Friday, July 26, 2024

Is It Possible For Schizophrenia To Go Away

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What Kind Of Symptoms Might People With Schizophrenia Have

Recovery from schizophrenia is possible

People with schizophrenia may have a number of psychotic symptoms. These symptoms can come and go in phases, or they can happen only once or twice in a lifetime. When the illness begins, psychotic symptoms are usually sudden and severe.

During psychotic phases, the person may still understand parts of reality. He or she may lead a somewhat normal life, doing basic activities such as eating, working and getting around. In other cases, the person may be unable to function. Symptoms during psychotic phases include:

  • Seeing, hearing, feeling or smelling things that are not real .
  • Having strange beliefs that are not based on facts . For example, the person may believe that people can hear his or her thoughts, that he or she is God or the devil, or that people are putting thoughts into his or her head.
  • Thinking in a confused way, being unable to make order out of the world, shifting quickly from one thought to the next.
  • Having emotions, thoughts and moods that do not fit with events.

People with schizophrenia also may:

  • Have a lot of energy or be overly active, or become “catatonic,” a state in which the body becomes rigid and cannot be moved.
  • Talk in sentences that do not make sense.
  • Not wash or groom.
  • Cut themselves off from family, friends and the outside world.
  • Be unable to function in school, work, or other activities.
  • Lose interest in life.
  • Be very sad or have mood swings.
  • Have dulled emotions.

Can Schizophrenia Be Cured

Schizophrenia affects an estimated 0.25 to 0.64 percent of the U.S. population, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. But despite years of research, scientists have yet to come up with a cure for schizophrenia or a way to prevent it.

Great advances have been made, however, in the treatment and understanding of this serious mental illness.

Risk Factors For The Disease

A family history of schizophrenia does increase the chances of getting the disorder, and first-degree relatives are at an increased risk for being diagnosed, Dr. Fornari says. A lower IQ, delays in social development, and not reaching developmental milestones on time, such as language and motor skills, are risk factors as well, Dr. Houston says. While the disorder is present in only about 1 percent of the population, it occurs in up to 5 percent of first degree relatives of individuals who have schizophrenia.

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Your Attitude Towards Schizophrenia Treatment Matters

Accept your diagnosis. As upsetting as a diagnosis of schizophrenia can be, resolving to take a proactive role in treatment and self-help is crucial to your recovery. That means making healthy lifestyle changes, taking prescribed medications, and attending medical and therapy appointments.

Dont buy into the stigma of schizophrenia.;Many fears about schizophrenia are not based on reality. Take your illness seriously but dont buy into the myth that you cant improve. Associate with people who see beyond your diagnosis, to the person you really are.

Communicate with your doctor.;Help your doctor ensure youre getting the right type and dose of medication. Be honest and upfront about side effects, concerns, and other treatment issues.

Pursue self-help and therapy that helps you manage symptoms.;Dont rely on medication alone. Self-help strategies can help you to manage symptoms and regain a sense of control over your health and well-being. Supportive therapy can teach you how to challenge delusional beliefs, ignore voices in your head, protect against relapse, and motivate yourself to persevere with treatment and self-help.

Set and work toward life goals.; Having schizophrenia doesnt mean you cant work, have relationships, or experience a fulfilling life. Set meaningful life goals for yourself beyond your illness.

Getting a diagnosis

Because of these issues, it is best to see a psychiatrist with experience identifying and treating schizophrenia, rather than a family doctor.

What Is The Relationship Between Schizophrenia And Drugs Triggers And Risk

Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Semiosis: Ontologies (categories ...

Years ago, drugs were believed to cause schizophrenia. With continued research has come new understanding.

Its now understood that street drugs and alcohol can and do cause symptoms of schizophrenia. They do not, however, cause the long-term serious mental illness itself.

No causal relationship has been determined. The relationship instead involves:

  • Triggerssubstances can trigger the onset of schizophrenia in someone who had the potential to develop it anyway.
  • Early onseta type of trigger, drug use can cause schizophrenia to emerge much earlier than is typical for a younger teen who is at-risk
  • Riskin someone who is vulnerable to schizophrenia, using drugs or excessive alcohol can increase the risk that schizophrenia will develop
  • Downward spiralsubstance use worsens the symptoms of schizophrenia and makes the prognosis for schizophrenia worse, and schizophrenias worsening symptoms can contribute to heightened substance use.

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Quick Answer: Can Schizophrenia Go Away On Its Own

During episodes of psychosis, your loved one may experience frightening sensations that you cant understand.

They may act in ways that you dont understand.

Other symptoms of schizophrenia can make it hard for people to express emotions or feelings, communicate clearly, or seem interested in others..

Frequently Asked Questions About Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, the symptoms can be very disabling.

Schizophrenia;is a severe and debilitating brain and behavior disorder affecting how one thinks, feels and acts. People with schizophrenia can have trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy, expressing and managing normal emotions and making decisions. Thought processes may also be disorganized and the motivation to engage in lifes activities may be blunted. Those with the condition may hear imaginary voices and believe others are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts or plotting to harm them.

While schizophrenia is a chronic disorder, it can be treated with medication, psychological and social treatments, substantially improving the lives of people with the condition.

A;moving presentation by Dr. Kafui Dzirasa on Schizophrenia
View Webinar on Identifying Risk Factors and Protective Pathways for Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia affects men and women equally. It occurs at similar rates in all ethnic groups around the world. Symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions usually start between ages 16 and 30.

Learn more about childhood-onset schizophrenia from this expert researcher:

Find answers to more questions about Schizophrenia in our Ask the Expert section.

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Tip : Get Involved In Treatment And Self

The earlier you catch schizophrenia and begin treatment with an experienced mental health professional, the better your chances of getting and staying well. So, if you suspect you or a loved one is exhibiting schizophrenia symptoms, seek help right away.

Successful schizophrenia treatment depends on a combination of factors. Medication alone is not enough. Its important to also educate yourself about the illness, communicate with your doctors and therapists, build a strong support system, take self-help measures, and stick to your treatment plan. Pursuing self-help strategies such as changing your diet, relieving stress, and seeking social support may not seem like effective tools to manage such a challenging disorder as schizophrenia, but they can have a profound effect on the frequency and severity of symptoms, improve the way you feel, and increase your self-esteem. And the more you help yourself, the less hopeless and helpless youll feel, and the more likely your doctor will be able to reduce your medication.

While schizophrenia treatment should be individualized to your specific needs, you should always have a voice in the treatment process and your needs and concerns should be respected. Treatment works best when you, your family, and your medical team all work together.

What To Do If Schizophrenia Runs In Your Family

Ongoing Recovery for Schizophrenia

Don’t use drugs. This is especially important for teens, because their brains are still developing. Remember, alcohol is a drug, so you should limit or avoid it.

Avoid abusive or traumatic situations. If you’re in an abusive relationship or you’re going through trauma, get help. For instance, you can call a doctor, therapist, crisis line, or 911.

Keep strong social ties. Socializing helps you maintain self-esteem, lower stress, not feel lonely, and keep busy. Teens, especially, should be encouraged to connect with friends and avoid isolation, Samton says.

Learn how to manage stress. Ongoing stress and anxiety are bad for your health.

Set up strategies to manage stress, says Cheryl Corcoran, MD, a research scientist at Columbia University’s New York State Psychiatric Institute. You can do this in therapy or learn from your parents, teachers, or other role models who seem to manage stress well.

Take care of your body. Good nutrition and plenty of exercise are important.

Take steps to protect yourself from head injuries, too. For example, wear helmets when biking or playing contact sports.

Try fish oil. One study suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may help prevent psychotic disorders from getting worse, and might even prevent them in young children who are at risk of them. This isnât certain, though.

Take steps to stay well if you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Make sure you get good medical care for your physical and mental health.

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Are People With Schizophrenia Violent

People with schizophrenia are not usually violent. In fact, most violent crimes are not committed by people with schizophrenia. However, some symptoms are associated with violence, such as delusions of persecution. Substance abuse may also increase the chance a person will become violent. If a person with schizophrenia becomes violent, the violence is usually directed at family members and tends to take place at home.

The risk of violence among people with schizophrenia is small. But people with the illness attempt suicide much more often than others. About 10 percent die by suicide. It is hard to predict which people with schizophrenia are prone to suicide. If you know someone who talks about or attempts suicide, help him or her find professional help right away.

People with schizophrenia are not usually violent.

More Evidence Of The Ketogenic Diet For Schizophrenia

While inspiring, these two case reports aren’t the first of their kind. They join a growing body of evidence supporting the use of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia in 1965

In 1965, ten women hospitalized with schizophrenia who were already receiving medications and electroconvulsive therapy were also placed on the ketogenic diet for a month. The researchers reported that their symptoms improved after two weeks on the diet, but then returned back to their baseline level of symptoms after the diet was stopped.

Schizoaffective disorder in 2017

In 2017, I reported two other cases of schizoaffective disorder improving significantly on the ketogenic diet. Schizoaffective disorder is a diagnosis that includes both a mix of schizophrenia and a mood disorder, often bipolar disorder. One man and one woman, both in their 30s, had suffered treatment-resistant schizoaffective disorder for years. On the diet, their symptoms were greatly improved, and they both lost significant amounts of weight. Off the diet, their symptoms returned.

Schizophrenia in Ecuador

Schizophrenia in mice

In 2015, researchers conducted a study of the effects of the ketogenic diet in a mouse model of schizophrenia. Studies exactly like this are used in the development of new antipsychotic medications. The ketogenic diet was found to normalize the mouse behaviors associated with schizophrenia, indicating an antipsychotic effect.

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What Is Schizophrenia Regression

When following a properly regimented medication plan, avoiding mind- or mood-altering substances, and productively dealing with underlying trauma, schizophrenia regression is rare. Many individuals experience improved quality of life as long as they follow their treatment program.

However, if someone is following their treatment plan and symptoms suddenly become worse, it could be a sign of schizophrenia regression, and the approach to treatment may need to be adjusted. It can be challenging to find the best type or dosage of schizophrenia medication for each individual, and if symptoms dont improve, its important to talk to the prescribing doctor about other options before choosing to end treatment altogether.

Some individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia may choose to discontinue treatment, believing that theyre better or no longer need medication or help. When that happens, the symptoms often return and may even grow worse. The best option is to stay the course and adjust treatment approaches as needed. Once the individual has achieved a stable baseline, they simply have to take maintenance medication to live a balanced life.

Encourage Your Loved One To Keep Up With Their Treatment And Recovery Plan


This is very important! You are not responsible for your loved ones treatment , but you can support them. Schizophrenia can make it difficult for people to make and go to appointments and follow their treatment plan. With your loved ones permission, you may choose to help by reminding them of appointments, taking them to appointments, or whatever helps in your situation. If your loved one isnt happy with their treatment or would like to try a new approach, you can encourage them to talk with their care team, like their doctor or mental health teamit can be dangerous to stop or change a treatment without a doctors support.

Treatment can be a difficult area for loved ones. Its hard to see someone you love in pain. You might be scared of the things your loved one is experiencing. You want to help. But in order for any treatment to work, your loved one needs to be active in their care. Forcing or threatening treatment generally doesnt work and can often hurt everyone involved. In most cases, anyone 19 years of age and older and not at risk of harm is free to make their own choices. And their choices may include refusing treatment or choosing a treatment that you disagree with. It helps everyone if you can be respectful and keep honest communication open between you. You can learn more about dealing with this situation in Q&A: An adult in my life seems ill and wont find help. What can I do?.

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Maintain Your Social Network

Try to maintain your friendships or the network of people that you have in your life. These will later become important supports as your loved one recovers. Educate them and update them on your loved one’s recovery. People are sometimes afraid to ask questions about schizophrenia and this will put them at ease.

Social And Family Support

Medication and therapy are the traditional and necessary elements of treatment for schizophrenia, but support cannot be overlooked for helping patients live with this illness. Support can come from family, friends, therapists, and other people living with schizophrenia. Group therapy and support groups, for instance, can be helpful by providing an outlet for sharing difficult emotions and experiences and for relying on others who understand what it means to have this illness.

Family support, when possible, is also very helpful for people trying to live well with schizophrenia. Family can provide practical support, such as housing and money. They can also provide love, comfort, and guidance. Family should get involved with treatment when possible, for instance going through family psychoeducation. This kind of programming teaches family members about schizophrenia and how to support someone living with it.

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What About Substance Abuse

Some people who abuse drugs show symptoms similar to those of schizophrenia. Therefore, people with schizophrenia may be mistaken for people who are affected by drugs. Most researchers do not believe that substance abuse causes schizophrenia. However, people who have schizophrenia are much more likely to have a substance or alcohol abuse problem than the general population.

Substance abuse can make treatment for schizophrenia less effective. Some drugs, like and stimulants such as amphetamines or cocaine, may make symptoms worse. In fact, research has found increasing evidence of a link between and schizophrenia symptoms. In addition, people who abuse drugs are less likely to follow their treatment plan.

Schizophrenia and smoking

Addiction to nicotine is the most common form of substance abuse in people with schizophrenia. They are addicted to nicotine at three times the rate of the general population .

The relationship between smoking and schizophrenia is complex. People with schizophrenia seem to be driven to smoke, and researchers are exploring whether there is a biological basis for this need. In addition to its known health hazards, several studies have found that smoking may make antipsychotic drugs less effective.

New Study Challenges Our Understanding Of Schizophrenia As A Chronic Disease That Requires Lifelong Treatment

How i Stopped Hearing Voices [Quick Tip]

A new study shows that 30 per cent of patients with schizophrenia manage without antipsychotic medicine after ten years of the disease, without falling back into a psychosis.

The results go against conventional treatment of psychosis and schizophrenia.

Patients are usually prescribed medication for an unlimited length of time after it has been established which medicine works best without too many side effects.

But perhaps doctors should think about helping people to transition off their medication, suggests the authors behind the new study.

It shows that theres actually a large group, though still a minority of patients, who can function without medicine and without developing psychosis. So as a doctor, you shouldnt rule out that patients could give up their medicine, says co-author Merete Nordentoft, a professor in psychiatry at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

The study is .

Women who do not use drugs cope best

In the study, scientists collected observations from 496 patients who were diagnosed with schizophrenia ten years ago and started on a treatment with antipsychotic medicine for ten years.

A decade on, the doctors invited the patients in for a follow up interview to find out how they were doing. The patients were previously interviewed at the first, second, and fifth year after their initial diagnosis.;

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The most well-functioning schizophrenics cope best


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