breath inhale followed by a slow exhalation. Repeat 3 times.

    Both short- and long-term strategies often involve reframing your focus and perspective.

    In a recent 2021 study, researchers looked at coping responses to fear and technology overload during the COVID-19 pandemic. They suggest that certain coping methods lessened anxiety in the long term more effectively than others.

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    Recognize That Youre Having A Panic Attack

    Take away the fear that you may be dying or that impending doom is looming, both symptoms of panic attacks. This can allow you to focus on other techniques to reduce your symptoms.

    It is not always possible to avoid triggers for a panic attack, but if you know what triggers it, this can help you understand that it is a panic attack and not something else.

    Focus On Something Less Anxiety

    premierartdesigns: How To Bring Down Heart Rate Due To Anxiety

    At times, it may be most helpful to simply redirect yourself to focus on something other than your anxiety. You may want to reach out to others, do some work around your home, or engage in an enjoyable activity or hobby. Here are a few ideas of things you can do to thwart off anxiety:

    • Do some chores or organizing around the house.
    • Engage in a creative activity, such as drawing, painting, or writing.
    • Go for a walk or engage in some other form of physical exercise.
    • Listen to music.

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    Tip : Practice Mindfulness

    Worrying is usually focused on the futureon what might happen and what youll do about itor on the past, rehashing the things youve said or done. The centuries-old practice of mindfulness can help you break free of your worries by bringing your attention back to the present. This strategy is based on observing your worries and then letting them go, helping you identify where your thinking is causing problems and getting in touch with your emotions.

    Acknowledge and observe your worries. Dont try to ignore, fight, or control them like you usually would. Instead, simply observe them as if from an outsiders perspective, without reacting or judging.

    Let your worries go. Notice that when you dont try to control the anxious thoughts that pop up, they soon pass, like clouds moving across the sky. Its only when you engage your worries that you get stuck.

    Stay focused on the present. Pay attention to the way your body feels, the rhythm of your breathing, your ever-changing emotions, and the thoughts that drift across your mind. If you find yourself getting stuck on a particular thought, bring your attention back to the present moment.

    Basic mindfulness meditation

    Click here for a free mindful breathing meditation.

    Adopt Some Relaxation Techniques

    When you feel anxious, your breathing becomes rapid and shallow and you muscle tighten. This can impact your body by increasing your heart rate and bringing about light-headedness, nausea and sweating, among other physical symptoms of anxiety.

    There are plenty of relaxation exercises to help reduce anxiety. These focus your breathing and identify areas of tension in your body which you can then release.

    Here is a simple breathing exercise one that anyone can pick up in the moment to help calm anxiety:

    • Take in a slow deep breath through your nose for four seconds. Imagine filling your lungs from the bottom right to the top, making them as full of air as possible. You should feel your stomach rise as you do so
    • Hold the breath for another count of three
    • Exhale gently through your mouth for another count of six. Try to focus on relaxing any tense muscles when you do
    • Introduce muscle relaxation as you do. Work your way up your body, tensing body pats for five seconds and releasing.
    • Youll feel the tension drift away as you do this process

    When you breathe in, this raises your heart rate slightly, and breathing out lowers your heart rate slightly. So, by breathing out for slightly longer than you breathe in, this can help you to lower your heart rate.

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    Stick To A Sleep Schedule

    Anxiety can make it difficult to sleep, and not being well-rested can contribute to more anxiety.

    However, there are a few key ways to get better sleep with anxiety, such as having a sleep routine that includes going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.

    Overall, trying to get near the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night can help keep anxiety at bay. “Inadequate sleep increases the production of stress hormones that can exacerbate anxiety,” Jonas says.

    Anxiety Vs Panic Attacks

    How to Talk Yourself Down From a Panic Attack

    Anxiety and panic attacks are both very common. They are both often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed as medical conditions.

    Anxiety is characterized by ongoing worry or fear about the future. With generalized anxiety disorder , for example, anxiety symptoms are present for normal everyday experiences and can create mild-to-severe interruptions in a person’s life. With anxiety, symptoms may be present on some level all the time or during specific periods of known stressors, such as during a public presentation.

    Panic attacks tend to come on suddenly and can happen from either a calm state or a state of feeling anxious. They often occur without warning or a known trigger and bring a sense of doom, intense fear, and a feeling of dying.

    Similarly, both anxiety and panic attacks have physical and psychological symptoms. With panic attacks, however, the symptoms tend to come on quickly and are often only present for up to 10 minutes. With anxiety, symptoms can be present for a much longer period of time.

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    Name What Youre Feeling

    When youre experiencing an anxious episode, you may not realize whats going on until youre really in the thick of it.

    Recognizing anxiety for what it is may help you calm down quicker.

    Name that this is anxiety not reality and that it will pass, says Kim Hertz, a psychotherapist at New York Therapy Practice. When you are in a heightened state of anxiety, you want to disrupt that cycle, and for some people, thought-stopping techniques are effective and as simple as saying stop to the internalized messaging that heightens anxiety.

    In other words, consider recognizing that what youre feeling is anxiety and talking yourself through it.

    Embrace absolute truths, says Steven Sultanoff, clinical psychologist and professor at Pepperdine University. I will get through this one way or another.

    Naming your sensations and feelings may help you step away from them. This is anxiety, it is not you and it wont last forever.

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